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Everything posted by theuseless

  1. I have been trying to get tes4files to recognize .egm and .kf files, but it won't. I don't seem to be able to get all my textures when using obmm and tes4files doesn't compress anything not already from an archive? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have tried many different settings on bsa commander but it never lets me compress. I have made sure there aren't any .txt or any texture replacer files. If anybody knows of a good tutorial for creating bsa's, I would like to know what I am missing... theuseless
  2. I don't understand why not to install bsacmd into the program files folder? I am using winxp? I know that the program files is not the place for win7 or vista.... I will try to make a bsa archive out of one of the stock bsa's as you mentioned. -edit- Still the same problems. I don't know if .kf or .egm files are compress-able or not?
  3. I have tried using Oblivion Mod Manager, tes4files and cannot figure out how to pack with bsa commander. I don't know what it is that I'm doing wrong. Oblivion Mod manager doesn't pack all the textures properly for me, I get the missing texture pink color. When I use the tes4files program, it doesn't pack any of the meshes or textures I have added. It will pack the textures that I got from the Armamentarium.esm. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but if anybody knows how to properly pack a bsa, I would be grateful. I have searched high and low on the net for an answer, but I can't get any progress. I need the files to be compressed so that I can upload it here without splitting the zip into two pieces. Thanks as always, theuseless
  4. I need to find the download site for the Garak Bookset. I have included it in my mod extensively. Now that I am writing my credits, I need to find the original download link (I lost it somehow, even with a download manager). If anybody knows the url, I would be stoked!!!!
  5. I made a sleeker workaround. Thank you for offering. What I really need is a way to get that awesome butcher knife file you made a while ago. I will send you a message soon when I (finally) make my castle public. I am finishing a couple of scripting features, pathing and artistic stuff. Thanks for all your help!
  6. I haven't touched the collision. It is fine when indoors. The collision works fine on it. I have even tried placing objects below it. Now I can't even get them to show where I placed them so I could take a screenshot. This bugs. I'm going to just give up on the idea and find an alternative.
  7. I have altered the mesh at clutter/magesguild/crystalball.nif. I have stripped the base off it in nifskope using the remove branch function. I have also added glow maps. So my problem is this: when I place these into the cs, in an exterior cell, they drop. When I look in the game, the spheres 'drift' out of place. In the interiors, the meshes are fine. It only seems to have problems outside. I placed light sources under them, and the orbs look fine until I sleep, at which point they stray. They don't move like an animation, just seem to drift to the ground level upon load. If anybody can help me with this, it would be great, theuseless
  8. try reposting in the "mod detectives" area.
  9. Fort ruins (un-ruined): ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts That should have some meshes that you can either use as is or re-scale. It is a great mod and worth the install on its own. Hope that this helps... theuseless -edit- You might want to ask permission before using any of those files, they aren't listed as modders' resources. Pretty sure that the pieces you require are in there. You can pm me with an attatchment and I can do some texture work for you. I have some skills with photoshop and will be able to do some work on the retex of the creature you need altered. I have no 3d rendering skills, but I am familiar with NifSkope.
  10. I'm not at all familiar with mac, but in the windows environment, the game looks for mods in the Data folder. There is no preferences folder at all. You need to find a way to create a data folder or to load the mods into the data folder. Look up how to install mods with windows 7, as that is a non-default install. This might or might not help you. What the game looks for is the folder named Data. You might also try to install OBMM (oblivion mod manager). If you can install and load that program, you shouldn't have any problems installing and playing with mods. Another, more complicated, mod manager is Wrye Bash. I'm not sure that you will get that one to work as it relies on a C++ redistrubutable file. I'm not sure if this is available on mac (or the other required files, the python scripts). Good Luck, theuseless
  11. Hi, so I have run into a problem with the Genji Armor mod. It is great work, very detailed and beautiful. I have run into problems however, it says "Old Version: Meshes\armor\genji2\GA\Black\genjido.nif contains old skin info and needs to be re-exported" in the CS. If anybody knows how to do the work without using 3d modeling software, please let me know. I would like to be able to do this myself if possible. I don't have a computer that wants to handle blender, and I don't have the money to try out 3ds max (which might be even more demanding on my system). If I can't do this in NifSkope, I will need to have somebody else out there help out with it. I can offer texture or scripting help to those that will help with this. Thanks to all in the community, theuseless MODs: genji armor 2: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31494 original genji armor: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=6272
  12. wow, I could only understand about half of what you wrote, but it sounded cool! Please re post with proper English grammar. Also, not all of the pieces are made. To my knowledge, there is only a piano, no other musical instruments as of yet. There is also a ballista or trebuje mod. I would reccomend getting all the pieces that you need before you request them all put together. All in all it sounds cool and if it ever gets made, I would love to play it. theuseless
  13. Ok, so I really like this armor set but haven't been able to find it: And I can't seem to find these helms, as shown in the Genji Armor mod: I have scoured here and planet elderscrolls looking for these. I searched each nif contained in the Genji Armor for the helms, but to no avail. If anybody knows of these, please pm me thanks, theuseless Got it. Thanks for such a great place to ask a simple question. the sauron's armor is at: http://elderscrolls.filefront.com/file/Saurons_Armour;73666 the helm is contained in a file on Planet Elder Scrolls, the original release of the mod: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=6272
  14. Ummm, what exactly is it that you are looking for? If you could elaborate on what it is that you want textured, maybe I could help.
  15. why not just download different house mods, maybe just outside of the towns, so you can travel to the gate. I prefer to use the Biotavion on the Water mod as my house. It is small but has everything that I would need. If you disable a mod, then re-enable it, you can get the stuff back that you lost. If it is a problem of getting your hands on the sygil stones, there are mods that will allow you to get them.
