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Everything posted by Cyberweasel89

  1. Interesting selection of mods, but none of them really suit my playing style. For one, my computer isn't high-end enough to handle most of the visual mods. Still, thank you for suggesting this list. Nice to know someone else is working on something similar to mine. And... I'm flattered that you said mine looks nicer. =#D
  2. Yes, Nivea, but voice acting is best avoided if it can't be done right. Look at the Rockville Commons mod for Fallout 3. A single guy did the voices for every single character in the mod. And there were quite a few. All done by a very bad voice actor with poor recording equipment. Most of them he tried to make sound different by giving them accent. In particular, people complained the French guy sounded like Peppi le Pu. Then there's the fact there were absolutely no women in the Rockville Commons mod, purely because the guy who made it couldn't do a female voice if his life depended on it. I counted one inside a house in the titular town of Rockville, but she just had generic NPC dialogue of "whatcha need" and "bye". If you ask me, that mod ruined voice acting for me. I'd rather just have good dialogue written well with no spelling errors without a voice than to have to listen to very, very bad voice acting. If the Willow mod is as good as they say, though, I may have to fire up a male Courier for the first time just to try it out. I'm curious if the voice acting really adds to the experience. Though... the Outcast Nitro mod for Fallout 3 was done purely with generic NPC sound clips. They were all the same voice actor doing the lines, which is easy in a Bethesda game, and it came across pretty convincing. You just couldn't make small talk with him at all. If you could, he'd have to say something other than generic dialogue found elsewhere in the game files but happens to fit the player's question.
  3. Updated. If anyone knows who posted the original "Primm Reputation" mod, why it vanished, or if I can post my copy of it for the original author, please tell me.
  4. No, no. I want you to make it, Buddha. I just don't want you to go out of your way or do it at great inconvenience to you. Well... Skynet was a robobrain that wielded weapons in Fallout 2. That's why. If you got the Cybernetic Brain for him, he could function as a sniper and a scientist. So... I figure a gauss rifle is perfect, since it's an Energy Weapons sniper rifle. But... I guess he doesn't really need to wield weapons... but we need to find some way to make him more unique from just a general robobrain. Skynet was awesome in Fallout 2 because he could wield all those long-range rifles despite being a robobrain. It's just... memories of happy moments in Fallout 2... At the very least, he needs his self-repair diagnostics.
  5. Yeah. My game randomly and mysteriously broke. Crashes whenever I try to load up a saved game. I didn't add any new mods lately, nor did I edit any lately. So... was an update released today or yesterday? Because that usually breaks my game for a while.
  6. Just take a look at the link in my signature. I made a topic about mods for gamers who play for enjoyment instead of challenge and realism.
  7. Cyberweasel89’s List of Mods for the Casual Gamer A lot of people prefer mods that make the Fallout: New Vegas experience more realistic and more challenging. Some of us, though, just like to make the game more enjoyable. Casual gamers, if you will. Though these two factions of Fallout players sometimes butt heads, such as the infamous "pitch-black nights" argument of the Fellout environment-changing mod, I feel finding good mods is a bit difficult for the casual gamer. This list of mods is dedicated to all the bug-fixes, improvements, and game changes that I feel make the game more enjoyable, not more challenging or more realistic. You'll also see a distinct lack of mods that are big, groundbreaking, game-changers. Mods for people who prefer a bit of... simplicity. Since I'm a category nut, they're also categorized for your convenience. I'll even provide some short commentary on why the mod is included in this list. This post may get a tad long, so... I hope I don't have to double-post. I don't want to get in trouble for it, even if this is meant to be a guide... Oh, and feel free to click on the name of any mod listed for a link to it on the Fallout: New Vegas Nexus. Utilities Fallout Mod Manager - FOMM by Q and Timeslip An essential mod for even the basic Fallout: New Vegas player. Lets you easily sort your mods for a proper load order. FNVedit by ElminsterAU A MUST HAVE modding tool! Not only is it far simpler to use than the GECK, but it makes tweaking and adjusting your mods so they're all compatible with each other a serious breeze! In fact, I've used it myself to make a few mods of my own. I've only released a few onto the Nexus, though. Most are really only for my playing style. Notably, all armors must be playable. But I rename the non-playable