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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. The best poetry comes from the heart. ^^
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      That's where I gt mine from. ^ You ever write poetry Silver?
    3. SilverDNA


      A view times. Sometimes it is fun, sometimes I mess it up, but I always get to the point.
    4. Keanumoreira


      I haven't written in awhile. Been meaning to finish that story.
  2. Greetings from the far side.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Lol, the power of music may one day solve the energy crisis. Rock on. 8)
    3. AliasTheory


      That would be so awesome. Sure would bring some crazy truth to "music can save the world".
    4. Keanumoreira


      I think it would augment the already immense reputation and influence that music has on the human race. In general, humans have an intimate relationship with it, especially considering that it's been around for just about as long as civilization has, if not longer.
  3. Please tell me that somewhere here knows how to draw...
    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      That's what I thought too, so I guess that's a yes, lol. And yes, none of that. ^ >.>
    3. Flintlockecole


      Oi. If you have a page worth of dialogue (as in like one page out of a comic book, not a whole page page of writing) I can forward it to them, they seem to have taken an interest in it.
    4. Keanumoreira


      How good are they Flint?
  4. This gives me hope XD :
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Hope in optimism and that the world is filled with happiness. :P
    3. Iv000


      That's cute :P the people's expressions were priceless
    4. Keanumoreira


      Weren't they? XD
  5. Ever wonder what sound a fox makes? Of course you have:
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      It's been stuck in my head for the past four days. >.>
    3. SilverDNA


      I simply turned any translation, from English to German, in my head off to resist :P
    4. Ithildin


      ^^Four days?! :O *consolation fist bump*
  6. New Jersey legalized same-sex marriage yesterday. We're that much closer to ratification. ^^
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Good more families less morons. Supported !

      Since Nov. 2001 nearly the same rights are applied to same sex registered partnerships with the exceptions of adaption and taxes this slowly changed now we are waiting here for similar things, but from highest court here "Bundesverfassungsgericht" it is ok only the Politic morons are still on it arguing. The fight against it here is over! The Bundesverfassungsgericht made it clear in a sharp voice that it is intolerable to deny...

    3. SilverDNA


      ... them the same rights as families.
    4. Keanumoreira


      One day, perhaps, the world will come to accept it. That prejudice will still be there, but the idea is to turn it into a minority and not a majority. That's the most we can hope for.
  7. Greetings esteemed Princeps. I seek council with his graciousness.
  8. Lol, this is what the world should be like:
  9. You know what's strange? When you go to drink coffee, and somehow, just by doing that, you form a theory of why the universe was created, and now you're head hurts. All I wanted to do was drink coffee. >.>
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      That creates entropy. Damn it, I'm doing it again. >:/
    3. SilverDNA


      In the universe entropy gets you.
    4. Keanumoreira


      Begone entropy!
  10. Why do idiots rule the world, and the intelligent do their bidding? How does that even make sense to begin with? Reality, you're a real trip. V.V
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. SilverDNA


      ... argue raise awareness and make jokes about it.
    3. Ithildin


      I agree with Silver here - just a finger in one godawful hand.
    4. Flintlockecole


      I'll give it this way. They're all puppets, most governments are, some are more visible than others. Look for those who lobbied for an invasion of Syria, then you'll figure out why everything is so messed up. A system of debt that doesn't exist. The best slaves are the ones who think of themselves as free.


      It'll all come crashing down the moment people realize they have more power than they think.

  11. I got bored. So I drew up a parody. Tell me what you guys think: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1157777-weekly-afflictions/
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Keanumoreira
    3. AliasTheory


      My case of the Mondays is more like, "Dang, I didn't actually enjoy much of my weekend and do something fun."

      lulz @ Friday example.

    4. Keanumoreira


      I know right?! Damn, why didn't I add that? >:/
  12. How to fight a monster: With reason, optimism, and just a bit of self-representation. :)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      You must become the monster to successfully fight it. There is no other way around it. The beast preys upon those not like it, it does not know how to cover its tracks from those that think and act like it.
    3. SilverDNA


      "Senatores boni viri, senatus autem bestiae." or in English: "Senators are good men, however the Senate is a beast." .. for times like this ;) or after Titus Maccius Plautus in from of a Polyptoton „lupus est homo homini, non homo, quom qualis sit non novit.“ in English roughly translated "Man is a wolf to man, not a human, if they don't know themselves." I think this could be helpful on how long this already happens and how offensive humanity as spec...
    4. SilverDNA


      ...ies is.


  13. I love all my friends. *Hugs*. You guys make me feel young, but I still am young, so by that logic, that must mean I'm immortal. Sweet... :)
  14. Does anyone know if it's possible to plug in a console controller into a computer? Because I really love playing Oblivion on my computer (nostalgia + mods) but sometimes it can get annoying. If not, why not? It seems so obvious to me. "/
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      Yeah. I use a 360 controller for many games. Literally its a plug in and tada it works. Ps3 controllers are s*** for PC because you need to download crap to make them work.
    3. Keanumoreira


      Thanks Ithildin. :)
    4. AliasTheory


      Yes it is possible. Another good reason to have a wired controller. Wireless controllers can work too, but you have to buy software AFAIK. Wired stuff you don't. I recommend checking out Xpadder.
  15. I wrote a new story. I'd appreciate it if you guys could give me a little bit of feedback. :) http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1140346-nuclear-nostalgia/
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. SilverDNA
    3. Keanumoreira


      Lol, I love how he changed the song to meet his prospective. I like it, especially his accent on "du schoen". It's a worthy performance; thanks Silver. And I never heard "Dream a little dream" before. I'll add it to my playlist. :P
    4. SilverDNA


      Although i like Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald original version, I like this version of "Dream a Little Dream of Me" best... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLkCzeeR91c
  16. Is it normal to have nostalgia for a time you never even lived in? Maybe I had a past life that reveled in a 50's world. :P
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SilverDNA


      @Flint As long as the field-grey stuff isn't on fire or wet or worst even both, everything is okay.
    3. Flintlockecole



      It repels water pretty well for a good hour to two hours.

