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Everything posted by grmblf

  1. I've edited the first post to cover this project's current state. By now almost every technical issue I had has been solved with your advices and resources and it's a matter of time ending this first stage to start testing values and playability. I'll try to keep you updated. @ paladicprince: take a look at the first post, it's better explained there, but don't be afraid, the amount of magicka is the key factor to calc the damage, I said that percentage could give a bonus to that damage, but finally I'm using a different formula.
  2. Sure, but it will depend on your total magicka and your destruction skill level, I'm not willing to make it something overpowered, in fact I was planning to use vanilla game formula if I can find it, but perhaps a little (and proportional) bonus for spending 50% or more of your magicka in a shot would be nice. I'm thinking about half of the percentage above 50%, ie spending 70% gives a bonus of +10% to damage, spending 99% of magicka gives +25% to damage. How do you see that? Anyway I haven't reached this stage yet (still trying to make the projectile flies properly) so there will be time to discuss and test it.
  3. I haven't tested this mod yet but I think it fits well your request. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17588 It seems to work with custom-made clothes and armour.
  4. Yes I'll do that, I thought of it afterwards, good point thought. yay! That's amazing, that makes things much easier! I need to do little research on this, it sounds promising. Thanks for the offering, I've also used that tutorial to make a function to place the objects (caster and target) but it doesn't cover the vertical offset and I'm really bad at maths so sure it will be useful to me. I'll download it as soon as downloads are available again. Man, a big BIG thanks to you for your help. I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel :smile: Kudos given. ---------- Do you mean my script or Documn's one? I have no problem in posting it here but it's still fairly un-done. EDIT: what a stupid comment on my side, of course you're referring to documn work as my script isn't hosted here nor anywhere :P forget it ---------- I'll still working on the 'technical' stuff but I've already started thinking of additional features for the spells, like: - If you don't release the key before running out of magicka simply the spell isn't casted and your magicka 'charged' is lost. (already implemented). - If you spend more than a 75% of your total magicka in a single spell there's an increasing chance to suffer a bit from it (not backfiring, just like it affects you too, in a smaller percentage that it does to your target). It should consider Willpower and Destruction. - Make the spells have extra random features depending on your level, stats and the strenght of the spell. ie growing area effect and duration. - Make some racial bonus or kind of 'magic schools' (or maybe user-defined values) so for example Bretons or High Elves might regain magicka while charging and therefore be able to charge for a longer period, Dunmer could be able to charge beyond their total magicka by consuming health once the magicka pool is empty, etc. Also the total time they're charging could depend on races or user settings (a longer timer makes it more accurate for small shots, but harder to concentrate all the power in a single spell, while a shorter timer acts in the opposite way, making it easier to cast big spells and also emptying your pool faster). I'll consider every idea given on this as well as any other feature you might suggest. I'm glad to see there's people interested (or at least curious) about this, I really appreciate your inputs, so keep them comming, people!
  5. I've also tested it myself and it works perfect. Be aware thought that isKeyPressed3 doesn't work on numpad keys when numlock is on so you have to disable it.
  6. I second every word from the post above. Could you give us a little idea what it will be? a screenshot, a short description, background story, etc?
  7. There are many many things that can cause a CTD (Crash To Desktop), and no, there's no single utility that tells you exactly what's wrong with your mods, that'd be fantastic. The thing that you see your desktop 'magnified' is probably because as oblivion crashes, your windows keep your screen resolution from the game and applies it to windows. Normally, as for what I've experienced with the game, if two or more addons are in conflict the game uses to crash only on certain circunstances (or it doesn't load at all). The only time I've experienced that kind of random crashes was when I was abusing from graphics (very high res replacements, water enhancement, anti-aliasing, shadows, etc, etc, etc) like my graphic card was running out of memory or so. Perhaps that's what happen to you too, but in any case, most of the times finding what's wrong with your mods is a matter of trial and error. Go, uncheck what you suspect that may be causing the crash and load the game. It doesn't crash? You've found it! Otherwise you should still trying other mods. Reading the readme included with the mods and following the installation process as described usually helps preventing oblivion undesired behaviour.
