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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. Thanks dear sir, for taking the efforts to reply and search for those links. I didn't notice the video sub-forum earlier - my bad, should have realized it would be there and searched for such a thread/forum before posting here. I will be using Fraps for now (it is #1 hit in Google for "game video record" :-), and try few of the other video recorders listed here: http://download.cnet.com/windows/video-capture-software/?tag=mncol%3Bsort&rpp=30&sort=downloadCount+asc Since we are talking screenshots here on this thread, is there any way to get a direct link to my TESNexus Uploaded-Images Gallery? Rather than sending individual links to my uploaded screenshots, I would like to send the gallery link to my friends if I have something interesting captured recently. I did search for some info about the direct link on the forums, but I didn't find anything obvious that discusses it. As of now, the standard way I see, is to just send them my profile link, tell them to scroll down and click on the Images tab: http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=1485877 The easier way is the following link, which actually works, but it screws up the CSS, so I am hoping a better direct member-gallery link is possible: http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/images.php?id=1485877 Thanks again for your help!
  2. @LHammonds, thank you for creating that handy set of script/tools to go with Fraps to be used for this beautiful game! Till, now I have only been taking screenshots (PRINTSCREEN works on PC with OBSE) and was thinking of Fraps or some other tool to take videos. Besides Fraps, does anyone have any recommendations for good (and free) game video recorders (DirectX or OpenGL). Is Fraps the best for Oblivion videos, or are there some other better alternatives? I can try trial versions of commercial apps if they result in better quality videos with no forced watermarks. I recently bought a new machine with good graphics card and want to try some HQ Oblivion videos. For taking screenshots, I use the excellent Flying Camera Mod as it helps to hide the HUD and console easily with single keypress. For reducing the eye-strain due to the jerkiness of the default camera, I use the Chase Camera mod. I found the Bullet Time mod (simpler variant of the Bullet Camera mod) is very sweet for slow-motion capture when you are dealing the "death blow" to a creature or NPC. There are a few other camera mods like Growlf's mod and some 3rd-person-view puppet/trailer mods, but I haven't used them yet.
  3. Old topic, but I know few people will land up here while Googling. This mod is highly recommended, as it upgrades 10 of the vanilla armors into works of art (try the DB shrouded armor :ninja:), without going overboard with the skimpiness. And it works well with all the HGEC body replacers, including EVE. HGEC more revealing standard armor: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24194 EVE project came with its own version of vanilla armor, and I guess that is more staid and pleasant: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078 Colourwheels armor and clothing replacers are also popular and it replaces most of the vanilla stuff with cuter ones: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23143
  4. I think the unique quiver placement and armor is the Mina and Romaje armor, but I am not sure. You should ask such questions in the "Mod Detectives" forum. There are a lot of veterans monitoring that forum who can help you out. Requesting the moderators to move/close this thread.
  5. I used to do all these console hacks earlier for screenshots (and still use them on very rare occasions) A friendly visitor to my screenshot gallery pointed me to the perfect mod for screenshooting.. The Flying Camera Mod, by Ssenkrad: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12556
  6. My younger cousin brother likes to cheat in this manner: Bet on an arena match, tcl out of the stadium audience pavilion into the arena, wait for the fight to complete, then createactorcopy on both the combatants, and fight all of them at the same time. Then kill them and steal their armor and give it to the player's companions. Fighting in arena is just plain fun!
