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Posts posted by TheWatchman

  1. I always found it strange that dad was content to use the GECK to purify water when he, Doc Li and crew can potentially purify the WHOLE wasteland with it.


    And 3rdtryguy, the GECK won't reveal a secret vault, all you need is supposedly in the GECK itself.


    The GECK isn't really a replicator. It contains a fertilizer system filled with a variety of food seeds, soil supplements, and chemicals that could turn arid wasteland (and possibly selected sections of the moon's surface pre-conditioned to accept the GECK) into fertile soil for farming. The GECK is intended to be "disassembled" over the course of its use to help build communities (for example, the cold fusion power source is intended to be used for main city power production), and so on. For anything else people needed, they could simply consult the How To Books/Library of Congress/Encyclopedias in the GECK holodisk library for more knowledge. The pen flashlight was just a bonus.


    The GECK also contained some basic force field schematics as well as info on how to make adobe-type buildings from the landscape (or it contained chemicals that could create "sand-crete" walls).


    As for clothing, the GECK contained codes that allowed the Vault to create more varieties of jumpsuits (and weatherproof gear) from their dispensers, which they could do anyway before the GECK. It's possible the GECK contained other codes that could unlock more functionality within the Vault computers that weren't initially available because they would jeopardize the survival of a sealed Vault if they were used or scavenged (or else they would interfere with the Grand Experiment).


    The GECK could also tell the Vault inhabitants how to disassemble sections of their Vault (or take extraneous systems from the Vault) to create new homes and defensive structures on the surface.

  2. Makes me wonder why Bethesda didn't keep the old Karma system. It wasn't just a good/bad meter, it originally also determined which town you've been like/hate you depending on what you're actions.


    Though considering the game engine, it would have been a pain in the arse to keep running right.


    As for the limitations of good/evil options we have. Part of the problem is every npc had a voice. Earlier FO NPCs has much more to say largely because most of them only had text, only a handful had voices. Considering the money Bethesda probably has to pay Voice Actors per hour, they more than probably had to take out things out of the script that had lines that would just take to long to record. So we're mostly rudimentary options with a few complex choices once in a while.


    This would have been averted if the writing was better. I composing an engaging story is no instant thing, I write stories a bit once in a while, but FO3 feels a bit -to put it in nicely- watered down compared to the earlier games.


    @Alehazar Regarding the wasteland screwing you over thing, I think you get annoyed too easily. Most of the cap rewards I've seen in FO3 are no better than the average reward in earlier FO games. The Wastes was more dog-eat-dog and a lot of people in FO2 can be far worse a-holes than any of those you mentioned can ever be.


    Evan King can't match Jo of Modoc who will give what you want -which he doesn't have in the first place- if you go to this freaking spooky place where a lot of people are impaled on stakes. (I can finish this quest peacefully but you won't anything but a map location from him for finishing it)


    Tenpenny and Burke are petty crooks compared to the New Reno gang lords


    The Lamplight kids? I'd rather put up with them than the majority of Vault City aka "the city of tight asses" MacReedy has nothing to First B*tchizen Lynette.


    And Simms? The sheriff of Redding made me do all his dirty work because he had a bum leg and got me into a blood feud with the Morton brothers (thanks to a bug) who I constantly encounter. With each brother leading the encounter wearing power armor and armed with a bozar or LMG (equivalents to a minigun) and sometimes kill me with one shot or at least screw my HP up real bad because the guy gets the first turn. Sometimes this is even more aggravating when I find I didn't save for almost an hour or so.


    And Lyon's BoS are actually very nice guys compared to earlier BoS branches.


    I can think up more examples but the point is after surviving all that, I find very few things in FO3 that are worth angry about.

    In fact the only that thing ticked me off to this date was the result of peacefully getting the ghouls into Tenpenny Tower. Roy and crew are probably the only non-feral three ghouls I've killed with malice in my Fallout playing history.


    But for the record, I'm always played myself when it comes to Fallout, a VERY tolerant Mister Goodie Two Shoes.

  3. Most of the brotherhood's gear is essentially old Pre-War equipment used by the US military before 2077. Since they're descendants of a military unit, most probably had access to them easily.

    As for the Enclave, their gear was mostly developed I'm guess in the Poseidon Oil Rig off the West Coast. Raven Rock looks like a reasonable research post as well. The Tesla Armor concept was originally from the Shi of San Francisco, the Enclave probably copied it because of its laser/plasma resistant qualities.