  8. probably 'cause you're sneaking or with your weapon drawn. It has never happened to me. Perhaps they want you to bribe them :)
  9. My script already takes care of the total Magic and current magic. It's designed to empty the pool in 4 sec regardless of it's size (this can be modified, maybe 6 is better for lighter shots), so if you have just half of your pool you'd be able to charge during 2 seconds only. It's tested and magica is never below 0 so it's safe and fairly accurate (still have to add stunted magicka while charging to be 100% accurate). That thing you mention about using a static (static reference?) that cast the spell sounds good, I'll try that way. Making the 'charge' button the one that triggers the whole effect doesn't seem to me to be appropiate, but probably I think so because of my little knowledge at scripting so if you think there's some advantadges in doing so plz tell me. I've set it by now to the block button, wich is commfortable and also helpful, but the main reasons for making all starting from the spell casting is that: 1) there's no background script running, it triggers only when the spell is cast, and 2) I can't figure out a way to transfer values from a script to another in oblivion, except with quest stages functions, so I woudn't know how to use the values I've stored. Anyway, a big :thanks: for the input. PS: I do use OBSE and track bttonpressed but the problem with 'C' key is that constantly cast a new spell, that forces me to choose another key but the perfect one would be the 'C' of course.
  10. CHARGEABLE SPELLS by grmblf Pre-Final Version 0.35 - Requires OBSE 0018b4 DOWNLOAD IT HERE. Mod Info: Mod name: Chargeable Spells Version: Pre-Final v0.35 Author: grmblf Requirements: OBSE v0018b4 or higher. Source: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27746 Thread at TESNexus: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=155243 Thread at Bethesda forums: http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...owtopic=1051429 Summary This mod revamps completely how magic is used in Oblivion into a more tactical and believable fashion, allowing you to regulate the power of the spells you cast by charging them, simply holding down the cast key just for a while, and then releasing to actualy cast the spell. This process takes into account your magicka spent, the time charging, the skill corresponding to that spell and it's governing attribute, and the result is calculated using default game's formulas but taking the values from your overhaul / magic mods. A lot of lines of code and so many speepless hours has been put here to achieve this effect and to make it smooth and fair, but also to add a lot of other small features that could improve gameplay and immersion. Read the full list of features here below: Features * A completely new spell-charging system, complex in it's ends but easy and intuitive in it's usage: - Charging process visualy noticeable: your magicka pool depletes at a constant rate as long as you're charging, and it plays on yourself the visual effect for the spell you're charging. - Accurate cost / magnitude calculation according to spell's cost default formula with a decent boost for charging longer. - Every calc is proportional and non-scaled, therefor every single magicka point, every millisecond spent charging and every skill level achieved are taken into account for the final result. - Several sounds complement the charging process. * A full set of chargeable spells, few but versatile, to not clutter the spells list: - More than 80 Chargeable Spells covering almost every default magic effect. All they available to charge and cast! - Chargeable Spells don't have a pre-set level, what determines they power is the amount of magicka you put in them and your current skill level, so the same spell becomes useful at every skill level. - There's only one spell per magical effect. Dynamic settings like making ranged spells becoming "on touch" automaticaly when under water plus the "alternative cast" feature allow for just a few spells dealing with several uses. - Holding block when the cast key is released will activate an "alternative casting mode" for that spell. Basicaly this will make ranged spells increase their AoE at some magnitude cost, and it will make "on self" spells become ranged, to cast them on companions or friendly NPCs. * Dynamic chargeable spells' purchase system and chargeable spells updater: - Chargeable spells are available to purchase from every spells merchant. When you talk to them they will have the appropiate chargeable spells corresponding to the ones he/she actualy has. This is made by script, so there's no spell or merchant altered or replaced. When you end your conversation they recover their original spells (AI isn't smart enought for chargeable spells). - Due to this, NPCs from other mods now might sell chargeable spells too. - When you first load Chargeable Spells you might choose to obtain the chargeable spells corresponding to the ones you already have, replacing default spells that aren't modified by other mods. * A full perks system and a penalties system for charging: - It includes a dynamic perks system that limits your mobility while charging at lower levels as well as your fatigue loss and the possibility to loose the charge if you run out of magicka or fatigue, or if you are injuried. - Optional feature (enabled by default) that adds a