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Everything posted by grmblf

  1. On the upper part of this website there's some quick links. One of them is called TESNexus, click there and on the new page look at the right side, you'll see a search box. Type in the name of the mod you want and you'll get it or navigate trought the Files tab. good luck! EDIT @ fredyzg: not only you're perfect and croatian, you're even faster than me :P
  2. I've googled a bit too and the only page it finds with relevant content matching this names is the chinese one you've probably taken the names and pics from. (Link). If you speak chinese you'd better ask the author of the post, if not you can translate the page using google translator, register to the web and send a PM to him. Hopefuly he'll understand it and will reply it. Otherwise I'm wondering how the hell did you go there.
  3. man, explain it a little more please. What kind of help are you searching for regarding this mods?
  4. hey, you don't need all this stuff to be into your mod, you can simply make your quest/encampment using an elven stuff mod so your one requires that other mod, and you don't even have to require permission from it's authors, rather they'll be glad to see someone uses their mod 'cause everyone playing your mod will need to download their one. If you find one single mod that covers all your needs, I think it's fair making your one dependant on it. Otherwise if you really need your mod to be a stand-alone one IMHO it's your duty to find exactly what you need and ask permission to it's author as nobody will know better than you what you want your encampment to have. It's just my opinion thought, perhaps elven stuff modders don't see it that way. Anyway, good luck with your first mod.
  5. check the comments page where you downloaded it, you may actualy find useful info. Here's some words from it's author: Also make sure you have installed OBSE and downloaded as well all the required files. You can fix it by edditing the mod in the CS and simply adding a GREETING to the NPC, but first get sure everything else is ok.
  6. Almost every command (like 'addTopic') expects some kind of data as a parameter (ie, if you try to add a Topic it will expect an editorID found among the topics list, addSpell will search within the spells list as seen in the CS, and so on), so whenever it says it doesn't find something as/for parameter it means either it's doesn't exist or it isn't the right kind of data. Make sure you created the topic, check that thesicknesstopic is it's Editor ID, close the topic box, and then it will be available.
  7. there will be 50 or more functions like this, one for each spell or kind of spell, and I don't want them all inside the main script, it'll just make it unreadable. And yes, set fQuestDelayTime to 0.01 at every iteration works for me as the main script runs fine. Also, if I change that result script for a simplest one with one single command, it's processed. The problem comes with that particular code and probably has something to do with that InitItem error the CS reports. As a math note, multiplication takes priority over sum :D
  8. Ok so far I've discovered that there's something within my code that prevents the result script from running entirely. I've closed the CS and after opening it again a message prompts and says that 'Errors were encountered during InitItem for result script on quest stage 11, quest 'grmCSQ'' and here's my code: (these are actually the maths I plan to use to calc the spell damage. I know it's quite crazy but these are the ones used by the game) RemoveAllEffectItems grmCSFrostBallSpell set grmCSQ.skillFactor to ( 0.2 + 1.2 * ( 1 - ( player.getAV Destruction / 100 ) ) ) If ( grmCSQ.skillFactor < 0.9 ) set grmCSQ.skillFactor to 0.9 Endif set grmCSQ.kFactor to ( grmCSQ.magickaSpent / ( 1.5 * 0.74 * grmCSQ.skillFactor ) ) set grmCSQ.timerFactor to ( 1 + ( grmCSQ.timer / 5 ) ) set grmCSQ.expFactor to ( log grmCSQ.kFactor ) / 1.15 set grmCSQ.magnitude to ( ( exp grmCSQ.expFactor ) * grmCSQ.timerFactor ) AddFullEffectItem FRDG grmCSQ.magnitude 5 1 2 grmCSFrostBallSpell Every variable is declared in the quest script and the reference it's a spell I've made and that's it's EditorID.
  9. hey thanks for the link, but in fact Documn made this mod to help my with my chargeable spells and also as a resource for others. I'm already working upon this basis; there's a topic open under the request section, feel free to throw in your ideas and suggestions. I didn't mean you use that mod I linked exactly and entirely as it is, rather I was suggesting you to use a similar shader full-screen effect to simulate the speed effect instead of your pic with all that lines, but I know less than nothing about this matter so maybe it makes no sense, I assumed you could take the pic, the file, whatever it is a shader effect, rename it so it doesn't overwrite night eye effect and call it at will with some amazing OBSE command so it displays full-screen for the lenght of the effect.
