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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. o_O Awe-haw-haw-soooooome! That was so epic! And the commentary was so funny! I was rooting for Gojira the entire time. I'm so happy he won. <3
  2. Hmm... Well, let me know what your findings are. I really, truly appreciate you looking into this, and all the help you've offered thus far. Your mod sounds like the kind of balancing aspect I look for in mods. I may download it as a temporary fix until I can find a more permanent solution. As for why I haven't revived Fitz yet... this is my no-console-commands, no-restarting-to-a-previous-save playthrough. I want those achievements. I only save to take a break or just in case I expect game crashes.
  3. Okay, let me post a straight-up example. Look at the comments of this file: Link See? Hardcore players pretty much assaulted the guy who made the mod just because it's for casual players. There's the hate I speak of. The reverse happened with the dark nights of Fellout. The casual gamers were whining about the pitch-black nights, something no hardcore player can go without. Why does everyone feel the need to attack people for having a different playing style? As for the poster above, he misunderstands. I'm not talking about Hardcore Mode and Casual Mode. I'm talking about the players who prefer realism and challenge (hardcore players, note the lack of capitalization), and players who play for a smooth, enjoyable ride (casual players).
  4. So... Ulysses. The man who was originally meant to carry the Platinum Chip. Upon seeing who's name was next on the list, he turned down the job, giving it to Courier Six, as if the Mojave would sort him/her out. He was even surprised to see he/she was still alive. He rescued Christine Royce from the Big Empty. He knows Joshua Grahamn, the Burned Man. He knows Father Elijah. He at one point, or possibly still, works for Caesar to eliminate the Legion's enemies. Courier Six affected this man's life without even realizing it. Oddly poetic, he believes deeply in the Old World, to the point of bearing its flag on his back and wielding a flag pole as his weapon of choice. We know he is destined to battle Courier Six under the torn skies of the Divide, both couriers bearing a message for the other. But who is he? And more importantly... what is his connection to Courier Six? The Courier is such a blank slate, this had to be the first bit of insight into the Courier's backstory aside from little bits like visiting New Reno and Montana. What intrigues me most is... The Canyon Wreckage, likely to be the entry point for the upcoming Lonesome Road. Graffiti is written there. "Go home, Courier". Which reminds me... when you first me Veronica, she asks you where you came from. Various answers include "Goodsprings", "The grave", but one caught my interest. "I don't know." Could it be that the Courier's home lies west, at the Divide? Who is he to Courier Six? An old friend? A brother? An old comrade? Or possibly an old flame... Discuss. I know it's probably been talked about before, but I'd like some fresh viewpoints in light of what we learned from Old World Blues. State whatever theories you have in regards to Ulysses. Discuss them, argue about them. I just want to hear them.
  5. Actually, Insolentius, that's one of the problems I had with them. I'm literally rolling in caps from how frequently they spawn with valuable loot, and that's the other ridiculous thing about it. If you know how to change their equipment leveled lists... do you know how to get rid of them, Insolentius? I just realized I'm having a similar problem with the Freeside Thugs... No More Respawns doesn't prevent them from respawning. But it seems there's already a mod to fix that. Why none for the Legionary Assassins?
