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Everything posted by thiafy

  1. It goes away. When you hit TAB, your character still glows in the menu. No glowing in the actual world, ergo why most people just carry on -- but it really bothers me. It looks like the permanent version of this glitch is xbox-only, now, and that there is a fairly simple fix for the PC, but I'm still a little wary.
  2. I first ran into this issue with no mods at all. As far as I'm aware, everyone can run into it, and it's a widespread bug -- is that not the case? There are several forum threads (on other forums) about its existence, and apparently most people just keep playing through it, or it wears off after a while. I'm wondering if there's a fix out there I've missed, and what the state of it is? I have not experienced it myself since before 2009, because I have not used that spell since before 2009 in order to avoid it.
  3. Right. 20 days long enough for a bump? :) Terribly sorry if it's not -- I'll give up on the matter if no one responds this time, promise. EDIT: Eek! It has not been nearly so long as I thought it had been. Sorry. Just. Still really curious about this matter, still can't find much information.
  4. Okay. Thank you very much. :D I think I'll simplify my idea for the moment, work on my scripting, and try this out. We are IN PROGRESS, baby. I have a few ideas - Fore, you have been extremely helpful, and Drake, you've given me an idea that's got me started properly. Thank you both. It'll end up a little different than my original idea, but I have a good idea of what I want to do, now. @BlackBaron2, I've seen spells like that. I don't think it's quite doing the same thing I'm going to end up needing to do. I want it to affect dead NPCs and the player character, mostly -- no one else in my game really runs around naked... Unless they're a nord. I'll probably have it equip an unequippable item with a script of some sort? Or, well. Actually, I'll still look into that Set Body command just in case I'm being obtuse, thank you. :)
  5. Hmm. Yeah, I had this in mind for looted enemies and player characters (I, at least, don't often run into nude NPCs). Only modding looted NPCs wouldn't be as exciting as my original idea, but it is the largest part of what I had in mind. =D I thankfully have a reasonable idea of what you're saying here, too. Any more advice would always be appreciated, though. Then I'd just need to figure out how to replace all undies in the game, for my player character -- still having trouble finding a body-mod-related guide on the CS wiki. I probably just have to set up a .NIF and replace my current files with it, though, I think. Then just make it modular with OBMM, for rapid mind-changing. =D
  6. @ BarefootWarrior: Well, I'm not planning on doing any texturing or meshing myself, but I've found at least one free-for-reuse underwear-type outfit that would suit each different race (or group of races), and a few extras for people to choose between, once I go and figure out how to script OMODs. And, well, I can also retexture, yes, so there might be a few new recolors. :) I know that the various body mod makers all include underwear versions. So I just need to figure out how to change the underwear, period, and then if it's possible to make the underwear unique for each race. --- @Fore: Ooh! Hmm. Well... even if it's not easy, if the instructions are thorough enough, I should be able to manage it. We'll see. =D Thank you. edit: "Until a way is figured out to change Oblivion from pointing to the body meshes (over in the _male folder), having unique body meshes appears to be impossible." -- That mod's creator. However, it looks like it may be possible with scripts? Or something similar, at any rate. If anyone has any idea how, I am willing to try my hand at anything. :) (Now that I think of it, the creator of the Argonian Beautification mod had some sort of script to make an interesting foot mesh apply to all argonians, didn't they?)
  7. Underwear is basically clothing that all characters wear by default until different clothing is put over it, yes? I'm wondering if I can make it vary by character race -- bloomers for some and moderately fancy-looking shifts for others (altmer), for instance (and if I could manage an OMOD script to let people choose what goes on who, that would be even better). I'm planning to tailor it to my favorite body mod, which has conversions for all the clothing I want to use, and I know how to ask permission before posting it up anywhere. :) Is there a guide somewhere on making underwear? Or just a body mod-making guide, which certainly would include such instructions? I'm having trouble figuring out what search terms I should use. And is it even possible for the underwear to vary by character race?
  8. Okay. Thanks, everyone! =D @Deadlykris: I love your sig. So much. Now I have awesome Skyrim music stuck in my head again. <3
  9. Okay. :) Thank you! edit: It says "This form is to be used ONLY for reporting objectionable content and is not to be used as a method of communicating with moderators for other reasons." Are you sure that's where I should be asking for threads to be moved, or...?
  10. So, I asked a question on the General Oblivion discussion forum, and I've realized that I probably should have posted it in the Troubleshooting forum, as it is a question about a bug (it's here). Should I repost a shortened version of the question on the troubleshooting forum, now that five days have gone by and I clearly barked up the wrong tree, or is there a way for me to move it over and then just edit it? I'd normally just leave it, but I think it's that the people who would know don't frequent that side of the forums, not necessarily that no one knows. Also: All swearing/inappropriate language is generally prohibited, yes? So for most general forums, I should try to talk as though a 12-year-old could see it? Is there any way for me to delete my posts in cases of accidental double-posting?