small chance for your spell to drain from you some extra fatigue or health, or even hit your attributes. This is progressive and the chances are increasing for as long as you're charging, so you can stop charging and cast the spell once you see it starts to hurt you. If you decide to charge longer, all your stats drained this way are added to the spell's power. This feature is complemented with blurred vision effect (optional) and a sound and the "damage attribute" visuals that warns you when this happens. * Aditional features: - Optional feature (enabled by default) that makes every chargeable spell able to be casted at Novice skill level. Spells will still show their real mastery level but you will be able to cast them. If using the feature above and considering that at novice skill level spells power won't be really great it's fair to make them all available and it shouldn't be considered a cheat. - Increased experience (XP) proportional to the time charged for every cast. - Spell casting responds to magical effectiveness, magical resistance and spell absorption/reflection. - Being staggered, knocked or silenced renders the PC unable to charge. - While a spell is being charged, a light effect shows on the player, and it's radius grows exponentially each second. It's meant to make you easier to detect if charging a huge spell. - Spells values are updated after each casting, so you can see how much powerful it’s been. An optional message may be enabled to show spell’s info in-game after each casting. - Optional features can be enabled / disabled editing the .ini file provided. Playing this mod * Getting started: Chargeable Spells will work either on new games and on saved games. Once in-game, a message box will prompt asking you to replace your default spells by a chargeable version of each one. Choosing so will give you the chargeable version corresponding to the spells you have, and then it will remove from your spells list those spells that only have an effect wich is not scripted, so it won't replace spells from other mods, unless they only alter cost/magnitude. If you're not sure about replacing your spells, a lesser power will be added to you. Casting it will open the menu again so you can choose to "update" your spells list. * How do I get the spells I'm missing? Every spells vendor will sell now chargeable spells for a nice price, even NPCs from mods. Following the same procedure as avobe, they will have the chargeable version of the spells they had, so default spells won't be available to purchase as long as any other mod modifies them. Notice that NPCs still have their original spells, they are only temporary replaced for them as long as you speak with them. * Charging spells: It's not necessary for you to know exactly how calcs are done but this things might be important: - What determines a spell's power is the amount of magicka you put in the spell and your skill level, but there's also a bonus for charging long. - When charging a spell it always drains 1/4 of your total magicka pool per second, proportionaly. So a big magicka pool means you put more magicka per second, and therefor it allows for more powerful spells being cast in less time. - Even draining 1/4 of your magicka each second you can charge for longer than 4 seconds, because you regenerate some magicka also while charging. This means that a higher magicka regeneration rate (high INT+WIL) will allow you to charge for longer, and therefor put in there more magicka and obtain a bigger time bonus. Using restore magicka potions works as well. - The "time bonus" for charging longer multiplies the final result by 1+(time/10). ie, charging for 3.25 seconds will multiply the result by 1.325, ie a 32.5% more, up to a x2 multiplier at 10 seconds of charge. - By default every spell can be cast at novice level eventhought they still show it's original mastery level. - Charging for long might hurt you. If your health drains so quickly or if you hear your character's gasp better release it and cast the spell. * Perks and movement limitation: As it's been commented, this mod also features a perks system that limits player's movement at lower levels and unlock them as your character progress in each magic school. This perks are associated with your current skill level and they are re-calculated every time you select a spell. Fortify / Drain skill effects may un/lock pertinent perks temporaly. Novice: - can't run or walk while charging. - can't stand in sneak mode charging (your PC will stand up automatically when charging). - can't charge or cast under water. - can't jump or attack, but stills can block. - if runs out of magicka while charging, spell and magicka are lost. Apprentice: - can charge under water. - can walk while charging or simply stand in sneaking mode. - if gets exhausted while charging (zero fatigue), the spell is automaticaly casted. This will work even if a fatigue mod knocks you out for being exhausted. Journeyman: - can run while charging. - can walk in sneak mode while charging. - if runs out of magicka while charging the spell is automaticaly casted. Expert: - can run in sneak mode while charging. - can jump while charging. Master: - never looses the charge due to being injuried, but still loosing the charge if knocked out/down. - can attack while charging. All this movement limitations are performed in a smooth fashion, giving the player a one-second transition between