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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. Hi. I just transferred my game from one computer to another computer... again. Game seems to be working fine, but when I started a new game, I couldn't exit Doc Mitchell's house. The game just continued to load and load and load, switching background load screens and the little roulette wheel spinning, non-stop without end. I loaded a save where I was at the Mojave Outpost and tried to Fast Travel to Goodsprings. Same endless loading. So I loaded that save again and walked all the way from the Mojave Outpost to Goodsprings. And I was surprised by what I saw. All the trees... and I mean the healthy trees that stood tall with visible roots, trunks, branches, and probably leaves... The leaves were replaced with what looked like rainbow crystal panels. When I reached the exact center of town, my game froze. I think the problem may be whatever is causing the tree leaves to be rainbow crystal panels. Any idea what's wrong? I've been without my game for months. I want to play bad... Help a girl out? *pouts*
  2. Dammit... I guess this is where Community Bugfix Compilation Patch comes in handy. I just wish they still worked on it...
  3. Huh... That's... really weird... The game runs fine as long as the number of mods are up to 9F Once I activate another mod, any other mod, to make the bottom one A0, it says my previous saves are corrupt, and the heads when I start a new game are all red exclamation points... That's not all. Even when I have mods just up to 9F, the eyes are pink on everyone. That's 160 mods on the dot, I think... This can't be a coincidence...
  4. Plugins? What do you mean by plugins? And I'm not sure, but I think my old computer was 32-bit, but the new one is 64-bit. Or was it the other way around?
  5. Okay, so I went to Steam and defragged the game. That didn't work. Then I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it. That didn't work. I'm running out of options... I haven't played Fallout in months...
  6. Okay, I tried reinstalling my game. When steam validates my files, the bar gets to the end before I get a message saying 1 file couldn't be validated and needed to be reacquired... Then that's it. Same thing if I try to reinstall it again. Any idea what's going on?
  7. I transferred my files to a new computer. Now everyone's heads are replaced with red ! diamonds (except a floating set of teeth), and everyone's hands are pink. I thought it was archiveinvalidation, so I reactivated it (had to show it where fallout.ini_defualt was), but it's still doing it. What's going on? >.<
  8. I just transferred my Fallout: New Vegas files to another computer. It went off without a hitch, and I can play a new game just fine, but... Whenever I'm on the main menu after booting up the game, I click continue or load, but it just says all my save games are corrupt and cannot be loaded. Any idea what's going on? Can my saves be saved?
  9. Awesome. Thanks. Um, say... is there a possible way to keep my Fallout: New Vegas files on a flash drive and use them to play on any PC I want? Essentially, New Vegas in travel size? Or do the files have to be located in Program Files to work?
  10. Oh, sorry. Should've clarified. I'm getting a new PC. Need to transfer my game from my old PC to my new one. I won't be using Steam on both PCs.
  11. Is it possible to transfer Steam and Fallout: New Vegas from one computer to another, such as with a large flash drive or other data storage, or would I have to re-install it due legal restraints?
  12. Be warned, though. Fellout makes the nights pitch-black for no adequately explored reason.
  13. The first chapter is up! Yay! =D Link Let me know what you think here, in this topic. Don't post in that one. This is the official discussion and comment topic now.
  14. Discussion and Comment Topic: Link - - - - - - - - - - Disclaimer: Fallout belongs to Bethesda, who purchased the rights from Black Isle. Willow, J.T., and most other strays that appear belong to LlamaRCA. Any other non-canonical characters belong to Cyberweasel89. - - - - - - - - - - Fallout: New Vegas Willow’s Gamble By Cyberweasel89 Prologue: Special Encounter - - - - - - - - - - The woman by the side of the road was what many people would consider attractive. Tall, slender. Platinum blonde hair down to her shoulders, framing her face. Clear blue eyes. She was dressed for practicality when traversing the desert. Black boots, blue jeans, a brown leather jacket over a black shirt that showed her impressively toned midriff. A leather backpack rested on her back, seemingly stuffed to the brim with who knew what, while a thin chain necklace graced her elegant neck. She carried no weapon, though, and certainly seemed distraught. Looking back and forth along the road, she spotted a dust cloud heading toward her from Primm. She waved her arms to get the person’s attention, and luckily he slowed down and pulled his red motorcycle to a stop next to her. It was a man, dressed in reinforced leather armor that looked backed with gecko skins, boxing tape wrapped around his hands. He seemed incredibly pale, almost ghost white, but his face was hidden under a motorcycle helmet, biker goggles, and some sort of breathing mask. Most of his luggage seemed stuffed in the sidecar attached to the bike. “Hey! Did you see a couple of guys on the road just now? They robbed me! Bastards.” The man shook his head. “Oh. Well, they took my favorite rifle, and some other stuff. I still have my spiked knuckles, but now I don’t have a gun. Plus, my leg is hurt.” The man simple looked down at her leg, then back up at her face. “I used all my medical supplies on my leg. That’s how I’m moving around so well, but it’s still sore. And it’s impossible to prove I’ve been robbed. You’ll just have to believe me. I am telling the truth. Oh, wait! I found this.” She walked up and handed him a piece of paper, noticing when he held out his hand that he had a Pip-Boy 3000 on his wrist. “They dropped it. The thieves dropped it.” He gave it a once over before reaching into a bag at his waist and handing her a handful of bottle caps. “Oh! Thanks, but no, I don’t need caps. I need a different weapon to go after them with.” He just stared at her. “What? Yes, I’m going after them. I’d rather not do it alone, but I will. I want my stuff back.” The oddly quiet fellow reached into the bag in his sidecar and threw her an unusual .223 pistol. The metal, usually a shiny black, looked faded compared to most models. “Uh... Thanks?” He got up and picked his backpack up out of the sidecar, strapped to his back, then gesturing toward the now empty seat. “What? You want me to ride with you? Does that mean... You’ll help me get my stuff back?” He nodded. “Thanks. Though, I don’t have any caps to pay you with.” He held out his hand to stop her, shaking his head. “You don’t want anything in return?” He shook his head again. “Well... Gee, I didn’t think that kind of generosity existed out here anymore. Thanks. If it makes you feel any better, I’m a good shot. I started hunting with my Dad when I was a little kid. Plus, I’m a lot of fun to have around.” She couldn’t tell through all the gear he wore over his face and on his head, but it seemed like he was smiling at her. He reached into a pouch at his waist and handed her some 5.56mm rounds. “Thank you so much. My name’s Willow, by the way. It’s nice to meet you. But, please do hurry. I’m anxious to get going.” He nodded, taking a seat on his motorcycle and gesturing toward the sidecar. “Great! Listen, I want to tell you exactly what I lost, so you’ll know what to look for, okay? You know about my rifle, This Machine, that’s what I call it. And there are two other things. Chester, a teddy bear I’ve had forever, and Moira, a doll. I hope we find the toys. I’m embarrassed to admit this and I know it sounds stupid, but I do love them. Thanks again for helping me.” He seemed to be smiling at her again. Willow climbed it, her shoulder bumping what looked like a red-hilted katana in a brown wooden scabbard. Positioning it so it would stay upright as she sat, she held on as her mysterious new friend revved the engine and took off down the road, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.