  7. Though we are diverting from the topic, here's my say on Companions. I prefer to keep the cute companions and pet animals strolling around in each abode/home that I have all across Cyrodiil. Whenever, I am questing in a particular town/region, I dump my accompanying companions in the nearby home, and switch over to the companions who were bored sitting idle at that home. Since I have so many mods installed (hit the 255 Load Order List limit and now on Bashed Patch), this brings in variety to each journey and home I visit, since every companion is different in their abilities, aggressiveness and moods. Typically I have only 2 companions when adventuring, and I train them to defend themselves well (give them scrolls and let them fight tough baddies), so that I really get a chance to use spells whenever I can. I have never lost a companion in battle till now (I always quicksave before combat). At higher levels (> 50), baddies are not easy to kill by companions, so I prefer my favorite companions to be essential (they can't die). There are a few advanced companions like Vilja, Rhianna, Arianna, Sonia that are said to more intelligent, likable and won't get in your way during combat. I liked Vilja and the Tabaxi race companions. If your companions don't obey orders, irk you in battle, can't follow on their own horse or keep squabbling between themselves, then you should take a look at few mods, which can markedly improve CM Partners or TSR companions: * Companionship Ring (give one ring to each companion, and they will be sociable) * Summon Companion Ring (easy summon of any chosen companion; good in dungeons) * Companion Friendly Inns (see Emma's Companion-Friendly Housemods) * Companion Horse Support * NR500 (superbike mod with tandem-riding companion - slightly laggy but it works!) As such, I like to have tough companions around me (even if they are not talkative), so that I can explore/observe more during combat, take screenshots and use spells. That is why I would love to have Umbra. I still remember her as the only character I ran away from, the first time I played the game - so you can say I have a deep respect for her fighting skills (and her mysterious past) and for newbies her wondrous gear/sword are just heavenly. It is sad no one tried to build a nice mod around Umbra the NPC (maybe they feared to break the Clavicus quest). Since the Umbra sword has the best base damage of all the vanilla weapons (except perhaps the Daedric Claymore), if anyone wants an Umbra sword without enchantments, see these mods: * Pegasus set , by gorgonzola3000 (it has an unenchanted Umbra sword, called Penumbra) * Disenchant Spell, by J3X (remove enchantments from items), or * Enchanting Freedom Plus (add custom spells; also enable the disabled spells like Paralyze at enchantment altar)
  8. Easy way to gain money is to spend it ! Nope, I am not kidding ya. You can invest 500 gold with every merchant/trader/barkeeper/shopkeeper you meet. This is an easy way to up your Mercantile ability. This has multiple benefits: * once you reach Expert rank in Mercantile, you can permanently increase the shop's available gold by 500, useful for selling higher-value junk. * once you reach Master rank in Mercantile, you can buy/sell items during bartering *at base cost* (100/100 ratio), and all shops in the world have 500 more gold for barter. When carrying items in your inventory to sell, remember the formula: Value = BasePrice / Weight This means that a lighter Leather Cuirass will be more of a bargain to carry-to-sell than a heavier Iron Cuirass. You can also use Feather and Fortify Endurance spells to temporarily carry more stuff to sell. Alternatively, you can download the Bag of Holding mod, or Automagic Bags mod to have infinite inventory and carry bags Scrolls, costly books, jewellery, arrows, potions, alchemy ingredients, daedra daggers are all cheap to carry and good to sell. Of course, you can always take the easy route, and plunder the expensive items from buildings/dungeons - the Thieves Guild quests reward well, directly or indirectly. Once you reach higher levels, you can use the Gray Fox's Cowl of Nocturnal to escape the bounty and infamy, even though you are the criminal. 8) Of course, if you want to do it the honest way, I can recommend the Bank of Cyrodiil mod. It is safe and flourishing investment, unless of course someone robs it at axe-point. :D