each mode. For instance, a novice running will automatically start to walk when charging and one second after will be stuck until the spell is released. Right after casting the spell the player will be running or sneaking again, however he/she was before. * Spells and alternative casting: The spells this mod adds have been built upon the basis of just very few patterns for ease of usage, and it all has been carefuly designed to be as logical and intuitive as possible. Here are some considerations that may help understanding better this new spells. To activate the "alternative casting mode" the block button must be held down the moment the cast key is released. - If a spell can do all it's effect at once, it does. Only spells that really require time to be effective will last (ie charm, silence, weakness to, etc). - If a spell can be 'on target' instead than 'on touch' then it is, so there's no 'fire damage on touch' spell. - Spells that last for a while and have a magnitude (ie, shield, but not night eye), have double duration than magnitude. For instance, a spell that charms 32 pts will lasts 64 seconds, and therefor it will cost according to that. In fact time has been doubled, so half of time is for free. - Ranged spells have a small Area of Effect (AoE) rangnig from 2 to 7 or 8, depending on your skill and governing attribute. - The alternative cast for ranged spells makes them less powerful but increases their area of effect. It's power will be between 50% to 80% from it's original magnitude, depending on your skill and attribute, and it's radius depends on this but also on the percentage of your total magicka you've spent, up to a hard to reach maximum of 150 feet. - "Benefical" spells that are cast on self (restore health, resist poison, etc) can be cast on target using the alternative cast, either to heal a companion, to give water walking to a slaughterfish or to cast light on fleeing enemy. Some doesn't have an alternative casting, like bound stuff, summoning, night-eye and detect life. - The alt. mode for Absorb health/fatigue/magicka spells will make them lasting for long and absorbing the proper stats slowly. - Only those magical effects related to some percent check (like reflect spell, shield, resist/weakness, etc) are restrained to a max of 100. In this case, the extra magicka spent makes it lasts for longer. - Those effects that rely on an absolute value have no maximum and can effectively exceed 100 (for instance, feather, detect life, light, etc). * Penalties system with reward: After one second charging a spell a random check is performed, depending on your skill and will (higher stats are better), to determine if you're affected by it, kinda you start to loose control over the spell. Charging for less than one second has no risks at all, but after one second this check is performed continuosly, twice per second, until the spell is cast. Chances of failure are increasing each time, so charging really long may become dangerous. Penalties you might suffer from charging a spell are set in a few severity levels, so you won't suddenly loose the spell, if this has to happen first your fatigue will be hit, then your health, after that your attributes will suffer and then you might loose the spell, being 0.5 seconds between each step, so you can react if things go wrong. If you suffer once from a "penalty" it doesn't mean you'll be suffering it continuously until you release the spell or that you will get automaticaly next "penatly", all this is randomized each check, but chances to fail increase quickly with time, so the normal thing is that once you start to loose fatigue you'll be loosing fatigue each second, and maybe with health will happen so, but that's very random. Each "penalty" has it's own chance to apply, smaller as the more severe they are. Once it hits your attributes it will hit one point at each attribute, you'll hear your character gasps and a red visual effect will play on the PC. Penalties come in form of 1 fatigue point loss per check failed, 1 health point, 1 pt on attributes and finally a chance to loose the spell. The reward is that every stats point drained is added to the spell's power, just like extra magicka spent. Each fatigue point adds 1 to magicka, a health point adds 2 and each time your attributes are damaged it counts like spending 50 magicka points more. This makes long charges far more exciting and dangerous, but also rewarding, mostly for novices and apprentices. In higher skill levels things are getting more stable, but there's always a small chance to fail. Check the full readme in the download page for installation instructions, compatibility issues and known limitations, ... and enjoy the update! grmblf
  11. that's a bit crazy but here you have it: scn imnotamurderer float fQuestDelayTime short victims short check begin gamemode If ( check == 0 ) set fQuestDelayTime to 1 set victims to ( GetPCMiscStat 6 ) set check to 1 Else If ( GetPCMiscStat 6 > victims ) EssentialDeathReload "That was unnecessary. You deserve to die as well" Endif Endif End you need to create a quest in the CS and attach that script to it and that's all. If you want the script only kills you when you kill innocent people only then replace both 6 after GetPCMiscStat by a 32.
  12. It woudn't work. You should need to edit then ALL the clothes and armours you wanna wear so they match your body, and do that for each different body.