versions of playable items, just to avoid confusion. I doubt anyone else is interested in that. Fallout New Vegas ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated by Mouse0270 and Quarn Much like the other utilities listed, this one is essential. It automatically activates the feature that lets new textures replace old ones. A must-have, definitely. Gameplay Changes Centered 3rd Person Camera by Jahandar GET THIS MOD!!! If there's just ONE mod you get for Fallout: New Vegas, make this the mod! I can't imagine ever playing the game without it. Especially since I've always preferred third-person over first-person. There's two versions. I personally use the "unraised" version, but it's totally your call. Perk Every Level by Phoenixfang55 With all the awesome Perks in Fallout: New Vegas, a Perk every other level is just cruel. This is a must-have. Higher Companion Level Cap by Yukichigai Companions stop leveling at 22 even when you hit 23+. Now they'll level to 30 with you, or 35 if you have Dead Money or Honest Hearts. Companion Wait Time Unlimited by stsinnet71 Companions will automatically fire themselves if left waiting for too long. This makes the wait time unlimited. Companion Dress Up by Uberbanner I’ve tried a lot of different mods that make companion equipment playable so you can take it from them and give them new weapons and armor, and most aren’t to my exact tastes... but this is the best one I’ve seen so far. Veronica Scribe Robe by Adriant1978 Gives Veronica a Brotherhood of Steel Scribe Robe instead of that hobo outfit. I prefer the standard red robes option over the black robes option. Veronica Hood Scribe Robe by Ruadhan2300 If you’re using the above mod, might as well use this mod to retexture her hood to match the red robe. Most people just do without the hood, but Veronica being afraid to show off her hair is a quirk of her personality. Fallout 3 Weapons Restoration by Yukichigai Possibly the greatest mod for New Vegas ever made, or at least the greatest mod ever made by Yukichigai. This adds a lot of the weapons from Fallout 3 and it's DLC to the Mojave Wasteland. So yes, you get your favorite Lever-Action Rifle, Double-Barrel Shotgun, and Combat Shotgun from Fallout 3, fully restored and even rebalanced for Fallout: New Vegas. Even better, there's patches so it works with WMX and the alien companion Neiila. My only complaint is that my favorite Combat Shotgun only gets two weapon mods in the WMX add-on... Weapon Mods Expanded - WMX by Antistar Antistar created the original Weapon Mod Kits mod for Fallout 3. It was this very mod that inspired the Weapon Mods system in Fallout: New Vegas, a fact that Antistar is quite flattered over. This is his attempt to improve the Weapon Mods system with Weapon Mods Expanded. Now, I'm not usually one for mods that effect so many aspects of the game world and make groundbreaking changes. But every weapon gets the maximum of three Weapon Mods? I couldn't say no! Antistar says Melee Weapon and Unarmed weapon mods will be in a later version. My only complaint (and it's a deal breaker for me) is that Antistar adds non-unique versions of That Gun and This Machine, calling them ".223 Pistols" and "Battle Rifles". I wouldn't have ever downloaded the mod without removing those two weapons with FNVedit. Antistar refuses to release a version without them himself. Having non-uniques of uniques is something he's always done, even with Lincoln's Repeater in Weapon Mod Kits for Fallout 3. It's so ingrained in his beliefs and functions that he'll never release a version without the .223 Pistol or Battle Rifle. I'm not sure if he'll let me release my personal edit of his mod... Probably not. Lucky 38 High Roller Suite by Khrill Out of all of the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite mods, this one is my favorite. Why? Simple, yet extravagant. It doesn't overly change the layout of the Lucky 38 Presidential Suite. Not to many drastic changes to the overall furniture. But it adds so much, I found so very little to complain about and so much to praise that I have to say, it's the best Lucky 38 Presidential Suite overhaul mod for my tastes. Some people may prefer a complete redesign, but I just like some additions and rearranging of furniture. Plus, the light switches make it so you don't have to use your Pip-Boy light in your own home. I just wish there was a safe, but the Ark of the Covenant works pretty well as one. The money bag is another awesome feature, if only for the novelty of storing your caps, NCR money, Legion coins, Pre-War money, and gold bars (if you got any from the end of Dead Money). .22LR Varmint Rifle - Restored by Yukichigai The Varmint Rifle was originally supposed to use .22LR rounds instead of 5.56. This is evidenced by how common .22LR rounds are at the beginning of the game, as well as the fact that a lot of Varmint Rifles found in locked containers come with .22LR rounds stashed with them, but no 5.56. It also makes the Varmint Rifle a much useful weapon, since