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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55813686. #55813811 is also a reply to the same post.

themrspartan wrote: If you're going to switch it back to the regular interface, can you at make the manual download button work the same way as the new interface? It was pretty good being able to click manual and have it just start when there was only one file.
Ethreon wrote: Who said they're switching back?

One can have hopes. I hope so as well.
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In response to post #55840746. #55848856, #55849866, #55851346 are all replies on the same post.

DontBlnkBadWolf wrote: I don't mind the new layout. When it was announced that they were planning a new Mod Manager, I figured the website would get an overhaul as well. Some things that I would like to see are ones that I mentioned before, and it's for the User Download History.

1. Let us choose alphabetical order.
2. The option to remove mods from our history that we know we won't need to download again. (Either because we didn't like it, or it has been abandoned.)
3. This is a new add, now listed in the Download History, "Removed File" needs to already be removed from our history or let us remove it.

As for the website in general: I had stated that there should be something put in place to contact mod authors that have not updated their mod in, oh lets say, 6 months. Asking the mod author if they are still working on the mod or do they wish to abandon it. If there is no response in a fair amount of time (what their idea is on a fair amount of time), then that mod is removed from the site. Or they can even make it hidden so if the author comes back to it, it can be visible again. I think that there are way too many mods from a couple of years ago that do not work since they have not been updated, or didn't work in the first place. And in my opinion, they need to be removed. That could free up a ton of server memory on Nexus' end.

Just my thoughts.

Bad Wolf
DominickHide wrote: The idea of removing mods just because a mod author has not updated in 6 months *or any other time period* is quite frankly madness.
That would remove almost all of the mods on Nexus for every game. and defeat the entire point of the site.

Many if not most mods have not been updated in many months or even years, including the biggest and most popular.
They do not need it since the game content or executable is not changing.
Even if other mods around them change, patches are made by others to deal with that change.
Many mods work with a certain selection of other mods, tailored to the individual's taste, which also do not need updating.
If you remove the mod from the site the mod is lost forever and then you have lost all those years of work.
Then people have to start sites like 'Morrowind Modding History' to find them again.

It would not free up any memory, since no memory is used unless they are accessed.
Storage is what costs, but that is the whole point of Nexus - to have a repository of mods - not just the most popular at the time.

And if you make it hidden you are saving nothing, in fact you are using the server to store something that no-one can see.
And the author cannot know if people want an update because it becomes invisible.

Also pestering mod authors who take a break for the adult necessities of real life, as most of the popular ones do, is a sure-fire way to stop them modding - they get enough of that in the comments and forums.
Ethreon wrote: Removed from personal history - cool, should be a feature.
Removed from website - absolutely not. What's with this idea being circulated by some?
sopmac45 wrote: I back up this idea : to be removed from our personal history.

@ Dark0ne : is there any way to add a function like "add to a cart" some mods that are very difficult to find so the next time we log in, and after making sure that we want to download that particular mod ( after reading all posts, making questions about compatibility, etc ) we would find that mod easier in our cart rather than go look again for it ? Assuming that you guys decide to add this function, perhaps you can allow us to add certain amount of mods to our personal cart, let's say : 5 only.

The above idea is kind of cool because you do not loose tracking. So far I have not find any function like that in the new site nor the old one as well. If there is, please point the finger and forget about my suggestion and in advance thank you if you already added it or if you add my suggestion ( cart suggestion ).

@ Dark0ne : a friend of mine showed to me how to "add to a cart" .... there is a tab inside each mod called "track" ... and it is working perfectly ... so disregard my suggestion and thank you so much. This is very cool, however, just to let you know, the Search function is not working properly. Thanks again.

... and yes, some mods are difficult to find. For example, I could not find the mod : Advance Turret Set by ccmads .... even using the filters and not matter how I tried, I could not find it via Search function. I had to go find a mod from this person and find inside the description of that mod, the mod I was looking for, click on it and voila ... the mod exist ... but again, I was not able to find it via Search function. Somehow, there is a problem with that and still is not functioning at 100%. I could not even find ccmads, so, that is why adding a function "add to our cart" is IMHO, a necessary function so it could help us as a back up and a very short cut to look for mods that were difficult to find in the first place.

Thanks so much Dark0ne and again, except for the Search function not working at 100%, I do really like the site. :)

I never mentioned "Pester Mod Authors". I find that some mod users have no idea what respect means.

Also I find that some mod authors that have been disrespected by mod users, start grouping every single mod user as one type of mod user. Even if a new one, to the world of modding, asks a simple question that may, or may not, have been covered in the descriptions, as a complete and total idiot. And even resorts to name calling in either the mod's read me, or one can see it if they use FO4Edit to merge ESPs. Hell, sometimes it's both.

