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Everything posted by scrivener07
How to create a new event?
scrivener07 replied to khazerruss's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
ScriptName MyModNamespace:PlayerReloadedScript extends ReferenceAlias ; Fields ;--------------------------------------------- ; this is the event delegate, it internally manages a list of scripts to invoke when the event is sent. CustomEvent InitializeEvent ; Methods ;--------------------------------------------- Event OnAliasInit() OnPlayerLoadGame() EndEvent Event OnPlayerLoadGame() Utility.Wait(5.0) SendCustomEvent("InitializeEvent") ; send an event whenever the player reloads the game. EndEvent ScriptName MyModNamespace:MyScript extends Quest MyModNamespace:PlayerReloadedScript Property ScriptInstance Auto Const Mandatory ;We need an instance of the script that contains the delegate we want to register on. ; Methods ;--------------------------------------------- Event OnQuestInit() If (ScriptInstance) RegisterForCustomEvent(ScriptInstance, "InitializeEvent") EndIf EndEvent Event MyModNamespace:PlayerReloadedScript.InitializeEvent(MyModNamespace:PlayerReloadedScript akSender, var[] arguments) Debug.Trace(self + " got the event from " + akSender) EndEvent This is a super bad example of an event because theres already plenty of other ways to get the player game reload event. So dont really forward along events that are already available. But I did here to keep it SIMPLE :) -
Researching possible text to speech plugin
scrivener07 replied to utopium's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
I have a feeling this may be possible but Im not a professional programmer, just a very stubborn modder. There are a few possible avenues you might be able to take, none of which I know everything about. F4SE Plugins I know the least about this subject but from previous titles you should be able to round trip data to and from papyrus to be processed by your custom F4SE plugin. I dont know about any kind of securities the game may have for interacting with windows APIs like TTS but it sounds promising. It seems from my point of view that your F4SE plugin can do at least whatever the game already can depending on what is already decoded or whatever your willing to decode. Actionscript 3 We already have the ability to communicate data to and from Papyrus and AS3 using Holotape programs. Note that the game uses a custom implementation of AS3 using Scaleform. That means the AS3 API is not available in its entirety and some parts may function differently than stated on the AS3 Reference. But practically most things really do work the same. If you would like to poke around some of the Fallout 4 AS3 classes you can browse my secret testing branch on GitHub https://github.com/Scrivener07/FO4_Interface/tree/FO4_1.6.3.0_Beta_1208831_EN/Data/Interface/Source/scripts It is not complete, most notably missing the UI programs and their dependencies. Some of the API classes are located in namespaces like Shared, fl, scaleform, and others. Python I know ZERO about this one but I also noticed you can execute a Python program instead of a SWF file from a Holotape. Im sure some neat shenanigans can be made of that :) -
How to create a new event?
scrivener07 replied to khazerruss's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
You can definitely create new events. There is a little bit of plumbing you have to setup first. When and what kind of event are you creating. Here is some of the documentation as radiumskull has already provided you. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Custom_Papyrus_Events http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Events_Reference -
Auto-RadAway script problem
scrivener07 replied to Darktrooper117's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Nice power armor mod. Is this for a medic kind of variant? I see some room for improvement on the script side though. You are constantly polling for radiation, health, and addiction changes. There are already events for catching these changes directly like OnRadiationDamage, OnMagicEffectApply, and OnHit. If its not broke then dont fix it I guess. -
Auto-RadAway script problem
scrivener07 replied to Darktrooper117's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Nothing about your snippet jumps out at me like it wouldnt function. What details am I missing that has you convinced the problem is within your posted snippet? I understand the need to keep things brief but if your code is to large to reasonably be posted, then thats an indication your script is too large and does too many things (of course exceptions to every rule). You should at least mention the extending script type and post the entire method and body. Other things you should explore are your papyrus logs for errors in case you forgot to fill a property or attach a script in the CK. Creating your own trace logs is also very useful in tracking down issues. -
armor&weapons leveled list editing?
scrivener07 replied to firsTraveler's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
You can also do it with scripts using Game.GetFormFromFile and then add the form to a LeveledItem list. -
Adding a custom menu to the construction system.
scrivener07 replied to Rebsy's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Because ReferenceAlias has the OnPlayerLoadGame event (quest does not). Plus ReferenceAlias gets events from any actors they point at. You may never need any of that stuff but if your picking an object for the sake of simply binding a script a ReferenceAlias has the most potential to grow. The advice to use a quest alias from DDP is good. Edit: My mistake, OnPlayerLoadGame is an Actor event which is received by a ReferenceAlias. -
You just declare a property in the script file. If its an auto property you can set its initial value in the CreationKit. ScriptName MyScript Extends Quest ReferenceAlias Property MyActorAlias Auto ; fill this property with a value inside the creationkit property window. Function Sample() MyActorAlias.GetActorRef().Enable() EndFunctionThis post has a screenshot of what filled properties look like in the script property window. The script itself is not relevant.
