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Everything posted by metaton

  1. This is unbelievable. I found the cause, called Crossfire. If I turned it off, Vram usage went down from 6000 mb to 3000 mb. I just...can't uderstand. The game runs better with one card than with two...
  2. I will test it today without enb/ textures a bit longer to see what is it doing. Also I will test other interior spaces. I will come back with the results soon.
  3. Hello people, I have a very strange issue. My setup is I7 4770K on Asus Hero motherboard with 8gb ram, and 2x R9 290X Sapphire tri- X in crossfire. I am using K Pure light Enb and various textures (Tamriel Reloaded too) mostly 1-2K (TR is just 1K). I have around 250 mods. My game became unplayable, so I decided I will reinstall it. Everything was cool, until I got to Bleakfalls Barrow with the fresh install. I had stable 60-55 Fps (FPS limiter is on at 60) , inside it went down gradually to 18. I went outside gradually went up to 45-50 ish, Back to the dungeon - started from 33 then decreased slowly to 18 again. Ok. I installed Skyrim Performance Monitor and started to monitor what is going on. Vram usage went trought the roof...using 4,5 gigabytes. Removed All texture files (basic skyrim textures remained) and switched to a more light enb. I still got 2500mb VRam usage according to SPM. Something is eating up the VRam. Is anybody can shed some light on this, I am completely clueless what is going on? What is eating 2500 mb of Vram when there are no textures? I got loads of mods, but in Bleakfalls Barrows most of the cloth /weapon / race mods sould not be active (I think) (same for home, hair, eyes, locations and textures elsewhere). I got still like tree mods / grass mods, but again we talking about interior space I thought I could find a culprit, removed some enemies mod and FPS seemed better , went back to full texture mods / Tamriel reloaded K enb. I let it ran for a while, then checked Vram... game slowly went into slideslow, I reached 6000 Mb according to performance monitor. ( probably the system allocated some normal memory too?) What I am saying I understand high Vram usage, if it is stays on a balanced level. But why it is increasing gradually and why I got very high usage even without texture mods? I checked the gpu, cpu..etc. Gpu temps around 75 C which is quite cool for an R9 R290x. Cpu isn`t heating up either. Cpu usage on Performance monitor is low, Gpu is drawing a zig zag line (to the top- to the bottom.) The game is unplayable and every single time I go out to the dungeon and come back, the Vram goes up even higher / enb/texutes or not. It does not CTD, just slows down. Help, please.
  4. Hello, I just wondered is there any mod which generates attacks on your home (maybe even kidnapping your family etc.) like a raid or something / or even occupy it so you would need to hire guards to protect your place / or clear it out? I am looking for a mod which would be capable to work with custom mod homes also. Is there such a thing?
  5. Hello. You could test your mod, because one of the reasons why you won`t see your modded items could be the ID changes. Items can change ID number for various reasons. The other reason could be missing mesh. Is the container belongs to the mod? If it is, then probably the mod itself is fine, you have problem with the items /item location. What you can do: Find out at least one name (the more the better) of the missing items, go ingame, type in into the console: Help itemname (for example dragonbone rifle just type in rifle, or dragonbone) You will get a list. You can navigate with page up or page down in the list. When your item is showing up, take a note of that number what is next to it. Then type in player.additem ********* (***** -----> item number) If you have the item in the list and you can add it to your inventory, then the mod is working and you have problem with item location,or mesh etc. If the item is not in your list, the mod is not working. This would give you ideas what to do next.
  6. This may help. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/tutorials/article/139-sky-how-to-put-other-modders-resources-into-your-mod/ It is helps, but still I would like to know what is the process to create / use other mod assets in my own mod. Do I need to set them as master? Do I need to do anything with them, or just tick them in CK and set my mod as active one? Is it matters how much mods I would like to load in ck as resource? What is the correct procedure in order to work properly and became possible to edit / select / use assets from them?
  7. Thank you guys for all the help, when I get home I will fire up the CK and start experimenting. So you say the problem was that I did not exported the data when I finished with the hair and eyes and stuff?
