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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. *Joins with Ithil in the tapdance...*


  2. @Auri: That is probably the cutest stuffed-toy I've ever seen!

    @Bethie: You are even cuter!

  3. *return peek*
  4. IMHO... Modding = Win, win, win... ad infinitum! :D
  5. Apps that push the boundaries of reality: http://www.scalado.com/display/en/Remove and http://questvisual.com/
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. vvk78




      Someone stole my mobile at my workplace.


      Thankfully I didn't have any personal data on my mobile (since I had reformatted it recently), and the SIM was an inactive one.


      I want to be angry, but somehow I hope the thief enjoys all the modded stuff and goodies I put into my mobile. Maybe it will inspire him/her in some positive ways.



    3. brokenergy


      I like Angry Brids and Fruit Ninja
    4. Lazysheepherd


      I knew scalado-remove but WOW's at QW!

      Thanks for sharing. =)

  6. Return lurk!!


  7. Nice avatar!
  8. No, he's not.

    Cheeky Cheesey has been playing Morrowind and Oblivion, not Skyrim!

    Never ever trust these bouncing royal sheep. It is a miracle they can balance their golden crown despite all that bouncing!

    JK'ing, Cheesey. :-P

  9. Hey Lovender. Wassup, bro?
  10. Look ma, I'm a DJ !!! http://www.audiosauna.com/studio/
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. brokenergy


      It's going to kill us all!
    3. vvk78


      Of course it will.


      It is a demonic harpischord!



    4. brokenergy


      Demons? I play poker with them
  11. Awwww... dontcha cry, we all are here for you..

    *Samurai hugs*

    A clown should always have a warm smile, methinks.

  12. I had a great blast playing this hilarious FPS game last weekend: http://www.bulletstorm.com
    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. BlueDanube


      i played this few months ago, pretty impresive imo."different" unlike any other fps :)
    3. brokenergy


      Yeah, that was very funny
    4. vvk78


      Bulletstorm fans rejoice.


      There were a few DLCs released for Bulletstorm:

      Gun Sonata

      Blood Symphony



  13. I like your avatar. It is kinda sad yet rivetting.
  14. *Solemnly hands Cheesey a box of chocolates*
  15. Ha ha ha.

    Look out Cheesey... Ahriman is chasing you with a shotgun!

  16. Aww, sorry I missed wishing you on your birthday, BabyDre.

    I was missing in action here for a few weeks!

    Hope you b'day celebrations went well.

    May you have a great year ahead, buddy!

  17. *stares at Blue and BabyDre outstaring each other*

    *rolls eyes, throws a stink bomb at them, and bounds away*

    Har, har, har.

  18. Wow, beautiful and mysterious avatar!
  19. Me too demands a reply!
  20. *Peeks around corner*

    *Jumps suddenly on Cheesey*

    *Gives him a bear-hug*

    *And runs away before Cheesey can recover his breath*


  21. I was busy with RL. :-(

    Also, busy playing Witcher2 on the weekends. :-)

    It is a nice game, and is more polished than Skyrim.

    How have you been buddy?

  22. Hey, nice avatar pic. Who's she?
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