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Everything posted by alienzerox

  1. if you installed the "not used" mods via MM then you can remove then with MM other wise you are going to need to do it old skool by referencing and removing thru the archive I just started using the fnv plugin utility recently so I'm no expert and I have not found any useful tutorials on the subject but i'll share what worked for me --- create a blank esp (new) name it whatever you want -- add loose esps that has no folders suchas textures/meshes whatnot and save in between each add in do like 5 then test it out in game ... disable the originals first --- to see if it worked --- if it happens to be an accessory or weapon you will need to go find it again bc you just changed the ID for it but the info should still be the same ---
  2. What's ENB? What's fake fullscreen about? That's exactly why I only want bug fixes and graphical perks. enb series >>> enhanced visual ... shaders and such makes the overall game world prettier if you know what you are doing dunno use fake fullscreen so .... but for bug fix >> YUP NMC Textures Pack Poco BeunoTextures ur choice of enb if you want NVSE so you can use stutter remover & nvac plus a few others ---
  3. physical disc ... and ur friend was able to install the game and play it?
  4. hotkey other than the standard is used in a lot of the mods I have loaded configured thru the HUD mods so yeah that is what i meant PPA is short for the Powered Power Armor mod from imp --- I'm pretty sure that the louder footfalls come from his mod bc of the overhaul he made to make PAs much more believable ur call on the expoding mecha part bc ur the creator >>> just throwing it out there bc I like big explosions :laugh: and that I go out of my way to shoot abandoned vehicles with intact nuclear cores just to see them blown up :ermm: I use the weapon wheel so I was able to cycle my guns without the need of the pipboy or hotkey interface ... huge honking weapons FTW! LOL ... seriously tho I would have to refrain from using that feature for immersion ... maybe lock out 1st person view for further immersion ... seeing everyone else tiny helps.
  5. leave the area .... loading screen ... then the station will pop in and you should be able to play the tunes or any of the wav file in the game on ur box without the game running if you have the right codec installed
  6. make sure that the tunes you are using are royalty free and obscure enuff that you won't get slammed for copyright stuff b4 you proceed unless you are using your own created music ... just sayn
  7. is the shoulder mounted weapon a mod or dlc content ... I dunno bc I have so many weapon plugs installed ---- was thinking that you may want to try to attach one of these to the Mecha if it is at all possibe?
  8. makes sense ... how about try to hot key the meds and or rad away yeah and i agree with big booming building quaking while on the move ... my Sharl with PPA is pretty loud and sneak is nearly impossible but is moot since I have good DT and great weapon damage should make it blow up if hit by ap shells in the power plant --- along with the warning sirens & flashing red lights to eject bc of eminent danger of explosion!
  9. LOL nice devin ... giant power armor >> great idea makes my weapons huge too ... it needs access to inventory too --- but it was fun to test out my followers are dwarfed I'm afraid I'd step on them! :ohmy: I like this dev thx it made my dreary day!
  10. mod organizer (google it) uses the same method as modfusion so that it may be possible to go over the mod limit cap without fear of breaking the game ...in theory >> can't be certain if it's true or not --- I discovered this too late bc I would have liked try it but I'm 200+ hrs into my current build & it would be foolish to abandon the game to start over --- I may decide to try it later tho bc it intrigues me
  11. are you using BOSS >> do a search in ur PC for modlist & it should pop up
  12. you should take a look @ the structuring of the gun mods from this author they have more than 3 configurations that can be swapped out but not in the conventional sense I have the m110 from this author that does attachments another way which is sorta weird but it works nonetheless ... and the m110 is sweet ... don't have the m24 but currently DLing now
  13. it was a while ago but I am thinking I may have missed the step about running the game once with the launcher part ---- bc I am a spazz and just skim instructions or flat out don't read them
  14. wme or wmx whichever you happen to use need to be below millenias mod for it to work properly ... might want to look into getting this also bc it allows for removal aswell as seeing what you can get for the weapon wait did your post on this subject gltch bc i see it posted 5 times in tech sup
  15. but reading back into what you said about your LO being enormous ... I suspect that you may be over the limit -- 255 for original -- and I imagine less and less with each added dlc -- bc I have nv ultimate which included all & my mod/data limit is 140 so I my build starts to freak out @ about 120 - 30 depending on the size of the mod I decided to try that day (game accounts for items in the data folder also according to nivea & bben) and I trust them to know their stuff ... so maybe deactivate some to see or merge some of the loose that can be
  16. dunno ... too far back for me to remember if there were any kind of posting restrictions for young-lings
  17. well you can use this with whatever kind of clothes you want on top of it but off the top of my head the only plaid or "flannel" styled I've seen is joshuas and cass ... but then again I'm not actively looking for it
  18. I get that too sometimes ... but I don't have MMUE installed I use YUP ... hmm It first started when I was on a bounty mission & I wanted to fast travel to the jail, it also occurred the second time, same reason so I thought it was quest related, I used NVEC so bounties is included & I was/am so far in with my current build that I was not going to remove it without causing damage to my build/saves. so my work around was to use a transporter device I got thru the underground hideout mod (hotkeyed) teleport home (default) then teleport to jail (custom) so I would never have to iopen up my pipboy and risk a CTD. ...but it happened again last night while I was trying to finish the sierra madre dlc.... sorry about digressing ...but, I'm curious for a solution for this too
  19. I'm looking forward to this ... if you need any more testing I'll be happy to play target for you .... but no guarantees that I won't shoot back!
  20. okie dokie good to know ... I'll make sure not to exceed that amount...
  21. what? I was just agreeing with purrtime about rolling back and I never posted anything on this subject until last night when I first read it ... looking back at your mod page I never even posted in it nor did I know that you were the author ... I mean no disrespect whatsoever. I simply remembered that I tried using the updated version it & didn't work so I rolled it back to the original one that did work then moved on. don't fix something that isn't broken, meaning for me there is that the FNV4g version I had ran fine & there was no reason for me to change it but did it anyway.... if this is was got you all rilded up it was not aimed at you ... I was referring to myself....
  22. if you have the Weapons of the New Millenia Mod ( and you should bc it's the best ) ... use the store esp ... vendortron caps never subtracts, not sure if it's a bug bc doesn't seem like inventory updates --- start selling ur crap to him, a bit at a time and watch his available monies grow that way you don't feel like ur cheating bc you earned your loot by killing then pillaging & it's OK to profit from it :thumbsup:
  23. oh definitely nothing at all wrong with that ... just saying don't overwhelm yourself ... I got stuff to beautify and make it more user friendly ...it's a different experience for every user and the way you play it once can be way different the second or third time around just by the build of your toon but my essential CORE mods always remain the same --- HUD, HD textures with LOD & enb support, bug fixes, optimization tools & CTD defense are part of my foundation. weapon & armor packs are secondary, who I want to play as (race) I'm geeking out here but you get my meaning... I hope. suppose to be fun and not a chore ...
  24. it's most likely looking for the shogo esm you prb deleted (I'm guessing) reinstall shogo just don't use it and ur saves should fire right up edit to say just do it after you start a new toon if you are having issue during the process of
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