  15. I just wanted to say that I will no longer be updating Unknown Origins on the Nexus. Too much hassle to edit it both on the Nexus and on Fanfiction.net, especially when I need to make changes to previous chapters. If you want to read Unknown Origins, it can be found on Fanfiction.net under the author Cyberweasel89. But... I have an idea for a Willow fanfiction. As in, the Willow companion mod by LlamaRCA. If I write this, it would be a Nexus exclusive most likely. I just need to know if people would be interested. If anyone thought Unknown Origins was too close to the game, I feel you should know that this Willow fanfic will take place before the beginning of Fallout: New Vegas and will feature a male love interest to Willow who is NOT the Courier, but an original character. To start off, I need some suggestions. Namely, the title, what the male lead should be like, and if I'd be allowed to post it here where more people would find it instead of in the Druid's Garden. I have some ideas of my own as to the former two, but I'd still like to hear people's ideas. And yes, I will be including J.T. X3
  16. Okay, has anyone noticed how rare Throwing Knives are? I've only been able to buy them from Mick and Ralph's special hidden weapon stock. You can't find them anywhere in containers, on enemies, or lying around. Is this a bug?
  17. On it! I'll let you know when it's done. EDIT: Oh, wait... You want to not lose all the quests... Sorry, I can only get rid of the NCR guys who come after you if you trigger Don't Tread on the Bear...
  18. Has anyone else encountered the extremely glitchy dialogue with Boxcars in Primm? Normally, whenever I greet him the first time, he just says "What is it this time?!". But one time when I greeted him the first time, he called me the "Powder Gangers' grim f***ing reaper" because I was vilified by them. It's never happened again. Normally, after talking to him the first time, I can greet him again and ask him things again. I can even tell him I rescued the Powder Gangers enslaved from Nipton, to which he responds he doesn't care. But one time, he just asked what I wanted and the only option was to say goodbye. This ultimately broke the Wheel of Fortune quest, where you need to ask Boxcars where the Radiation Suit Package is for the contracted scavengers in Camp Searchlight. Does anyone know enough modding to make a fix to Boxcars' extremely buggy dialogue? I've looked all over, and there doesn't seem to be one. Which is strange, because you'd think it'd be sorely needed.
  19. Sigh... What gets me is that no matter who suggests a new mod, no one actually agrees that it should be made, or at least doesn't say so if they think os. You only get people saying reasons you shouldn't make the mod, even though they're not going to use it if it's made anyway... Which, logically, would give people willing to make it reasons not to make. And the sad thing is, most of the people who do this are Nexus long-timers...
  20. Well... I hate to disappoint you, but Antistar has no intention of fixing the redundancy of GRA for a WMX compatibility patch. He plans to embrace it. Just check out the comments on WMX to hear it from Antistar himself.
  21. Um... for one thing tnu, female player characters might need to wear Legion armor as a faction disguise, same with Powder Ganger armor. I figured that would be pretty obvious.
  22. Okay, I know that they didn't make female meshes for Legion and Powder Ganger armor because there aren't any female Powder Gangers or female Legionaries, but... Come on! What if a female Courier wears it? Is there anyone who can make female meshes for each of the Powder Ganger outfits and Legion armors? I just don't want them to rely on a body replacer, since I don't use one and don't plan to... yet. My suggestion is just make it so a female NPC doesn't turn flat and manly-bodied when she wears it. My only other suggestion is the Powder Gang Simple Outfit... I find it highly unrealistic that it gains a shirt when a female wears it. I'm thinking we could either use the bandoleer as a top, or make some sort of torn, midriff-bearing, cleavage-showing, short-sleeved (or no-sleeved) top from the Powder Gang Soldier Outfit shirt. I've seen some mods for female Legion armors, but they all rely on Type 3 and other nude replaces, and I couldn't find a single one for Powder Ganger armors.
  23. There's a lot out there. My favorite from Fallout 3 was Phalanx, but so far nothing like it for New Vegas. So I have to ask, based on your experiences, what's the best mod that allows you to recruit every companion at once? I ask because I've had problem with each of the ones I've tried. I'm especially interested in one that just allows you to recruit them, no restrictions like Charisma.
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