  10. I know it sounds weird, and really it puzzles me 'cause I've done some scripting before that used quest stage result scripts as functions that was called from the main script, but I've been checking, testing and searching info in the wiki with no success until now, so I come to you in hope that someone could spot what's wrong with my attempts. What I have: A quest set to allow repeat stages. The main script, attached to that quest, that performs some checking and when certain conditions are met calls a setStage X for that quest. Then I have set the stages and written a result script for each one, so 'til now everything looks ok. The problem is when I call the setStage from the quest script, stages are reached (getStageDone X returns true) but result scripts doesn't run even I've set no condition for the stages or flags. I've added some debug code like a message "result script runnign" and some other visible effects but neither they appear nor the variables I change there seem to be altered, so I guess result script isn't running. If someone knows what could be causing this or any other thing about stage functions or result scripts I should be aware of I'll be very thankful to read it as I've been with this all day and it starts to drive me crazy. Really, any clue is appreciated. PS: I'm using OBSE and there's no other mod interfering as I'm loading my mod alone in CS (not even oblivion.esm) althought I'm testing it with some other mods. I guess that doesn't matter as the quest IS running and it's script runs too.
  11. What a pitty it doesn't work, sounds like you've put big efford on it. And what about adding a blur effect or some of the 'expand' shader effects in this mod to give the feeling of speed?
  12. Take a look at the Quest Tutorials. What you want should be doable in a result script in the stage that finishes the quest. You'll probably need no more than two commands, one SetCellOwnership for the cell and ... well I'm not sure right now what's the command for the key, if there's some, check it out on the wiki ! :smile:
  13. Thanks for the link. I doubt anyone that go straight to the download section would ever stop to comment a very beta mod on the forum unless it annoys him/her so much, wich seems not very probable considering it's small and clean and it doesn't mess with anything, but who knows... 1 & 2 - I hadn't thought before of limiting movement but it's a good idea, and making all this movements available as you progress as perks sounds very good, and some ideas are pretty interesting. How about this preliminary list?: Novice: Can't move nor attack nor jump nor block, solely can charge the spell. Apprentice: Can walk now, but consuming fatigue, i mean stamina, if he does. Journeyman: Can run with minor stamina loss, and also can block. Expert: Can walk, run and jump with no fatigue, and block as well. Master: Can attack too while charging. 3 & 4 - I already have the formulas, I'm using vanilla ones with a modifier to take into account time charging. They all are explained in this topic's first post. Feel free to sggest modifications. Man, my hands only have 5 fingers each one! I'm trying to imagine myself trying to cas a 3-key-combo while moving back and aside to evade from incoming attacks while I keep an eye on my magicka and try to aim my shot at the same time and I just go crazy to think about it :D No, seriously, I don't like very much the idea of multiple combo keys, first because it's more things that people have to learn and get used to, and second because it always makes it less confortable while moving, so by now I think at most I'm adding block button for an extra functionality. I'm not sure about merging target and touch ranges into target only, but yeah maybe I make only target and self to keep things easy and to not add too much spells to the list. Also, with the bonus given at full charge, a touch spell could be unfairly overpowered. About charging spells into arrows or bows... by now it's not between my goals but I've enjoyed the Conduit Magic mod and I like the concept, but it's somehow the opposite to this one. While mine it's about charging and concentrating magicka to cast a spell the other kinda represents the magic that flows from you without efford or concentration (if used with small spells). So unless it's something slightly different from that my answer is a 'no at this moment' otherwise I'd ask you PM me a more detailed explanation of this idea. btw, I've started merging my almost-fuly-functional script with documn's well-written one and I hope soon I'll have a test-able version with all the features commented among this topic's posts.
