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Everything posted by thiafy

  1. The Light Spell tends to get stuck -- on your character, in various menus, et cetera. Personally, it bugs me so much I avoid the entire spell -- are there any patch mods out now that fix it? It doesn't look like the UOP or UOP supplemental have fixed it (and I have browsed through both UOPs' changelogs fairly thoroughly), and the UESPWiki hardly mentions that particular bug at all, that I can see. Anyone know?
  2. Thank you very much! I believe that's exactly what I wanted, on all counts -- it even looks like there's a ModDisposition function in that list, for my tangential idea. =D Thank you!
  3. Er, sorry about the over-long title. What I mean to ask is (abbr.): "How do I make an NPC attack the player after certain dialogue?" I know the game does it in a few instances -- I want to give myself the opportunity to be horribly cheeky and get my butt whupped for it in the mod I'm making right now. In the name of roleplaying, of course. What script would I put in the Result Script area to achieve this? A disposition -100 or so script is what I have in mind -- or should I do something else entirely? Better yet, is there a list of scripts like this somewhere that I can reference? It would be fantastic to be able to do a lot of disposition-tweaking-via-dialogue, actually, because then I could just shut off persuasion on certain key NPCs and have you get to know them naturally. So advice would be awesome. :)
  4. I'm making a small band of hunters with their own little camp. There'll be a player "house" (tent) with The Luggage and probably a small quest or two, and some hopefully-amusing dialogue, but otherwise, the main thing carrying it is going to have to be its placement -- I'm making it so my character can use it as a base of operations for her hunting (hence The Luggage). There must, therefore, be good hunting nearby -- and preferably not too many quest-related caves or ruins or what have you, because these guys are going to be scripted to go out and kill. Obviously, I will add a few spawns or adjust the amount of killing involved so the area isn't any less hard, but I want the area to be a challenging, secluded one (otherwise, the characters I have planned won't really fit). So. Does anyone know what wilderness areas contain level 5-15 enemies with OOO? Seen any spots with large herds of wild boar, wolves, or deer? Feel free to be vague, I have no problems scouting it out for myself. I just want to know if someone has an idea of where to start (because the area south of Chorrol, where I did start scouting, is not sitting well with me -- too populated, what with Hackdirt and Weatherleah and the bandit camps just past that, and way too easy in the areas before it starts getting all gold-y -- swamps or mountainous areas are fine, but the Gold Coast doesn't quite fit my concept). On a related note, what is the hardest wilderness area you have ever run into with OOO installed? What level were you, and how badly did they whup your butt? Any responses at all (even "this area is pretty, build it here, derp derp") are appreciated. :)
  5. Arthmoor's Faregyl Village was made with the intention of remedying this a bit, as well: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21562 And the amazing Unique Landscapes people have a farm mod (Roland Jenseric's farm), which is probably the best for making the game feel like it has an actual agricultural system without any other fuss: http://www.oblivionmodwiki.com/index.php/Unique_Landscapes:_Rolling_Hills:_Roland_Jenseric's_Farm I think there are a few other village/hamlet mods with farms, too. You're definitely not the only person to notice this. :)
  6. I'm new to modding as well. I believe an NPC-summon spell requires scripting (since such summon spells all use the default scripting spell icon) -- you might want to ask someone who's made one how they did it, or check the Elder Scrolls wiki if you haven't already. For modding basics, the Elder Scrolls Construction Wiki: Beginner's Guide to Modding Retexturing Made Easy There's also: The Oblivion Modder's Manual (at Planet Elder Scrolls, TESNexus, readable online at Better Oblivion) Et cetera. :)
  7. The best mod I ever downloaded, and probably ever will download, is Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. It makes the world more challenging, but also far, far more interesting. You WILL have to run away from powerful Daedric creatures if you encounter them at level 2, just like you'd expect in real life (if powerful Daedric creatures existed in real life...). If you find you're getting killed to often (with or without any mods) press esc, then click "gameplay", and move the bar down towards the easier setting. It'll at least give you more time to run away, more likely than not. :thumbsup: OOO adds quests, new items, and dramatically changes the AI of creatures. Wolves now might attack you, or run away, or attack that deer behind you. It makes the world alot more interesting and realistic. The following guide tells you how to download: http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/OOO/OOO_Guide.html But it can be a bit confusing. So, just go here: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=3953 And download these files: OOO_133_Complet...tup.exe and OOO_134_Beta_5_Patch.7z And you're set. Download the OOO_133_Complete file first, then the OOO_134_Beta_5_Patch. They're .exes, which means they're simple to download. Unzip them, then double-click, and follow the instructions. Make sure to read descriptions carefully, especially on plugins that aren't recommended (some of them can be confusing), and I suggest reading the descriptions of them in the readme. I recommend the full install, with Flora and Living Economy (cutthroat merchants might or might not be advisable for a newbie - only download it if you don't mind having a bit of trouble making gold), and otherwise using the default, recommended settings. It works well. -Other, similar/related mods- Some people use MMM (Martigen's Monster Mod) in conjunction with (not sure how) or instead of OOO. Since Mart's Monster mod adds spiders, bug-like creatures, slime creatures, and MORE zombies, and is (in my opinion) not as awesome, I personally opted for OOO, but you /can/ easily remove the spiders and bug-like creatures (and all manner of other creatures that people tend to have phobias of) from MMM, with a simple .esp file included with the mod, just not the zombies. And some people do like it better. I would NOT advise getting FCOM if you're not experienced with mods, if only because it can be extremely confusing to download. It adds ALOT of content to the game (all of the OOO, the MMM, and two other mods), but it really is a huge endeavor to download. Make sure you remember to eat lunch while you're doing it, if you do, because this thing can cause tears otherwise. Also, IMPORTANT: If you DO get it, read ALL of this: http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcominstall.html
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