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Everything posted by theuseless

  1. Honestly DavidBrasher has proven himself a competent modder, so I would check out his work first. Chedinhall Thievery sounds like a lot of fun. Phitt's Worthwhile Thievery has a few different esp files that each make the thievery more to less fun, from thrill to easy. Thrill has a higher chance of extreme item, easy has more items total imo. Dunno if this is true or not.
  2. Kudos is always appreciated :wink:
  3. Would somebody please make a way to use Frankenstein's Monster? I would love that. We have Ash, Bela Lugosi, Aliens and Predators. Why not have Frankenstein's monster? That would be awesome. It could be a new race or just a helmet. I can do some texture work, so if even the mesh was made, I would make it work with normal mapping.
  4. I would try to use AlienSlof's awwesome Snow Leopard race and modify the textures to suit you. You would have course have to get permission beforer uploading you additions to the nexus, etc. But you can open the texters by using .dds plugins for the gimp or photoshop. I would use DDS Converter for anything that will be made into a .dds however. If all this sounds like greek to you then check out the tutorials on the nexus. They will help.
  5. I am a tattoo artist by trade now. I know how simple and easy a rose can be. I'm not trying to argue with you, but if you make an error in a rose, its not that noticeable. Plus, I have seen more complex polygon work in swords/armor. You might have inspired me to find a 3d rendering program that will work on my machine. The basic mesh doesn't have to look too complex. Just a hemisphere with some points off it. It doesn't have to look like every petal is rendered. Sure, that would be nice, but you could essentially take the concept of cartoon-izing it and making it look cool. The rose isn't that hard to draw, I have cartooned it before. The petals don't need to be perfect. I just want something with a thorny stem, three serrated leaves and some red hemi-spherical kinda rounded pointy thing. I'm not looking for perfection, just decoration. This small addition would mean a lot to me. It could be added as a resource, I would love for people to use it in the mods I love to download. I will be gone for 2 weeks + so I will not be able to check these posts. If this isn't something people can conceptualize, I will make some drawings of the top, side, bottom and cross-section views. Please Help! Roses !!!!!! theuseless
  6. Wow, I have heard of mods changing the planet, such as the Death Star that replaces the Masser moon in the oblivion scene. But I haven't investigated whether it replaces a moon or just the place in the texture .dds file. I like the look of the death star in my sky, so I use this mod in every character that I create. You might try to reverse engineer that file and see how it was made. This probably didn't help, theuseless
  7. I have had problems with npc's not equipping stuff in the amulet slot. If you enchant it, you should be able to make it work. I'm not on my own pc now or I would help you out with an exact script made just for that. I made my script based off the "Amulet of Kings" in the cs. Just make it so that it is begin on load and has container.equip itemxxxx for your code. Hope this lame post helps, theuseless
  8. Wow. Fraggin cool. Theryon is a must have mod. Looks fantastic. This is why we need a post thread or something that will categorize floating mods. I will download and use Theryon inn 2 weeks when I get back to my comp. It sucks not being able to work on my mod, but it has given me time to step away from my project and see what other people like and are playing. I will most certainlly include some floating sections to my mod. I love it. The more I drink, the creative I think, theuseless
  9. I recently ran across a post, http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/271111-flying-castle/, asking for a flying player owned home. I replied the best of my ability after looking for a few hours on the forums and nexus. It would cool to add a tag search that had "player owned homes - floating" for people to find all the homes in the sky, for use with our Akatosh mounts, Pegasus, etc. Or maybe a tag that read "player owned homes - flying mount friendly" or whatever. It would be cool to get a tag for places that have landing pads at the least. Well, if it happens, I will be happy, if not, I will try to make a post and get it added to one of the mod lists. Thanks for your time, Jesse Williams, theuseless I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I would really like to see this somehow fruit.
  10. Also look at the now defunct Cloud City mod. It adds an incomplete city in the sky. Most of it is finished, but the author has requested that somebody else pick up the mod and finish the few interiors. It realy is a fantastic mod. My favorite floating tower is the Tower of Hadarath. This is a floating tower that is fully movable. That's right, I said that you can move the physical location of the tower. Download and enjoy. I have not used the update, but it sounds great. There is another floating tower, the Wizard's Eye. I have not personally used it, but it sounds cool. There are a number of floating house mods out there. It would be really cool to make a post with all the flying homes people use. You might do an advanced search for flying mount in player owned homes. That might bring up which homes have landing pads for the Akatosh Mount, which has gotten a huge lift recently. Hope that this helps, theuseless -edit- There are actually quite a few flying homes. I found the tower of hadarath mod by searching for the word float in descriptions a few months back. If you get creative, you can find all sorts of stuff on the nexus and planet elderscrolls. I found it again today (thanks to you) by searching for the word tower in 'file name contains' (I always use the advanced search tool). I then looked at the last page first, working my way to the page 1. I also found that Wizard's Eye tower while searching for my personal favorite home, Hadarath.