it won't eat up your valuable 5.56 rounds. Chinese Stealth Armor Fix by Halciet There are a lot of mods that add the Stealth Field effect back to the Chinese Stealth Armor, like it had in Operatiion: Anchorage for Fallout 3. But this one is the only one that makes it exactly like it was in Operation Anchorage. No additions, no subtractions. No liberties taken. Just a simple +5 Stealth Field while crouching. I Fought the Law Workaround by Miles Tails Prower In the quest I Fought the Law, you can betray the Powder Gangers and help the NCR take back the NCRCF. But you can't do the latter until you do a few jobs for the Powder Gangers. Which is impossible if you're a "good" character, since the front door guard, Eddie, and his bodyguards are in the Powder Ganger "sniffer" faction. So they can tell if you're just someone they hate disguised as one of them. This mod simply removes them from the "sniffer" faction, so you can go do I Fought the Law disguised as a Powder Ganger even if you have good Karma and are vilified by the Powder Gangers. Holy Hand Grenade Replacer by Azron A rather amusing mod that retextures the Holy Frag Grenades to look more like the Holy Hand Grenade they're a reference to. It also changes their name to "Holy Hand Grenade". As much as I'm a huge Monty Python fan, capable of quoting every line from the Holy Grail, I still prefer them called the Holy Frag Grenades as a cross between Holy Hand Grenade and Frag Grenades. That's why FNVedit is so handy. :) Realistic Four Eyes Trait by Sagittarius22 Technically, this mod falls under the category of making the game more realistic or more challenging. But it was just too cool to pass up. Be warned, the maximum blur option is... a little ridiculous. I’d recommend one of the two lower level blurs. Working Chemistry Sets by DRLINE Ignoring the incessant caps lock this guy uses, this is actually a worthwhile mod. It makes all chemistry sets work like the one in Doc Mitchell’s house. You can make Stimpaks or basic chems. I use the version where each chemistry set only works once, but you’re free to use either version. Gameplay Additions Beauty Pack PLUS -Project Mikoto- Hair - Eyes - Presets by Matteius So far, the only hair pack I've been able to find. It's not bad... Definitely better than the vanilla hair options. Plus, it has the reddish brown eye color I needed for my Courier in my Unknown Origins playthrough. it just doesn't have a french braid... A Pack Brahmin Companion by Vio and Elyon I just think it's awesome having your own pack brahmin to store your excess stuff with. This brahmin doesn't fight, and she's the right size that you'd probably want to tell her to wait outside buildings. But she's good for storing your shovel for when you need it, so it doesn't clutter your inventory. She's even more useful in Hardcore mode, since she can store extra ammo and chems that would have weight in Hardcore mode. Alien Companion Neiila by Vio and Elyon Neiila isn't just an alien companion, she's a female alien companion. And no, you don't need Wild Wasteland to recruit her. I'd recommend using this with Fallout 3 Weapons Restoration, so you can give her the original Alien Disintegrator from Mothership Zeta. There's a patch so you can do this when you have both mods. Marcus Inventory Fix by Cyberweasel89 Marcus has nothing on his person, even if you kill or pickpocket him. This gives him an inventory reminiscent of his starting equipment in Fallout 2. Pre-Order DLC Alternatives by Machienzo Not all of us could get the pre-order packs. So this is a nice alternative. Machienzo made a series of packs with content based on specific occupations. My favorite is the Courier Pack. Not only does it come with a unique version of both my favorite outfit AND favorite hat in the game, but it comes with a canteen. I still don’t know why he chose the Field Hand Outfit and Rawhide Cowboy Hat for the Courier Pack. And he won’t tell me, either. Can’t get a word out of him. Clint Eastwood -Man With No Name- Pack by PyroJesus I'm not one for added armors, but this one I had to get for my twin brother, who plays Fallout: New Vegas as well. It's the gun and western poncho outfit that Clint Eastwood's character had in "Man With No Name". What? I watch a lot of westerns with my pappy. So sue me. Problem is, it's only for male characters. But considering how much more awesome the female Goodsprings outfits are compared to the male ones, it's a welcome addition. The gun is a separate mod, in case you only want the outfit, like me and my bro. ;) Eyepatch by Limmiegirl Unlike in Fallout 3, eyepatches are available for the player in Fallout: New Vegas by choosing one under facial hair. The only problem is, you don't get to choose a beard along with it, and it's only for male players. This simply adds the eyepatch in as a wearable item. It can be worn with glasses and even comes with a version for the other eye. Simple, yet elegant. Leather Backpack by d_ivanov My absolute favorite backpack mod, and the only one I