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Posts posted by TheWatchman

  1. is there a mod that let you use guns cause i have 4 guns in oblivion from a mod but i dont want a gun that shoots arrows and the pose is weird so is there like a gun mod


    The best gun mod I know, OBSE required: Link

  2. I'm really embarrassed to ask this but, there's this armor that's been on display in the hot files slideshow. A purple stylized female ninja armor, I was planning to download it, but I've been busy. Now that I actually I the time it's now gone and I can't for the life of me remember the name. :wallbash:
  3. Ghost: Free...


    Ghost: Audens... Audens... Audens... Audens...


    Ghosts don't necessarily need line unless you want one the really want to be heard. You can just have them simply standing on the middle of the cell, possibly just doing a ghostly moan.



    Regretful Vampire: I was just like you once... An adventurer earning a living... Until I wen't there... I shouldn't have gone to to Barren Cave. Oh my Lenore I am so sorry... (Cookie and kudos to anyone who knows the reference here :biggrin: And no it's not Twilight :down: )


    One very pissed off at the world vampire: DO YOU THINK I LIKE BEING LIKE THIS?! I was once a noble, I was SOMEBODY! If those still-brained city guards did their job the vampire wouldn't have bitten me!


    Arrogant Vampire: What is it? I am not obligated to answer you questions, cattle.

  4. The Skooma trade is supposed to be a big problem in Cyrodil as well, so addicts in the prison should be pretty common as well. We can had them laughing like idiots for a greeting or something between a drunk and a crazy.
  5. Not all prisoners are the chatty type, so you might want to have some simply giving you an angry stare and not say anything at all or may go with a "What are you lookin' at, punk?" type of line. It's realistic and it won't give you too work when it comes to voicing. Good luck on that BTW :thumbsup:


    A crazy: They told me I'm gotta bath... I CAN'T DO THAT! It's the only thing that's keeping the Hlaalu agents from finding me! Do you know how long it takes to collect enough mudcrab blood to cover the body?!

  6. For a nutcase why not use Glarthir's dialogues as reference, he can't be the only paranoid nut in Cyrodil.



    A drunk would probably be only a oneliner so:


    "...Daah Can somebody stop the room... I wanna get off..."


    or: Shay... do ya mind openin' this here door. Me missus is wait'n for meh...


    or for really wasted one: *hic* "Bartender, gimme another drink"


    Also, how 'bout an occasional chance of an attempted jail break occurring? About 4 to 6 convicts fighting with the guards.

  7. It's DesuChan's Demon Huntress, recoloured white by that image poster (the original does not have any white recolour). It got removed by Desu, but she said she'll reupload her files soon. If you're too impatient, just search for it on google.


    I don't mind waiting, and thanks. :wink:




    Why does everyone suggest that?!


    Incidentally, thanks to the awesomeness that is Beni (the creator of those amazingly awesome animation replacers that you should totally use OR ELSE), that recolour WILL be a part of the new set. Hat and all. Yes. The hat WILL be in it, too.


    Give me a month, guys. Bit of IRL drama going on at the moment so I'm not on my gaming computer as much as I'd like to be. Plus, I've never built a shop before...


    I'm not into the "stylish" ones, and I know Beni's anims is geared toward women chars. And I play guy chars as well.

    But I'll give the Silver Ranger one a whirl since I'm an sniper type player, if it isn't too effeminate I'll keep it.. Thanks for posting that.


    Oh, and I'll be looking forward for the re-upload. :smile:

  8. Now this a big bummer. :(

    I was wondering why SPB mods were suddenly not downloadable all of a sudden. Good thing I already have most of his work in safe storage though I too hope he'll upload them all back 'cause I think his stuff is pretty darn cool. Sure, there's a lot of nudity but at least there's also a good measure of taste in them.

    Here's to this just being an adjustment phase for the new rules. *fingers crossed*

  9. Ironically I ended up doing opposite to what you suggested and adding in entries merging entries from Beautiful Women and Handsome gents revised, basically merging the two mods together. And now I have no gibberish problems and I have 1 less mod to worry in load order. :biggrin:



    Still you steered me in the right direction so thank you. :thumbsup:

  10. I've pretty much gotten rid of all of the gibberish stuff that I can find with TES4Edit and the CS. The problem is that a lot of people still have gibberish replacing their names and none of them were touched in the mod. The one thing I noticed though is that all of those affected are tied to areas that had an item (quest markers I think) from the mod to them added. I can't delete these things without breaking the mod.


    Any suggestions? And I've REALLY looked for an English version of the mod first before settling with the RU mod.

  11. @ Raithfyre


    Aside from Servant of the Dawn (I'm not much into playing with bad guys with arguably screwy beliefs.) I might look in some of this stuff, most especially Ruined Tail and Lost Spires, heard a lot about both. 'bout time I try 'em out. Thanks

  12. Hey all, I'm wondering if there's a mod that overhauls, enhances and/or re-balances the class system or at least the vanilla so as to make it worth your time actually selecting a class?


    Also aside from Verona house. Are there any good after MQ quests I ought to check? I wouldn't mind ones that don't require the main quest complete so long as it has that "a new threat to Tamriel" feel to it.

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