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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. Hello brokenergy. How goes it? :D
  2. No, I'm in Xat. Drop by now.
  3. Crap! I always miss you by a thread, lol.
  4. Reminiscing about Oblivion inspires me. Back when I had no idea what an role-playing game was and felt incredibly small compared to a world rich with magic and whimsy; when those first few moments that dawn on you are telling of both freedom and the simple awe of harvesting a mushroom. What happened to those days? ^^
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. brokenergy


      I don't know what's going on, so I'll just post pants
    3. Keanumoreira


      1. That's a funny post. ^

      2. I have yet to play Morrowind but from what I've seen and heard, it's epic.

      3. I miss Oblivion and wish to buy it.

      4. Cheese for everyone.

      5. Is there a six?

      6. Six.

      7. That was only a coincidence and nothing more (truthfully).

      8. That is all.

      9. Goodbye

      10. [To Be Announced].

    4. VesemirTheWitcher



      2. :D

      3. there is no three.

  5. Yum! I love-- wait...is it oatmeal? Because I don't do oatmeal...
  6. Still kinda feel bad. :/
  7. Thank you; glad you liked it. :)
  8. I'm alright. Getting ready for school and whatnot. Thought I'd drop by and say hello to and friend. :)
  9. Hey. Sorry, I was extremely busy yesterday and I'm rotten friend for not saying happy birthday, so happy belated birthday. :/
  10. Hey there. Happy New Year (and a belated birthday). I haven't spoken to you for the longest time. How goes things? :)
  11. Oh man, be careful with that. My mother has diabetes and I know how frustrating it can be. Personally, perhaps. We don't know if she acquired it or if it was genetic, seeing as it's on her mom's side. I'm doing alright. Things are fine; getting back to school on Monday. Not too pleased with that, but life moves on.
  12. If you say so sis. But if you need anything, you come find me, k?
  13. Do you want to talk about it?
  14. Working on a little something that is due to arrive in Druids Garden real soon. Hope you guys will take a look. :)
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Well thank you, that means a lot Itchildin. :)
    3. SilverDNA


      Thank you Keanu very much... I hope you like this for inspirational matters. It might even hold a some informations that you find valuable ;-)


    4. Keanumoreira


      Oh wow. That's an entire treasure trove of poetry. Thanks Uncle. :D
  15. Say, it's been awhile. How are ya?
  16. Female; and that's okay, take as much time as you need to.
  17. Oh you know me; same as always. How about you?
  18. Lol, I wonder when the next one will be. They dish these out every once in awhile.
  19. HELLO! Happy new year! *Hugs*. :D
  20. Yes, it IS a new year, isn't it? 2013...who knew? So people doubted that we wouldn't live to see beyond December 21st. I suppose we dodged a bullet. :P
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