It may be Wooden Soldier Toy 4 and it isn't McCready toy either. I stumbled onto it in Fort Hagen. When I picked it up, it did a pop up like a perk would. When I tried to put it on a shelf it became a full sized mannequin where if I drop it it looks like a crouching Redcoat. When I pick it up it acts like a book with the Read option. The ID is ff0020ee. If I remember correctly, the ff should be the FormID of the mod it came from but I don't have a mod with that FormID. Help?
I just realized that the DCmS mod was hidden. I've haven't had any problems with it yet and I'm hoping none come up. I really don't want to have to restart again and this mod is essential.
Hopefully one of the features will be to be able to easily import your current setups into NMO. Right now I use MO for Skyrim, MO2 for Fallout 2 , and NNM for Skyrim SE.
You are not alone. I was playing the game with no problem just a couple days ago and now I keep getting an error when I try to load the game that Fallout 4 has stopped working.
In response to post #37299430. My guess is that it won't be fixed until the next update of NMM. I go check New Recently list daily to see if any mods I use are listed.
In response to post #37179945. #37180065, #37187110, #37187155, #37187485, #37187870, #37188675, #37188720, #37188775, #37189305 are all replies on the same post. I activate all my mods through NMM and it always removes the *.