    4. SilverDNA


      @ Flint

      I know, but when it got wet it takes good while till it dried. I know some funny story about someone who tried to dried it on a stove and it burned half the thing.

  17. So supposedly, the government is shutting down today here in America, so...that's new.
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. brokenergy


      America is not a democracy, it's an Oligarchy in a way. A democracy would be like Switzerland and their system.
    3. Flintlockecole


      Brok any democracy can be described as that because in the end that is what it becomes. Anything to do with Republics also ends up being an Oligarchy, the land of Switzer's is included as well.
    4. brokenergy


      No, NO! A democracy in it's true from is when everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has the right to choose. An example of such a democracy is Switzerland. America only pick most is already picked for them and their most potential candidates are left on the curve because of the extremists (this being extremely obvious in the right side of politics). I am not stating that Switzerland is perfect, or great, only as an example of such a democracy.
  18. Hey man. How's college life?
    1. AliasTheory


      Already sorta stressful. Lots of things to worry about, mainly graduate school, jobs and interviews. Not entirely digging the 5-7pm daily class schedule I have this time around. Otherwise, attempting to relax where possible. :)
    2. Keanumoreira


      Tell me about it. Piles of homework to do, and I have midterms in two weeks. x.x
    3. AliasTheory


      It gets more fun in senior year. Looking for jobs, not sucking at interviews and resume writing is hard in addition to worrying about schoolwork. Try to get an internship in the summer from your third year to your fourth year at least, but otherwise ASAP. Get some experience in job searching so you aren't panicking near the end.
  19. Hey stranger. Saw you sneaking around my profile. What's up? :P
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      My parents have a problem with my bisexuality, so you aren't alone pancake.
    3. TheSwedishPancake


      I'm sorry :( They're going to have to get over it though. I didn't know you told them.
    4. Keanumoreira


      Damn right they have to. That's how they created me, so it's no one's fault but their own. They shouldn't blame me for being born the way that I am.
  20. The more we know, the less we will it so. The more we learn as one, the less we leave to none.
    1. SilverDNA


      Rominger's Rules for Students:

      1. The more general the title of a course, the less you will learn from it.

      2. The more specific a title is, the less you will be able to apply it later.

    2. Keanumoreira


      1. Seems obvious


      2. Totally true :P

    3. SilverDNA


      Finagle's Creed: Science is true. Don't be misled by facts.
  21. In a world ruled by pessimists, it's the optimist who reigns supreme. :)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ithildin


      Very uplifting - love it, Keanu. Yours too, Silver. :)
    3. Keanumoreira
    4. SilverDNA


      Anytime Ithildin ;)
  22. Anyone here a fellow philosopher? Or at least interested in philosophy? Learning about Socrates in college atm and how he's indirectly responsible for the conquests of the Near East. Pretty interesting stuff. Silver, I know that you're probably dying to give your two cents here. XP
    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you first must realize that you are making mistakes.

      Hegel's Dictum: We learn from history that we do not learn from history.

      Since you are familiar with a thinking paradoxical oxymoron there is not much to ad but ... Do read Hegel and Kant for reasoning but for creative thinking it needs 1st to be creative in logic and draw conclusion from places where no one has drawn conclusions before how absurd an funny they may sound

    3. Keanumoreira


      Doesn't sound absurd at all. Some of the most brilliant thinkers of mankind where once believed to be completely crazy (some were, but you didn't hear that from me, lol).
    4. SilverDNA


      Being Random Hint:

      Christie-Davies' Theorem:

      If your facts are wrong but your logic is perfect, then your conclusions are inevitable false. Therefore, by making mistakes in your logic, you have at least a random chance of coming to a correct conclusion.

  23. Biological loyalty, an intrinsic curse of nature. Some say that family should always come before your friends. Others say that special someone always comes first. You know what I say? I say "why?" How difficult is it to treat your friends (your true friends) and your family the same? Not very, because I do it. My friends are a part of my family. Makes me wonder why others can't do the same.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. brokenergy


      I am OC as a human female, vampire assassin known as Nightshade the Malevolent, the Wraith of the North. It has nothing to do with this but I thought it would be cool.
    3. SilverDNA


      Keanu, you know my stance on my family and you know i didn't take it lightly. I not tell you to take a road there. i only say find your own way, by your own measures and your own heart.

      But this advice: no decision is easy in the topic even if you think it was easy.

    4. Keanumoreira


      I know Silver, and you're right, I do have to find my own way. It certainly hasn't been easy, but then again, most things aren't. :)
  24. Boo
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MadeIn


      Kean, there is only one way to change that, yea? :) Don't be a stranger, sweetheart.
    3. Keanumoreira


      If you pick a time to talk on Xat, I'll meet you there (I'm always free, except on Mondays).
    4. MadeIn
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