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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. got it I think...but how do you know someone is messaging you if your playing? is it a sound alert?
  2. I found the message bit but that box never shows when I am playing..
  3. where does the message pop up? Steam is running whenever I am playing NV and I haven't seen any pop ups at all .
  4. Good point did not think of that..maybe NV can be put into some sort of offline mode where Steam would not be affected?
  5. do these comments on the profile delete themselves when you run out of space..or are we meant to do it manually..
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Balagor


      I think they are meant for the archeologist to look at in the next 1000 years,lol
    3. AliasTheory


      Yep. I think they stay forever until the status is deleted. Which happens after so many.
    4. Spaceritual


      Will pop back in 1000 years and check then :)
  6. Yes I read that as well...hope things do change it does seem a odd step by the developers to ignore some of FO3's most successful add ons..
  7. slicer posted on my profile that Timeslip is not sure at all about buying NV so not sure how that leaves NV MM
  8. ah yes I downloaded and installed that today but I assume when the real one comes along we can just delete that one?
  9. Sounds good indeed I shall keep an eye out for it..have you noticed a mod manager of sorts is up now for downloading till the proper one comes out?
  10. Nice tip about that file...got the ATI version and not so many crashes now :)
  11. What mods are you working on ? :)
  12. Yes , when I started FO3 it was fun from the start exploring and such..this one has not grabbed me at all yet but I am still in the southern part of the game
  13. It is the same as here Spaceritual
  14. It is getting a bit samey but then I haven't actually reached anywhere that is not a desert setting.. and then I hop back to playing FO3 so sort of game changing a bit at the moment .

    I would like to see a FOMM for NV as I am finding mod adding/sorting not as easy as I hoped :)

  15. Oh yes seems you need a steam account to register the game but at least that saves you putting in the disk each time you play I guess :)
  16. It would be nice if Charon turned up in NV as I had really got used to him being there in FO3 , but at the moment I am back to FO3 again to take a break from NV.

    the scenery is getting really samey although to be honest I have not got that far yet and the expected more dark.humorous story lines are not appearing yet either.

  17. No worries , your story does sort of invite the reader into the world and allows room for comment or questions or just to say how much we are enjoying it :)
  18. Very nice indeed..good insight into the emotions of the characters there...doubts and fears ...this slower pace is certainly brining them out :)
  19. Trying NV whilst it is not crashing....3 times tonight already maybe it is a hint to find the rest of those year book piccies :)
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Camon


      check it out -http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36869
    3. satanslilhelper


      I haven't even started playing it yet (waiting for hubby to finish his vanilla playthrough before I mod it). Is it really that bad?
    4. Spaceritual


      Actually I found that after not following the main quest and just exploring the game got a lot more interesting but it does need a lot of glitch fixing and such...and perhaps a good DLC to spice it up a little more. Can see me going back to FO3 as the replay value does not seem as good as FO3 is...mind you that one has been out for ages and has great mods :)
  20. It is looking interesting but so far it feels like a dlc...I am waiting for the big storyline to kick in .
  21. That is the place I found it after going to every "heavily guarded" place in the wastelands they were right near where I started :)
  22. No worries, found the first three pics from the mod and the year book , still looking for the rest while popping in and out of NV :)
  23. Nice picture you posted for the yearbook mod...downloading then off to find all the piccies:)
  24. Nice picture you posted for the yearbook mod...downloading then off to find all the piccies:)
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