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Everything posted by theuseless

  1. Hi so I am currently trying to replace the textures on the tileset for castle interiors. I know that there is a program out there that will automatically assign a texture to all the objects in a particular nif. This tool uses the command line. I can't remember the name of the program or where I saw a tutorial for its use. If anybody has had any luck using the program, please let me know what the name is and maybe a brief explaination of the command line functions. I would realy like to be able to assign a specular value and gloss to the textures with it too, if that is at all possible. Thanks in advance, theuseless -edit- I have already unpacked all the meshes and textures that I will be using with bsacommander, and have been redoing the work by hand in NifSkope, which is taking forever. I have been assigning the texture, then changing the specular value and gloss and adding a NiVertexColorProperty block. This makes the changed tileset almost glow with glossiness. -edit- -edit- I don't know if it would be easier or quicker for me to just copy/paste, but I'm unsure of how to do this properly as of yet. Would I just copy the block (or group) from the texture (alonsos obsidian resource) and then past them into the blocks/branches? Then to delete the existing ones? I just don't know enough about NifSkope yet. I do know how to save the proper paths for the texture, but need some more detailed assistance.
  2. I would delete the door altogether (both them). Then place the doors in the cell you want and in the ICmarket. I would then rename them and click to make sure that both are set as persistent references. Once you have that, I would link from the exterior door to the interior door. You only need to make the connection once. Then position the little yellow door markers to be where you wish to stand (the little pink pyramid indicates which way the character will face when teleported). For some reason, doors that link to the outside world don't work properly when I make them any other way. Probably just a bug with my computer setup. theuseless
  3. Ok, there is a wall that you can use without all that hastle. Believe it or not, there if you click on Static\ Archetecture\ StoneWall you will find a bunch of wall segments. You can then scale them up to any size you wish, only using a single object for each piece. You can also find some use out of the Easy Construction Meshes. I know I have theuseless Also you can click ctrl-d to duplicate an item or selection of items. But I'm sure you have read that already
  4. Hi I need some pictures of old and worn books. I need the views of the book closed. I need front on shots of all the book jacket's faces (cover, back and spine). I will also need 3 pictures of the book's pages (with the book closed). These pictures should be: of the pages as they are closed, from a front on view (spine facing away from you); a picture of the book closed from the top; and a picture of the book closed from the bottom. I will be reskinning the MEO's Bookset resource to have old and worn looking books. I would take the pictures myself, but there aren't any old books in my house. Nor are there any good decayed books at the local stores. I just don't have the time to scour the numerous pawn shops in my small podunk town. As these will be containers, I will also need a sound for when they are opened. If somebody has a good mic and a quiet place to make the recording, it would be cool to get the sound of a crisp page turning. I will add this as a sound for when the container is opened. Well, that is all that I need at the moment. Any contributions will be given credit. Thanks, theuseless
  5. I too am getting that error. If you are as much of a noob as you claim to be, you might want to check out my collection of tutorials: Tutorials Abound! I would reccomend looking up the one by bben46 first, it has some good info in an easy to digest format. If you are looking just to replace the eyes, I'm not sure you need an omod? Seems to me like making the omod was your problem. Maybe you should have just stuck with the regular .esp. In the future, it is a good idea to start with one mod at a time. You might even have a conflict, seeing as they both affect the eyes. I personally use the Cosmetic Compillation, as it changes enough but not enough to be obviously noticeable. Also you can use dremora horns and have goat eyes. Very cool for the right character. I would also suggest dowloading Wrye Bash and getting familliar with the basics of that program. It realy isn't that difficult. Also Look up BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting System). You can pick mods off the 8,000+ that they have listed as compatible (and only run 255 at a time). You can pretty much trust the boss list, but not always. It is always reccomended to install and play One mod at a time! The time you save trying to figure out where your problem is will outweigh the thrill of getting lucky with a good list. Even if using the BOSS. I too am running on a laptop with integrated graphics (using cpu instead of gpu). I don't think this is your problem. I know that Windows 7 UAC blocks mods in some way if they are installed into the default (program files) folder. You might want to read more on that as well. Sorry, would link to stuff, but the nexus is down atm, theuseless
