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About Spaceritual

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    Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

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  1. My copy of Skyrim is on it's way to me according to my games retailer... so I will be able to have hours of fun playing with the model dragon and reading my map and planning various routes before the activation happens on 11-11-11
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    2. Deleted54170User


      I just remembered the East Coast will get the game 2 hours ahead of mountain standard time gamer's and Central time an hour before us midwesterner's too. My clock says it just turned 2:00 PM MST *counting on finger's.* Let me see...17 hours before the store open's their door's.
    3. wolfsangeleyes


      I'm lucky that Europe is ahead of the States, then again Australia is ahead of Europe. Confusing all these different timezones.
    4. Naktis


      Will you be taking screenshots in Skyrim? D: I've noticed that you don't have any Oblivion/Morrowind screenshots.
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