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Everything posted by Faceshifter

  1. I like shields ... Seph's H2H animation replacer is one I'd consider using I also saw one with Flying Dragon Strike and Tiger Stalking Kick or something, which sounded awesome. I think it was something with african .. I don't know. But for enhancing combat, what are you looking for? I'd be looking for increased damage, increased chance for Disarm, Knockback and Paralyze and maybe skills/talents?
  2. I am creating a whole quest, starting with God speaking to you, teleporting to your Kingdom, getting fancy armor and helmet, meeting Patsy (your squire), talk about swallows, ... I have recently created the "Bring Out Your Dead" guy, and I am working on a fellow bringing a corpse, but the corpse claiming to be alive. I requested the armor in advance, so I shouldn't have to tally when at his part, soon to be made. Yes and no. Patsy has the option: "Riding my horse", enabling and disabling the sound of clapping coconuts, when both of you are running. But you can enable/disable at will, because it can be annoying. I do not have an animation, though. As companions, what is better then Sir Bedevere, Sir Lancelot the brave, Sir Galahad the pure, Sir Robin the not quite so brave as Lancelot and not to forget Sir Not-Apearing-In-This-Mod. (Note, he will be included, you just watch!) As for the copyright. YouTube is stuffed with copies of other stuff, even the whole movie is on it, so why can't I use it! Of course, should John Cleese, or anyone else not approve, I would remove all sound taken from the movie, although I find it ridiculous, as over a million people have downloaded it illegally, no doubt. But I find Patsy's non voiced dialogue stupid in comparison to Bring Out Your Dead guy. I think, it'd be so much more awesome if it had sound, think about Ni!, about the french soldiers, about the minstrels of Sir Robin, ... Of course, I thought of voice actors, but "real" stuff is absolutely more fun, as nobody can pronounce "you must chop a treeeeee .. with a herring!" quite as good as in the movie. (Note, I am thinking about the wieldable Slaughterfish mod ;) ) I could make a release thread about this, and post screenshots, movies, concept art, pre-order bonuses, statues of the Monster of Aaaargh and the like, if you wish. I like discussing this with you guys ;) And a to-do list! ooooh. I was thinking of personal adventures of the Knights, and that the player would be transported/formed into them each time. Imagine Lancelot's quest: Kill 20 wedding guest before continueing. And I can't do all, and don't do it perfect, of course. A conversation between the player and two soldiers on a wall is too complicated, so it is a sound file, without lip synch, for example. But I will add some side humour, not from the movie, but hopefully as funny and ridiculous as the movie. But I keep on ranting, should I make a RelZ (cause that's what you call it) thread?
  3. Well, I have already extracted some dialogue from YouTube sources. I have created the conversation with God ("And don't apoligize!") and the conversation with the soldiers at the first castle ("It could be carried by an african swallow."). I can indeed add The Black Knight's speech as well, but if I'd get copyright problems, I should leave it out. Of course, the quest would be 50% less cool then.
  4. I have a test mod, one with epic equip, making me invulnerable, 100 H2H 100 Str, you know the drill. So I was flying around Chorrol, after punching a beggar to death, and the guards were running down below. As you may or may not know, guards are so determined to get you, they will go on rooftops to get ya. So the guard suddenly appeared in the sky ( I was higher then the chapel's tower roof ) and he started ranting about the law. When I resisted the arrest, he fell to his death, as did two other guards who flew up here as well.
  5. What also helps is setting the quest priority high. I had a quest with priority 85 and it didn't work, but it did at 100
  6. I'll try that out thanks! It seems simple enough at a glance.
  7. Sheogorath is awesome, of course, but I believe should every Prince receive such expansion, there'd be more competition. I am a fan of Malacath screaming: LYING MAGGOT! THEY'RE MYYY OGRES. I reloaded three times to keep hearing it.