  6. Hi, so I have been only just getting my feet wet into NifSkope, and already I have a question. I'm trying to make a reskin using the AlonsosObsidianResource. I just can't get my newly skinned pieces to look right. They don't have the shine on them that I am looking for. I have tried messing with the alpa channel and setting the gloss up on the slider. It does seem to add a little bit of shinyness, but not like that overbearing white highlight glow on the block. I can only figure out a few lines of code on the Obsidian resource that is different from the pieces I'm currently reskinning. One of them reads: niVertexColorProperty (which isn't even a block in mine) and the other is: "Apply Mode / Apply_Highlight" (where it reads to Apply_Modulate in the one I'm altering). I'm assuming that these are the two lines of code that I need to alter, but I just don't know enough yet. Most the tutorials give lengthy descriptions on normal mapping etc, but I haven't found one that will teach what I need to know. theuseless -edit- So the link for the resource is here
  7. Well, the fewer beginGameMode the better. The game will constantly try to run these scripts (about once every 3 seconds). I stay away from them like the plague. 99.9 percent of the time, you can get away with using a different trigger. I read something brilliant here that a dude posted, saying that he uses activators either burried under the cell or in a wall etc. Then he runs it as beginOnLoad. That way the script begins when the cell is loaded, providing that the variable conditions are met (such as If (GetStage ADA01 == 89). So in this way he is setting his trigger to activate only when you are at the particular quest stage. Otherwise the activator is invisable (out of viewing range) so it can't be activated on mistake. No, it is not better to split the scripts up into multiple beginGameMode. If you find that you absolutely have to use a beginGameMode, I like to run it on a quest script. I set the quest as initially disabled, the run a string of conditions that when met will reset the quest variables, then deactivate it. If you need an example, I could post my code here. Basically, there are more than one way to skin a mule. I'm not going to be online too much in the next week, but I will try to help you more if you end up needing it. theuseless
  8. Now the money shot, next will be lights, a camera and a dvd burner... Bring plenty of strippers. They work cheap
  9. Hmmm. I usually like to run a piece into my script such as setstage tUL665TharnsteinMain 10 player.AddItem "skull01" 30 This allows me to know at each step of the way where my problem is. If you have multiple places that look dodgy, I add a multiplyer. For example, the first problem area will add 3, the second problem area will add 30, the third will add 300, the fourth will add 3000, etc. So if your script works all but the second part, you will end up with 3303 skulls (3333 minus the second part, or 30). You can use any numbers you wish, I just found this method to work when writing complex codes. As to your question, I am fairly sure that your problem is that you are using variable counter. I could be wrong. I would try to use a trigzone box in this case. If it is an area that you can't access until the quest is about to update, you could just run: Scriptname tUL665tharnstDrawbridgeTriggerZoneOperatorScript short triggered begin onTrigger player if triggered == 0 SetStage ADA01 90 Set triggered to 1 disable TrigzoneNameHere endif End Begin onReset if triggered == 1 disable TrigzoneNameHere endif End You might want to try experimenting with this a bit. I find that when I can't get something that should work to work, If I approach it from a different angle it will work. You can also try to call stage steps, such as If (GetStage ADA01 == 89) && (Player.GetInCell (interior cell) == 1) SetStage ADA01 90 EndIf Also, yes, too many begin GameMode blocks is bad. Try to make begin OnActivate and run the scripts on a switch or trigzone or something. Hope this helps, theuseless
