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Everything posted by vvk78

  1. Just like music is a divine connection without needing any words..
  2. Tree, thank you for your kind words. I am glad many of you like my poems. Yes, I write the poems and stories from my heart. That's why they are hard, since I usually put my heart and soul into making them, almost as if I was the character I was portraying.

    Maybe, that's the true essence of language - to connect with beautiful words, just like music is a divine connection with...

  3. Bloodshed rose?

    It means neither death of love nor birth of love.

    It means the thorn is still sticking to your hand, when you unwitting tried to pluck the rose, just because your lover asked you to do so. Love can be cruel.

  4. Knock knock. Anybody home?
  5. That's a very cute pic Tree! Thanks for sharing.
  6. Love me do..........................
  7. Nadin and friends, hope your Happy V-Day was nice!
  8. Quitting smoking is easy.

    All you need to do is practicing inhaling instead of exhaling, while smoking. Once you personally get a gagging reflex to realize how noxious and terrible those fumes are to people nearby, you will quit smoking.

  9. Alonso, DON'T DO IT!



    May God forgive your soul!

  10. *Alonso mysteriously finds some possessed tape sneaking into his profile page*

    *He tries to grab it, but it jerks away and taunts him like a Cobra taunts its paralyzed victim*

  11. I am not!

    I mean, yes, I am a creeper. Yes, I am staling your page.

    But I have a reason for it!

    You are someone who deserves stalking!

    Remember only celebrities and crooks get stalked. Now you decide which one you are. :P

  12. And I did it again.
  13. So how did your Valentine's Day go? Got any candies?
  14. So, what did our dear Tree do for V-Day, apart from gifting candies to werewolves? ;-)
  15. Nor are you getting away that easily!
  16. Raphine, you are not bouncing!
  17. First video is cool, second video is hilarious. If you want cool horses for Hero characters, search for the wonderful Horse mods from AlienSlof and Zira.
  18. Now I know why AngelEyes was busy from past few days.

    She was getting ready to entertain the love of her life!

    So ma'm, how did the Valentine's Day candlelight dinner go?

  19. @Pagafyr: You and Trapiki can try to hoodwink me with the philosophical-sounding "drivel" (as you termed it), but I know how to spout enough philobabble, that you will ask me: "huh?".
  20. yooohoooo, anybody home?
  21. Must resist... da Sheep are.. tempting me...
  22. Wow, lot of philosophical comments here. I'll add one too.


  23. I think I just made a blunder by opening this up.

    *Wait for the blitzkreig*

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