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Everything posted by PaladinRider

  1. I see. I wouldn't be betting that 1.4 will fix your issues now. It will stop the bug from occurring, but since you progressed past it it's not going to be fixed for you. The developers cannot follow every branch and every outcome from everyone's decisions. Like I said, when you have a game-breaking bug like that, you can't possibly expect it to resolve itself. That said, when the CK comes out you can certainly fix it yourself. Even if you take 10-20 minutes of googling you can fix it right now with a console command. I'll give you a head-start: you'll want to find the quest and the next stage, and use "setstage" command. Also, how do you NOT have a save before level 40???? And no, I don't think the latest patch disabled any form of 'screen grabbing',
  2. If you have all these strange bugs, are you sure you've updated to the latest version of the game? I have had absolutely 0 bugs since 11-11-11. Not one. I don't understand how all these people are getting these bizarre bugs, what are you doing that no one else is? daventry, I don't understand, how is it a bug if a kid is swimming in Morthal? Plus, if the dragon never came, but it was supposed to, why would you continue playing instead of reload the autosave??? How did you not see that was going to happen by saying "Oh well. I'll just keep going" instead of reloading a save from 5 mins earlier?? EDIT: I had one bug with the beginning sequence where the dragon blasts through the keep. The dragon never came even after reloading. Since I had 5 mods, I just switched the load order a little bit and then guess what? No bugs.
  3. The chat is not a support line for questions about the game
  4. Hello, I've finally released the final version of Run the Lucky 38. Unfortunately the quest line isn't voice acted. So I have a request or a plea, to be more accurate. I'm hoping to find someone with the experience wand willing to put the time in to add some quality voice acting. This isn't laziness on my part. I'm severely hearing impaired which puts me at an unfortunate situation. Obviously you'll be getting the due credit at the top of the mod page. I don't know off hand how many lines are needed but you can play the mod to get the idea. If you prefer I can send a doc with all the lines. This is a shot in the dark more or less but if you're interesting in helping me (it will help a lot!) Then I would be very appreciative. Please PM me first :) Cheers
  5. Hello, This has bothered me some time, and before I'd have to revert to a backup because I could never figure it out. I had my mod updated which includes an ESM and an ESP (the esp being the update). I followed the instructions on the FNVEdit manual thoroughly. The ESP has no errors, and no identical to master records. The ESP has the proper masters (one being FalloutNV.esm and the other being Run the Lucky 38.ESM), however it crashes before main menu. It acts as though the ESP is missing a master, yet it is not. Any ideas? I can include the ESP if needed. This has happened to me before and I'd always have to start over. I really want to avoid doing this now but I do have a semi-recent backup. I must be using the wrong search terms because I cannot find a thread about it EDIT: It seems to happen any time I undelete + disable references.. any idea why? I've followed the manual closely..
  6. It would be nice! I'm looking to add 2 taverns in my project, I'd love if there were some assets created for the purpose of more/better background noise and improvement in the atmostphere
  7. A script generator has never even been made for TES, so how would it have been useful in the past? I know you mean for NWM, but it's apples and oranges man. It's like a car analogy: You're basically saying that you're waiting for a car that has a pickup bed in the back. Because you've always driven pick up trucks and the bed in the back has always been useful in the past. So why doesn't any of these cars or vans have pickups? Well some do, and they didn't sell so well. The fact of the matter is that the scripting language for TES is as dead simple of a scripting language you will find anywhere. And it's effective for what the developers wanted/needed to do. Everything that you see in Skyrim can be replicated by a modder (and then some). Granted, these games have always required a little creativity on the part of the programmer, but that's what makes it fun! About skyrim, there are rumors floating around that they've adopted a Java derivative language, with rumors stating that it'll be object oriented. But still, the "script generator" is usually contained in some form inside the CK so an additional one is beating a dead horse. I'm only discouraging your tool request because I haven't seen a necessity for it. People have released injections to expand the scripting language.
  8. How can you say that if you've never modded a TES game before?? Any toolset is going to introduce a new learning curve - that's part of the game! No one is going to make it so that the transition to the CK is going to be seamless.
