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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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i dont know how you would think about this question guys but im quite confused with the matter. ive run with some game that has modding capabilities but the various mod authors of that game decided to somehow lock it on a basis of "legitimate copy only" terms. but here is the question about that, isnt modding suppose to be done to modify a game? and modifying something means you would most likely void any warranty you have for your game. i dont know where im going with this but why such mods exsist? anyway last question would be just a simple, "where is some of the mod or mod authors these days?" Edited by ZengarZonvolt
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Well said. I have been on this site since the beginning. Long ago with Morrowind. Well, close to that. I think I had another user name then. Been through the ups and downs of the community. Your point of not even looking at what you've been through is very Valid. I thank you for taking the time to explain.
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Hey Dark0ne, can I make a request?


Change the permission from "I have not uploaded my mods to Bethesda.net for console users yet, but I will at some point." to "I have not uploaded my mods to Bethesda.net for console users yet, but I MAY at some point.". It kinda feels like an obligation on how you worded it.


Honestly I find Bethesda.net to be a pile of <censored>. Seriously the first comments on my only mod there were clear trolls and no button to report them :C 30-40 hours of work and I get trolled :S Dunno if I will continue to use Bethesda.net after I finish that mod.


Anyway thanks for the Nexus man, I won't say there are no trolls here - but at least you team deals with them for me ;)

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In response to post #39493020. #39493465 is also a reply to the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*&#33;.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.

While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

Edited by Red890
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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*&#33;.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple. Edited by daedriccat
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In response to post #39487475. #39489255 is also a reply to the same post.

ChizFoShiz wrote: I personally don't mind Bethesda.net, seems fine for a console interface. It's unfortunate that the backend is rough for authors but that'll get better I'm sure.

After trying it out on PC the only real problem I have with it is having to leave the game running to actually download anything but I mean, that's clearly just because it works the exact same way as it's console counterpart and is therefore not going to be for most PC users, and that's fine.

As an author, I've not really been a part of any of this since modding for Fallout holds zero appeal out of "There's till no smoking mod? Man I'll just make my own, oh someone made one now? Well I made my own anyway so whatever I guess."

I'm pretty excited to start throwing stuff to the console community once Skyrim gets released though, especially since some of my colleagues and friends don't game on PC and always got excited when I showed them videos of crap I was working on.

With any luck we'll get a CK update too and won't have an unstable hot mess of a tool to use, Fallout's is such a better experience than Skyrim's that the idea of going back to that same crash-fest bums me out.

Anyway, happy modding or mod using or whatever, everyone stop being a jerk and email your local Bethesda representative or whatever, here's to maybe another 2000 hours of Creation Kit-ing later this year, hope to see you there!

AveragePhotoshopSkills wrote: not only does the game have to be running but you have to be ACTIVELY in the game watching it download, its cancer.

I started a 2gb download and alt-tabbed to watch some streams on twitch, when I alt tabbed back a couple of hours later it was still at 1%

Calling it cancer implies it is somehow harmful, which would certainly be the case if there are no alternatives, but pc users are still able to use whatever method of sharing they want.

It's a console solution and it works fine to that end.

Hyperbolic statements like that are just fuel on this whole dumb fire. Edited by ChizFoShiz
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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*&#33;.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

daedriccat wrote: You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple.

Isn't it always the way. The people who've never endorsed a thing here, never added a mod of their own, or even a picture for others to enjoy, want to share their "valuable insights" on how authors should really feel when their work is stolen. It's incredible.
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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*&#33;.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

daedriccat wrote: You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple.
RaffTheSweetling wrote: Isn't it always the way. The people who've never endorsed a thing here, never added a mod of their own, or even a picture for others to enjoy, want to share their "valuable insights" on how authors should really feel when their work is stolen. It's incredible.

If you can't be bothered to read the entire thing, then at least copy and ctrl+F search for this section: "Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?"

It's not a question about someone having too much "ego." It's about having respect for other people's effort to actually create content for everyone to enjoy.
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In response to post #39485330. #39488480, #39488735, #39490310, #39491875 are all replies on the same post.