Heres kinda a guess before bed. It might not even compile but the idea is to pass in the alias index you want. The alias index column is hidden by being zero width. Stretch the column out to see he index. You are better off creating a property to the alias directly and calling enable on that. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=GetAlias_-_Quest Function Sample() (self.GetAlias(0) as ReferenceAlias).GetActorRef().Enable() EndFunction
Cool, thanks for moving to github!
Re-installed the game thrice today. Not even previously working scripts function now. I'm done. Christ, what in the hell is wrong? The simplest damn script won't work. Scriptname aaaCombatTestScript extends ReferenceAlias Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Event OnInit() RegisterForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "blockStartOut") EndEvent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, String asEventName) if akSource == PlayerRef && asEventName == "blockStartOut" debug.notification("Blocking") endif EndEvent Why is it so freaking random? Why was this working on a fresh installation from a few days ago, but suddenly isn't today? This is *censored*.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gifCapture_0001.PNGhttp://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_images/underground/attachicon.gifCapture_0002.PNG Well, because you didnt FILL the "PlayerRef" property in the script property editor. Those pesky auto properties! Try this non-property version instead. I would argue that even storing the player in a field is unnecessary because you only use it once on initialization. Scriptname aaaCombatTestScript extends ReferenceAlias Actor Player Event OnInit() Player = Game.GetPlayer() RegisterForAnimationEvent(Player, "blockStartOut") EndEvent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, String asEventName) Debug.Notification("Blocking") EndEvent edit: Nothing random about it. All properties in the CreationKit property editor un-fill themselves when you remove and then re-add a script to an object. You know a property is filled when the icon is yellow, not blue.
Need help with CK AddOnNodes
scrivener07 replied to KnightRangersGuild's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Your link is broken. It goes to http://forums.nexusmods.com/. Try highlighting some text and clicking the chain icon to make a hyperlink. -
Ive been woking with your IA overlay art megapolom. Some of these armors are tricky :)
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Could a modder get rid of Shaun? [Spoilers]
scrivener07 replied to Zaatch's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Yes its a good idea. This would fold nicely into an alternative start mod. For Skyrim the LAL mod did this for the Helgen/Dragonborn dialogues.- 25 replies
@megapolom Yes, the next version will use the first (index zero) ArmorAddon biped model path. The ground model path can still be use as well so everything will continue to operate the same. The new system will grab both the 'WorldModel' and 'BipedModel' paths from an equipped head armor. The mod will first try to load the overlay texture from the ArmorAddon biped model path. If that path could not be loaded then it will try to load the world model path from the Armor form itself. The Immersive Armors fur hoods all share the same world model. Each hood will fall back to the same overlay if one exists. In game the "Fur Hood" and "Padded Fur Hood" are visually the same and also share the same ArmorAddon biped model. Though they are visually the same would there be a reason to make a distinction between the two? Im also only using the male paths. Have you found armor with no male path? I have made a tree chart to show the possible path keys to the fur hoods in Immersive Armors. Immersive Armors =============================================================== EditorID: IAFurHoodPlain (Fur Hood) -WorldModel: clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodnsgnd.nif (Try Second) -PathKey: .\Data\Interface\exported\overlays\clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodnsgnd.dds ArmorAddon: IAFurHoodPlainAA -BipedModel: clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodns_1.nif (Try First) -PathKey: .\Data\Interface\exported\overlays\clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodns_1.dds (same as Padded Fur Hood) EditorID: IAArmorLightFurHoodPlain (Padded Fur Hood) -WorldModel: clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodnsgnd.nif (Try Second) -PathKey: .\Data\Interface\exported\overlays\clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodnsgnd.dds ArmorAddon: IAFurHoodPlainAA -BipedModel: clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodns_1.nif (Try First) -PathKey: .\Data\Interface\exported\overlays\clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodns_1.dds (same as Fur Hood) EditorID: IAArmorHeavyFurHoodPlain (Armored Fur Hood) -WorldModel: clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodnsgnd.nif (Try Second) -PathKey: .\Data\Interface\exported\overlays\clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodnsgnd.dds ArmorAddon: IAFurHoodPlainAA -BipedModel: clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodnsarm_1.nif (Try First) -PathKey: .\Data\Interface\exported\overlays\clothes\nbfurhood\nbfurhoodnsarm_1.ddsSome other things of note. -IFPV camera compatibility (horses too) -overlay visibility during kill moves -overlay visibility during actor dialogs -removed verbose debug information on the GUI Another big change is this mod will now be distributed as two plugins because I have divided Helmet Overlays into two separate areas of functionality. The next version of Helmet Overlays will operate as a host/client framework for loading essentially full screen HUD widgets. Instead of widgets Im calling these "HUD Views". Helmet Overlays will use this framework to load itself as a client leaving room for other HUD views to be loaded by other mods. I dont expect this to be a popular framework but It gives me ability to continue some other HUD View based WIP mods without duplicating the same code or including it in Helmet Overlays. Some of those other WIP hud view mods are overlays for magic effects like poison/disease, frost/flames, drunken, severe injuries. Those are still a long way off. There is still one thing left to do and thats user configuration settings. The global settings for alpha, sizing, and lighting are still functional from the MCM panel. These MCM setting affect all overlays which is not always desirable. The plan was to have a separate menu for configuring specific settings for the currently equipped helmet, or more accurately the helmets "PathKey". These settings would then be saved as an external json file. If an overlay doesnt have a json file when its loaded then the global settings will be used. Now I feel this was an over investment since its blocking updates for easier fixes Im sitting on. I am working on cutting this feature for the next release and have almost finished refactoring most of it away from the main branch. Maybe you could trade me some Immersive Armors overlays to test and I can send you the new version to test.
