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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. Belated birthday wishes, Carah!

    Loved your wonderful mods for Oblivion! Are you planning any similar mods for Skyrim?

  2. Hiya wolfie, howdy! Check out my new avatar! :-D
  3. Heh heh, I think I went overboard with my new avatar. It is too cute, but also garishly "orangey", but I'm gonna stick with it for a few days just for the gasps of shocked "aww" from my friends here. :-)
  4. Very interesting (and oddly unsettling) avatar!

    What does it symbolise?

  5. Trapiki, you still trapped in RL, eh?

    Give us a holler sometime..


  6. Come outta yer cubbyhole, 'n' face my six-shooters.

    Ya better say yer prayers, ya flea-bitten varmint, I'm a-gonna blow ya to smithereenies!


  7. *Sneak, sneak, sneak*
  8. *Sneaky shuffle across your profile*
  9. Happy New Year!!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vvk78
    3. vancleef


      I'm sorry to see them go but not surprised. While I think it's not always a goo idea for a company to jump on every new trend, they certainly should have seen this coming. Oh well...there's still a mountain of amazing art left behind as their legacy.
    4. vvk78


      My & my dad are photography enthusiasts (he even used to have a dark room, to develop Kodachrome photos!).


      Recently, I got him interested in digital post-processing, but he felt PhotoShop to be too complex. I showed an alternative, and he has usurped my PC since then. :-)


      Coded Color Photo Studio:


  10. May you walk on warm sands: http://ask-maiqtheliar.tumblr.com/
    1. vvk78


      If you are amongst those unfortunate few who haven't met M'aiq in person in Tamriel, take a look here first:


    2. Ithildin


      Wonderful link, thank you! =)


      M'aiq graces this one's About Me page; this one enjoyed a conversation about M'aiq with Bladesmaiden Auriana yesterday: http://ithildin-nexus.deviantart.com/#/d4nm2x8


      =^..^= (kitty cat)

  11. vvk78

    Hey buddy, where art thou these days?

    Hope you are doing well. Hope 2012 is going great guns for ya!

  12. vvk78

    Nice avatar piccy, BTW. :-)
  13. vvk78

    Hey buddy, belated birthday wishes! Have a wonderful year!
  14. *OoO*

    (sneak-owl on the prowl)

  15. Skyrim: top 10 monsters in a free-for-all battle-to-the-death: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Fav7Nl3_U
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. vvk78


      Forget dragons and giants, I was expecting an easy win for the Wispmother!


      She can conjure 3 or 4 Wisps (Shades), create 2 clones of herself (!), and all of them have frost elemental attacks. It is like walking into a hailstorm, except that the hailstorm is running towards you! And when you are slowed down with all that frost spells, all you can do is grit your teeth and heal up with potions while inching closer to the wispmother to take a swing, just to realise she was a clone!

    3. vvk78


      Only once (at lvl 20s), I killed a wispmother - by sheer dint of luck (and strategy; by letting my essential companion and horse take most of the direct hits, LOL, which I covered behind a rock and countered with fireballs and flame weapons).


      So, I tip my Skyrim helmet to the Wispmother and Dragon priest. They rock!

    4. AurianaValoria1


      I can't remember how many times I died at the hands of Krosis....
  16. Hey buddy, how's the New Year going for you?
  17. *watches Grue dancing like a drunken cowboy, after drinking the spiked cherry cordials*


  18. Hey Tom, are you planning to add some articles to Skyrim modding?

    Some of your Oblivion modding/tools tutorials were absolutely great, so I hope you continue extending upon your wonderful website. Keep up the good work!

  19. trolling around in yore profile............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spaceritual


      A good read indeed :)
    3. Deleted54170User


      I tried to find a copy of the Redguard only to have the page at Bethesda official web page freeze up when I clicked on Redguard in their pages Game's tab. I tried repeatedly too, to no avail. Maybe today I can find a copy of Redguard somewhere else? Maybe before the SOPA or PIPA get shut down and causes all sorts of traumatic changes over the Internet in stranger ways still I will manage to get the complete set of previous games of the The Elder Scroll's series. o.O Even if the gove...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...rnment does not pass either of the those horrible bill's I suspect their author's won't rest until we are all stuck in our cubicles with no link to each other. War never changes!
  20. Hey, we have some common friends, so I added you as a Nexus friend to join in all the fun. :-)
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