Building a new settlement and, for thematic reasons due to the location of the settlement, I would like to add a Vertibird that can be used to fast travel out of it. Edit: To be clear, I'm making a new settlement that is not in the vanilla game and I'd like to supply a vertibird at this settlement (because, thematically, it should have one) so the mod is not dependent upon another person's mod to to supply what should be there from the start. So, I've read through few threads and found some useful info, but at this point, I'm still stuck at getting the vertibird to give me a prompt to hit "E" for entry/mount. I've created a duplicate of the MQ101Vertibird and added what I believe are the correct scripts: hoveringvertibirdscript vertibirdturretscript (made sure "can player activate" = "true", and the rest filled out according to vanilla BoS examples) Keywords: p-AttachGunner ap_AttachPilot CanUseFurnitureForCombat CutNavmeshWhenLanded FurnitureForce1stPerson hasPassengerMounts isVertibird isVertibirdFastTravel NoAttackDogCripple NoAttackDogHold NoDisarm NoRicochet p-AttachCopilot p-AttachGunner Added AIPackages: REVertibirdLandPackageIgnoreCombat VertibirdLandedPackage Anything else needing to be added to the map? Am I missing a reflink or "linked From"? Allow for my character to use it? (have affiliated with no factions yet in the character used to test the mod, fresh out of Vault 111) I don't believe a quest would be needed, as It's stationary and not being called in from somewhere else or being made to act as a companion...but maybe I'm wrong? Am I missing that I need to create a custom pilot? Should I have used the LvlVertibird instead? Etc.? Anywho, I'd appreciate the help. Thank you. P.S. I do suppose I could just make it static, and one could role-play that they *assume* they are using it to travel from the location...but that's kinda lame. =/