  9. I agree with Sunnie and AllanOcelot The scripting language for TES and FO has always been simplified and straightforward. Far more basic than most OOP languages (except maybe Python? :laugh: ). As far as 3rd party files for scripting goes, the GECK Powerup was useful for checking syntax and OBSE/NVSE/FOSE were injected to add more scripting functions and capabilities, but often weren't necessary.
  10. No... People use the search bar instead of making a thread. Honestly a thread like this is created many many times. Do you think you're the first to ask it? Key point: search! :thumbsup:
  11. True I could've used a poll... but I don't really like polls. Anyway it doesn't matter now because I posted this thread more than a month ago when I was pre-planning the mod. I have a lot of it planned out already now.
  12. Sounds cool, although I think you'll be running into legal issues if you choose to use Vault 24. It seems to be made up of mostly New Vegas assets, which is a no go for Skyrim. Also, I don't know if it will even fit in the dwemer culture - IMO you'll be better off using vanilla skyrim dwemer statics. Who knows, there could be a bunch of assets available that isn't in the game. I'm also severely hearing impaired - deaf in one ear and i wear a hearing aid in the other. :thumbsup: Another word of advice: I rarely see mod teams formed where the leader of the mod didn't do most of the work. If you're intent on seeing this mod come to fruition you will have to learn the creation kit very well. You will have to expect to do about 80% of the work yourself and you'll have to have something to show to entice modders to join your team.
  13. Thanks. Here check out this page: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page if you haven't already. Tons of tutorials to get you started. I would even start playing around with the Fallout: New Vegas GECK as the creation kit will probably be about 80% the same - so you can get a head start.
  14. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1328043-wip-paladinriders-island-of-herne/page__fromsearch__1 My plan is to have the player and a group of NPCs shipwrecked on an island. With no salvation in sight you will have to delegate tasks to the npcs to ensure your survival. You will quickly discover a mine full of rare metals. At first you will be stranded on the island but you will eventually be able to build a dock and boathouse. Once you build a lighthouse, merchant ships will occasionally stop in to trade. Often times several crewmembers will desert the merchant ship to stay in your city, upping your population.
  15. I hope so! :thumbsup: I'm planning on making an island that will have very little snowy climates. Some tropical trees would be sweet!
  16. Sounds cool, but a word of advice. Don't bite off more than you can chew. I estimate that about 60% of projects end prematurely because the modder didn't anticipate how much work it was to something seemingly simple. I only say this because My suggestion would be to start small... really small. Get acquainted with the toolset (better yet, with Fallout/TES old toolsets as they'll be 90% the same). If you're 100% set on your plot line then start with Bob. Make him and the first quest including his topics and conversations. Make it working exactly how you want it to. Keep in mind that you're probably going to end up doing 85% if not 100% of this mod yourself. Don't give up it's a very rewarding experience and it's really fun. The best thing to do when you're stuck: SEARCH. I cannot stress this enough. Every question anyone could ask has already been answered. Good luck! This sounds cool.
  17. Also, you can make relevant videos for the cutscene with third party programs. I used fraps and used RadTools to convert the video into a bink file. If you have the video in the Data/Video/ directory, you can use the PlayBink MyVideo command. I used this method to mimic security cameras from a terminal. So you can set up a scene how you want it, and turn it into a small video. It can't be long but this way you guarantee that the cutscene will work the right way for everyone. Edit: clarify
  18. I'm working on a fairly unique mod, if you're interested. If you feel like reading here's a detailed idea of the beginning of the mod. WIP The shortened version: You're invited to join an expedition via merchant ship. On the open sea, you are attacked - after fending off the raiders your ship makes a crash landing. You and about 10-15 individuals on the ship are shipwrecked on a medium-sized island. You will be acting as the leader of the group and you must organize the people to both collect resources and build shelter. I want to have the mod as a first-person stronghold type game. You'll have a storehouse where all the working NPCs will be collecting wood, stone, food, metals, etc. and depositing them. You can use the wood and stone for buildings and defenses. There will be hostile natives on the island that you will have to defend. Soon enough your village will be recognized as a port city so merchant ships will occasionally stop in to trade (if you've built a dock). At this point you will be able to return to Skyrim and back whenever you want. If you're interested I could really use some simple construction animation. For example - the player will be able to build and expand their castle - I was thinking of maybe having a castle model deconstructed into 3 pieces, so that I can kind of simulate the building process rather than an entire castle appearing instantly. This is just one idea, there are many many things that I could use to perfect this mod - anything you can do to help in terms of animation or modelling would be appreciated. Of course you'll have all the credit for what you do. I also have experience with mod teams and large projects like this.
