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Everything posted by WastelandAssassin

  1. first of all , your load order is a mess you have to sort it before you try using it (you have master plugins loading half way down the list) aside from this , you need to verify none of your mods require the DLCs you don't own also you should verify that you are using the latest version of FO4 , and the version of F4SE that is compatible with it , as well as verify that all of your mods are set for that version of the game\F4SE if none of this works , try reinstalling your game and try to run it as is (no F4SE , no mods , just the vanilla installation) . if that works , install F4SE and try loading that . if that works , install the mods , sort your load order and try to load via the F4SE executable from MO2
  2. most certainly not I just checked the NVSE download , and you should have 4 dll files and one executable (along with other files , but these are the relevant ones) I downloaded it from here http://nvse.silverlock.org/ you should see nvse_loader.exe inside the archive . and you need that file to launch NVSE , otherwise any mod that requires it won't work
  3. have you extracted the contents of the NVSE archive you've downloaded , or are you moving them directly from the archive? if it's the former , I would check the quarantine of your antivirus system . I don't know if it would flag the NVSE executable , but maybe it would....... if this doesn't solve the issue , please look inside the archive you've downloaded . if the file isn't there , please provide a link to where you've downloaded it from , and a picture showing the contents of the archive as you see it (one that shows the files that you can extract , if it has an interior folder structure)
  4. I thought as much my question is , where does NMM install your mods? if it installs them directly to your game's folder , have you made sure to delete that folder after uninstalling the game? because if not , these files would still be there when you reinstall the game , so you aren't actually doing anything except waste time on uninstalling and reinstalling the game...... also , where have you installed NMM? I'm not sure if that could cause such an issue , but don't install it to any of the Program Files folders of course , I may be completely wrong here I would check the folders where you've set NMM to install your mods to , and make sure these folders are empty
  5. please don't post the same thread multiple times if you didn't get any answers 3 hours ago , it doesn't mean you have to post the same thread again and hope for a different result....... such behavior isn't looked at favorably here
  6. what do you mean by an exploration mod? a mod that adds more locations to explore? exploration is a subject of debate , as many users define exploration differently the thing is , there are thousands of mods for New Vegas , so there are too many mods to actually go through so if you want anyone to recommend mods , you really need to know what you are asking for do you want to find more interesting loot? do you want combat to be more interesting? do you want more quests to do? do you want the factions to feel more interesting and unique? there are hundreds of questions like this we can ask you need to know what you are looking for , at least on a basic level otherwise I would suggest just looking through the mod categories , and checking the ones that look interesting to you . I usually sort by most endorsed , but that may result in you missing some newer or less popular mods that you may still like , so it won't cover everything
  7. yep , these cybernetic implants are a part of Project Nevada , as GoliathUnit13074 said . just didn't recognize the quest name you mentioned and they are also correct about the mod detectives thread if you want mod suggestions , you are going to have to be more specific what kind of mods are you looking for? what aspects of the game are you looking to modify?
  8. how have you installed the mods? manually? through a mod manager? if it's the latter , which mod manager are you using? how have you tried to uninstall the mods? please explain the process you've tried
  9. if you look at the top comment in the post section (the pinned comment) , it states that CBBE does work with TCM , if you install CBBE after it , and allow it to overwrite it as a small suggestion , when in doubt about something like this , and the description doesn't provide an answer , look in the Posts section to see if the pinned comments have the solution often times this is where the FAQ is , and it usually has the solution to your questions
  10. well , they claim they have all the 6 DLCs , so I don't think that's that but you may be correct about that message . or maybe the user doesn't have the 6 DLCs , but a combination of DLCs and CC content
  11. I think Gopher always has the list of mods he's using in the description of the video so you should see which mods he has , and try to narrow it down if you could also post a link to a video in this playthrough (specifically one that shows the mod in question) , or just the list of mods (in spoiler tags) , it'll really go a long way to help us help you as for suggestions , what kind of mods are you looking for? also , do you have an issue with harsh language? because for example mods by Someguy2000 https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/2159825 are amazing , but they usually involve rather rude language , so if you have kids around it may not be the most appropriate.....
  12. first time I'm hearing that the latest versions don't work properly however , I want to point out something NMM isn't officially supported here , as the development team has moved on to work on it from their GitHUB page (the same one linked in the download page for NMM) so if you have issues with the latest versions , it's best to approach the NMM team directly via that GitHUB page if does work for you , please let us know (I try to help others with problems , so it's always nice to know which solution works for users here) but whatever the case , for anything NMM related , the GitHUB page is the place to go
  13. apparently I'm also wrong about this , as Reneer seems to know a way to do this (I'm also waiting to see how it's done) I don't know about CC content , I think it depends on who made it (if it's Bethesda I would agree with you , if it's a mod author I wouldn't be surprised if they set it up like that) I'm also not sure if you can create a script that will add the keywords to all weapons (I guess you could do that for a specific item , but I doubt you could do that to all items that may or may not exist)
  14. if the game hasn't updated for you , and it works with all of the mods installed , I recommend you keep it that way and leave the updates alone as far as I know , the updates are only CC content anyhow , so you aren't missing anything if in the future you decide to start a new playthrough with new mods , you'll probably have to update your game , so that all of the mods you wish to use will work properly but for now there doesn't seem to be any reason to update , as you already have everything working as for that message , I honestly have no idea I've uninstalled the game a long while ago , so I don't think I've ever seen such a message my guess is it's related to CC content , and if so I don't think you need to activate it (unless you've purchased anything you wish to use) but I'm not sure about that part
  15. it's indeed a wonderful place I wouldn't be here so often and so much if it wasn't :cool:
  16. I don't think you read what TealZ's mod does or how it works it attaches things via scripts to items that contain a specific keyword however , you can't add a keyword via a script if you look here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/37 , this is the article by TealZ on how to make armors compatible with his mod Legendary Modifications so he doesn't have a script that adds the keywords , you need to manually add them (although it's not difficult , it does take time if you have a long list of items , and you have to do it manually to each of them) I may not know about a way this could be done , but I've never heard of anything like this even the patchers of mods like Skyrim Redone worked with scripts that looked for keywords , but you had to manually add the keywords to the items before the patchers would be able to handle them
  17. acrylamid banned. Reason: admitted pirate Reference post
  18. in fact , the mod author is really active , so I hope you'll get a reply in a few days at most
  19. I doubt it will be using xEdit if I were to guess , that effect is applied by a script . if so , I think you'll need to open it in the CK to edit it (at least , I don't think you can edit scripts with xEdit) but it really depends on how this effect is applied
  20. you should be able to do this yourself rather easily the mod already comes with BodySlide data , and since Atomic Beauty is based on CBBE , it also works with BodySlide so just do this with BodySlide (if you don't know how , there are plenty of tutorials about this online , or even a link on the BodySlide mod page)
  21. if you are talking about links to download files from the Nexus sites , it's because these links were made with the older site design the new design is using a different link structure so just use this link as a start https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/ and you just need to add the file number at the end as an example , the armor and weapon replacing , which used the link http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5341 will now be https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5341 for specific Papyrus tutorials , I can't recommend anything specific but when in doubt , I highly recommend Google so just make a search like "Skyrim papyrus tutorial" , and you should see plenty of tutorials or threads discussing this , so you should be able to find a suitable tutorial rather easily
  22. it's never too late to say thanks :laugh: just hope you managed to get everything working properly
  23. no problem my friend , just glad you got it working in the end :laugh:
  24. knutsona banned. Reason: joined for the sole purpose of posting spam Reference post Reference post Reference post
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