  14. muahahaha... I love you guy!! :D Unfortunatelly today it's me who doesn't have a bunch of free time but I'll start working on this new 'engine' as late as tomorrow. A big :thanks: to you! PS: could you add a link to this topic on the download section so people that download it could give any feedback if they want? Much appreciated
  15. Well, that's one of the reasons I started this topic too, so all you can give me feedback on your preferences for the spells. It's not that it will please everyone's needs, but the more opinions thown here the easier it will :) In my case I use both 'touch' and 'target' spells, but hardly ever one with AoE (unless it's casted on touch) because they're very expensive, so I was thinking about making the AoE kinda bonus, without detriment of the spell power, but that's and interesting thought, maybe there's people who want to be able to throw a fireball with big radius but not so much powerful. Perhaps a key combo may determine the final form of your spell (ie holding block while charging makes the spell have bigger AoE and lower damage) or do you think it would be easier to have different spells for different uses? Basically I want it to be easy to use and intuitive, and adding a bunch of new spells seems to me somehow counterproductive, as one of it's goals is (suposed to be) to save a few spells in the spells list. I supose we'll see it clearly once we can test it widely in-game. I've never liked the way magic is learned in oblivion: you may spend hours casting flares, and even if you're the Arch-Mage you're not able to cast a bigger fire ball unless you pay for it. Then you go to a merchant, pay a sum and voilĂ ! you know a new spell. What's this? You've spent hours training yourself, increasing your magic capabilities, but aren't good enought to improve your spells? IMO this makes magic quite unreal, it makes me feel like all you have to know to cast a spell is a magic word. What the hell happens inside the shop so you can learn a bunch of spells in minutes while you've being unable to improve the spells you already knew on your own??? What I said, they tell you the secret word... Notice that I'm talking about improving spells you know, I think it's quite logical that someone has to teach you a spell you've never used. But you've made an interesting point. I don't want to give all the spells to the player and let him forget about learning magic throught the conventional ways. Perhaps the quest option is the best one for me, so you can avoid having scaled spells but still have to do something to improve them beyond increasing your skill. So maybe in a quest a mage teaches you how to make your spells last for longer, another one teaches you how to increase the AoE, (quests limited to your level in a particular skill) and so on, but for now that's beyond the aim of this mod, althought I must admit that's somewhat I'd like to see in the future. Anyway, as always, thanks for sharing your ideas with us. I consider every suggestion made.
  16. It sounds pretty good. I'm always afraid of background scripts that run every frame but I guess there's no reason to, seeing how it solves most of the problems currently present and also saves little intensive code running when casting the spells. I wonder if there's something such an empty spell with no effects, no lihgt and no anim, to trigger the whole the effect from there. yeah, but probably not as plain as this but depending on your willpower and destruction skill, and only after having being charging for a certain time. But as you can see the main part is being discussed yet so it may take some time to implement this kind of things.
  17. Some mods needs oblivion to be patched to the latest version, and some needs also the unofficial patch. Be sure to check as well your version of OBSE and update it if necessary.
  18. hummm.... I'm not 100% sure of this but I think it's ok to rename mods that doesn't add new objects or textures (mods that work only with Edit ID) but it is NOT when the mod does add such content as it may prevent the game from finding the right path to that meshes and textures. I'd better try to keep my Data folder clean and write a small list of mods I'm using with a short description if necessary. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  19. that's an interesting idea. It reminds me of old-school PRG critical successes and failures, well in fact it's the same concept, and yeah it'd be very nice to have it in oblivion, not only on weapons but also on spells, and there's a wide variety of maggic effects to choose from so the critical succes isn't reduced to a damage bonus only. Neither I know how hard would be this to be implemented but if you ever figure out how to do it I'll gladly help with some ideas for the effects (how about a glass hammer filled with gas with an increasing chance to break and explode as you use it, burning all your surrounding? or an argonian dagger with a chance to poison your victims? well perhaps this last one isn't really very original :whistling: ). Anyway, do you mean creating a new set of weapons with that 'non-charged enchantments' or rather giving the player the ability to perform himself these enchantments on weapons he owns? I'm not sure but it sounds the first one would be easier to do.