  10. I have a somewhat technical but simple question. I have recently figured out that I can force some scripts to work with by activating a quest. The quest is initially disabled, and has a line of code to end the quest upon full completion. So my question is whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for performance? It seems to work smoothly with a .5 second delay. For an example, I have included some bits of my code: On the Display Case itself: scn tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerScript short doOnce Begin OnActivate if (tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases == 0) startquest tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest set tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest.busy to 1 set tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest.fQuestDelayTime to 0.1 set tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases to 0 elseif (tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases == 1) && (doOnce ==0) activate set doOnce to 1 elseif (tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases == 1) && (doOnce ==1) activate set doOnce to 0 set tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases to 0 endif end To end the quest: Scn tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuestScript short busy short pause short opener short word short word2 short clicked short correctCount short moneyclip float fQuestDelayTime begin gameMode ;================================ if (busy == 1) set pause to -1 set busy to 0 endif if (pause == 0) stopquest tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest ;reset conditions here (re-initialize) set busy to 0 set pause to 0 set opener to 0 set word to 0 set word2 to 0 set clicked to 0 set correctCount to 0 set moneyclip to 0 return ;------------------------------------------------ elseif (pause == -1) ; This is where I set the rest of the container's effects. Once the effects are complete, I reset busy and pause to 0 If you were able to decipher this, I might be able to reword my original question. Is this a waste of resources for an activated item? It is so much smoother on my computer, but I don't know if that is the case in general. I have a ... wonderfully finicky ... computer. Also, a second question. Does this script actually only start when I activate it? I know that begin.GameMode means it runs every couple of seconds. Do these scripts run when the quest is inactive? Am I closing the quest properly? If anybody reads this far, thanks theuseless
  11. I drew up a couple of knife designs the other day. If you like any of the ideas, you may feel free to use them. The link is here: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/124/a/3/knives_by_theuseless.jpg. If you use any of the ideas, please send me a pm though, it would be nice to see what you do with them. theuseless
  12. Hey, I love this concept. Iron Man made by dwemer... awesome! Well I know that if you can't speak Russian, you can still use babblefish. They will translate it (the best that a computer can) into Rusky for you! I agree that the armor itself is a little cartoony looking, but maybe a retex will change that? The detail of the mesh itself looks good.
  13. Yes, those mods are great overhauls. I haven't played with much Oscuro's yet, but it is highly regarded all across the board. If you are looking for quest mods, check out the TOQL. As far as the basics go, I can't play without the Armamentarium. Just make sure you get both the files. Download and install them in this order: 1: Artifacts 2: Arma Complete You shouldn't have any problems with this download, but if you get any yellow "wtf I'm a missing mesh" boxes, you might need to install the other arma pieces, arma, armor, katanas, and staffs. I really like this collection because it has options for OOO, Fran's, and body replacers. I have always been partial to the water, so I like the following buildings as well: 1: Biotavion on the Water. This is by far my favorite home. It is small but well organized, with a good amount of customized stuff for you to say wow to. One problem is that if you place a Reznod's Mannequin on somewhere funny, it won't stay. You pretty much have to place them on a pathnode (that's another story, for another time). 2: Azure Palace. This a fancy palace that you can run around in. I like it for the scenery, it has a high aesthetic value to me. 3: Castle Almgard. This a huge castle, complete with npc's. It is right outside of Anvil and somewhat dwarfs the countess' castle, but I love the mod. 4: Castle Seaview. This mod technically conflicts with Azure Palace, but it is just a minor landscape issue. It doesn't detract from either one, despite the conflicts in the detector. Yet another large castle, complete with npc's, and has a unique horse that you can get. Hope that this helps you get started in the right direction, theuseless
  14. It is true that you can place a zero weight item in npc's inventory by reverse pickpocketing. It is difficult to get the npc to equip it without entering combat. I have made a whole set of zero weight fire damage clothes. You can reverse pick pocket them and then get the npc mad at you. As soon as the npc attacks, they equip the enchanted item you "gave" to them. You can provoke an npc to attack you with dispostion modifiers, such as telling bad jokes (lol I have a few that will get you kicked out of a party :smile:). Other than that you would have to make a scripted item. Otherwise make an item in the cs that has zero weight and whatever effect you want as an enchantment. Hope that helped, theuseless -edit- If you don't have skills in the construction set it would be very easy for me to make for you. Pm me if you need. I could possibly make a script on a zero weight item that would cause the npc to equip it. If you elaborate here, people will help.