  8. Thank you for the warning, I almost forgot the copyright:) So in theory if I would like to create a follower, which is belong to a race mod, using another mod`s eyes, and a third mod`s hairs, is there any detailed tutorial how to do that? When I jumped into this, I created a follower in CK, all the mods showed up (I could select eyes, hair, etc IF the race was default (Nord) as soon as I changed into a custom race (from a mod) the other mod`s assets did not showed up in bodyparts section (hairs,eyes) When I created a nord finally with custom hair, eyes, they showed up in the CK, but ingame everything has been reverted to vanilla. I understand how to create a basic follower /npc. What I don`t get, how to use multiple resource mods, and get them working ingame. I am definitely doing something wrong, so this is why I would be happy if someone can direct me to a detailed, advanced guide / tutorial of using multiple resources/ mods / edit existing mod entries. (for example in a quest mod to change an existing npc`s face, hair, eyes...etc.) Regarding the copyright, either I will ask for permission, or just keep the mod for personal use and use it as learning material. I want to, that is the point. This is where I need help. How to merge the static entries? This is another way how mods being created using multiple assets?
  9. Hi people, I decided after long long months (rather years) of playing Skyrim, that I will try to create mods. The only problem is, that I found loads of video guides about the Creation Kit, how to create dungeons, quests etc in a simple way. It is all clear, but I would like to find a more in- depth guide about using multiple mods, how to load them in ck which needs to be a master , how to use for example at npc creation multiple hair/ race / eye / cosmetic mods, what needs to be loaded what the ck load in automatically (skin textures etc?) Is anybody can help me with that, please? I looked everywhere, no luck.
  10. Thank you man, you are amazing. It is solved the issue.
  11. Hi all, I have a little problem, I am playing with bodyslide for quite a while now, and I found this today: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48531/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D48531%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1247844&pUp=1 I wanted to install just the bodyslide preset, I am using it trough MO. My old preset is there, it is working, but when I try this new preset to install it just doesn't want to show up. I found that folder where is my old preset, if I delete it it will disappear from bodyslide too. I copied this new preset next to it, but still it won't show up. I tried to copy it to he bodyslide folder, to the overwrite folder, no avail. Is anybody can help me with this how I need to install this preset to show up in Bodyslide?
  12. Hi guys, I am getting desperate and I hope maybe somebody experienced this I have 255 mods(I am at my limit) I am using some merged patches and perma. I have 5 separate profiles in MO. My first is the assasin. All the other accounts has been copied from it, then I added or removed some mods to create the magician and the warrior. (We talking about 5 -10 mods.) Problem: Skyrim is CTD at 10:00am on the 17th. No matter where I am what I am doing it will crash. If I try to 'fast travel trough' that time it will ctd too. I tried to go to places I had crash in dungeon, in the wild in the cities,when the time comes BAMM. How it is happening? on wait or sleep: either immediate CTD when the counter reaches 10:00 am, or will complete the rest /sleep session then after 3 seconds CTD. Fast travel: if I am at 9:15 for example and fast travel to somewhere the load screen comes up for 3 seconds roughly and CTD. Normal in game waiting (not using wait menu just play) until 10:00am: just CTD exactly at 10:00 am. Now, here comes the fun part: My first account the assasin is not doing it, just all the others. I tried to rule out the mods which I added after the new profiles creation, but they are all have different mods they are not share the same mods at all.(this is why they are different profiles. ) The only thing which is common the same base pool of mods, which is exactly my assasin profile. I am clueless. I really need some help with it, because if I cannot fix this I think I finished with Skyrim. I built my current setup in a year time gradually with trial and error there is no way to going back to the beginning. Later on I will try to post some load order, when I arrive at home. Any ideas what this might be? The game is unplayable as there is no way to getting pass to this point.
  13. Titan would be good. Really good, a monster with a size of 10x regular giant, with unique mesh and textures, so not just a recolored kind of oversized giant. Proper model and behaviour. That would be lovely...
  14. Hi guys, So if we talk about Jotuns and giants, why we not have something like AD&D forgotten realms creatures? Ice trolls (not the one ones what we have, rather something like a classical troll (AD&D) ogres, nordic monsters, SNAKES (snakes oooh yeah, why nobody made some snakes yet?) Ice wolfs (again, AD&D, frost breathing intelligent wolves) ice goblins, orcs etc. Ogar? Somebody with the knowledge could make a nordic creature pack, a new monster mod. Since the original Monster mod seems abandoned... Any thoughts?