  11. Right. I love the Elder Scrolls games to bits, but I understand money is an issue with game-buying (well, it is for me, anyways). If you can afford it, I would indeed suggest the PC versions of both Morrowind and Oblivion -- I've gotten six years out of Oblivion, with mods. Morrowind is hard to play on the xbox, for me, but it's a beautiful game if you're willing to sit tight and humor it. That said -- Oblivion is definitely worth it, if you have the spare cash, but you might want to wait for Skyrim anyways. The most recent game is always (well, normally) the most impressive, and therefore the best way to get into or back into the series -- if you think that Oblivion's occasionally repetitive and ugly main plot, or the old engine, etc. might bug you, wait for Skyrim, then get into Oblivion later if you're still interested, when it's cheap. :) The Morrowind community is still somewhat active to this day -- Oblivion will still have some life in it for a few more years. Oblivion's graphics are still solid, even after six years (moreso with mods, which are plentiful). You can completely avoid the main plot -- which I advise, actually. It's worth one or two runs through, for the amazing voice acting and some particularly astonishing zones, but the main plot is hella blah for the most part. The world is huge, though (especially if you don't fast travel), the sidequests are humorous, and the guild quests are absolutely golden (each is almost as long as the main plot, and far more interesting - and again, there are mods to extend most if not all of them). I will complain that I want moar sidequests, but that's probably because I've played through the game at least 30 times. Cost/benefit. If you have money to kill, and you want something to do for three months (or you think you'll love Oblivion as much as we do), then go for it. If you want a new game full of fresh ideas, though, Skyrim is worth the wait.
  12. Have you guys seen how the Charr will move in Guild Wars 2? That would be an awesome lycanthrope animation style. Humanoid, but moves on all fours. I'm not too concerned about whether we'll have them or not. It'd be cool if we did, but like with vampires in most games, unless there's a questline attached I will probably only try it out a few times. I mostly prefer normal characters. Then again, I did roll a lot of werewolves in the Sims -- if they look decent, and they can go out in the sun... edit: That Castlevania image is bloody amazing. Yes please.
  13. Ohh, pack mule spousies. Skyrim, I will love you so much. XD And fft, I wasn't worried about if they had or hadn't included gay marriage -- mods, baby. <3 I love that every RPG series I have ever played except Gothic has gay marriage, now, though. (Although. Does the Dragon Age series technically have gay marriage, or do you just live in sexy sexy sin?)
  14. Mehh. It depends on how the game plays. I'm a huge fan of realistic/immersion mods for Oblivion, so if there's no eating option in default Skyrim, I will go for mods like that, and probably mods that make the game more challenging in various other ways as well. Also, if they don't have a suitably butch orc wifey, my first order of business will be to mod one up. Possibly just to hear the BBB fans whine about how sick I am. Otherwise, though? I'm happy with the visual direction, the mechanics look solid so far, etc. No possible complaints as yet.
  15. Honestly, I think this is a good idea. I'm a bit middle-of-the-road on this -- I don't mind some pretty nudity in my games, but on the other hand, I don't play video games to get sexually aroused. Not Oblivion, anyways, Lmao. It sounds like Fallout has even more of this sort of stuff than Oblivion, so if what you're saying is true, then that would definitely be a solution -- I don't think anyone would disagree that assless chaps are "sexual" in nature. :) Even just leaving it completely up to the individual modder would still catch enough of the content under that heading that you wouldn't be inundated with it, and people who want to be inundated with it can choose to be so. My only concern is the practical side -- how easy it is for the site to implement something like this. Some sites get tetchy about having too many categories, which is understandable. edit: ... Actually, an option in Advanced Search to turn off adult content for that specific search would cover it. There's an option for only adult content -- just add one for none, so Clothing can be specifically searched for under that heading.
  16. Yeah... Baurus was the only character I had any emotional attachment to, too. Honestly, I have played through the main plot like five times, and I barely remember any of it after Baurus stops being immediately involved. I haven't played through it again since I started downloading mods, way back in 2009. The guild plots are so much better it's not even funny. And yes, the problem is the lack of choice. The main plot can only be played through, I feel, if you are a Lawful Good character. It's the Fighter's Guild for definitely-good-guys. It's not replayable. It's not engaging. And it's so repetitive. I remember that the Paradise area was awesome, but you can only visit it once, at the end of a horrifyingly tedious plotline, so that's not even worth it. =/ I will probably eventually go through with it on this character, if I get high enough in level (I run OOO, now), but I hate those Oblivion gates so much that I'm not sure I'm looking forward to it.
  17. The internet is a big place. There are lots of things you can just happen to not bump into, Lol. But yes, lots of stuff like that, so a search will probably get you plenty. :)
  18. This looks like what you want, more or less. More outfits like that: "Schoolgirl" search string on TESNexus. "Uniform" string. In English, we call outfits like that school uniforms ("schoolgirl" will also get you results for female school uniforms). A google search, or a search on another Oblivion site, might give you more results, too. :) Lots of people make stuff like this for Oblivion.