  11. Once again, DavidBrahser to the rescue. I imagine it took you a long, long time to do just this one town. I will download and use this Cheydinhall mod, but I doubt that I will contribute to making any other cities. There is also a good mod out there called "Worthwhile Thievery" which makes more loot spawn in chests in towns. If you wish to use both mods, I would have the Cheydinhall mod load after the Worthwhile thievery, so that the one david made will over write the less inclusive worthwhile mod.
  12. When I get back home to my pc, I will upload my progress as a resource and make sure that you are able to use it. In the mean time if you find any more instruments, be they just static (non moveable) objects or equipable :smile:, I will make them useful as well. Sorry, but I'm not advanced enough yet to write the obse scripting that would make it playable on your keyboard.
  13. Is it possible to make the guards of Oblivion mounted on Akatosh's dragon? I know of a mod that allows horse combat. Would it possible to make even a few guards with the mount? I would do it myself but have no knowledge where to start. If somebody could tell me how to do it, I would like to.
  14. I have requested this for a while now. Why nobody has uploaded a rose mesh is absurd. If I knew anything at all about the 3d rendering process, I would do it myself, but I can't commit that much time right now. I'm finishing my mod and need that last little bit of grace to complete the castle. Please somebody help me, I beg of you!!!! theuseless
  15. Add an invisible activator to the Whitefang Piano, then make it play a music file. I know that with obse, you could make the keys a full octave or whatever, but for now the piano with music is all that I have been able to figure out personally. You can find public domain music (I think most Bach, Mozart, etc is free domain, but I would check).
  16. I did run into a mod that made the spawns have larger groups. I can't remember the name of it, but I'm sure that there is at least one out there. I would reccomend asking the Oblivion Mod Detectives on these forums for it. There was another cool one that summoned 5 bandits and 5 marauders, who would attack each other on sight. Big fun.
  17. Hmmm, there are a number of large mods, the Top Oblivion Quests Link, Elsewere; Deserts of Aniquia, Dune and Underdark are just a few. The problem with merging all the top files is that they probably wouldn't all be compatible, even after cleaning (which in itself is a moderate task). I wasn't able to clean Blood and Mud with Blackwood on the same list for some reason. Maybe I'm inept, but some conflicts are harder for me to fix. It would be nice to see some sort of town and castle merge mod though, offering all the best castles and towns. Only problem with that is the filesize and some homes are literally in the same real estate. It would also be cool to make a merge of some highlights of the best files of the year. That would be awesome.
  18. While some of your ideas intrigue me, from personal experience with trying to add Reznod's Mannequins to my mod, with custom textures and races, has been challenging. I'm not the best of scripters, but if you look at the scripting options, you could add whatever poses you would like. I will definately incorporate this feature into my mannequins. As far as creating new races for the mannequins, that gets a little more complicated. When you make the rezmans, Reznod's method is to use a seperate, unseen cell to store mannequin reference objects, a chest and trigzone. In order to make new mannequins, you will need to add the race to the cs and change its name (or copy the reznod race by changing its name in the editor ID field). Then set up a cell identical to the container cell in rezmans. You need to make the mannequins have new, unique names in the container cell (the hidden one). Make a new chest and trigzone too, with unique ID's. This is where I would add the new poses to the race's animation packages. You then need to change the scripting in a program such as Notepad ++ running Oblivion scripting syntax. Changing the scripting isn't that bad with the Notepad ++, but was a nightmare in regular text editors. Make the scripts point to the new containers, chest and trigzone. Now scroll through the scripting and find the messgebox with "casting options." I would assume that this is where you would have to copy/paste the scripting. Then change the name to whatever animation pose you would like, then point the script to use the specified pose. I hope that last part would work, but I'm not 100%. Everything but the pose addition works fine in my mod like this. making it use new races would be as simple as creating a new race, cell and scripting changes for each race you would like to use. Simple, eh? lol. In a few weeks, I might be up to partnering up and making this progress work. It sounds like something that Reznod might support. I know that there are a few mods out there that add mannequins. One is for hgec bodies with obse, so I haven't delved into it. I can't even get obse to work for me, I've tried. As far as the other changes you would like to see, some sound fairly simple. Open the esp in the construction set. Find some pedestal in game that you like better. Find that cell in the cs and copy the pedestal (or whetever you would like under the mannequin). Next find the armory lab cell. Paste the object into the window or highlight the bases and use the search and replace function. To fix the height, simply hold the 