actually use. This backpack actually looks like it belongs in the Mojave Wasteland. I just can't wait for the version to come out with the bedroll instead of the mattress. UsableCigarettesFNV by GodofAlcohol (converted by Warzywo9) A conversion of GodofAlcohol’s Fallout 3 mod. My only problem with it is the “Bag of Cigarettes” item. It would’ve made more sense if it was a “Cigarette Case” or “Lighter”. That’s were FNVedit comes in. Kaw Cat Outfits for New Vegas by Kaw (converted by X-Soldier) This is a conversion of a great Fallout 3 mod. It adds wearable cat ears, cat tails, rabbit ears, wolf ears, wolf tails, devil horns, and devil tails, all in a small selection of different colors. There’s even versions for child characters. Why? Well, it’s perfect for Shojo characters. Plus, I love giving humans animal characteristics and traits, like purring. And... I’m... secretly a weeaboo... Nya! X3 Armor Repair Kits by Antistar It just makes sense, right? These are like Weapon Repair Kits, but for armor. You can even craft them and break them down at Workbenches like you can with Weapon Repair Kits. Mantis Gauntlet – Crafting – Schematics – Restoration by Yukichigai The Mantis Gauntlet was originally supposed to be a crafted item. The unused schematics are even in the game files. Yukichigai managed to restore the schematics with a recipe that looks about right given the appearance of the Mantis Gauntlet. Philippes Recipes – Unlock Recipes by Yukichigai Another one from Yukichigai, this mod allows you to craft Imitation Strange Meat Pie and Mole Rat Wonder Meat at a campfire. Ultrajet Recipe – Contreras by Yukichigai Allows you to craft Ultrajet with a recipe from Contreras, the only merchant in the game who actually sells the stuff. Invisible Armored Vests by LFox An essential mod. It allows you to wear whatever clothing you want, or whatever you want your companions to wear, and still have good defense. The armored vests add Damage Threshold while not taking up any standard armor slots. They're invisible and don't degrade. They even come in a variety pack for different Damage Thresholds and styled like different Power Armors and even a Radiation Suit version. My only complaint is there's a 5, 10, 15, and 20 DT version of the vests, but not a 25. So... looks like I'm a bit FNVedit trigger happy. GARU - Infinite Ammo for your Companions by HellKnight A very, VERY useful tool. Very underrated, but I say it's a must-have. This enables your companions to have infinite ammo to matter what weapon they wield. But the best part is... it only works on your companions. Not the player. Just give them a weapon and a single round of ammo for it, and the GARU, so long as it's in their inventory, will make sure the ammo quantity stays at a reasonable amount. By the way, GARU stands for "Gnome Ammo Refill Unit", since it looks like a gnome. I used FNVedit to turn it into an "Ammo Stash" with a Pip-Boy icon of bullets and a world model of an ammunition crate. I know it's not what HellKnight would've wanted, it's just that... gnomes seriously creep me right the F' out. So I had to do it. If he had made it a TARU teddy bear, I would've kept it as is. Just... anything but gnomes. Some people have a thing with clowns... mine is with gnomes. Bug Fixes Community Bugfix Compilation Patch by Nexus Community (compiled by Linmor) A series of numerous bugfixes, combining bugfix mods from many different Nexus modders. Not every change it makes is a good one, though. I fail to see the logic of making a whole new repair list for hats to make the cowboy hats repairable, instead of just adding the cowboy hats to the pre-existing repair list for hats. It causes the need to make Compilation Patch a master to any mod that edits any hat in the game. So... I recommend tweaking in FNVedit. But it's still a must-have. All the bugfixes I list below are NOT included in the Compilation Patch. So best get this, and the ones below as well. Just a quick warning, though... the Community Bugfix Compilation Patch is no longer being updated and worked on. So no new requests or new bugfixes will be acknowledged, sadly. Antony's "Later" Voice for Generic NPCs Fix by Machienzo There's this NPC named Antony who has a really creepy "Later!" goodbye. Well, they accidentally added that same creepy "later" to several generic NPCs and even named ones, like several people living in the Hidden Valley BoS bunker. When you hear it, it sounds really out-of-place. This fixes that. Arizona Killer Crowd Fix by Machienzo The crowd listening to President Kimball's speech in the Arizona Killer quest is 1/4 the size it should be. The other people in the crowd weren't properly enabled along with the others. This fixes that. Brotherhood T-45d Power Armor Distribution Fix by Yukichigai You'll notice that every Brotherhood Paladin wears T-51b power armor. But half of them where T-51b Powder Armor with a T-45d Helmet. These Paladins were meant to be wearing a full suit of T-45d, but the devs messed up. This fixes that. Bryce Anders