  9. Unfortunately in the vanilla game, most of the quests and rewards/weapons/armor in the game (or even those from custom mods), seem to suit the melee-player rather than the magic-weilder. I personally prefer Battlemage, as it focuses more on combat (blade/blunt) and offensive magicka abilities (but no restoration). For healer characters, Spellsword is better as it gives Restoration and Heavy Armor abilities and focuses on defensive magicka. Spellsword can make a weaker character for intense combat due to the lack of offensive spells. I usually create a custom class based on Battlemage/Spellsword and add Restoration, Light Armor and Sneak abilities, and bolstering the Strength and Intelligence attributes (default for a Battlemage). Try rapidly throwing spells at a jumping ravenous Black Wolf in the flickering moonlight over a hilly terrain, and you will know how difficult it is to accurately aim a fireball in semi-darkness on a fast-moving target shrouded by heavy shrubbery. Those who forsake the sword, often die by it. :laugh: For characters relying on stealth, an Agent is better than a Thief due to the Illusion ability. If you like Alchemy, you could instead opt for an Assassin character, as Poison Potions can be very effective and useful at higher levels. Speechcraft is the dumbest ability in the game, and pure combat with no magic abilities makes the game boring. Hence a Crusader is better than a Knight or Warrior (especially, due to added Destruction and Restoration abilities). My vote goes for best default class goes to Crusader for melee lovers and Spellsword for magic lovers. Tip: The SpellBreaker Shield and Tower of Nine Sheild are very good defense for close combat. I love the way they're designed so that there's an opening/dent at the top of the shield - useful to keep your enemy in sight as you prepare to block his attack. The magicka boosts on these shields are very useful for mages, especially if you already buffed yourself. Pic courtesy: http://www.uesp.net/...blivion:Classes
  10. There is another couple of ways you can get Umbra's items without killing her. If you want it the quick and lazy way... On the other hand, you might want to meet Umbra first... Now I just wish someone can tell me how to add Umbra as a companion (CSR and CM partners don't work with her). It would be really great! :biggrin:
  11. I recommend you to install the latest official Oblivion and Shivering Isles patches from Bethesda. In my experience, the new patches are much more stable compared to the original releases. After installing, you can then decide if you want to install the unofficial patches - most people do. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion#Tech_Support For mods on a fresh Oblivion install, this list is a good starter (though I don't agree to it entirely): http://agdom.wordpress.com/2010/02/20/100-mods-you-should-be-playing-for-oblivion/ UESP Wiki is also one of my favorite stops for mod info: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Recommended_Mods Bethesda's Official forums are always full of mod talk. http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/ This is a nice LIST OF OBLIVION LISTS: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/155637-list-list-of-mod-lists/ Let us know if you need any further info, though I guess you are already a seasoned Oblivion gamer. You should also try some of the following mods from TesNexus or PlanetElderScrolls. Kudos to the authors of all these mods - we are indebted to them. There are other excellent recommended mods that I may have missed, so please feel free to bring it to my notice (PM me). Disclaimer: Please note I don't have Shivering Isles or any of the DLCs at present, so most of these mods don't need SI or the DLCs (just v1.2 for vanilla Oblivion). Also, I tend to play Ranger/Rogue/Thief/Assassin kind of characters, so my recommendations may be bent towards that kind of wardrobe/equipment. SOME OF MY FAVORITE MODS (apart from those listed in the links above): Gameplay/UI mods: * DarNified UI (some people prefer: BTMod / Immersive Interface / Darkened DarnUI) * Map Marker Overhaul, Elven Map Redux (nice textures and 3D icons) * Enhanced HotKeys (upgrade to a better hotkey system) * Menu Escape (close those slow popup in-game menus easily) * Display