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Everything posted by Omeletter

  1. I got there by the main quest, now I have a filled inventory and 6 crimson nirnroots. I want to finish the quest - both main and side quest, but I don't want to leave the place forever. Can I return to it later on if I want to? It seriously seems to me that if I leave it I wouldn't have a way to get in, because the attunement sphere I used to get in might reset along with the area.
  2. Blackreach. A 5 or so loading screens and 2 filled inventories later was totally worth it going down there. It is, apparently, 4 square miles big. I will not leave it until I get 30 crimson nirnroots. I want some massive mod that will turn Blackreach into a new region, of some sorts. It is just too epic.
  3. Ok, no spoilers here, I just want to move an NPC to my location. I know its IDs and everything, but I only know this command. player.moveto (ID) or moveto (ID) They both move player to the NPC, not the NPC to the player. Can I use moveto command like this? (npcID).moveto player? I have tried, but it didn't work.
  4. My game updated to 1.3 today. That was the issue when launching 4gb launcher. I downloaded the new update for the launcher and works again. I still launch via 4gb even if skyrim can now do 4gb access on its own.
  5. Well I guess you can say... *Sunglasses* He got Il. YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!
  6. F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5... Everytime I complete quest - open console - make new save - "save ome4758723" Whenever I walk I pick up ingredients that I would never use, because I never make potions. Pause Pause Pause Pause Pause Pause. "Ah, vanilla looks pretty bad." I never bring a pickaxe for some reason... yet I always spawn it whenever I see an ore vein. I mine every single one of those things. I even remembered the command for the pickaxe - player.placeatme e3c16
  7. Because I use a FXAA injector mod from the nexus, I keep pressing pause to see how bad vanilla looks compared to what I see. :)
  8. Wow, your name is so close to mine!
  9. Yeah, that's the hangover quest. I didn't want to do it, because I was climbing the 7k steps. Unfortunately, it's one of its kind... :(
  10. That's a good way of thinking,Tardivax. The three games, Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim are craters. Morrowind is the least wide one, but reaches down into the core. Oblivion is a medium, you can do this in the game, do that, but it isn't very deep. Skyrim is just like a puddle. You can do anything - from shooting birds, to killing kings. However, none of the features are deep, and are just there to cover up Skyrim. Also, thanks for the "The art of premature release" topic, I'll go check it out. Also, it has quite a dirty name! :P
  11. ...go into this dangerous place, get to the end by killing everybody, and come back. Seriously, I am not even joking. Everything from the main quest to the Whiterun dead tree quest. I have yet to come across a quest where you don't have to kill anyone, or at least not wiping out a whole dungeon. I don't even want to know what happens in guilds... Remember how in Oblivion you had those twin brothers that you had to re-unite together and restore their house in the wilderness? Remember how in Morrowind you could shake down that annoying little elf, after you help him. Fargoth wasn't it? Remember Glarthir? That elf in Skingrad that you used to meet every midnight to tell him whether he is being watched by them people? Remember his rampage with a battleaxe the next morning? I could just go on... Skyrim doesn't seem very in depth at all for some reason...
  12. Ok, so far we can do what with grabbing? We can: Grab objects that we can pick up into the inventory only. Move around NPCs and Creatures. Move around grabbed objects with ease. Place buckets on peoples' heads and shoot arrows in their knees. So far, we cannot: Rotate the object. Move the object closer or further from yourself. Grab objects that we couldn't put into inventory. (We could in Oblivion and Fallout 3) Decorate our own house without smashing everything out of the way. I really hope that somebody can do a mod that makes the ones above possible. This is going to be an easy, friendly system that everyone can use. Pick up any physical object like you could in Oblivion, and for people who want to, make an optional Grab key. (Z?) Arrow keys - Rotate the object Scroll Wheel - Move closer/Further What do you think? Good idea? Do you think it would be possible that somebody will do it?
  13. It would be definitely be possible in CK. As far as I know from Oblivion modding, this will be relatively easy. You just have to change the marker so that the player can use it. Although you won't be able to sit everywhere, you will be able to lean back on walls, sit like a khajiit, and such in the same place as NPC's.
  14. Totally agree. Full support, and I hope you or somebody else can implement this. I hate how you cannot ask anyone for directions, I wish this was like morrowind; no quest markers, no pointers, just asking people. I have an idea for a mod of my own that can make a lot of difference just like what you are saying. Random population that is just there to fill up towns and cities, which was one of my favorite mods for Oblivion and FO3. They will walk around, talk, etc. To make them more real, I think that after you complete parts of the main quest, there would be around 20-60% chance (rises as you progress, also depends on person's class) of a person to come up and say something like "You couldn't possibly be the dragonborn of legends, could you?" or "Are you... Dragonborn?" (dialogue is already made for this, when you use a shout nearby they say that.) instead of a general greeting. Maybe I can apply that to other factions, e.g. when you're the Archmage? Then there would be "major" NPC's. These are not randomly generated, they will be same for everyone, and most of them will have names. They will offer small quests, a bit like Amren - the Whiterun guy with a lost sword. They will have dialogue, and you can talk to them, they won't just say one line (dialogue will still be accomplishment dependent, e.g. "are you dragonborn?" and such.) Dialogue for quests will probably be made with cut up and glued together pieces of vanilla dialogue, or maybe recorded by people here on the Nexus. I will probably start with Whiterun, placing a couple of people named "Helgen Survivor" and a misc objective - you need to give them 100 gold for the ride to, say, Solitude to the member of their family. Later the courier comes and gives you a letter of thanks with a reward sealed inside, like an expensive gem.