  6. Okay... as I'm sure many of us have noticed, there are two primary factions who play Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. The first group focuses on immersion. They want a game that's realistic, challenging, and really pulls them into the experience. Players of this faction favor Hardcore Mode, increased spawns, and darker nights. The second group is composed of casual gamers. They just want a fun experience that they can thoroughly enjoy. They aren't interested in a challenging or realistic experience. They prefer Casual Mode, little bug fixes to affect the overall perfection of the game, and ways to make the game just a little easier, or maybe add some spice to make it more fun. But my question is... Why so much hate between these two factions? Whenever a mod is created, or even requested, it might fall into either faction. The people in this faction love the idea. The people in the other faction hate the idea. And they're not afraid to admit it. In fact, one might think they believe it's their duty to point out their dislike not for the mod itself, but for the other faction's playing style. What gets me is... why does everyone in the opposing faction have to berate, ridicule, and criticize any mod that doesn't suit their playing style? "Why would you want a mod that does that?" is a comment I see so much it might as well be a slogan. And when a mod is created by a hardcore member of one of these factions, it tends to fall into the extreme. It might have some good aspects that appeal to the opposing faction, but the creator of the mod is so into his own faction that he refuses to cater to anyone who doesn't play like him. I'm sure we all remember the darker nights debate of the Fallout 3 Fellout mod. The casual gamers bitched and moaned about the dark nights. Then there's the No More Respawns mod. It was the hardcore gamers who bitched about that one. Uh... if you don't like it, why bother complaining? In the words of a Native American, "Hm... You waste words." So... why does one side insist that the other side HAS to play their way? Why can't we both exist? Why do we ridicule and haze others for not playing our way? Why so much hate? If we don't like a mod because it's not of our faction, why can't we just ignore it? Why do we have to make people feel like s*** just because they don't play the way we do?
  7. Well... specifically, I'm asking the Fallout players. So I put it in the Fallout: New Vegas section...
  8. Anyone wanna go first? I'm quite curious about the sigs and avatars of some members. I can go first if no one wants to, but I don't like talking about myself...
  9. Well... In regards to how to respond to your comment, I'll use the response algorithm for the mod requests board. View, but no comment < Trolling comment < Criticism < Question < Suggestion < Actual help So... Criticism is better than nothing. So... thanks. And I mean that. I'm not being sarcastic. You've be surprised how often I get ignored, so criticism is a welcome change from that. Thanks. I only just changed the quote there earlier today. Nice someone noticed it. The is part of the Black Widow dialogue tree with Benny when you confront him at the Tops. Normally that would require the Courier to be female, but the Console makes loopholes. Anyway, I understand that they'd send more guys after you. But the frequency with which I encounter them is just ridiculous. Besides, I have the No More Respawns mod. The Legionary Assassins are the only ones who respawn, and they keep killing NPCs that get in their way, like Fitz.
  10. Yay! Thanks so much! *hugs* You seem to be helping a lot of people on the Nexus lately, actually. Nice to see someone actually willing to help instead of criticize.
  11. Hmm... Thanks, but replacing Rex wasn't what I had in mind... Still, thanks for bringing that mod to my attention. It's rare people are actually willing to help on the requests board instead of criticize.
  12. I'm more interested in a mod that'll allow Roxie to follow you outside of the splicing laboratory.
  13. Yes, I did look. I know what it's like to have annoying noobs on a forum. I always research a mod idea extensively before I request it. Funny enough, it turns out a lot of my requests haven't been done before. And I make a lot of requests. In my other topic, as far as I could find only two mods affected the Legionary Assassins. One only leveled down their equipment. The other actually fixed instances where they wouldn't respawn. No one has made a mod that prevents them from respawning after killed in a given location, or a mod that removes them entirely. So annoying. And they killed Fitz, so I can't complete Poor Meat Never Makes Good Soup.
  14. Hmm... I suppose that'll do it. Any way you can do that, Raverbane? My earlier idea was to swap the upgrades. The Followers upgrade armor and the Brotherhood upgrades weapons. The reason is that I always preferred ED-E's armor upgrade for its appearance and effects, but the ending for the Followers is much more my playing style. But then I realized... why not both? It's two sets of data, isn't it?
  15. Nice to see other people see it makes sense, too. It'd be simple to give ED-E both upgrades. Just use the armor upgrade ED-E and give it the weapon stats of the weapon upgrade ED-E. I know weapon upgrade ED-E has a different zapper, but unless we have someone with modeling skill who can put the weapon upgrade zapper onto the armor upgrade ED-E, it'll have to do. The real concern is the ending. It would mean both the BoS and FotA endings for ED-E would have to be combined. I suppose we could enable both of them to appear at the ending, but then it'd say ED-E became a constant companion to the Courier twice. Any ideas? Or anyone with enough modding skill to pull this off?