  20. No problem, development process is currently in a stage in wich I won't feel so sad if the whole engine has to be re-done, in fact I prefear spending double of time and ending up with a good mod rather than a quick, nasty one. Furthermore, I'm enjoying from learning how to script and trying different approaches for a same thing, so it's ok having to change it entirely if that change has to improve it. Anyway, thanks for your help. I'll await then until you try that way you say, meanwhile I'll follow a few more tutorials :D PS: any clue about that new approach you have in mind? I'm just curious about it. Has perhaps current version too much intensive scripting?
  21. FIRST POST EDITED. A VERY-BETA VERSION IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD THERE Yeah any help is appreciated. I think you might be able to check out my maths... this last 2 days I've been using the calculator more than in my last 5 years and I'm not sure I haven't made some error. Of course any tips on scriptting will be much helpful too. I hope it fits your expectations, and I also think this is a kind of spell to have from the beggining, so it grows with you and you can forget the others 'fire damage on target' and 'restore health' spells. !!! Could an admin rename this topic's title to '[WIP] Chargeable Spells' or add to it the proper tag here for work in progress works? And perhaps move it to general mod talk or is it ok here for wips? Thanks!
  22. hi there! I know it may sounds redundant but really I think you don't even glimpse how hard is to put out such a big mod like the one you're describing or you're too much optimistic about it. In any case I'm not here to confront you nor to tell you how to do things, but maybe you could appreciate a few tips that can make your life as modder a bit easier. If you don't, then, simply ignore them. - first off, I'd suggest you focus your mod to a specific aim. What's the final purpouse of creating this mod? Is it simply creating the biggest mod that ever existed and claim it as yours? or is it creating a new environment that isn't found in Oblivion (nor in any other existing mod) with a unique atmosphere? perhaps certain environment is ok and you simply want to add/expand some quests on that ambience? are you going to re-create a new race or culture that must have unique items? what would be more important, usable items for the player or NPC's to interact with? Can you use default OB objects instead (weapons, characters, buildings, caves, etc) or you MUST use something different that hasn't been done? I'm pretty sure you'd choose doing everything, but thus the mod remains unfocused (if that's the word) and with no specific goal is hard to go further in any direction. - Take priorities: In case everything you want can't be done, state what's a must have and what's dispensable. This will save you a lot of work that may end up not being used, (and that's frustrating when happens), so focusing your goals and sorting them by priority you could get a clear what-to-do list that you could follow in order. Working in blocks is easier as you don't have to remember everything you have done at once, and also because in fact you're ending something, wich makes the averall process can be measured by real things instead of a simple percentage. Since now we only know it has to be underground. - Plan your work and use common sense to do it, so no single previous stage of develompent has to be repeated, ie. you build a town up on a mountain, and after that you realize that in fact according to the quest it should be instead in a plains. Of course you can then edit the worldspace, but we'd saved a little time doing it before. - Write it all down! so often we forget things that afterwards appear to be important. And usually big and original ideas look better in one's head than once are written, it's just because there's always a lot of things we don't think of before writting'em. Also, since humans don't have (yet) telepathic powers, writting down the stuff is the way you can let others know your thoughts and ideas and that's specially important if you want them to contribute. man I'm sry if this has been too long, I'm not good at short advices :pinch: Anyway, these are not rules that have to be followed nor something similar, these are just opinions I've ended making up with based on my experience so maybe they're not as useful to you as they are to me but at least I think you should consider them. good luck with this mod!
  23. Indeed, it's quite unreal how easily they detect you when you try to pickpocket them. Here's the formula the game uses for detection: http://cs.bethsoft.com/constwiki/index.php...egory:Detection I coudn't find any reference to pickpocketing, maybe you'd wanna cross this with that mod that alters the chance to be detected to see which one(s) is/are the values affecting it. The only one that makes sense to me is an increased noise according to the object's wheight, but perhaps it uses different values. Maybe a light spot with negative values (emmiting darkness instead of light) placed upon the player could do the trick and increase your chance to pickpocket. I thought you could find it useful.
  24. yep, I'm missing the end of each line too and I'm curious about it as I had to use similar math functions for a script I'm doing. Could you break into 2 the line that exceeds the page size, the one in your the code box in your first post? I'm not sure if that'd solve it but perhaps better trying before reporting it. EDIT: Good that is solved. I'll take a look at this script
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