  15. Could we get some gear/clockwork looking stuff? It doesn't need to be animateable (obviously) but I've been looking for different pieces of clockwork looking gears for my mod, but haven't found squat. Kudos already given for your generous offer, theuseless
  16. I am in need of a simple alteration to a vanilla mesh please. No extra texture work, no extra anything. I assume it would be as simple as cutting the object out of the mesh. I need the ICPalaceLibraryUpper02 static mesh without the hanging chandelier (could one call it that? Is it really a hanging brazier?) That would make my Library a lot more upscale, being able to add unique hanging light sources. I like the rest of the tileset, just need that one piece cut out (picture of what I need it to look like). If somebody could point me to a good tutorial on how to do this myself with blender, I would do the work myself. There can even be a little place where I need to patch at the top of the ceiling. I could find a million things to throw over it. Kudos as always and thanks in advance, theuseless
  17. A picture of some knife design ideas I came up with based upon Hibben styles. You could make the knives any way you wish, use the pictures for ispiration or not. I just like to sketch while playing Magic the Gathering and this is what I came up with. If you like them, I could design some clothing too (but not as inspired to do that). pic I envisioned them with blued blades, with a nice midnight blue color. Also would be dark purple or dark green accents, such as the wrapping on the hilt. I personally have always liked knives and swords with natural grips, made of either cord or wire. Samurai used the skin of sting rays and sharks. Anything to keep grip with all the blood running down the blade... -edit- The designs are unique as far as I am aware, uploaded to www.deviantart.com. I applied a creative commons license with open usage, as long as not for profit. Anybody can use the pic in any way they see fit for anything. Also, the chain mails out there just don't give the assassin the look that he craves. Maybe a midnight blue chain mail? Maybe chain re-enforced leather? Take the base leather set and add chain mail sections? Could look good and be simpler than designing from scratch? A chain mantle with lobster tails could look cool. A Lobster Tail Sallet -would need some serious exaggeration of course...
  18. I think a good standby would be a stiletto style blade. I've always pictured an assassin carrying around a stiletto or a dirk. Something with a long, narrow blade. Gil Hibben's Silver Shadow You might also check out his website for some real life fantasy art knives. Some could serve as inspiration for your mod, such as the harpoon. The silver shadow knife is one that I used to own and loved. Over a foot long (1/3 of a meter) and just thin enough to pierce a ribcage. A bonny Scottish Dirk would work as well, but not so earth-lore. The dirk was a good utility short sword/ long knife. The advantages are of a knife you can use to chop up meat and veggies, paired with a blade length capable to fight with. Basically I think the blade should be a short short sword or long knife with a thin blade for easy piercing. The blade could be curved, but should only have barbs or serrations at the very bottom of the blade, if at all. For practicality sake, it should be used as a stealth weapon, to pierce from behind or the side. This pretty much means stiletto blade, for ease of piercing and removal. It should also have a decent enough length to suffice as a primary weapon should your cover get blown. Curved blades allow for more cutting power in the slash Just a thought. And I totally second David Brasher's idea. If you could kill the enchant glow and make a true stealth weapon, it would be cool. As far as colors for clothing, greys and browns are staples. They don't shout black, don't look like a silhouetted shadow on the side of a building and can serve the same purpose, if not better. What about a sniper's ghille suit? Just an afterthought. It might be a little complex to execute and not at all lore friendly, but would make for some difficult to detect and kill enemies. I really like the idea of modifying regular vanilla clothing to be 60% grey (the shade), with some dark brown straps. That could potentially look cool. Will post back later with some sketches for knife ideas, theuseless -edit- some effects that I found maybe useful. If you hit somebody with the blade, it could add a scripted poison effect, say something that adds to a timer, when the timer reaches a certain number, the character dies. So if you struck somebody rapidly 3 times in a row, each time you hit him could set the float.timer variable up say 2. when the variable hits 5 or above, the npc dies. So you would have to hit him 3 times within 4 or 5 seconds, and he dies a quick death. The variables would have to be tuned, but its an idea Also you could make the blade turn the corpse invisible for 20 seconds, allowing you to safely get away. - The Corpsecloaker I always make my assassins in game enchant bows with weakness to poison, all the elements, and magika. This allows me to use my poisons very effectively. I can kill high level npc's from other peoples' mods easily at level 5 with good poisons. Usually with one or two shots, from far off in the bushes. Completely undetected.
  19. Also try the Top Oblivion Quest Links. It has a collection of larger quest based mods. You should be able to find one out there to your liking.
