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Everything posted by PaladinRider

  1. EDIT: The Proof of concept is available now on both Steam and the Nexus. Be warned, there is no way to return to skyrim without the help of console codes. It is largely incomplete but I'm just looking for some early feedback. Please let me know if it installed without a hitch and any bugs (there are lots!) you may encounter.. I hope everything is included. PaladinRider - The Island NEXUS LINK If you walk north of Dawnstar along the shoreline you'll come across this man and his heavily laden ship. He offers you a unique once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to board his ship ferrying passengers to the Summerset Isles, with the promises of treasure and riches. This seven day round trip is too good to pass up, he says. Pictures are in the spoiler tags - in many cases the lighting is off and darker then it should be. One small catch he mentions - he doesn't want any of his passengers causing trouble on his ship so he confiscates everybody's equipment, promising to return it upon arrival. Midway there he claims that you've arrived. Something seems fishy so he takes you to the main deck where some of the passengers are not happy, The captain's ploy is revealed. He never intended to bring the passengers the Summerset Isles, instead robbed you blind. After one of the soon-to-be marooned refuses to row to shore, the Captain orders the crew to advance. One of the crewmembers strikes you across your unarmoured head. You awake in the midst of a heated discussion amongst the marooned passengers on the island. Tensions are high. It is up to you to resolve the group and unite them to ensure your survival. You take the role as the leader of the group and waste no time in survival. With nothing but a simple bow, an axe, and a sword you must rally the marooned if you want to survive this strange island. Through careful delegation of tasks to collect and manage resources, you will not only thrive on this island of plentiful resource, but you will establish your very own village. Eventually you'll establish a mining industry, fishing operation, a logging mill, farming, apiary, and many more. You'll be required to collect stone, wood, food, and to build supplies and buildings. When your small village has grown vast, the decision to build a lighthouse will bring amazing results. Way off in the distance, merchant ships will recognize your beacon as a safe haven for trade. They will come bearing many goods, asking for a nights stay and a plate full of fresh meat and vegetables. This trade establishment has the opportunity to turn your small village into a vast port city of wealth. The island itself holds many secrets and you'll find yourself an enemy, the Ra Gada tribe, who will relentlessly harass their new foreigners. On a personal level, you'll be required to your duties as the Jarl or Count of the village. Such duties range from the mundane to the exciting. You'll have to resolve differences amongst the citizens, stem the growth of crime and root out the evil. Your city may be become a haven for pirates, or a place of nobility dependent upon your actions. You'll have to keep your citizens happy, a seemingly relentless and endless task. Which deity will you worship? Talos? Stendarr? Azura? You'll soon catch wind of the ship captain's whereabouts - the man who marooned you. Will there be hell to pay? Or will you be merciful? Regardless you'll find yourself in possession of a nice ship to travel to Skyrim and back on a whim. Your new adventure awaits. Other notes: Quick list of buildings that will be available to build, marked with an asterisk if already implemented and available These are just a few of the buildings not including separate residences. Down the road I will be introducing a unique Radiant-Quest like system involving your Jarl's chair. By sitting down in your chair a random citizen or aide will approach to discuss an issue that needs resolving. Most often these will be trivial and mundance such as "So and so stole my chickens!". You'll be required to come to a justified (or not) solution between them. Somebody may ask that you build a school for so their children can get a better education. Executions will be available for the more tyrant ruler. Chopping blocks and the like can be built to instil fear, and opposite to the spectrum, gardens and beautifications can be built to make your citizens happier. Come people may complain to the presence of gangs or otherwise unwelcome types of people. You may be required to better police your town. Hopefully I'll be able to throw in the odd festival, where your city is donned with decorations and everyone gets drunk. A successful ruler may find that his/her citizens built a structure in your honour - be it a statue or a great hall for drinking festivities. Bethsoft Thread Progress until release of first version ███████████████
  2. Have you experimented withSetRestrained - Actor? d'oh - thread title fail
  3. I don't have much experience with it, but look for 'placeable water'. If your interior cell is large this may not be practical.
  4. Please post the code you used. Ensure that your alias is set properly. You should be using a property, actually.
  5. Tor is not used for torrents.. It's because it's too much bandwidth for the tor network. There's a tor addon for Vuze I believe but it's not worth using. I'm doing a research project on Tor this summer
  6. Strange, I had CTD using a door linked to my worldspace from the Katariah. Every single time just using the door to enter the worldspace would crash. A door entering the Katariah from Tamriel was fine. I could also COC to the same location in my worldspace no problems. I just did a workaround, I use the moveto command after the dialogue, it ended up working better for my purposes anyway.
  7. is wkyddUoSFaction a property? If it's the editor ID of the faction, you'll need it to be a property pointing to the instance.