    As for ammo, the explanation for that in FO1 was the Gun Runners, a group of people who manufactured weapons and ammo, they'll do business to anyone who has the money. I figure there's people in the capital wasteland similar to that thing is they're not included in the game.


    And according to the late Enclave pres. Richardson, the reds were nuked back to the stone age along with the US.


    For anything else, I blame Bethesda :P

  4. ^Actually, it's more of Bethesda's fault Three Dog has a limited collection.


    And Lyon's BoS isn't really that bad, the exploiting and elitist thing applies pretty much to every BoS from East Coast to Mid-West to Texas to West Coast. It's not really too surprising The DC BoS still has these habits even after 20 years. After old habits die hard. And personally, the Lost Hills BoS (The original BoS) are more obnoxious than these guys, though not even they weren't as bad as the Outcast BoS.


    Also since super mutants a WAY more common in DC than around vault 87, they probably assumed they're coming from somewhere deep in the metros or something. Seriously, how often do meet Super mutants around the Vault 87? If I never been in Vault 87 for the GECK, I'd assume the source of the Super Mutants would be somewhere in DC as well. Also according to the storyline there aren't that many of them.


    From what I tell you guys are all judging the factions because of script limitations. The Citadel guards, after checking with the GECK editor, are all assigned to defend themselves when a hostile faction is engaging THEM. They won't help you because nowhere in the whole game will your faction (playerfaction) is scripted to be considered friend. Even if you have Broken Steel and go there after the vanilla game's main quest.

    And the reason why Outcast BoS help you because after you work for them, your faction considered friend. And let's face it they're only helping because you're been a nice little errand boy for them and you might bring them some new toys in the future.


    It's not the Lyons BoS' fault they won't help you, it's what they're assigned to do by the Bethesda programmers.


    And another thing, would you really want Lyons BoS patrols every time you meet them in DC? I personally think Bethesda choose not to putting DC BoS patrols because this game's already easy enough even at very hard difficulty for a good number of people without a squad of guys in PA armed laser weapons doing the killing for you.

  5. Since I played F02, when Eden said it'll affect the super mutants I knew it had to affect FEV somehow, meaning it would kill everyone and everything in the wasteland because all living things have some strain FEV in them. Besides it's a VIRUS, even if it will only kill mutants at first, who's to say that it won't mutate and start killing everyone else? Like say AH1N1?
  6. How the heck did the remnants of the Master's Army (Super Mutants and Centaurs) made it this far east of the US? The West Coast is a pretty dang long way from here. Why are there almost an infinite number of them in FO3 when they were pretty much decimated in FO1. And no they can't reproduce because all Super Mutants are sterile and can only possible by dipping a human into a vat of FEV.


    And where and how the heck did they get the mass amount of FEV needed to start making their kind again.

  7. Actually the Enclave IS the US government.

    And yeah Vault Experiment Program is a failure since for some unknown reason the Enclave didn't follow through with the whole resettling on another planet thing making the project's original goal moot. They switched to resettling earth and "rebuilding America".


    They did continue vault monitoring and research at least until the end of FO2. Until that time, they've got the most advanced tech around and I'm pretty sure they have the means to communicate with at least some of the vaults if they needed to. They did send the signal to Vault 13 that prompted the inhabitants to get ready to finally leave the vault.

  8. I'm not familiar with the GECK yet, but as far as i'm aware there's a console command called 'Resurrect' which can bring dead NPC's to life. If the GECK is like the Oblivion CS; you can use this function in a script, therefore resurrect Argyle. Yeah, these would be cool followers, and definitely would fit into the theme of Fallout.


    Yeah definitely, more often than not the companion mods are girls who quite fit in. Not that I have anything against that, I use the Jessi, Lucy West and Amata mod. I just like to see more variety.

  9. This is just some hearsay from another forum but apparently, EU members (particularly the UK) went to war for resources with the middle east before just 2077 Amerikanzys sides with the Europeans, Commies side with the Middle East. It's supposedly the match that lights up the nuclear powder keg.


    Take that with a grain of salt though.

  10. And probably take Little Lamplight with it! ;)


    Doubt it, Lamplight's a good distance away, and orbital strike only takes out a small area. I also doubt Vault 87 will be affect that much. Anyone whose played the Fallout Series should know the vaults were made to withstand multiple nuclear strikes. If there would any effect, we'll probably end up making more openings into the vault.