  20. There is a spell, called "Corpse Carry" which I know for a fact is in the Reneer's Guard Overhaul. When equipped, you cast the targeted spell at a corpse (while crouching). It will move the corpse to your location very quickly. It seems very stable. I have tried to activate the spell and then exit a building before it resolves. The corpse is right there at the door the next time I enter the building. It might come as a stand alone spell or may be a part of another spell package. You can disable any options that you don't want active in the guard overhaul. Just a suggestion, theuseless
  21. I posted similar questions a while ago. I got very detailed advice from local moderator Vagrant0. Instead of plagiarizing the post, I will simply link it, http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=173366&st=0&p=1491768&hl=%20theuseless%20path%20grid&fromsearch=1&&do=findComment&comment=1491768
  22. just a guess are you German?
  23. I would recommend just going over to the TOQL and download ONE mod that sounds interesting, play it through for an hour or two and then see if you can add another mod. After you play that mod for a couple of hours, add another. Timeless advice has been given over and over here, start small. You would be surprised how many cosmetic mods can conflict with each other. It will take less time for you to add mods progressively than it will to find which one muddles your mixture. Second off, if you listened to the advice given above, your computer might not even be able to run it. If you actually read the posts that people have taken their time to write, you will realize that it just isn't feasible. I mean, it would take a team quite a while to accomplish that task. Not to mention that Oblivion only runs on one processor and would require more than 4gb of ram to run all that. Please don't just discard people's advice because you think you can do the impossible. You need to give up the quest, i'm sorry to say. As a solution, I would suggest you ask for lists of mods that all work together. If you are trying to maximize your Oblivion experience and revitalize it, just jumping into a large amount of mods, you need knowledge. You will need to learn to at least find and deal with problematic conflicts if you wish to run 100, let alone 254 mods at once. If all these mods have been cleaned with tes4edit (something i'm currently struggling to learn myself), you might be able to figure out which mods can be combined with tes4gecko. This could double or maybe, just maybe triple the amount of mods you run. But why be greedy? I run about 100 to 150 mods for each save. Each save game has a different set of mods active. Each character has a different leveling system, different gameplay modifiers, etc. Armamentarium and Bob's armory will add more levelled loot, making it more fun to kill and collect. It also adds a lot more flavor to the previously bland weapons/armor. If you look up List of Mods you will find posts that people have with working load order lists. Just find the mods on the lists and order them properly, and play. That simple. Which Japanese sites are you referring to? Could you point us in the right direction? -edit- Also, uploading 100 gb would take a lot of time, and even with accelerators would take a while to download. Upload speeds are restricted more than download speeds in most areas.
  24. I know that I'm not the only one that has made one of these libraries: I took all the info in the CS and made cells, each with the name corresponding to the directory that it displayed. I then took all the objects, and placed them into the cell. Then I spread them all out so that I could see them. This library was very useful. It made it easy to select the specific stuff from a visual library. This took a lot of the time out of searching for that right tapestry or which door style you wanted to use. I recently did a wipe of my hard drive and forgot to back up the library esp I had so diligently built. Does anybody else have or know of such a library? I would have uploaded mine to the nexus, but was afraid of spreading the virus I had to get rid of. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated. theuseless
  25. I have a large castle that needs to be cleaned. I know some specifics of how i went wrong with making the mod. It is my first mod and thus has a number of flaws. I know for a fact that I had accidentally deleted the Arena Quest data, changed a hanging corpse and that I have a number of object scripts that are dirty. I have used tes4edit to detect these problems, I believe. All my knowledge is from the fo3edit training manual (who's download links seem to be broken now). Reading technical manuals isn't too difficult for me, but I am somewhat lost. I have gathered that I need to load the plugin (and only that plugin) which needs to be cleaned. I have applied the filter with: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/106/2/c/to_be_deleted_by_theuseless.gif When I hit the Filter button, it says the following: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/106/d/b/to_be_deleted2_by_theuseless.gif So now I want to know what to do next. I assume that all these scripts conflict with others in the oblivion.esm. Should I delete the records that I no longer need? Should I renumber the ones that I wish to keep? What do I do now? If I have all these steps wrong, please let me know how to release my mod cleanly. I know for a fact that the Arena Quest is all messed up. There isn't any info when I click into the editor (gotta love those drunken nights of tinkering... I stopped that habit) Any help would be appreciated, theuseless
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