  15. This is what I fear. A very popular mod gets downloaded a lot. Valve puts a price tag on it. Modder does not get anything in return, or modder does not want to have a price on it. Since the mod is now pay to download - it would be illegal to distribute on other websites, like the Nexus (unless the modder takes it back from Valve). Am I on the right track?
  16. If Steam is going to get money for its "workshop" by asking us to pay for popular mods, or if it will force us to upload mods there, then I can only say goodbye Steam, goodbye Skyrim. No way I am falling to this s**t. Modders, in my opinion, if they want money, should only get donations. Infact, if I was someone who made a popular mod, I will not put a price tag on it. I would keep it free, because everyone would have the ability to use it. If I wanted money, I would ask for donations.
  17. Waaaait a minute... if these tombs and caves have been sealed shut for a very long time... Then how exactly there are candles, torches, and open fires illuminating the path for you?
  18. Mostly it's the same problem as in other Bethesda titles. The game has to be able to handle the extra NPCs and that causes issues on less powerful systems. I will be waiting to try your mod (hopefully with any luck my computer will be able to handle it). :happy: I'll see what I can do... I remember adding an NPC in oblivion that walked, talked, ate, and slept. I don't think this will be harder. I might as well make random spawning ones for the beginning, e.g. "Breton", "Elf" etc, etc. I just need dialogue if they were to give out misc quests like (almost all) NPCs do. Asking people to record/edit voice, I guess? I will also make small encampments around Whiterun to serve as home to hunters. There is also unused space in inns and the outcroppings of Whiterun. Inns would have to be filled with random NPCs. I don't think it takes that much more power for 5-10 more NPC's wandering around. I used mods like that for Oblivion and FO3 and I didn't have problems. My computer is not that grand either, and was worse back then when I used to play Oblivion. I think this is just sort of a trend Bethesda seems to follow - NPCs in towns should only be important - tasks, quests and such.
  19. Battlefield is doing that too? http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/thumb/7/73/JeanLucPicardFacepalm.jpg/618px-JeanLucPicardFacepalm.jpg Also, Fallout 2 was made long time ago, when there was no "problem" with making games like that.
  20. You mean - How to train your dragon? Make it lore friendly. As long as it makes sense and is lore friendly, you have my support.
  21. Name for mod: Bards Enhanced I think that it should use this name, as Enhanced usually means better, especially in modding. It's not my mod I know, but a suggestion for a name. After all, the main point of the mod is to add more song varieties to bards. The singing adoring fans would be optional, right?
  22. Cities and towns do not need to be bigger. The amount of NPCs should. After CK is released I will try to make an NPC mod. First it would just include non interactable NPCs, aka no talking, just one line reply. Then I would try to make some of them give out miscellaneous quests, etc.
  23. If you are making singing companions, you should make that an optional file, when this mod is created. I only want bards singing more stuff in inns, not adoring fans. :D
  24. This is not a request or WIP, at least not yet, it's just an idea. We all know the fact that Bethesda loves deserted towns, and the fact that bethesda also loves having more bandits in a single cave than all of Solitude. I remember using a population and traveller mod for oblivion. NPC's repeating same things, and wearing unfitting armor. This is different. The idea is to repopulate towns, but with lore and realism in mind. Each NPC would be handmade, have dialogue (voice acted), appropriately dressed, perhaps a small quest, place of living, a job (e.g. woodcutting, cooking, fishing) and daily routine packages. Imagine 3, 5, or even 10 more NPCs in each major town with all or some of the above, how much of a difference it would make! Some ideas of NPC's. Whiterun - a stormcloak supporter that rents a room in the inn, wanders around whiterun areas, hunting for living. Before going hunting, eats and reads some books on talos in his room. In the evening, wanders around for a bit in whiterun streets, then returns to the inn. Dressed in some light fur armor, a hunting bow. Asks you to deliver a package for someone in another town, or a similar misc objective, pretty simple npc really. Riften - an argonian that asks you for money, promises to return double of it back. You give him, say, 250 septims, he dissapears from town the next day. A week later, the courier passes you a note where you can collect the money. The argonian ambushes you with a small gang. After dispatching with them, you get the money back and find a bound captive in another room. If you release the captive, he explains how exactly the same thing happened to him. He moves back to his home, somewhere. Before this little quest, the argonian seems like a beggar, doing nothing at all but wander around. - I don't know, just some ideas... would be great if I manage to make similar NPCs when CK is out.
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