There are even some people, that has nothing to do with the mod itself, posting comments about something that has nothing to do with them. Just because they think they have to defend a mod. I have been guilty of that just twice. When I realized how petty it was to do that, I haven't done it since.

And do I have a whole back room of servers? No, so I have no clue about them. I understand the whole part of it using memory only when accessed and storage, I just never considered, or known, the operations of servers have the same basic properties of your run of the mill home computer. So thank you (not being sarcastic, before someone accuses me of being that) for giving me that insight.

I understand about the whole mod doesn't require updates because it's not affected by game updates, and the other types you mentioned. I'm meaning the "one offs" that do require updates as the game version changes, and no one is interested in making a patch to make it work and has been completely abandoned by the creator for any reason at all. And did not take years of work because they were created within days or 3 weeks of game launch.
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I like the old design and i like the new design.


I can handle the old design better because of the better overview. ok, it looks not that modern but it is easier for me and my eyes to navigate over the screen.


The new design has to much big pictures or to much pictures in general without enough space between them. i can switch the new design from 3 to 5 pictures in a row - i would prefer 4 pictures *g* (columns) with enough space between them (seems that is important for me hehe - ...space)


+ there shoudl be some tweaks for the letters. the version numer is important even the upload/update date so make this bigger please or bold.


i try the new design on nearly every visit and i switch back to old what looks like a mix,- is not that bad :) except the old "Files" "Images" "Videos" buttons.

the new design looks sometimes like a picture managment software. i hope we get some tweaks for a better and easier navigation. and with easier i mean not tiring ;)



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In response to post #55861776.

TLymond wrote:

Hey! People complaining about Search being broken...

Have any of you ever bothered to hit the "Refine Results" button?

Well yes, I have tried the Refine Results but some mods are not showing up. I found them via other mods from same author from his/her description page and recommended mods.

In my opinion, I do not think the Search function is "broken", but I was not able to find two mods since the new site was up. Perhaps it is me that I still cannot find out the way to properly use the Refine Results button but at the same time, a Search is a Search and I guess we should be able to find whatever is out there by just simply using the Search button.

ADDITION after using Refine Results ( just now ) :
I used the Refine Results to find the author "ccmads" and the Search displayed 1 page of mods only. In that page, is not the mod : ADVANCED SETTLEMENT TURRET SET which is the one I could not find before, so this mod belongs to him / her but is not showing up, not even using the Refine Results.
How did I find it ? Again, by looking into another mod from this author and using the link showing in the description page and recommended "other mods" from him/her. Edited by sopmac45
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In response to post #55727401.

sellingit wrote:

I think feedback can be a Good Thing, so here's mine...

I don't like the new design. It's probably better suited to tiny screens than the old version, but I play Skyrim and browse Nexus Mods on a big screen.

Not everyone has a 4k screen. I personally like to have two browsers side by side on my 1440p monitor. The new design is less functional and wastes so much space. Research has shown that users navigate flat UI designs 22 per cent slower.


It would be interesting to here the statistics about related to the new site. I wonder if people will now actually spend less or more time per visit with the new site.

I find the new design to be better on my decently sized 4k screen, more than the current site which wastes about 60% of my screen space with the game background. I am used to the old features so there is a bit of a learning curve but once all the tools, searches and features are ironed out and I figure out where they are I'm sure it will be an overall better user experience.

Additionally, coming from a programming background, the new site design is a lot more feature rich and modern. Being able to rely on mouse hovers and a single click to view mod images or track a file from the main page is great. Also loading in recent files that are new today vs. this week or popular files without navigating away from the main page is a nice touch. I prefer the site to be built modularly than rely on a lot of static pages. I'm also happy to see key listeners to escape from modal boxes and stuff so I can use both my keyboard and mouse to navigate. The user preferences which build the site content to your liking are also quite good.

I haven't looked into it but being able to load the content in when needed also prevents the user from having to tab every single hot file which *should* save some server load.

Overall I am finding the new site to work much more like an application than a website which I personally prefer. Edited by BeyondTom
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In response to post #55865556. #55876431 is also a reply to the same post.

schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
Graslama wrote: Why?

I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f*#@ed by nexus.
I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do. Edited by schnubbel76
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Always disliked the old design, glad its getting replaced with something more modern looking. Feels very intuitive to me, I have no problems finding anything, my overall experience has been improved and spending time on nexus is more pleasant now
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In response to post #55865556. #55876431, #55886026 are all replies on the same post.

schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
Graslama wrote: Why?
schnubbel76 wrote: I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f*#@ed by nexus.
I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do.

Give some proper feedback and your opinion will be taken into account.
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