Companion Inventory by Yukichigai Bryce Anders is an NCR soldier you can find in Vault 3, sent to assassinate the Fiend leader Motor-Runner. He can join you as a temporary companion if you agree to help him with the assassination, but you can't access his inventory. Which sucks, since... he only comes with a crappy combat knife. This gives you full access to his inventory via dialogue, so you can load him with stimpaks, better armor, and an actual firearm. Camp Guardian - Private Halford by Yukichigai This mod fixes some serious bugs involving Private Halford, an NPC at Camp Guardian. Caravan Card Addition Fix by Brianide Caravan cards you pike up or buy aren't added to your deck, instead lingering in your inventory. This fixes that. DamWar - Wearable Clothing by Yukichigai The clothing seen during the second battle for Hoover Dam is non-playable, listen in the game files with "DamWar" at the beginning. This mod simply replaces those DamWar outfits with the regular, playable versions of them. Dixon Weapon Fix by Yukichigai The crooked drug dealer Dixon in Freeside has a Varmint Rifle, but he never uses it. The developers gave him .22LR ammo for it instead of 5.56. More proof that the Varmint Rifle was originally intended to use .22LR rounds. This fixes it so Dixon carries the appropriate ammo with his Varmint Rifle. And before you ask, YES, it's compatible with Yukichigai's other mod that changes the ammo the Varmint Rifle uses to .22LR. Drinks Restore Dehydration by Affe 133 Okay, so let me get this straight... in Hardcore mode... almost all drinks except water... actually DEHYDRATE you?! How the bloody f*** does that make any sense whatsoever? THAT'S why this mod is one of my favorites. For those of us who can't stand absurd illogical reasoning. Just a warning, though... there's no Dead Money or Honest Hearts patch. So this'll override any Old World Gourmet benefits to alcohol unless you use FNVedit to make a patch yourself. It doesn't affect Black Coffee or Wasteland Tequila in Honest Hearts, either. You'll have to patch that yourself, too. Duplicate Item Renaming by Cyberweasel89 Messily renames the items that have the same name as other items, such as Saint James’s “Teddy Bear” and Cuddles’ “Toy Car” before you read the computer entry. Why? To avoid confusion. ED-E - Rex - Lily - Random Hostility Fix - MAYBE by Yukichigai Ever had an NPC randomly go hostile on ED-E, Rex, or Lily? Well, the master bugfixer Yukichigai MIGHT have fixed it. In defense of that maybe and that might, I've never had NPCs go hostile on ED-E, Rex, or Lily while using this mod. Of course, I've never had it happen without this mod, either. But better safe than sorry, right? Random NPC to companion hostility was a serious problem in Fallout 3. Remember Fawkes and the Regulators? Or Fawkes and Sierra Petrovita? Or Fawkes and... I'm seeing a lot of Fawkes patterns in Fallout 3's random NPC hostility... :O Ending Fixes by Nsinger Another MUST HAVE mod. The ending for the Rangers in the quest "Return to Sender" and the ending for the Powder Gangers in the quest "I Fought the Law" are seriously bugged, showing an entirely different ending than they should and rendering the appropriate ending unattainable. Oddly enough, both are the "lawful good" results of both quests. Weird. Well, this awesomely fixes that. No word yet on whether it also fixes Mr. New Vegas reporting that the retaking of the NCRCF was a failure, though... Gomorrah 3rd Floor Elevator Fix by OniKeaton The third floor of the Gomorrah casino and hotel was cut from the game. This lets you take the elavator to it. There's not much up there, though. And the downside is you can no longer ask if Gomorrah has any rooms available. I might remove that feature in FNVedit... Item Name Fixes by Cyberweasel89 Anally adjusts the names of various items in the game. Lakelurk Meat Drop Fix by Cameltoe Lakelurk Meat is very rare, but only because the developers messed up when making the Lakelurk loot drop leveled list. This fixes that. Leveled Item List Corrections by Yukichigai Just some various fixes to mistakes with the leveled item lists. Plasma Defender – Pistol –Ammo and Availability Fix by Yukichigai Makes the Plasma Defender actually available for the player to find, and fixes the presence of the wrong ammo usually found with it. Primm Reputation Fix by ????? The player was meant to have their own reputation with the town of Primm, but it was cut from the final game. There's even an unused Primm reputation icon. This mod that re-enabled Primm's reputation system. At least, there WAS a mod that did this. But it mysteriously vanished off the Nexus. I could post my copy of it, but I have no idea who to credit or if I'd be allowed to, even if I had the guy's name... Primm Rumors Fix by Paul_NZ Fixes the inaccurate rumors about the town of Primm that pop up regardless of whether you chose NCR rule or an independent sheriff for the town. Raul Asks About Ranger Andy by Aureste There’s three people you need to talk to with Raul