Stats (show hidden stats about all weapons/armors/items) * Misc Tracker (alerts about important statuses - very useful and recommended) * Fast Equipping (change gear sets easily; intelligent system) * Teleport Everywhere (right-click to fast travel, even from within a dungeon or home) * A Takes All (press "A" key to take all items during barter) * Script Icon Replacer * HGEC, Exnem and Robert's body replacers (I used Exnem earlier; switched to HGEC) * Deadly Reflex (DR), Adrenaline-Fueled Combat (AFC), Unnecessary Violence (UV), Skill Specialization * Book Jackets, Tamriel Ingredients * QuickStart (skip the start prison tutorial - recommended), Alternative Start by Ship * Automagic Bags (lots of automated and static inventory bags) * Bag of Holding (unlimited inventory size; or get the Wondrous Items mod, which has this BoH) * Realistic Leveling, Skill Specialization (recommended) * Decorator Assistant (very necessary for grabbing and placing items precisely) * Chase Camera (no more nausea), Flying Camera (nice for taking screenshots), Bullet Camera (slow-mo during death-blow), Screenshooter's Illumination (artificial lighting like Welkynd Stones) * TRN One of the Gang (disguise becomes realistic) * Imperial Furniture (alternate furniture items and textures) * Disenchant Items, Enchanting Freedom (remove enchantments from weapons and armor) * Reznod Mannequins (see: All In One Basement, Museum mods) * Player Say Stuff (taunt your enemies - fun!) * Rowboats, Sailboats (pilotable boats/ships: see Dwemer Skyship mods) * Barter Gold (see Black Market mod) * Dwemer Technology (underground metro railway network: fun!) * Tamriel Travellers (works for me), Crowded Roads (be careful about glitches) * Clocks of Cyrodiil (not essential, but fun!) * Complete Gardening (create your own garden; must-have for Alchemists) * Fuse's Snail Racing (fun!) * Illumination Within Revived * Conduit Magic * Reneer's Guard Overhaul (I don't use this or Deadly Reflex, but many people do) * Maddogs Fantasy Mod (includes weapons, armors, ships from Halo and other games; not lore-friendly, but fun!) Quest mods: Take a look at TOQL (comprehensive list of big/small quests with brief descriptions). Few good ones are... * Heart of the Dead * Ruined-Tail's Tale * The Lost Spires * Elder Council * Tears of the Fiend: Redemption * Gates to Aesgard, Gates to Aesgard 2 * A Brotherhood Renewed * Verona House Bloodlines * Kragenirs Death Quest * The Golden Crest * Blood & Mud: Dirt Deluxe Anglais * Kvatch Aftermath * The Romancing of Eyja; Romancing Ahnassi * Servant of the Dawn, Hand of Dawn * Myths and Legends: Weapons * Sentient Weapon * Ramy Monster mod (good boss monsters) * Hentai House 2 Animation Replacers: * Deadly Reflex (v5 is stable and safer, v6 breaks lots of mods, but has more fun combat!) * Unnecessary Violence, Adrenaline Fueled Combat, Skill Specialization, Devil May Cry combat * Seph's Animations (e.g., Hand to Hand Anim Replacer), Sinkpoint's Martial Arts * Slof's Anims * DMC (Devil May Cry) Stylish (good for polearm mods too) * MAO (Mau's Animation Overhaul -- prevent NPCs from using your custom animations) * Stylish Jump, Amazing Jump, True Acrobatics * Actors In Charge, Customized JOJO * Sensual Walks (recommended) * SP 1st Person Legs * Comparison of Pose Mods: http://wurstwatten.o...on-posing-mods/ Weapon Mods: * The Soul of Illithiel: interesting mod to covertly adapt any weapon or shield into an uber-intelligent companion - highly-recommended for warriors on realism mods * Prince of Persia (PoP) Stuff: includes Eagle Sword (beautiful design), Pants and Amulet of Time * Dragon Claw Sword and Shield * Oddbasket Glass Replacement * Elven Weaponry * Myths and Legends Weapons * Jounks Polearms (goes well with DMC Stylish), Spartan Spears, Helborne's Spear Set * Staff Overhaul * Talon of the Silver Hawk Longsword and tons more on TESNexus.. Armor and Jewellery Mods: * Apachii Goddess Store, Apachii Hero Store * Nicoroshi Creations * Insanity's Improved Armory Compilation * Assassin's Creed 2 Revisited * Hashshashin's Armor * Apachii Goddess Store * Wondrous Items (includes Bag of Holding, Grand Ring Gates, Ring of Regeneration, etc.) * Exnem Runeskulls * PTArtifacts * KD Circlets * Adonnay's Ranger Coats, etc. * Capes and Cloaks * Sauron Armor Chest * Blades Ceremonial Armor * Armory of the Divine