  19. I don't fast travel, so I don't really mind. And yes, that Bashed Patch feature is under "assorted tweaks" or something like that and it does sound like a good fix for that. :) Set it so you can fast travel as long as you're five feet away, aaand... well. Yes. The Bashed Patch is glorious.
  20. Firefox has some bugs, depending on the version. If someone wants to fix the problem by using a different browser, there are a few more choices as well: google Chrome, Safari, or Opera, off the top of my head. I am presently on Opera (least bugs), and I have used all browsers mentioned here except for IE to use the Nexus site with no problems (although since the update it's been mostly Opera and Chrome). edit: Sod, little bit of a necropost. Sorry.
  21. Malacath. King of the sexy sexy orcs. ... No, seriously. I like his sphere, I like his people, I like how the other daedric princes won't recognize him as a daedric prince. I like the orc religious controversy involving him. I like how he protects his followers, and I like his nicknames for ogres (who are adorable little squashy things, btw). I've also always been a little fond of Sanguine. His Oblivion quest is. Well. Words fail.
  22. I use Improved Facial Textures (IFT v2.1), and otherwise let Robert's Female do all the work. Works like a charm. I, however, tend to err on the side of realism, and I don't mind default oblivion overmuch -- there are other facial mods, such as Beautiful People, that might appeal more to those who would tend to be fond of things like HGEC. This image, which has kindly been uploaded by Flazard to the tesnexus user screenshots of the various face-retexturing mods it shows, is an excellent comparison to start you off (Beautiful People is not shown, and is in fact a bit more than just a face-retexture mod -- I've never used it, but I recall it being quite popular in the past, at the very least. There seem to be some new options for your character's appearance that a perfectionist might appreciate). I tend to keep to the default skin textures included with my body mod, otherwise. Going off of those seems quite liable to give you neck/body color issues, yes -- I'm afraid someone else will have to dish out advice about that. As for non-skimpy armor -- this armor replacement is possibly my favorite replacement mod for the entire game, and makes the female iron and chainmail armors delightfully realistic-looking. If you examine the page, the author of this mod also provides a link to the non-sexy armor list (which is for both genders, and is well populated with choices for both -- although it has not been updated in a while, it has some very nice mods on it and is worth looking at). For specific female outfits, Elegance for HGEC is rather lovely. There are also several popular robe mods that I won't go into, because it would take me a bit of time to track them all down, but they're generally all very lovely and fairly easy to find on your own. :)
  23. For non-skimpy armor: Documn kindly pointed out the following list to me, indirectly -- Non-Sexy Armor It's for both genders. It hasn't been updated in a while, but I know for a fact that some of the male-only armor in there is supremely fantastic (because I only roll girls, and I was hella jealous. XD) As for the question of whether or not to bring armor -- you need either Alchemy, Alteration, or an Armor skill, generally (or very good Restoration and mad dodging skills. Block doesn't hurt). But the three are frankly interchangeable, depending on how you want to play -- and if you don't want to have to keep finding Potatoes and such for potions, and you don't care to keep recasting Shield spells, then Light Armor tends to be easier on your spell effectiveness than Heavy Armor. Presently, my concept for a spellcaster (spellsword, specifically) which I plan to implement shortly is as follows: Race: Breton or Altmer Attributes: Endurance and Willpower (may replace one for Luck) Major Skills: Alteration, Athletics, Blade, Block, Destruction, Illusion, Speechcraft. No armor, just a good ol' shield spell and some well-timed blocking. Lots of Destruction, Alteration and Illusion use, but no plans to build much or any skill with the various other types of magic (except Restoration/Alchemy, as needed). More skills?: To complement your current skill set, you need a good idea of how you want your class to feel. The above is supposed to be a bit of a spellsword/bard. You can also take into account what skills your character's race is particularly good at (see here) -- if you're playing an Altmer or a Dunmer, for instance, you may as well take advantage of the starting racial bonus for Destruction. It's a very nice one. Note that your Specialization adds an additional +5 to related skills: a Breton Magic-specialist with a major skill of Conjuration, Mysticism, or Restoration will start out with 40 points in that skill -- 10 away from Journeyman level. Since magicka is an essential resource for a mage, a way of causing damage without magic (in case it does run out, which it will) is rarely a bad idea. You may want to invest in Hand-to-Hand, Blade or Blunt -- Destruction makes Marksmanship a bit pointless (if you're building up your Magicka anyways and you've got good Destruction, that's actually a bit objectively-better, so I hear), but something you can pull out at close-quarters can be very useful. Additionally, Speechcraft, Mercantile, Athletics, and Acrobatics all never hurt anyone (especially if you're using a mod which fixes the levelling issue of which you speak -- I use Abo's Realistic Levelling and OOO), and are good standbys. I generally choose two out of those four and throw them in, depending on the type of character I'm making. Other notes: If you're going into Alteration, security will become useless fairly quickly. Generally (depending on mods), you can skip it over and just focus on your Alteration without any worries. Block is most useful if you plan to use some armor (i.e. a shield), but doesn't hurt regardless. If you are using any type of armor, the Armorer skill is generally invaluable (in my experience).
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