present to finish his Old School Ghoul quest. If you talked to two of the three before you had Raul, you can talk to them again to trigger Raul’s questions. Except Ranger Andy. This fixes that. Rebound Withdrawal by Augmentation The Rebound chem uses the addiction and withdrawal for Jet. But there’s actually a Rebound addiction and withdrawal for it in the game files. This gives it its own addiction and withdrawal effect, like it should’ve had. Now if only the chem actually did something... Sheriff Meyers by Shantih Now, if you make Meyers the sheriff of Primm, he won’t stay dressed in his prison uniform. He’ll switch to a Sheriff’s Duster and Sheriff’s Hat, like the one found next to the dead sheriff in the sheriff’s house. There’s also an alternate version so he’ll switch to the Sheriff’s Duster and still keep his Desperado Cowboy Hat. I prefer that one, myself. But it’s your call. Spore Plants – Drop Spore Plant Pods by Yukichigai Now the Spore Plants in Vault 22 will actually drop Spore Plant Pods. Now if only we could get it an appropriate Pip-Boy icon instead of a slice of Brahmin Meat... Stew and Trail Mix Fix by Cyberweasel89 Fixes the world models and Pip-Boy icons for Mole Rat Stew, Cook-Cook’s Fiend Stew, and Trail Mix. Traveling Merchant Fix by Yukichigai Fixes a traveling merchant in Boulder City who wasn’t properly implemented. Weapon Repair Kit Fix by Yukichigai Now Weapon Repair Kits actually work on weapons with durability mods attached and won’t be wasted on weapons already at 100 percent. Now if only we could get the latter for the Armor Repair Kit mod... Weathers Family Sandboxy by Aluminumfoil Now, if you rescue the Weathers family from Cottonwood Cove, they’ll actually walk around, sit down, sleep, and chat with other NPCs when they reach the Old Mormon Fort, instead of just standing around doing absolutely nothing. Working Crimson Caravan Traders by Yukichigai Now Crimson Caravan Traders will actually sell you things, like their occupation implies. Cheats No More Respawn by Prethorius (converted by Tamaneko) A blatant cheat, this mod prevents enemies from respawning. They still spawn normally, they just won’t respawn after you kill them. I only use this mod for certain playthroughs, since it’s a bit too much of a cheat, even for me. This mod also means any and all dead bodies DO NOT vanish with time, so I recommend using it with Zap-Away. Merchants Repair Any Armor by Cyberweasel89 Merchants won’t repair armor that has no Damage Threshold or value. This sloppily overcomes that limitation by making sure each piece of armor has at least 1 DT and an appropriate value. MUd-CR48 Merchant by Pelinor This is a Protectron standing just outside the Goodsprings gas station. Try to talk to him, and it'll open a barter menu. The robot doesn't sell anything, but he has unlimited caps to buy your stuff with. Perfect for unloading all your loot without schleping to all those different stores across the Mojave. To be honest, I specifically request this mod on the forums. Boy was I surprised when the awesome Pelinor made it exactly to my specifications. The Morrowind reference with the name, though, was his idea. Genius, isn't it? People say ol' MUd-CR48 is great for selling the gold bars from Dead Money, but I prefer to keep all 37 of those as souvenirs. XP Casino Anti Anti-Cheat by Freqo Casinos won't let you save, gamble, get a bad turnout, then reset. There's a wait that's several minutes long to discourage you from using the save-and-reset method to cheat at gambling. This removes that anti-cheat system. Save Cass by Adul Now you can keep Cass as a companion without breaking certain quests. Virus Hunt 90 or 45 Seconds by CptNuke Ups the time you have to isolate the virus in the Hidden Valley Brotherhood of Steel Bunker to 45 or 90 seconds. A shameless cheat. Zap Away NV by MCaleb (converted by Savagehart) Zap Away is a pistol that lets you get rid of any dead bodies by zapping them with the Zap-Away pistol. VERY useful if you’re using “No More Respawn”, since dead bodies don’t ever disappear if you’re using that mod. DLC Mods - Dead Money Dead Money - No Collar Explosion and No Poison Cloud Damage by Dree I'm not gonna lie... this is a MAJOR cheat. But... it actually makes playing Dead Money enjoyable. You won't have to be constantly restarting from your last save. I still tend to try and avoid staying in range of the speakers, radios, and cloud patches too long, just so I don't feel like I'm cheating. Heh... Dead Money Companions DeEquip and Rebalance by EViLKeNn A rather useful mod, this allows you to take the gear from your companions in Dead Money. I just don't recommend it, since they'll be naked when they hand the stuff you gave them back. And I would've renamed Christine's Wasteland Doctor Fatigues to just that to avoid confusion, same with Dead's 9mm, Christine's sawed-off, and Elijah's gauss rifle. Oh, this mod also rebalances your Dead Money companions so that they don't die as often and stand a fighting chance. Dead Money Better