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Status Updates posted by vvk78

  1. I am not OK! Thanks for not asking. I told you anyway.
  2. vvk78

  3. Bee, I think there a fewer sheep these days.

    Looks like your demand is lesser than what your factory is supplying. I think maybe there's a conspiracy against the pro-sheep club.

    You need to find out who are the members of The Mythic Cult of the AntiSheep !

  4. Hail the Rainbow Sheep! May your Tribe increase!
  5. *Pinches chaterbox and runs away*

    Muahahahaha !!

  6. I am scared of Dark Sheep.

    Their eyes pull me in, like a Black Hole!

  7. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  8. I recently saw "Legend of the Guardians" in 3D. It had some awesome graphics, cutest characters, memorable villains and a very good message, though the screenplay was too rushed and almost erratic.
  9. I like to post "comments without meanings".

    Like sailing "ships without roller-coasters".

  10. Wolfy is busy from past few days.

    Maybe all the Sheep have scared her away! xD

  11. Sheep are invading everyone's profiles. They are harmless. And cute!
  12. I like Bee's new "evil sheep" avatar and Cheesey's King-Sheep avatar!

    Raphine looks cute in that pink/purple fleece!

  13. No. I will... survive... the onslaught... of the... sheep.

    *1 week later*


  14. Hey Awia, how are you these days?
  15. Yoo hoo, anybody home?
  16. Paparazzi vvk78 quickly takes a snap of the bumbling couple and threatens to post the pics on the morning edition of the Black Horse Courier, unless they give him a hug too. *grin*
  17. Cats don't drink skooma. They drink cold beer (hence they get a beer belly easily - remember Garfield?), and it is their piss that... well, what did you think skooma was made of?!
  18. Click on my name (blue link) in this conversation (or any other page where you see my name) and see my profile (you may be prompted to log into thenexusforums.com).

    The "Add me as a friend" button should be visible should on the profile pane, just below my profile pic. You can also send me a message or find my content.

    My Image Gallery:


  19. Yeah, I too like your avatar and your mysterious name goes perfectly with it. :-)
  20. I'm ambling thru the rolling meadows and billowing mists of oblivion, trying to forget my real life.
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