  16. Thanks greywadste!!! That was exactly what I was trying to do. Kudos (you already got one from me too DesuChan)
  17. When I try to change a texture in NifSkope, it changes all the textures with the same name. I had thought that I was able to change textures individually in the past. When I looked up the texture in Texture Replacer, it says there are only 6 textures assigned, but in NifSkope there are 12 slots (NiTriShape). If anybody out there know how to make this happen, I have poured over NifSkope alchemy and googled it to death...
  18. Hi, so I contacted Unavi, the original author of the Fire Emblem's Black Knight armor mod, and has given me permission to retexture it in any way that I like. He said over one month ago that he would get me the uv mapping for the meshes, but said that he is extrememly busy and I have gotten no further responses. I can somewhat piece it together from the existing meshes, but I don't like the extremely large filesize of the diffuse textures. If somebody out there could please give me a good 1024x1024 uv mapping of this, I would like to be able to add it to my mod. I don't wish to release the mod as a stand alone retexture. I would more likely give Unavi the option of uploading it to the original file. I will allow any of my alterations to be ripped from my mod as modders' resource. Please, if anybody out there is able to help, I can't run blender on my computer. theuseless http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30371
  19. I don't understand what you mean by "save my texture over my normal map"???? This doesn't make sense. Your texture map (diffuse map) is not the same as your normal map, you won't have the effects you intend. Your normal map is a blue-ish image that should look like an embossed image. Your diffuse texture (base color, texture.dds) will show where your colors should appear. The normal map (texture_n.dds) should make the game render the flat surface as a 3d image, the places that are higher will render with shaders to make them look like they stick out. This is the reason for a normal map. It takes 2 dimensional images and makes them look 3d. Please post a picture of the regular image that you are editing. You might try to copy the original normal map and rename it to the name of the texture you made. As far as a glow map, it will glow only where the texture is white. This will be a gloss effect unless you edit the nif in NifSkope and apply a specular color property. Then the specular color will make the glow map glow in the specified areas.
  20. I want to make my castle look good from far away. I understand that distant lod comes into play on this. I also see that some meshes don't load as quickly as others. Some meshes will load from far away while others don't load until near. Is this a property of NifSkope? I have retextured many pieces and some will load from afar while some others won't load until you are right on top of them. I understand that creating low poly models and setting them as distant load files will make them apparent from afar, but not all my stuff has low poly. If there is a setting in NifSkope that will make ancastlecourtcircle01.nif look like groundbladetraight.nif from a small distance, I would like to apply the properties. Any real help will get the customary kudos, theuseless
  21. could a moderator please stick this post somewhere it can easily be found? This is great info that needs to be accessable easily. Kudos to chaospearl for the solution
  22. Please list your OS, service pack version and the install directory for Oblivion. This will help to find a solution, if not diagnose the problem.
  23. Make the normal map almost transparent. If you have time, you could find the original files used for the ayleid ruins, find the parts that correspond with the edges of your meshes. You could make the normal map have shine there and no where else. That would be an involved process, but would render the most desirable effect, based upon your brief description. You might also try to change the NiVertexProperties to Vert_Mode_Src_Emissive and Light_Mode_Emissive. Then simply add a glow map that has transparency as well (you don't want too much opaqueness to your normal or glow maps). This second option would be the easiest. The places that are white-ish on either the glow or normal will shine, the more white = more shine. mmmm moonshine.... Back on topic... This method might be the easiest to implement. It will take some time changing each of the instances of your tileset (I know, check out my Obsidian Castle Interior Tileset....). Patience and diligence will pay off, theuseless http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36494 That is the tileset that I made, using the AlonsosObsidian resource. Each of the pieces is black with a shine that looks metalic and glass. If you look at the properties in nifskope, that might help you.
  24. I personally don't use the dds plugin for saving. I only use this for opening a dds file. When creating a new dds file, I like to save it as jpg or gif (jpg for photo style and gif for large, smooth color fields). I then use the handy program called DDS Converter to make the dds file for me. It saves all the trouble of figuring out how many mipmaps, what format, etc. You just simply use it to convert for you. It will even check to make sure the file is an integer of 8 (124x248, 1024x1024, etc). It is simple to use and quick. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8698 Hope this helps with that part, theuseless =edit= Save the file exactly as you wish it to appear. If you wish to make a normal or glow map, use the normal map plugin included with the dds plugin for photoshop. Remember to save it as .psd if transparent, otherwise use the jpg or gif formats if not using transparency. The photoshop document file (.psd) is processed only if it contains 1 (one) layer. If it has more layers, it will only process the top one. If you are using Gimp, you will need to manually download and install the normal map plugin separate from the dds plugin. When using the normal map function, I will usually build my own shadowless form. This is a form that has the low points as dark and the high points as light, without three dimensional shadowing. This is rendered better by the programs for textures that are universally positioned (ie could be placed sideways, upside down, etc). For glow maps, I like to remove portions of color or shadow with the color to alpha feature. I could tell you how to do this on gimp, but not on photoshop. I mainly use photoshop for my bulk editing and gimp for the staple creation. I find more use out of the gimp fx foundry.
  25. I figured it out. My computer is somehow buggy in that it doesn't display the updates to the pathgridding. Once you use tpg, it will remember the last time that you used it. At least on my computer. My scripting works fine, the pathnodes are not there when I tpg from a fresh start. If I use a new, fresh start, I will be able to activate the gate and the pathnodes show up when I tpg. I also changed the begin OnLoad block to GameMode, reluctantly. Problem solved.
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