'z' key and drag the mannequin up. Then, while still dragging, let go of the z key and press 'f' to make the object fall. Alas, there are millions of tutorials on that. I mentioned that I know nothing of obse, so I have no idea what Set Body and Set Body Self is, but it sounds awesome!! I have no idea how to incorporate that. Aren't there armors that only look right on certain bodies? would that make it so that Oblivion had clothing and armor sizes lol? I'm not sure that the weapons can be flagged as sword, axe, knife etc. You might be able to have it scripted so that when you go to activate the wall display, it has an initially disabled sword in the sword holder. You could script it so that the sword was enabled then replaced by the one set into the container (the container would be activated to start the scripts when a weapon was placed inside). I don't know if this approach would work or not. I do however like this idea and think it would be cool to offer a reward when the cases were completely filled, all iron through daedrics. On second thought, you could make it recognize, as it does when you hit something. Hitting the container might be a cool way to add the item. The easiest thing for you to accomplish yourself is to change the pedastals. You can also change the size of the races used as mannequins. Thanks for posting these requests, I will keep them in mind when making my mod. I will also tear apart the scripting on the mannequins in the armory enhanced mod. I likey much. Hope this either gets you or somebody else a little bit of a start in the right direction. theuseless
  19. Wow, I couldn't make sence of that one. And English is my only language. Please repost without the run on sentence. I would reccomend finding a good tutorial on animations and following that one before you try to jump into the deep end. It sounds like you know most of what you have to do, but there are a lot of tutorials on this forum. I'm sure that one of them should work.
  20. Ok, step one. It sounds to me like you installed a patch that wasn't the latest or don't have Shivering Isles installed. I would uninstall and then do a re-install with the latest patch (at least the 1.2x, if not the unffocial patch) If you have trouble with re-installation, check out this guide http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/41082-problems-with-reinstalling-oblivion/ Step two is to make sure that you are running it in the windows7 environment properly.
  21. Finished Obsidian Tileset! I am not going to release it until I release my mod
    1. theuseless


      You suck, keeping all your work for yourself until you use it. Lame Azz
    2. theuseless


      You probably don't even know how to release a clean mod lol.....
    3. Aenya


      You're talkink to yourself now? Interesting...
  22. Hi, so I have been trying to modify a race. I have all the meshes and textures I need other than the face. How do I edit the facegen data? The race that I am modifying is the Reznod's Mannaquins. I can get all the body meshes to look ok, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to make the face unique. As clarification, I need to completely retexture the face. I don't want to simply change the features. I have seen programs on here that will import faces, but I need to make a new, unique one. Any help will get kudos, theuseless
  23. Hi, so I have coppied all the pieces of the Reznod's Mannequins into my mod. I have made all the scripts, cells, race etc unique with unique id's and names. All is good with it except for one thing. I can't make a unique face for them. I can retexture all the other pieces just fine (hand, upper and lower body). I don't understand the way to make the face gen data. I saw a program called FaceGen Modeller, but it costs $500 and I don't even know if it is what I need. Anyody with a good tutorial would e appreciated. If anybody knows how to make my mannequin's face to accept my quartz texture, I would give major kudos. theuseless
  24. just remember that if you do choose to pack a bsa file to only include files that you use in the specific mod. In other words, if you pack a bsa with all the vanilla oblivion meshes/textures you will be just increasing the amount of bloat in the data folder. I put my vote in to pack a bsa. I like them more and many mods can be merged with tes4gecko.
  25. I'm trying to make it so that an npc in my mod equips a certain item. I wish for this npc to wear the item, one of the meshes from Alexander's Wings. I have looked into the scripting functions list and can't figure out anything better than the following code: scn AlexanderWingsEquipScript ref tempRef ref wings begin onLoad set tempref to getcontainer set wings to getself if tempref != player tempref.equipitem wings endif end It doesn't work. I can't figure out how to make the codes work properly. If anybody has help or ideas that point me in the right direction, kudos will be given. I would like to make it so that the script is uniform for any object. I was trying to call the getself function but can't figure out if it works or not. None of the scripts that I have tried to write work and I have searched high and low for an answer here on the forums. -edit- I will gone from the real world for a week or two but will definitely give kudos when I get back to any and all contributors. I will also PM the author of Alexander's Wings, Alexander Wolf, and let him know that the final script was attributed to any contributors.
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