Reward by Darkdhanil Ya know that footlocker at the foot of Elijah's bed? The one only available after completing Dead Money? The one with only a copy of Elijah's robes in it? Well... this adds a few more surprises to that very footlocker... X3 Dead Money Weapon Improvements - Patch 1-3-0 Style by GeeZee With the 1-3-0 Patch, Dead Money's weapons are mostly useless. This mod gives them a balanced and appropriate boost so that they're still viable additions to one's arsenal after finishing Dead Money. I do love my Knife Spear Clean, after all. <3 Dead Money - Equipment Fixes by Yukichigai A must have if you play Dead Money, from the master bugfixer and my crush- I, I mean, a modder I deeply respect... Yukichigai. Just read the description through the link. The fixes it makes are too numerous and too awesome for me to list here. Dead Money - Missing Return Outfit Options by Yukichigai Another by the master bugfixer, Yukichigai. This adds "Return Outfit" options to the vending machines for outfits found in the Sierra Madre, but weren't returnable. The only Return Outfit option it doesn't add is the Pre-War Hat. But "Dead Money - Equipment Fixes" does that. Yukichigai knows how to coordinate his mods, doesn't he? X3 Dead Money DLC SM Armor and Codes Fix by Machienzo Fixes some things with Sierra Madre Armor and Vending Machine codes. I warn you, I wasn't happy with some of the renames. I recommend taking a look at it with FNVedit and tweaking it to your preferences. Dead Money - Improved Autodoc by Richie Cunningham The Auto-Docs restore your tiredness and crippled limbs... but they don't actually heal your HP? That doesn't make any sense. My only beef with this mod is that the option on each Auto-Doc is still "Restore all crippled limbs", even though it's also healing your HP now. Dead Money Bunker Hot Plate by Kotekzot One of my favorite little mods for Dead Money, and very underated. It simply adds an electric hot plate to the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel Bunker, so you can cook in addition to make ammo and craft items at the workbench and reloading bench. It really makes you wonder why the developers didn't think of it. Home Cooking - Hot Plates at Home by theLeeHarvey Much akin to the above mod, this adds more electric hot plates to the Mojave Wasteland, but this time in various locations across the vanilla game region. Be warned, if you're using the High Roller Suite mod, the hot plate will be inside the coffee maker in the kitchen. I edited my own copy of the mod to move the hot plate to the other side of the counter where there was space, but I don't think the makers of either mod would let me release it. Dead Money - Christine Has More Skills by Yukichigai When you ask Christine what she's skilled at, she explains she's skilled in Energy Weapons, Explosives, Guns, Melee Weapons, and Unarmed. However, her only Tag Skills are Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, and Sneak. This simply adds a script that increases the other skills with the player's level like her three Tag Skills. That way, the developers didn't make Christine a liar. XD Dead Money - Caravan Card Fix by Yukichigai Like the caravan card fix mentioned earlier, but for the Sierra Madre cards. A must have, or else the "Dead Man's Hand" challenge is easy to cheat on. Dead Money - Duck and Cover Fix by UnknownPie Just a quick little fix so that the copy of Duck and Cover on the bed in Dean Domino's hideout sits on top of the bed, not inside it where you can't reach or see it. DLC Mods - Honest Hearts Honest Hearts Extensions by Machienzo Machienzo is a good modder, but I tend to find small problems with his mods. Or rather, certain aspects of his mods don't fit my playing style. For one, this mod makes Fire Bombs craftable and marks the duffle bag with the Survivalist's Rifle so no NPCs steal it. But it removes the rewards from the reward box at the end of Honest Hearts and places them across Zion National Park. Of course, such problems are what FNVedit was made for. New Vegas Various Fixes – Honest Hearts by EDCrtehbest Just some various bug fixes with Honest Hearts. Honest Hearts Stone Bones Cave Back Door by BigMill Just adds a map marker to the back door of Stone Bones Cave so it can better function as a player base. HonestHeartsWeightCheats by Cookie000 Lets you bypass the weight limit when embarking on the Happy Trails expedition. It also lets you go into Zion Canyon with vanilla companions. That's something I don't like, so... FNVedit. ;) Authentic Burned Man by Rocket This makes the Burned Man look more like he does on the Honest Hearts cover. With actual burn scarring on his visible skin, bandages shaped to his head, and actual, dirty gauze for bandages. It also allows you to select the Burned Man's bandages during hair selection or hair cuts. That way, the bandages can be worn with any kind of helmet, hat, mask, or eyewear. Afterthoughts If you have any mods that you think belong on this list, tell me! If I like the mod, I'll add it.