  16. Okay, can someone please make a mod that keeps the Legionary Assassins from respawning? Even after I kill them, next time I go back to that same spot, they're always back! Even though I've got the "No More Respawns" mod! They must be running on a separate respawn system, but I can't find it... I know that they're a great source for sellable loot, but the frequency with which I run into them is just ridiculous! And they keep killing important NPCs! I can't complete the Poor Meat Never Makes Good Soup quest because they killed Fitz! Can anyone make a mod that stops them from respawning? After I kill them in a given location, I want to be done with them for that spawn point, just like the No More Respawns mod does for everything else. If that's not possible, can we stop them from spawning entirely?
  17. This would be awesome! Because... amputees are hot. Sorry... it's a weird fetish of mine... I go for scars, too. Even an eyepatch is sexy. Billy Creel. <3
  18. In the most recent episode up on gogoanime, there's a moment where Coco (the girl in the last picture) is trying to pull Lucy out from under something and comments "Your boobs are huge!" There was also a rare instance of jiggle physics in this same scene. >X#3
  19. Some time after you collect your first Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Bottle Cap, a man named Malolm Holmes approaches you and explains about the Legend of the Star. Afterwards, he walks off and you never see him again, despite him saying otherwise. Well, who else really liked that guy? Who else wishes he was a companion?
  20. Now, if you're going for the NCR ending, you have to kill Mr. House, since you can't convince him to allow the NCR to annex New Vegas. But! There is unused data, and even used data, to suggest there was once going to be a peaceful option for Mr. House in the NCR ending. Behold this note: Offer to Permit Annexation And as noted at the bottom of the article, several NPCs on the Strip will comment how House gave in to the NCR. Is there any way we can re-enable this intended game path for a peaceful ending for Mr. House if you side with the NCR?
  21. I second this motion. Old World Blues needed a robot companion. Also, we need a mod that lets Roxie accompany the Courier out of the facility she's spliced in.
  22. Okay, ED-E has two sets of data in its databanks. Information on Poseidon Energy, and information on the Eyebot Duraframe models. The Brotherhood of Steel only want the Eyebot Duraframe information. The Followers of the Apocalypse only want the Poseidon Energy information. So why can't you give each faction their respective information to get both weapon and armor upgrades for ED-E?
  23. First problem... The Vipers and Jackals, despite being Raiders, wear Merc clothing. This makes Fiends the only source of Raider body armor. Second problem... The Fiend band of Raiders wear Raider body armor, but only wear the three variants of Fiend helmets. This means the Fallout 3 Raider helmets are nearly impossible to find in the game except by fluke. My proposal is that Vipers and Jackals wear only Raider body armor and the Raider helmets from Fallout 3. That way, the Fallout 3 Raider helmets can actually be found in the damn game, and the Fiends won’t be the only source of Raider body armor. Now... Considering all those Fallout 3 weapons had meshes and textures still in the game files, which is what was used to make Fallout 3 Weapons Restoration... Are there meshes and textures in the Fallout: New Vegas game files for the Raider armor from Fallout 3’s The Pitt DLC? Because four types of Raider armor get boring fast, and that Pitt Raider armor was awesome...
  24. Wow. You've got guts, man. You can get seriously ostracized for admitting you like anime on these forums. I'm a closet otaku myself, so... kudos to you. I'm more interested in Erza, myself, though. She goes commando. With a skirt. >X#3 Oh, and I love Gray and his frequent manservice. And Edo-Wendy. It's nice to know for sure that Wendy's gonna develop later in life. Supposedly Edo-Wendy's outfit was more revealing in the manga. Also, when Edo-Lucy and regular Lucy were wearing just towels, Edo-Lucy actually opened her's up and flashed Natsu, though regular Lucy jumped in front to cover any naught bits up. They only had Edo-Lucy make suggestive comments in the anime. It sucked.
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