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Everything posted by Stiffon

  1. Nah, I've used LOOT on and off for a long time, and hated every minute of it, and always ended up going back to Wrye Bash where I have control over my load order with drag and drop. The Meta tags for load order sorting were the WORST thing about LOOT and was always the reason I would end up dropping LOOT, because it NEVER sorted my load order properly, and it was overly complicated to get a working load order with the meta tags. Newbies are going to run into circular references when they try and set up mods to load after a certain mod, and it's very easy to do in LOOT. I'm a visual person, I need to see my load order in the exact way it's loading, I'm bad with hidden data, like metadata for LOOT ordering Some people are very visual, others aren't, hopefully there's a way both can be achieved. And on the flip side, I use LOOT all the time. Barring an occasional need to move 1 mod or another that LOOT doesn't do right, I love it and use it for everything. Time saver and it (mostly) works. There's 2 sides to every coin.
  2. Then you can't complain as they are not important. Lazy. I also switch between desktop and laptop when away for work - takes no time to install/setup separately.
  3. Theoretically, Vortex can be used for TTW also then?
  4. Great job! Looks good, will wait the 2 weeks as I do not have the rl time to provide the testing required. Looking forward to trying it soon :)
  5. In response to post #55575179. #55575419, #55576049 are all replies on the same post. +1 Almost guaranteed to not be a Nexus user!
  6. Fingers x it reaches final release in the fall creators update as mentioned!
  7. How much dedicated VRAM does your APU have? I'm assuming this is a laptop as the spec is pretty low - do you have any ability to increase the RAM size? What setup are you running - Low/Med/High/Ultra? You don't mention Wrye Bash in your essentials list, nor does the load order show a Bashed Patch - I would recommend doing that. Change the Unofficial Patches for the Legendary Edition (USLEEP) version. I'm afraid I cannot offer any advice for NMM as I only use MO until the new Vortex is released!
  8. /Second This is how I play it. Also adds a whole lot more enhancements. (TTW = Tale of Two Wastelands)
  9. Have you tried without ENB running? You have more VRAM and RAM than me (rest is about the same including # of mods) and I do not experience this. I have the ENB boost but use ICBINE4 as I am not an ENB fan.
  10. Get FNV Ultimate (all DLC), then get FO3 GOTY (all DLC), then install FOMM or MO and google Tale of Two Wastelands - enjoy ultimate awesomeness! :)
  11. When I'm away for work (can't take my desktop gaming rig), I use an HP 15 that has an A10 with 768MB integrated R5 and 8GB Ram. Before this and prior to getting my desktop, I ran a modded Skyrim on a 5 year old Acer laptop with an A6 and 512MB integrated HD6520G graphics with 6GB Ram - just have to reduce some textures/mods to suit and enable a stable run - only had about 120 mods on that. I run Skyrim via MO with around 200 mods on the HP and it runs reasonably well. Have to keep the detail to medium, and turn shadows to lowest and lay off the high texture mods, but with ICBINE4 (available here on Nexus) it still looks and runs well enough to keep me going until I'm home again! Turn off the cloud saving ability (or select local saves in MO) to prevent loading wrong saves for the weaker system. I have a PC/playthru that only gets dusted off when I'm away from home lol.
  12. Oldrim wins hands down with the mods. Once skse64 and a larger mod base are available and stable for SE, that probably won't be the case, but it looks like that is going to be quite a ways off at this moment!
  13. How does a Pentium G4560 only offer a "little" upgrade path? You can upgrade to a Kaby Lake i5 or i7 later down the road with a Pentium 4560 as a starter CPU. If I had suggested an Athlong 860k I'd understand that remark, but since I didn't I really don't get what you mean. Just that - a little - in that assuming it's say 2 years time, how much an upgrade that would be is subjective, and very much dependent on the war that Ryzen just fired. Added to that the possible need (again depending on what the OP uses in this build) to upgrade the GPU at the same time. I agree with what you said tho, it makes much more sense than an older i3+ and at present is clearly a winning entry gaming cpu.
  14. I have both versions (thx Bethesda for the freebie), but don't bother with SSE - I run Skyrim with 250 mods and pretty stable - 1700+ hours logged :smile: It looks pretty much as good as SSE with it modded and there are A LOT of different mods you can get for whatever your heart (?!) desires. In a year or 2 once SKSE64 is stable and the majority of mods are ported this might not be the case, but for now Oldrim wins hands down. As a plus, install Oldrim to both your new tower and your Laptop - make sure to turn OFF the cloud sync. On the tower (assuming decent spec), go nutz with modding. On the laptop, be careful on the number of texture mods but get ICBINE4 and install it - your laptop will look loike it's running a full on enb! I actually run that on my desktop even with good specs as I hate installing enb's!!! Use Mod Organizer to set up your modding - at least until Nexus release the new version of the NMM. Good luck and have fun - that's what games are for :tongue:
  15. I would suggest the Pentium G4560 over any i3 from this current gen of Intel processors. With the added boost from 2400Mhz RAM, the Pentium's clocks speeds become less important - and it really does because more or less equal with last gens i3 6100. There really isn't any good reason, in my opinion, to spend extra for an i3 since the Pentium G4560 already has hyper threading. No matter how high the clock speeds go, an i3 is still just a hyper threaded CPU. Getting the Pentium would be cheaper, and mostly the same. That's how I look at it anyway. This is a good choice. Bear in mind however, there is very little upgrade path options later on, but it will do the job for a few years. http://www.pcgamer.com/intel-pentium-g4560-review/
  16. Skyrim, FO4, BF1, GTA5, Far Cry3, Xcom2, Mafia 2 and a couple others!
  17. In response to post #47600045. #47798955, #48172257 are all replies on the same post. +1
  18. I haven't got the JSawyer mod, but I am in the middle of a TTW playthru which is awesome too!
  19. Got it up and running! Took a whole lot longer than with his guide so would still like to aquire it if at all possible for the future!
  20. Does anyone have a copy of tony971's guide by any chance? I've used his guide to successfully setup and mod Skyrim several times on every machine I needed it on. I'm currently trying to follow the STEP guide he links to now that he has hidden his guide on Nexus, and my modded skyrim won't work!!!! Not his fault - I'm not an experienced modder, but his guide was simple and easy - the linked one is not! I knew I should have copied it lol!
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