  13. If I'd know what TFC and TM console are I supose it would be easier fo me to imagine that :biggrin: Seriously, I get your point, but I really don't know how these things work on oblivion. I've found in other games that all that visual particles are placed according to screen position and that in fact they don't have a real world position, so if you move the camera these brightful dots move along with you, that's why I suspect this can't be done, but I say it again, I don't know how these things work in oblivion, so I won't affirm it can't be done. But hey, you're free to fundament your certainties upon my suspicions :biggrin:
  14. @ LHammonds: could you post a blank image showing the shape of the shield you've choosen, with appropiate dimensions/resolution. I'll be pleased and thankful, and also it may help people with no skill at all at texturing or image editting, like me, to be used as a template for our own shields to share them for this project and save you a little time. That'd be great. Point two: does the oblivion engine support some sort of in-game re-texturing? applying an overlaped image layer, or altering the texture path? I mention that 'cause it'll be great to be able to create your own shield in-game, choose the pattern, choose the colors and the symbols. Of course it will be much more limited than user-made pics but that'd be cool IMO. And third, that's why I started this post, I've came with an idea for a quest/background story to obtain your own coat of arms in the game and for heraldry in Tamriel in general. When you are at level 2 or so a group of knights come to the Imperial City after being victorious in some war on Morrowind against a tribe of rebels or so (it should be lore-friendly but in fact it doesn't matter really much as the conflict has ended and the player won't have the chance to go there and see it). The knights tell to the people amazing stories about how they fought fiercy and defeated the dunmer, etc, and how the dunmer surrended, giving them a personalized insignia painted on a shield as a gift for their brave and courageous behave on battle and all that stuff, kinda a sign of respect for the enemy. They are sou proud of their logo as they think it reflects properly their behaviour, strenghts, etc, so they walk all day showing the shield and linking in some way the stories they tell about themselves with the symbol they wear. But the people in the city really doesn't understand and reply that heroes are remembered by their names and not by a picture. The knights, annoyed, decide then to go to the Imperial Palace to speak to a responsible of the imperial register or something similar, in order to promote a bill for wich their respectives logos will be considered as their name itself. The knights are convinced of their request and the person in charge doesn't want to fight war veterans so they agree. But what once was a dunmer tribal usage becomes something much more complex once it's on the hands of the imperial bureaucracy. At this stage the player could help them by talking to some scholar or librarian in the Arcane University if he has granted the acces, seeking some book, etc. Otherwise the quest should carry on and the register should be created in a few weeks (or months). Once the office is already working the player may have the chance to register their own coat of arms. Below level 10 he will be told that one must be somebody before asking for a CoA, otherwise (unless he's the Champion of Cyrodiil or so) he will be required of some proof of his deeds. And that means go all thought Cyrodiil to find at least one person who could witness everyone of his important deeds, and ask them to do so. Perhaps they use your visit to ask you a little favor in exchange, and so on. I know that's not very original but it may add a lot of fun and it's not like a plugin you install, go to the shop and buy the item, you must do something before to adquire it. I'd be really cool if it takes into account the fame you can prove and so it's clearly reflected on the shield. ie, you make the request at level 12 and obtain your shield, as you submited it. You make the request at level 25, beign the Champion of Cyrodiil, and it's the same pic with golden border and ribbons, etc. Perhaps 3 or 4 differents versions of each image would suffice, but that means multiplying the mod's size unless some kind of trick could be done. well, I hope my stories don't bore you, it's just an idea.
  15. uhm... let's imagine this mod exists... and let's imagine it lets you freeze the screen with only one key press.... what would be then the difference between pressing that key or pressing directly the screenshot key? :biggrin: Now I'm asking seriously, I really don't get the point of such a mod like this one you're requesting for. Do you mean freezing everything but your character? Hope you mean so :biggrin: Really I can't be of much help, but from my experience modding for other games I think this can't be done, at least the way you want it. Character's animations, weather effects, visual particles, all this are things that follow different patterns. Probably you might get the right 'step' for the screenshot for everyone of them, and then re-create them in a static animation, static cloudlet, etc... I hope I'm wrong.
  16. a couple? I've only posted one mod of mine that was made by request of an user that after requesting it disappeared (sadly this seems to happen oftenly) and it contains no more than one small script, so I'm still far from being prepared to carry on a mod like this one - AI packages are givin me troubles - but maybe if DNappi wants we could split the work and make a quest each one or a few of them once the story is clear, I have time available by now.
  17. u're forgiven :biggrin: yeah, but I no longer dare translating a weapon name, both this and claymores are referred as 'mandoble' in spanish, wich basically means the same (two-handed), but the same word in one language has a specific meaning while in the other do not.