  11. Well get this, I'd collected all of the keys, then decided to help the Outcasts with Operation Anchorage and grabbed the Winterized T-51b afterwards and the entire Gotta Shhot 'em in the Head quest updated and was considered completed. WTF?




    Very common bug with the winterized T51B.


    As for getting pissed off over the "watch where you're going"/"Lock for a reason" stuff , I'm actually pretty clumsy at times and a little light fingered (Weird combination, I know) so these remarks hardly faze me.


    What really POs me is that jerk off poor excuse replacement of a overseer Allen Mack at least I understand Amata's dad's reasons.


    Outcasts also annoy me but their usual punishment is having no weapons or armor (I'm using the HornedReaperMJL's Magic Fingers perk mod)

    But if I'm in a really bad mood I place suitcase nuke (Neela's suitcase nuke mod) next to them and run like hell - the blast radius is pretty damn big.


    The ironic thing is these guys are technically more true to the West Coast BoS than Lyon's group, though the original BoS weren't a bunch of elitist snobs.

  12. This probably should go to the mod discussion forum but anyway...


    The BasicNeeds mod perhaps?




    Or maybe this one, Basic Needs combined with other realistic mods




    As for the harder to find bullets and food, I have no idea but how 'bout try using Mart's Monster Mod. Balances out the excessive ammo and food you'll find.

  13. I'm wondering if anybody considered this, cuz of all the non-military/combat faction NPCs these guys have the most potential of being members of the Lone Wanderer club.


    To remedy the issue of Argyle being dead, I remember a ghoul back in Fallout 2 who was buried in Golgotha cemetery for months and when the character digs him out he was still alive. Turns out the people who buried him thought he was dead when he was only sleeping.


    I'm thinking if you have high enough medicine/perception, you'll notice he's alive, though barely and in a coma.


    Getting Argyle to Herbert can be also a good requirement to hiring them both.

  14. I'm requesting for a somewhat straight forward non-combat quest mod that expands a bit on Li's story in Broken Steel. The reason to this is because I find the explanation given to why she's gone quite lame. It really bugs the hell out of me. It's bad enough the vanilla game's ending is bad but this really makes me wonder if anybody in Bethesda bothers reading their own writing.


    The quest is available only after you've done "Take it back!", you did NOT use the FEV strain Eden gave you, and you haven't blown-up Megaton or did not do the Ghoul hostile take-over in Tenpenny Tower.


    (The last part is optional for the modder to but Megaton and Tenpenny are the only settlements other than Rivet City I can imagine Li to be in - c'mon, Li in Underworld or Paradise Falls?)


    Basically it starts when you ask one of the Project Purity Scientists where Doctor Li is, at first they'll give you the basic story, Li had had it with Project Purity, packed her bags and left for the Commonwealth. However with a few skill/perk/SPECIAL checks you'll find she hasn't quite left Washington yet.


    She'd be in Megaton or Tenpenny Tower, sitting in one of the bars preferably not in her labcoat but something appropriate for travel in the wasteland. Initial dialog will involve her not looking very well and is she okay, her reasons for leaving, her belief that the


    Brotherhood sees the Project as simply a propaganda tool to improve their image and maybe even her guilt of not not being able to prevent the brotherhood from taking over the Project after the sacrifices the player and his/her father made.


    You'll have the option to try to convince Li to go back, wish her luck in the commonwealth or for the evil-types a "Don't ever come back *****".


    If you chose the two former choices you'll also get the option of buying her a drink, she'll laugh and comment about what she said to the player's father of buying her a one the whole ordeal was over.


    Ending the conversation as this will end the quest. You'll earn good karma for convincing her to go back, none for wishing her luck, bad for being an ass.


    For more rewards, if you kept Daniel Agincourt, Alex Dargon and Garza alive during the "Waters of Life" quest, talking to them after either convincing or wishing Li luck will net you some small rewards such as meds, energy weapona ammo or caps from each of them.


    If you convinced Li to come back, she'll be back in the Jefferson Memorial in week, empowered and more than ready to give Bigsley a hard time. After a short conversation, you'll earn yourself a perk, Pure in Spirit, gives 10% more damage to evil npcs.


    If you were an ass, you'll earn Dark Hearted, gives 10% more damage to good npcs.


    If there's a mod like what I'm asking, I haven't found it and I blame the good doctor's very generic name for making it quite a chore looking for one.


    I'll try writing up some basic dialog for this.


    Hope I'm not asking too much.

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