  19. By far the most useful feature that any modder can ever utilize, ever, is the search feature on these forums
  20. Hello everyone. I'm planning a medium - large quest mod that will take the player to a large island outside of Skyrim. I'm looking for someone with experience drawing concept art to draw me some rough drafts of the city. The idea of the mod is that the player gets shipwrecked on this island. The survivors of the shipwreck claim you the player to be the leader. In order to survive you must build up a settlement from nothing - the goal is to progress in stages where the city itself begins as a small village of a few small houses. Eventually the city will be a very large port city. The island itself will have a large mountain in the middle of it and there will be many cliffs - but there will be ample flat ground for farming and buildings. Some basic guidelines that you don't necessarily have to follow: - I'd like a fairly large waterfront section inside a small cove (nothing too crazy) where the docks and fishery will be. - The player will eventually be able to construct a castle. I'm hoping to have 5 stages to the castle (a small keep -> castle -> expansion to the castle, ie a wing -> etc.) - The island is likely to be the island called Herne, southwest of Summerset Isles (visible on many maps of Tamriel online). - As well as a castle another prominent building that the player can build will be a wizards tower (and/or a lighthouse). - There will be hostile natives on the island - I want to require that the player build palisades early on to defend the city. Eventually stone walls can be built to replace (or in addition to) the palisades. The farms will be outside of the city walls. - Not an insane amount of buildings - but enough to have the city sizeable. - I'd like the castle to be elevated on a cliff and somewhat close to the shoreline. I'd like most of the shoreline around the city to be cliffs with the exception of the waterfront area being sort of a beach. - Please try to keep them within reason that is I'll be using vanilla models for all the buildings + castle as I cannot create a new one! The island itself is not necessary, I'm just looking for the city at this moment. If you're up to reading more about the mod idea : http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1328043-wip-paladinriders-island-of-herne/ Thanks!
  21. Definitely not mutually exclusive. I chose my idea to be on an island for maximum compatibility. hopefully the only 'footprint' on Skyrim will be an added NPC/boat at a dock somewhere for the initial (and reoccuring) travel between. Indeed, this is very useful and decreases pain for the average user, but something like that needs good coordination between the modders. There needs to be a proper platform for communication between modders, mod requests, mods in progress and maintaining as much compatibility as possible. Forums are good for discussion, but the more stuff is added, the more difficult it is to find something. Also, bigger mod packages (one mod to fix game errors and grammar, one mod pack with appropriate textures for the landscape, one mod with appropriate textures for weapons/armours, one mod taking care of crafting etc.) are very convenient for users. It's painful to look for thousands of mods that should have been combined in the first place. Hopefully, the modders will cooperate and communicate as much as possible to improve the game and the usability. This is very close to my original idea! I instead went with an island because it was easier to close it off from the rest of the world. My slight variation was that the player encounters a lone trader who's pack animal (mammoth) died of natural causes. He refused to leave his shipment behind because it was his life savings (and he couldn't carry it himself). His original guards left him - so the player acts as his guard and establishes the city there. I didn't mean to threadjack though, to the OP that's a good idea I was hoping for someone to open up a competitor to the East Empire Trading Co and the EETC would be the villain, harrowing the player's business so to say
  22. I just posted my pre-WIP today on the bethsoft forums:Bethsof forums It is similar to this idea but instead of a singe company, you'll be in charge of a city. There will be an involved questline but down to it you must collect resources and build your city. You'll have to defend it, and establish trade. Each building you wish to build will require a certain amount of resources to build. It will be hopefully better than my similar mod for New Vegas
  23. Every copy, including retail copy, installs Steam. Are you sure you don't have steam? If you are, you just bought a pirated copy - I'd take it back and get your money back.
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