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Status Updates posted by vvk78

  1. *return peek*
  2. Apps that push the boundaries of reality: http://www.scalado.com/display/en/Remove and http://questvisual.com/
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. vvk78




      Someone stole my mobile at my workplace.


      Thankfully I didn't have any personal data on my mobile (since I had reformatted it recently), and the SIM was an inactive one.


      I want to be angry, but somehow I hope the thief enjoys all the modded stuff and goodies I put into my mobile. Maybe it will inspire him/her in some positive ways.



    3. brokenergy


      I like Angry Brids and Fruit Ninja
    4. Lazysheepherd


      I knew scalado-remove but WOW's at QW!

      Thanks for sharing. =)

  3. Return lurk!!


  4. Nice avatar!
  5. No, he's not.

    Cheeky Cheesey has been playing Morrowind and Oblivion, not Skyrim!

    Never ever trust these bouncing royal sheep. It is a miracle they can balance their golden crown despite all that bouncing!

    JK'ing, Cheesey. :-P

  6. Hey Lovender. Wassup, bro?
  7. Look ma, I'm a DJ !!! http://www.audiosauna.com/studio/
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. brokenergy


      It's going to kill us all!
    3. vvk78


      Of course it will.


      It is a demonic harpischord!



    4. brokenergy


      Demons? I play poker with them
  8. Awwww... dontcha cry, we all are here for you..

    *Samurai hugs*

    A clown should always have a warm smile, methinks.

  9. I had a great blast playing this hilarious FPS game last weekend: http://www.bulletstorm.com
    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. BlueDanube


      i played this few months ago, pretty impresive imo."different" unlike any other fps :)
    3. brokenergy


      Yeah, that was very funny
    4. vvk78


      Bulletstorm fans rejoice.


      There were a few DLCs released for Bulletstorm:

      Gun Sonata

      Blood Symphony



  10. I like your avatar. It is kinda sad yet rivetting.
  11. *Solemnly hands Cheesey a box of chocolates*
  12. Ha ha ha.

    Look out Cheesey... Ahriman is chasing you with a shotgun!

  13. Aww, sorry I missed wishing you on your birthday, BabyDre.

    I was missing in action here for a few weeks!

    Hope you b'day celebrations went well.

    May you have a great year ahead, buddy!

  14. *stares at Blue and BabyDre outstaring each other*

    *rolls eyes, throws a stink bomb at them, and bounds away*

    Har, har, har.

  15. Wow, beautiful and mysterious avatar!
  16. Me too demands a reply!
  17. *Peeks around corner*

    *Jumps suddenly on Cheesey*

    *Gives him a bear-hug*

    *And runs away before Cheesey can recover his breath*


  18. I was busy with RL. :-(

    Also, busy playing Witcher2 on the weekends. :-)

    It is a nice game, and is more polished than Skyrim.

    How have you been buddy?

  19. Hey, nice avatar pic. Who's she?
  20. Bethieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

    *gives Bethie a surprise bear-hug*

  21. Awesome new avatar buddy!
  22. Da Weekend's Here!
    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. BlueDanube


      LoL, hey do you know that the there's chinese copy of miku ? they called it "red miku" http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2012/05/04/fury-at-chinas-fake-miku/
    3. Riven1978


      @Blue I am not surprised, copyrights don't mean the same thing over there that they do in most[\i] other places (you have to understand how communism works, no one person actually really owns anything, not even ideas). Not knocking them for it either, since they seem to bring in most of the industries, i mean how many product can you flip over now a days and see "made in china"?
    4. naomis8329


      There's been a few since you posted this and I hope each and every one was as much fun as the last. Take care xxx
  23. Belated birthday wishes! Hope you have a great year!
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