Guardian * Ninja Armor * Pegasus Set * Dragon Knight Armor * Adventures Gear (not gear, it is small portable campsite with tent, bedroll, cooking pot etc.) Archery Mods: * Duke Patrick's SCA Combat Archery * Denock Arrow (cancel the drawn bow) * Fast Arrow Collection (get back your nearby arrows) * Binoculars (ultra zoom) * NightEye Goggles (NightEye+DetectLife) * Eagle Eye - Realistic Archery * Archery Practise (needs SI) * PT Archery Range (moving targets!) * Silver Ranger (custom bow animations) * Dynamic Crosshair * Thieves Arsenal Mount/Horse Mods: * OMP: Oblivion Mount Project * Akatosh Mount, Flying Pegasus * Slof's Horse mods (Shadowmere, Unicorn, etc.) * Zira's Clydesdale Horses, Zira Horse Ranch * Horse Turn Speed Modular * Dude Where's My Horse * Command Mounts and Horses (single spell - works in other worldspaces too) * kuertee Horse Commands, Call Steed Rebuilt, Horse Commands Revamped * Horse Management (custom stables and supplies) * Mounted Combat (requires Deadly Reflex) * Mounted Steering, Mounted Trampling, Mounted Spellcasting * Mounted Looting (very useful) * Imperial Horse Armor * Mammoth mount, Ice Leopard mount, Deer mount, Daedroth Mount * Rideable Ogre, Rideable SlaughterFish, Enchanted Rideable Broomstick, Rideable Wolf, Rideable Boar, Rideable Creatures by Hawk * MD Saddlebags * Maverick Sinister (majestic BattleLion mount; requires Lich King's Armor mod) * Cheydinhal Pet Shop, Insanity's Pet Shop Race/Roleplay/Beautify Mods: * Custom Race Fix (not needed if you have the Unofficial Oblivion Patch) * Boethia's Shrine Custom Race Fix (not needed if you have installed UOP) * COBL Races (gives many of the custom races, try it first) * TNR All Races Final * Ainmhi Race * Cute Elves * Chocolate Elves * Tolkien Elves * Corean Race, Corean Hair * Ren's Beauty Pack, Ren's Hair, Ren VB Dragon Eyes * Saram Race, Saram Hair * Beautiful People, Natural Faces, Cosmetic Compilation * Xenius Race Compilation * Mystic Elf, Mystic Dark Elf Remake, Cute Elves * Aos Si Race * Deus Obscurus, Dea Obscura * Playable Goblins (become a Goblin chieftain), Playable Minotaur * Dremora Mortal, Xenomorph Playable Race * Predator Mod, Alien race * Vampire Mods: http://www.yacoby.net/es/ob/modlists/vampire/ * Werewolf Mods: Curse of the Hircine, Werewolf - Legends of the North, Werewolf The Awakening, etc. * Druid mod * Luchaires Dryad Race * Wolven Anthros * Nonyxia Cheetah Race * Tabaxi Race, Wild Tabaxi Race * Snow Leopard Race * Kawa-Khajiit Race * Moonshadow Elves * Centaur Race mod (alpha) Companion Mods: * CM Partners (CMP) - best partner/companion mod * TalkieToaster's Share and Recruit (TSR) - allows you to hire any NPC! * Companionship Ring, Companion Mark and Recall, Grab Companion * Companion Friendly Inns * Advanced Companions: Sonia, Vilja, Rhianna, Ariana Trudeaux * CM Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Frodo: LOTR Fellowship of the Ring! * CM Jack Sparrow (best pirate armor), CM Chuck Norris (for chuckles), CM Leonidas (great Greek armor) * CM Tabaxi companions Jade, Amber and Sheeva (Tabaxi is one of my favorite races) * Companion Shard and Skar (lady companion with a dog) * Companion Eva, Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolie, etc. (easy to find beautiful companions - search on TESNexus) * Asharas CM Partners Beasts, Cheydinhal Pet Shop * CM Partner Werewolves * Personal Pack Gaurs, Goblin companions * Firefly101's NPC mods (better NPC recruits for the tougher quests) * Companion Tent (portable big tent, can accomodate companions) * Good thread about companion-friendly housemods: http://emmates.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=oblivion&action=display&thread=181 House/Abode Mods: * oblivionsrealestate.com : best site that showcases beautiful/interesting Oblivion home mods * I usually prefer abodes created by Korana, Emma, WhoGuru and Shezrie, as I like their style and detailed work. * Some of the abodes I have are: Elsweyr, Ardah desert, All In One Basement, Millstone Farm, Faregyl Village, Dwemer Skyship Flyship, Mages Sky House, Akaviri Stronghold, Solace Revisited, Legend in the Sky (Sky Castle), Garden Retreat, Abandoned Mountain Shack, Firebird, Crystal Isles, New Hobbit Hole, Roxey Cottage, Barbada Island, Halcyon Island, Paradise Atoll, Yule Retreat, Silent Stones Camp, Shadowcrest Vineyard, Griffon Fortress, Clamshell