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Everything posted by Spaceritual

  1. Anyone else tried the Desert Succubus custom race mod for NV yet ?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spaceritual


      ah..seen it...I can not get anything like that..reverting to the previous set up I used...
    3. llamaRCA


      I went with this, finally, because even with Lings + whatever body and Type 3 face textures I couldn't get rid of the smudges and shadows on my character's face. DS textures has makeup as a default, which is taking some getting used to, but the terrible smudges and shadows are gone.
    4. Spaceritual


      might give it another try then....good point there..
  2. Erm..half of what ? :)
  3. Nice new avatar by the way :)
  4. Seems it is only for the Xbox at first and pushes the cap by 5 to 35...must be some sort of MS tie in that has made them decide to release it this way..
  5. No but great news...any idea what it might contain yet? it really does need to raise the level cap and perhaps some more interest to the desert :)
  6. Well..I enjoyed it and did not really find it plodding at all . Nice descritpive touches and for a chapter where it was mostly about a journey , it went very well :)
  7. Sounds like a good reason for a get together :)
  8. Hi there , I have enjoyed looking at many of your fine screen shots :)
  9. sorry to use two posts in a row but some odd characters popped up when trying to edit my last post but I have given everyone who replied to this topic kudos as you all have helped clear things up for me :)
  10. Thank you for the thoughts...it is helping clear things in my own mind so I think I will look upon the images as innocent unless the dress or pose suggests otherwise .<br><br> <br><br><br><br>
  11. did try a google image search but nothing on that Lizard Car..although oddly Jim Morrison turned up in the results :)
  12. hi there and nice to hear from you :)
  13. That is the thing though these images are not nude and not on the face of it sexual as such but the reviews the poster gets seem to suggest there is more to it than meets the eye...or it is all innocent and they have the wrong end of the stick...? It probably is strange to some playing a cat or an elf this I assume is an extension on that line of thought . Think I will probably just give them a miss till I get a deeper understanding of what I am endorsing :)
  14. No worries , glad to see your up and about :)
  15. Very nice avatar there :)
  16. Those Shojo/Shoto images again , have started a topic on the Feedback forums as this seems to be forum wide and casing many heated exchanges.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. llamaRCA


      I went and read it too. I don't mind the stuff that's just a kid being a kid (I don't personally understand the appeal, but my current NV character is an elf; so I am in no position to be critical), but when the girl looks like she's 9 and she's posed like she's 19 (sexy) it really pisses me off.
    3. Spaceritual


      Yep have to agree with you there...it is all context I guess....and you got an elf into NV?? how?..erm not that I would rush to try this...
    4. coolystguy


      I like cute, but i hate it when someone makes em look too young believe me i have seen many on some of the other Oblivion mod sites drive me nuts ><!
  17. Recently and on many forums people are posting Shojo and Shoto images which seem to be children based characters. The thing is it is provoking strong debate over if this material is bordering on the paedophilia. To me it just seems cute but then again I do not know much about the background to these images. If there is something deeper to them perhaps it is worth having guidelines for them? If it is just innocent fun then surely the posters of these images need protecting...either way it would be nice for the site to perhaps explain and give a stance on this issue.,,,especially in the screen shot sections where I prefer to hang out . It is a thing I am not sure of , as I know Japanese cartoon imagery is sometimes hard to fathom , but surely someone must be an expert here who can fill us all in on it?
  18. Ah I see you have got a HD5870 as well...nice one , and it is overclocked ..your game must look so much better now? :)
  19. Really nice screen shots your posting especially liked the Point Look out one on the beach..:)
  20. New Vegas does need more prettying up so good news about your mods :)
  21. Glad to hear it :)
  22. After the amazing work with Charon I am looking forward to your companion mod :)
  23. Oopsy put my comment in the wrong place..but the right time...anyroad..how are the mods coming ?:)
  24. The thing is that sites like this one , especially for me , add longevity to a game and the knowledge that whatever mistakes and things that are left out of a game will be "fixed" by a vast modding community which in turn gives the developer ideas for their next release...a win win situation :)
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