  18. hey that would be a great mod! My modding skills are limited but if an expert modder takes over this project I might be able to help with NPCs, quests, worldeditting and some basic stuff. I really like the idea, it really gives you something to do once you're near 100%. If you've done the MQ, the one on the SI, etc, one feels himself starts to belong more to divinity than humanity, so ending up enslaving a daedra prince isn't that crazy. Maybe all these master quests could be part of a bigger one in wich you become a god yourself or a kind of 'planeswalker' that walks the realms of Oblivion and Tamriel and whatever more. Anyway that would be just the perfect closing, all these master quests by themselves are pretty interesting if you put that amount of imagination on each one.
  19. yay pal I was wrong, I've been doing a little research and I found that what I had in mind when I was talking about 'claymores' is in fact called something like: zweihander. Really I thought highlanders used it, but I guess as u say that makes no sense for the kind of forces they're facing. Damn, rpgs, cheap books and nefarious translators like me do too much harm to proper terminology, so better listen to experts, meanwhile I'll re-check my sources :thumbsup:
  20. I see these tutorials don't help you too much so I've made this mod myself. Now you're granted with a lesser power at 0 magicka cost that allows you to summon a complete set of bound armour, including shield for an unlimited amount of time. If you want to mess around with the file it contains 2 different spells, called grmblfAddArmourComp and grmblfRemoveArmourComp, but both call the same script, called grmblfBoundArmourComplete. I've used two different spells to know when to add or remove the items but you won't even notice that simply by playing because they're being replaced mutually as you cast one of them and they have the same name. Don't worry, you won't have both at the same time. It's probably not the best way to do it and sincerely I didn't search for a mod that already does it, I just was curious about that so I've tried to do it myself, so don't blame me if the result is not what you're expecting. As far as I've noticed it has a minor issue: when you cast the spell to get rid of the armour it doesn't auto-equip what you were wearing before the armour. By the moment I have no idea how this could be done. Ohh, I almost forgot. The spell isn't automatically added to you. You must open the console once in-game and type in there: player.addSpell 01000ED3 and if you're lazy with menus but fast at typing then: selectPlayerSpell 01000ED3 Enjoy!
  21. @ QQuix: Thanks for your contribution! I like the proximity check, probably better than creating an invisible activator for each light, but it doesn't solve the problem that if you 'disable' a real light spot like a flickering candle both the light and the candle disappear, so we still need calling a 'placeAtMe' for every affected candle or fire or moving it's extinguished counterpart from an unreachable cell to that position. It seems that moving objects will be less harmful than placeAtMe them, but won't that limit the maximum lights that can be disabled at the same time? I mean, I see great use for this mod for stealthy characters that want to remain undetected or plan to steal something, so if they go extinguishing every flame they encounter would this be a problem? Question #2: would the enabled/disabled status remain as we set it if the cell content respawns? That's for the real lights, but for the fake ones I don't get your point. If you disable a fake candle you remove the object but not the light. At first I thought it could be possible to check then for the nearest light bulb to delete it too, but there's a few interiors where one single light bulb covers the area of multiple fake candles, so it's not as easy. Otherwise, if you get rid of the light and leave the fake canlde you will end up seeing a white spot where the fake flame is, even with no light at all, not very nice. Anyway, 'Real Lights' mod deals with this as it deletes almost every light bulb and replaces most of the fake lights with real ones, so making a mod to lit and extinguish real lights would mean that it could work on almost every light if used in conjunction with real lights mod. @ Pronam: I tested the mod you linked here. It works fine but the result is somehow poor. It really annuls the light from candles but sometimes the 'darkness' it places upon the light doesn't match it exactly in radius or in intensity so sometimes you see the white spot I mentioned before or a slightly shining aura around the candle. I'll still gathering info while learning how all this works. Damn, it seems I haven't choose the easiest way to start modding.
  22. More Tutorials! This one is about making a cast-able spell, the only thing it doesn't cover is making it switchable. Also take a look at the whole Tutorials category on the wiki, there's a lot of stuff there to get started. good luck!
  23. interesting, indeed. It doesn't mess with objects and it does it's job. I'll take a look at how it wokrs, perhaps a little adjustment lets you light them again at will using the same procedure.
  24. Take a look at this Tutorial on Custom Bound Items, it's not exactly what you're asking for but you might get some interesting info from there.
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