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Everything posted by Stronglav

  1. This is a request for a mod to have better inventory at Ostagar trader with cheat option to have the best stuff please.
  2. Tower is ok.I wish i had a mod to skip prologues. Especially most boring one the mage.
  3. Look for dall mods he has one similar
  4. I need please cheat room for special edition for pc. I cant use the console because my console has @@@##@ instead of letters. Dont upload it here just pm me with the link please. Cheat room for pc special edition. Levelers tower doesnt have what i want.
  5. Just download some radio station and replace with your tracks.
  6. In most horrible way possible.Like in 76. Not unearthed but mutated. http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1643293362/0314ee2e/37755007_m.jpg
  7. There are great mods such as shield and sword for arcane and two weapon also but it would be great if there was arcane mage archer mod.
  8. Yes.If you leave Redcliffe before the attack when you return they all dead.Same for this would be great.
  9. So the this is the idea of a mod of truly difficuly moral choice in the game. SPOILERS!!!! When we arrive at the castle and discover the situation there we have a choice. 1:Do the ritual 2:Kill the kid 3:Run to the mages for help Where mages option is the best. But what if there was no time? for example if the Warden leaves Redcliffe castle to call mages ot help demon returns and kills everybody? My meaning is there is only two options for the player: 1:Do the ritual with Jowan 2:Kill the kid. There is no best option.There is only lesser evil to resolve the situation.
  10. Do you really wanna romance that.... thing? No not because he is a synth. I hate him and the instiute which created him because quote: "-It will be better iff the surfice dwellers die out'
  11. Is it possible to make camera similar to kotor games?
  12. So the question is this: I need to ask a female player about this:alistair. So you know he has never been with a woman and he is about to marry an evil snake(anora)and remain virgin for the rest of his life. So the question is would a female take pitty on Alistair and spend a night with him out of pitty?
  13. Good times..... when I could piss on a cop and burn faqs club.That was fun.
  14. Not gonna happen.You need a several modmakers and voice overs and tonn of script work and other stuff. And months of testing.Not gonna happen. There are tonn of mod ideas here but I didnt see even one of them done.
  15. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/616 Can someone please update this mod?
  16. Only 256 mods? http://images.vfl.ru/ii/1637976635/8d4db2a4/36853883_m.jpg
  17. You wrong. 1:Doesnt matter.Just go into fort hagen and continue the quest. 2:Dont bother with this dlc.Kill the ghoul and take the note from her and you have all the mashines. In this game your choice doesnt matter.
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