MrJoseCuervo wrote: I urge modders to keep their console brothers in mind when they make mods. Make sure your mods are in good working order and safe for them to use. We don't want any consoles getting damaged due to poor modding.
alanlwilcox wrote: How can a PC modder EVER make a mod safe for console gaming? There are no tools for a console game as said in an earlier post. Consoles are a new world that only Bethesda may know enough about to mod for them. I would think that consoles would be at great risk and will blame these modders for problems caused by pirated mods.
A_name wrote: There are 0 tools for a modder to troubleshoot on a console. And frankly asking a modder to buy 2 consoles just to test his mods is ridiculous anyway.

Maybe we should encourage the thieves or pirates to do the testing?
I am pretty damn sure a handful of modders would be glad to outsource this to them.
If they ask first of course.
chinagreenelvis wrote: AFAIK there shouldn't be any difference. Console mod problems will come from the the same source as PC mod problems: load order. It's not like you can write a mod that will physically destroy a console.
CrazyIvan12 wrote: ...and the troll/asshole, emboldened by this statement, set out to create a mod designed to do just that.

But in all seriousness, the biggest problem would be troubleshooting. People (including me) don't use consoles ever, and as a result, they have no way to bug test. I personally think, if the modder is the "won't upload to bethsda.net" type, if they can work something out with a console user to troubleshoot the mod, that they should think about uploading to bethesda

It's already quite difficult enough making sure your mod even works on the PC. My "Populated Wasteland" mod worked perfectly fine for me, but a lot of users reported problems on their end and I simply had no idea what could be causing it. If I'm not experiencing the same problems, how else can I troubleshoot it?

Now imagine if I had to do that for consoles too. That's just too much of a headache to even bother with.
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In response to post #39493020. #39493465, #39494175, #39494320, #39494820, #39495215 are all replies on the same post.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*&#33;.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.
LightningYu wrote: So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support.
Red890 wrote: While I also stopped reading after a while (It really was very long and repetitious),

I don't understand how you not only missed the point entirely, but have such a backwards and stupid view on how modding works. Modders don't like their work being stolen. I don't like my work being stolen (although I use Steam Workshop mostly). We spend dozens of hours or more (depending on mod size) working on projects we think are cool and are interesting for the community without pay.

The LEAST we deserve is credit for the work we've done and where the content WE produce can be distributed. Having some brainless shitlord include my map or skin in some stupid, bloated "l337 pack" doesn't make me happy. It makes me outright furious if they attempt to claim it as their own.

Now, I don't know if you're simply stupid, or if you are simply a petulant child that doesn't know much effort goes into making a good mod (maybe you're both), but saying "just be happy people can enjoy the content your made, even if they deliberately stole it and didn't credit you" has GOT to be the most retarded thing written this year.

By that insipid logic, movie credits shouldn't be a thing. Authors, musicians, and game developers should all remove their names from their work. After all, it doesn't matter who steals or copies it since those original creators should be HAPPY that people can enjoy their content, regardless of if they're credited or not.

I for one would be overjoyed to spend 100 hours working on a CSGO level for the explicit purpose of letting some 12 year old steal it, and claim original ownership. In fact, I should probably thank them, right?

daedriccat wrote: You can't just come in and demand what you want. It's that simple.
RaffTheSweetling wrote: Isn't it always the way. The people who've never endorsed a thing here, never added a mod of their own, or even a picture for others to enjoy, want to share their "valuable insights" on how authors should really feel when their work is stolen. It's incredible.
arn13 wrote: If you can't be bothered to read the entire thing, then at least copy and ctrl+F search for this section: "Why should mod authors care about others taking their work? Surely they release mods so that as many people as possible can enjoy them?"

It's not a question about someone having too much "ego." It's about having respect for other people's effort to actually create content for everyone to enjoy.

+ the point:

"9. Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all."

End of story.

I wish to have option to block some users from my mods ;)
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