  8. I believe an apology from me is in order.. so I apologize. I did not mean to be offensive but I think the best way for someone with an idea is to act on that idea. Besides, no one can recreate something the way you want it to be, they'll most likely spin it so many times it won't even be recognizable to what you had in mind. And, nothing is more satisfying than seeing people enjoy what you've created. I understand that your PC isn't powerful enough to run it. I'm playing Skyrim on my laptop on very low settings and I still run the CK. I'm still fortunate enough that my laptop runs the CK at all, it just takes RAM not much else, AFAIK
  9. I think you have to make an alias (to linked ref) and use an AliasReference.. not sure though I haven't done this.
  10. What Chris says makes sense. just to verify and just to ask the obvious, but are the properties assigned?
  11. Well, in that case there's a mod request board for that. The thing is, there's no real use for a manager who isn't involved in the modding process. Basically you're asking modders to create your idea for you. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with what you're doing, but go through this forum and see how well received these threads are. As a manager, what would you do? How are you going to distribute an ESP between modders and such? I'm trying to say that there's not a whole lot for you to be doing, other than telling others what to make for you. You've got concept artists and voice acting, but you're underestimating the modder's job. The modder by far will be putting way more time into this than anyone else. As for "good things are made by people not a person" , almost every mod that was created by more or less one person. Myself, I had a working mod before I had someone come help me. He did the level design. I did everything else, and I had a mod uploaded an already playable way before he joined. Even then it was a two-man team. No one is really trying to get 'personal fame' in this. Everyone typically mods for themselves and their game. Modders are uploading their works mostly out of generosity. People who download seem to forget this. That doesn't go for everyone obviously. A lot of people upload assets from other games to claim as their own work.
  12. Hmm. I can't see a problem right off. Why don't you try making an object reference for the linked ref and use that instead? And I'm not sure if it matters, but place Faction Property BanditFaction Auto before the event block (double check make sure it is still assigned, sometimes this clears it) edit: I'm almost positive you will have to make a property for the linked ref. The compiler claims the function will not exist if there's an issue with the reference that its calling.
  13. That's all and good, but it sounds like you have everybody but the people to make the mod. Modders rarely ever sign up for a team project for someone who has no experience modding these games. Your best bet is to start learning the CK yourself. What will you be doing? The fact is that ideas are dime a dozen around here and most modders are underway in their own projects. Usually modders will only sign on when the team already has something to show. If you've got concept artists, that's great - but get them to start drawing stuff up. Modelers will be very hard to find. You will almost definitely have to use tMhe vanilla resources (stuff that's already in game). Level design isn't hard at all - maybe a half an hour of fiddling in the CK to get into it. Voice actors at this point are useless. I can guarantee you that when the time comes that you'll need them (a few months from now) they won't be anywhere to be found. TL;DR, Start learning the CK yourself and get a foundation going. Then you can try to convince people to join your team. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to start small.
  14. As I pointed out in the other thread regarding the Katariah ship itself disappearing, I share this problem as well. I've duplicated the Katariah and its' interior cell. The same exact stairwell (leading down to directly under the jail cells) plus some rooms and walls not appearing. I'm currently trying to fix this but I'm not exactly sure what's causing it.
  15. I too copied the Katariah ship, and I have the same identical issue. It's there when you first see it but when entering and exiting the ship you fall into the water because the ship disappeared. Checking 'is full LOD' fixes it for me.
  16. Just an FYI, the CK makes regular backups of your mod for you :thumbsup: It's always important to save often and I always backup manually as well. OP Do not delete vanilla objects. This can cause disastrous results in your mod because if anything in the game tries to reference that object, it will instantly crash. Instead, move them underground, disable them or move them to an unseen area.
  17. This does not answer the question at all. The CK has no separate items for the flawless/epic/legendary/etc version. According to the temper recipe for dwarven boots in the CK it create the object 'ArmorDwarvenBoots'. There is no separate version for each of the variation you can produce with tempering in the object list - or the constructableobject recipe would have listed them. On your second point, you don't need a papyrus function to add a weapon to an NPC - just drag the weapon to its inventory, no outfit required (unlike armor). Okay, the question was fairly vague. I didn't have the CK handy so I couldn't check if the improved weapons were separate instances. It sounds like the weapons are modified on the fly by a script. Again I thought you wanted to give the NPC the weapon in the game. Why don't you just duplicate the weapon instance and make your own then? You can set the stats how you want. If you want him to always have a weapon that is leveled with the player's smithing skill than you'll probably have to find the script and just do the same formula on your sword.
  18. First off, you should look into the CK a little and do some reading here http://www.creationkit.com/ What you're trying to do is fairly trivial I believe. You'll want to find the legendary variation of the weapon you want in the object list, and use the appropriate papyrus function
  19. Those objects have an ownership given to someone else. Find the dropdown box and just assign it to player.
  20. Not sure what the priority is set to, but make it higher. 80 or 90 or something. Give that a try
  21. I struggled with this at first too. I'm trying to recall where my error was. It definitely sounds like your quest isn't running. Keep in mind that quests need to be running in order for its dialogue to work. If you don't already, try adding a quest stage (leave it at 0 if you like). Make it Start-Game Enabled (even if just for testing purposes). As long as you have the GetIsID MyActor == 1 condition on every dialogue option ,it should pop up.
  22. Other suggestions: Ensure that quest is being started - either start game enabled or using another script (with a MyQuestProperty.Start() ). Ensure that all the alias are correctly assigned and used. Are the alias assigned to the specific reference or to the unique base actor?
  23. WHen you make the dialogue option, make it "top level". Greetings should be marked as "blocking"
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