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Regarding Site Listed as Pirate Site and more.
scrivener07 replied to DarklitJupiter's topic in Site Support
I hope it works out. LL has some top notch talent. But you know people will always try to see how much they can get away with for its own sake. Then of course feign victim when they push to far. At the end of the day I just dont want my screen filled with Ps and Ds. -
Regarding Site Listed as Pirate Site and more.
scrivener07 replied to DarklitJupiter's topic in Site Support
I can only speak for myself. I dont like to see content that personally offends me, whatever that might be. I like the nexus because there is a very low amount of things I dont want to see. I hope everything works out so the nexus continues to be that way. -
Your the one that asked for input and help. No ones trolling you. You just seem overly sensitive to any kind of critical feedback. Being critical is NOT trolling. Being critical is expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art. If you dont like that he called your domain terrible well, your domain literally spells terrible in leet speak. So who in their right mind would pass the opportunity to make a slight joke about it. Ill just echo whats already been said. -The domain choice was not the best choice you could have made. -The matrix theme is misleading and out of place. -The visuals have early 2000s written all over it (dated). -The content is not be served quickly enough. (30sec animation before the site responds followed by a site gate) All these points are quick fixes at your stage of development. Design the visuals of your site around the content, not the other way around. Ill leave ya with two sayings. "Content is king." "Cant take the heat, then get out of the street."
I think at your stage you need to ask yourself two questions to define what exactly your creating. 1. Who does my site serve? 2. How does my site serve them? Some good answers to might look like this. Choose one answer per question. Q1. Who does my site serve? A. People who install and play mods. A. People who create and share mods. Q2. How does my site serve them? A. Provide a hyper-link portal to topics that serve "Q1". A. Provide original content on topics that serve "Q1". I think if you can answer these questions it will help you create a design that serves a focused purpose. Edit: Have a look a STEP website. Its a skyrim informational site geared towards mod users. This sites purpose and audience is crystal clear with minimal scope creep.
Why would the wikis never have all the info in one place? They pretty much already do. If you think they are missing something then add it. Support your wiki! With that the wikis are geared towards mod creators but the sites are designed in a way I think would benefit a mod user site. Have a look at past CK sites. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Main_Page http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=Main_Page http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Page I think you should drop the animations and serve the content as fast as possible. If not for the purpose of testing your site I would have left in about three seconds of not finding what I was looking for. Red pill or blue pill? I know its a matrix thing but I still have no idea the meaning behind red or blue? Why is this needed on an information site?
Vault Girl Mod Development Thread
scrivener07 replied to Deleted4077875User's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
This looks really cool. I dont play female but cant wait to see some new vault girl art from you.- 15 replies
- bigc
- bigcman123
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LE Skyrim Papyrus Tutorial Series
scrivener07 replied to ArronDominion's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
These are well done. Thanks for sharing Im starting from the beginning now. -
So this is going on : Gopher as follower
scrivener07 replied to MrBloodjack's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
I think Gopher himself should have some say if he wants a follower created in his likeness. -
I had to re-read that a few times but I think I understand now. Its saying dont upload images that violate the same rules as mod regardless if its a private mod or WIP.
What the hell we cant upload images of WIP mods to image share? Whats the reasoning behind that?! Another reason to continue not using the nexus image share I guess.