Cottage, Pine Lodge, Eagle's Reach, Riverside Cabin, Castle Domrose, Ranger House, Ship in a Tree, TARDIS, Suliin, Villages, Topal Vessel, Nemoria Cottage, The Rift, Wellspring Vale, Sbturm Penthouse, Archond's Dwelling, IC Tower Observatory, Personal Museum, Capsized Ship, Adventures Gear, Companion Tent, Secluded Spring, Shezrie's Towns, Suliin Village, Stirk, Bartholm, Leyawiin Reborn, Castle Dunkerlore, Sutch, Topal Bay Island * You may need to use CS and TES4LODGEN to fix some of the overlapping regions for conflicting housemods and landscapes Landscape/LOD Mods: * Open Cities * BananaSplit Better Cities * Unique Landscapes * West Roads * NRBR: New Roads and Bridges Revised * Kvatch Rebuilt, Kvatch Aftermath, Frostcrag Reborn * Natural Environments, Enhanced Weather/Waters, Alive Waters * Black Market, IC Waterfront Extension, IC Market District mod * Imperial Waters, Let The People Drink * QTP (Qarl's Texture Packs) * RAEVWD (I use this), MTAEVWD (only if you have powerful graphics system) Tools (MUST-HAVE to use many popular mods): * ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated * OBSE (Oblivion Script Extender), Pluggy (plugin for OBSE) * OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager, sometimes called OMM) * Wrye Bash (powerful mod/savefile manager) * OBGE (Oblivion Graphics Extender) * OSR (Oblivion Stutter Remover), Streamline * TES4LODGen (Landscape file fixer; run it after installing any big/medium mods) * TEST4Edit, TES4qLOD GUI, TES4Gecko * RefScope mod (very good for in-game debugging and NPC info - highly recommended) * TweakOblivion Tools (MUST-HAVE addon tools to creating/editing/fixing mods): * CS (Oblivion Construction Set) * BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software - use it with care, back up your load order first using OBMM) * Blender, NifSkope (for .nif meshes) * Oblivion Itemizer (list of all in-game items with FormIDs and other details - visit TestingHall first) * Cyrodiil Grid Maps (vanilla map , Unique Landscapes map) - good for offline map locations and as modder's resource/tool: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=oblivionmods.detail&id=1766 * Photoshop, GIMP * etc. (I am so-so at modding, these are the few tools I use sometimes) Overhauls (I don't use these mods, because of my slow broadband connectivity, but they're recommended for new Oblivion installs): * UOP (Unofficial Oblivion Patch: get it for SI too, if you have SI) -> got this finally and installed successfully * FCOM: Convergence (OOO+MMM+Oblivion WarCry+Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items) * OOO (Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul) * MMM (Martigen's Monster Mod) * COBL (Common Oblivion) -- good tweaks, adds lots of items, needed for some mods to work * Midas Magic Spells of Aurum (highly recommended for magic users; I like the Flying Carpet and Werewolf transformation spell) * Creatures Diversity (smaller overhaul, add many unique monsters - I use this instead of the bigger critter overhauls) * Waalx * Ramy Monster mod (some of the toughest boss beasts you will ever encounter - recommended challenge quest for high-level players) * MERP (probably the biggest overhaul - it is in beta WIP) * Deserts of Elsewyr * Nehrim : total conversion -> heard good stuff about it Optimize Oblivion: * Low-poly Grass, RAEVWD (search for OMOD installer) * TES4LODGEN (always use after installing landscape/LOD affecting mods) * Streamline, Oblivion Stutter Remover : I don't use them as I already have a powerful rig * Operation Optimization (messed up my game for me, so I uninstalled) * Nearly Perfect Framerate FPS Optimizer mod (very useful for on-the-fly graphics adjustments) * Combat FPS Optimizer mod (didn't try it, but some people use it for improving FPS during intense combat) * Optimization and tweak guides: http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html http://www.tomshardw...imization-guide http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/95646-13-oblivion-tweak-guide * Some recommended mods if you have high-end graphics: http://bryan-techrel...layability.html You can PM me if you need the link to any of these mods. Most of these mods and info can be found on TESNexus, PlanetElderScrolls or UESP Wikis. Wish you all Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year 2011 !