  8. Well... I can provide you with a list of must-have bugfixes and some mods to better then general enjoyment of the game. Not sure I can help you with the mods that change the game in extravagant ways, since I don't use many of those...
  9. No problem. But more thanks should go to the maker of the mod. I only noticed it and posted the link to it.
  10. It's okay, Buddha. Don't worry about it. I know someone who can make the mod, and he's pretty good with meshes and textures. I just don't know if he can get a robobrain to wield a gauss rifle...
  11. Well, it just so happens, those are my specialty. I know a lot of good ones. You can take a look at my favorite files on the New Vegas Nexus. I favorite every mod I personally use. But I could just pick out the best ones and list them here with links to them, if you'd prefer that.
  12. Ah, thank you very much. I'll try that. The GECK is pretty complicated, so thank you for the tip.
  13. Well... that would depend. Are you more into mods that make the game more realistic and more challenging? Or are you into mods that add quality to what's already there and make the game more enjoyable? Believe it or not, modders on the Nexus are split between those two factions. And they're often at odds with each other when a mod is styled specifically towards either end.
  14. Are there any hair mods that feature a french braid?
  15. Hi. I'm making a consumable item called "Military Rations". Essentially, it's set to appear in the inventories of NCR soldiers, NCR vendors, and in food containers associated with the NCR. It's actually a pre-war food, so it'll also appear in loot containers related to the Old World military. Thing is... a lot of the leveled lists are leftover from Fallout 3. I'm not sure which are still in use in the game and which are just legacy duds. If anyone could suggest which leveled item lists I should add the item to, it'd really save me some confused searching and eye strain from reading the title of each leveled list. Thanks for the help!
  16. Hi. This isn't really much of a request as it is... I'm hoping the mod already exists. If not, I suppose it's a request. Looking for a hairstyle in one of the hair mods that has a french braid. Preferably with bangs, but I'm not married to that. http://www.hairstylestalk.com/images/french-braid.jpg Exactly like that. With a ribbon on the end. That's a must. Doesn't matter what color.
  17. It's okay. I suppose he doesn't absolutely NEED to wield rifles... Sigh...
  18. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=42481 Just posted.
  19. Exactly. He wouldn't be in a super high-tech location that's been sealed for years if he just busted down while traveling. What I'm worried about, though, is how we get a robobrain to wield rifles. There are only a tiny handful of modders on the Nexus who can do animations, and I have no idea how to get ahold of any or whether they'd even be interested in this project.
  20. Yeah, Crescent Canyon sounds good. There really isn't much there, after all.
  21. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but... NOW you want to help, Mr. TheMightyTrollSheogorath?
  22. Hmm... Maybe in a cave somewhere? What's a cave in Fallout: New Vegas that has very little to recommend it? I figure Skynet was traveling and ultimately busted down. That would either put him in a secluded, out-of-the-way location one would go to while exploring, in someone's residence attempting to fix it, or a junk yard. I'd love to play Fallout 2 again so I could help with the script, but it's not on my computer anymore. I'd install it again, but I can't find where the disc is... It's weird, I can find the box, but not the damn disc. Ya know... I'd heard mention of mods for Fallout 2. But I never figured out where one got them or how one installed them. Specifically, a mod to make Davin or Miria actually an asset instead of a burden, or an unofficial patch. Hm...
  23. I think the idea with Skynet's personality in Fallout 2, and thus the "simpleton dialogue" is that... he's a bit of a whacky AI. Anyway, any idea where Skynet should be located? You know, where the player finds him? It should probably be somewhere where no other followers are found.
  24. Skynet on the Fallout Wiki There's some dialogue files in Skynet's databox. It lists everything he says when you talk to him during the game, though it can be a bit hard to follow at times.
  25. Thanks! I can't wait! Ideas for stories? Oh, wow, it's been years since I've played Fallout 2. I'm not sure if I even still have the game anymore. I'll have to try and rack my brain for ideas, but the only things off the top of my head are the shotgun wedding and Pariah Dog.
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