  8. Do you have any other mods/esps or do you use OBSE or OBMM?
  9. Do you have any other mods/esps or do you use OBSE or OBMM?
  10. Everyone who has seen Monty Python and The Holy Grail remembers the dismembering (you see what I did?) of the Black Knight. I wish to recreate this effect in Oblivion in a hopefully simple manner. My idea is to take Chorrol Town guard armor for example, and split the mesh into three NiStrips. One for the chest, and one for each arm. Then to create three meshes, one with the three pieces, one with two, and one with only the chest, by deleting a NiStrips In the CS I then create three armors, with respectivily the meshes and equip it on the knight during the fight, resulting in loss of one arm at a time. I hope you can still follow. Also split gauntlets (they could be merged with the armor for easy use) are required. The legs will be more problematic, I suppose, because it requirs heavy modifying of the mesh. I can work with NifSkope, to the point of a NiStrips. Beyond that, nodes and the like, I cannot work. That's why I apply to the forum, hopefully someone knows how to split NiStrips. So I require a chestpiece, created from townguard armor (you could make your own, but that's not necessary), with removable arms, by deleting NiStrips-branches. You could also heavily modify it, and make a special mesh for each one, and a cool severed wound, but that's not really necessary. Although of course, making the "wound" flat is very nice, I only need to texture it then. A gauntlet for each hand, or add them on the armor. Pick chainmail. A one leg mesh made from a chainmail one. If you create this from townguard, there's no need to texture, I can do that. But if you really desire to ... So, anyone wants to help me out? ;)
  11. Right, you need to load the Oblivion .esm. 1: Go to File in the right upper corner, click on Data... 2: You will now see a list of all your .esps, and above the oblivion.esm 3: Double click on the oblivion.esm and a cross will appear in the checbox on the right. 4: Click OK and your PC will start loading the Oblivion ESM. Be patient and wait till it is fully loaded. 5: You are now set to go.
  12. It would require everything built anew in the Skyrim CS, because it has a new engine, so you cannot merge stuff. I'm more in the opinion they should develop some nodes you can stick on your body and you can control your character's left index by moving your left index and such. That'd be my death and heaven in one.
  13. That's just the weird thing. He is wandering about, when initiated in conversation, some quest stages pass and then the player is prompted the option: Follow me or Lead the way. Follow me is obvious and Lead the way is a package that covers travelling to an X marker, so the player can follow him. This is by dialogue, with result script set var to 0/1 respectively. It is so simple I cannot see what I have done wrong.
  14. So I have created a new Worldspace, a new NPC and gave him three AIs: One follow, one travel and one wander. The wander and follow are working fine, but when I select travel through dialogue (with quest variables that work, tested it) he keeps following me and making remarks like: Excuse me, I need to lock up, you need to leave. The thing is, we are in an exterior, he has no flags like (un)lock doors on his package. Anyone know why?
  15. 1. Open the construction set. 2. Locate the Cowl of the Druid. Under items - Clothing, browse throught the robe selections until you find UniqueCowlDruid or something similar. 3. Open/Edit the cowl and look what enchantment it has. 4. Remember the enchantment and go to Magic - Enchantment and locate it. 5. Open/Edit the enchantment. You'll see a list of effects. Locate the Drain Skill: Blade effect, select it and delete it. Press Ok. 6. Save the .esp and activate it with OBMM or in that data list. Check in game if it works. I hope this helps ;)
  16. I'm looking for a crown of some sorts. I'm aiming for this crown: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4b/HolyGrail036.jpg I suppose nobody has ever made it, so any other crown which slightly resembles that one is good. I know of the crown jewels, but I dislike the texture and the form. It is more for a princess then for King Arthur, don't you think? Anyone has ideas?
  17. I'll give that a try, downloading Blender now. I hope that importing and such won't be much trouble, and be easy. Stendar be with me. Right, I don't know how to open my helmet.nif in Blender, this is starting good :confused:
  18. Is there a way to do it with NifSkope? And/or is it easy to do with Blender? I've never done such a thing.
  19. No, I have no experience nor tools in that matter. I knew it had to be the skeleton! Can you do it? I can send you the .nif.
  20. I've tried to put Steel shoulder pads on a chain outfit and that worked fine. But the horns came from a Minotaur skeleton, and I had to edit the location heavily, because they were placed at the feet. Perhaps that's the reason?
  21. I need to find a mod with eyepatches, classic ol' piraty eye patches. I've seen those in Ren's Hair, but that's not what I am aiming for.
  22. I tried both way 2 and 3 of adding the horns, but they did not seem to do the trick. I don't know if it's added to the skeleton, can someone help me with that? Thanks for trying, Carah.
  23. I tried your steps, Carah, but they didn't help. Also, nothing changed in the mesh, at all. Did I do it right then?
  24. I have made an awesome helmet by combining a Guard Helmet with some Minotaur Horns. Brilliant, ain't it? But when I create an .esp, I edit the guard helmet: new ID and only a new biped model. I first changed it to nothing, resulting in the Missing Mesh symbol. Then I set the biped model to my HornedHelmet. Now, when I equip that helmet, only the guard helmet shows up, no horns. I was like :psyduck: How, I mean, what, this can't be! How can Oblivion load a mesh only partially. This is unheard of, for me at least. I am no expert in meshing, I mostly mash things up with the meshes (you see what I did there?). Combining meshes, retexturing, scaling and moving around, that I can. But that knowledge isn't enough to explain what happened here. Can someone illuminate me, please? PS: I have a feeling I have to bipe something, since the _gnd file is working fine, and looks exquisite.
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