  15. Hi Guys, I just had an idea. We have sooooo many female body replacer, but yet you can install one. Ok we have Bodychange, which is a very clever mod, you can set up different kind of bodies, and swap with a single click in MCM. Awesome. But what about the rest of the npcs? Because this is just for the player character. What if somebody would make a Female Body Distribution Framework? (FBDF) What the mod would do, is if you set up a pool of bodies (like in Bodychange) an unp, a CBBE, a UNPB, a sevenbase etc. and the framework would distribute these body types among the npcs. So we could have Ysolda with unp body, and Jenassa with CBBE. Sadia sevenbase. Undress a woman and you will see that she is different that the other lot. Just in real life. Also there should be an option for setting up an NPC manually, just like in SOS so if you want Sadia with sevenbase body, you can set that up. Stage 2: Apart from the above: Weight control too. The framework could distribute the bodies with random weight values. For example Ysolda with unp body, weight 0. Sadia with sevenbase weight 100. Hulda CBBE with weight 67. Stage 3. Going further: in MCM an option panel, like in racemenu, to change NPC body portions, like boob size, waist, belly. NOw we have a breast scale mod, I have just seen it among the top mods today. We could integrate it, or do by XPMSE skeleton and Racemenu. I know it would be possible, because Shape atlas for men doing exactly the same. Distributing bodies with different texture overlays and weights among the male actors and it even can remember the actor values, also you change them by hand, so there is a manual control. All what needs to be done is just merge the Bodychange body pool capabilites with the Atlas shape for man framework / distribution / weight system. If these stages are too difficult, or would take too much time, a simple body swap/ distribution system would be nice nevertheless. What do you think? Reference mods: Bodychange: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37546/? by ElPsyCongrooANK Shape Atlas Man (SAM) http://www.ladymoiraine.com/forum/index.php?topic=8263.0 by VectorPlexus
  16. Merged patches can cause serious CTDs also editing houses. Try without merged patches first, with a new game without editing houses. If there is no CTD must be the merged patches. If there is CTD then must be a mod somewhere down the lane, which was/is present all the time.
  17. Obviously the bodyslide is not working. Are you sure you installed it right? It seems the robe is just plain CBBE not fitted to the body.
  18. Yeah of course, it needs to be checked afterwards. Still it is better than nothing.:)
  19. We will see. :) Load order a funny thing. This is why I use Loot and Boss.
  20. Well, you don`t have to much mods. Reinstall Skyrim, set up a mod manager (Mod Organizer is the best IMO) and then you can track your mod and mod conflicts. If you have Mod Organizer it will warn you if there are any errors /overwritten files.
  21. Hi, Disable the mod, doing a save game clean with this utility: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/? Load the game, play, save. Enable the mod again. IF it is not working, try to move down to the bottom of the load order. If it is still not working try it on a new game. After all of this it should work. If it is working on a new game: save corrupted, you need to go back before it went borked. If it is not working, must be a load order problem or some other glitch. Removing, save cleaning and enabling again can help in this case.
  22. Press shift+ enter, that should bring up ingame ENB menu. There browse settings, you will find the letterbox option. It will be on a right hand side panel.
  23. Would help with helping with helping. That mod what you installed had foreign language letters. You removed it, solved the problem with languages. After that did you went back to a save which was prior installing the mod with the foreign language? Savegames store all the bugs and problems as well in Skyrim. Once it is baked into your save that save is lost, corrupted. Try go back, and check if the problem is still there, or there on a new game. If it is, then you still have a mod / or just loose files which are affecting you game.
  24. I would not install AFT on a setup what is got UFO before. It can get really messy.
  25. Hi. Load order problem: AFT fix is above AFT main esp. In this way, AFT overwrite the fix, so it won`t work. Also try to move AFT and the fix down in load order, as might something is overwrite some of it`s files. When you did that, please come back and let me know if this is helped you or not.
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