  12. Oh well... I looked around, but didn't find anything except for the khajiit ability night eye toggle mods. Not sure if this is what LuxDragon really wants, and sorry if I shouldn't be mentioning this, but the "Night-Eye Goggles" mod is what I use to toggle night-eye and/or detect life abilities - it is very convenient and easy on the eyes. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7791 Edit: Just realised that I replied to a very old post, so I guess I'll hit my bed instead of dozing at the keyboard. LOL.
  13. Is it possible to add two Umbra swords with golden and crimson (red) textures, with the inscriptions "Curse of Mehrunes Dagon" (for crimson sword) and "Blessing of Akatosh" (for golden sword)? The Umbra sword has highest base damage in the game, but I never really liked its purple color. Also, if we want a sword that looks nicer and is more suitable for inscriptions, then an Akaviri Katana is better as it has less ridges and is fairly longer than other swords. Odem has recreated some nice Katana swords: http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=743615 If we are looking for a beautifully crafted sword, I can suggest the Eagle Sword (though inscriptions on it might end up marring its beauty): http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7547 If these mod authors have no problem with their mods being used for the inscribing, then we can take it forward. Otherwise, we can stick to inscribing the Umbra or Akaviri Katana or any other base sword you prefer.
  14. I'm ambling thru the rolling meadows and billowing mists of oblivion, trying to forget my real life.
  15. I'm unable to open your attached picture, but your request is a duplicate, please see this thread first: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/117596-prince-of-persia-2-armor/ I have played "Prince of Persia - Sands of Time", and you can read briefly about the PoP armor/weapons here: http://www.freewebs.com/akahad_eht/theitems.htm Pieces of that armor (pants, sword, amulet) were modded for Oblivion and it is thankfully compiled into a single mod (including an "Amulet of Time", similar to the Sands of Time Dagger concept. It will paralyze people for 20 seconds in a 30 feet area to simulate the effect of a Time Block): http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17915 Once you install the mod, you can find the items in a box atop some crates, beside the big warrior statue in Imperial Market District. Please note that someone called Latin_Heat made this mod using items from other authors, so it is a compilation of different items, rather than an original sourcework. He did do a nice job of putting them together into a simple mod. I am not sure who made the Amulet of Time, but it can be useful for low level characters caught in the midst of a sudden monster flood. If you want to start off the game with a Prince of Persia character, try this savegame: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14832 Actual credits for the individual items go to: Parman1: Prince of Persia "Eagle Sword" : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7547 Taifun: Prince of Persia trousers : http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5760 and hopefully I didn't forget to mention anyone else involved in these mods. If you really want some kickass armor though, I would recommend these: Assassin's Creed 2 Revisited: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14832 Nicoroshi Creations: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13519 Apachii Goddess Store: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13437 See this video for some more nice armors: and here is a really funny use of swords - to cut off pants of the enemies!
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