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Status Updates posted by Keanumoreira

  1. I heard a hilarious joke the other day: "I would name my children Control, Alt, and Delete so that I could hit them whenever something goes wrong."
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. brokenergy
    3. SilverDNA


      That would be 'Silly'
    4. SilverDNA


      Hint try the name of my NS Nation and let the rest be filled out by tumblr and you may end up in hell
  2. My respects go out to everyone who has lost a loved one on 9/11/01. I don't remember much that day, but I remember the faces and the horror and just all the pandemonium that erupted not just in New York, but within all of those who suffered. Words just can't describe it.
  3. Okay guys, I just returned from my Psychology class and I have a serious question for you that I want your insightful opinions on: if the brain is the center of all consciousness, how can it be aware of itself, but not of how it works until it has "learned" of how it works from outside influences?
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. AliasTheory
    3. SilverDNA


      For you AliasT in retribution ... wait ... no ... that was wrong, sorry ... in relevance to your last post.


    4. Keanumoreira


      All I know about Descartes was that he was a French Mathematician who formulated the modern-day coordinate system (and his Rule of Signs, but I haven't used that formula since Algebra 2).
  4. Everything okay?
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Nope Spiders are pretty normal. Wolf spiders aren't much of a problem here. Do you have one on your nose ?
    3. Flintlockecole


      Did a few nights ago, had to relocate to the upstairs again due to them. Spiders usually don't come in until mid October, even then they're pretty passive.
    4. SilverDNA


      yes Had one specimen of that sort near my cooing pot while i was stirring ... it was the only meat I had this week, till today.
  5. I found a caterpillar today and I shall nurse him into a strong and ruthless butterfly. His name will be Rousseau. COWER BEFORE HIM!
  6. I feel like being absurdly sagacious today: "Good grammar is like a day at dinner: it's a simple matter concerning simple etiquette." Did I succeed? :P
  7. Someone turns 19 today. I wonder who that person is.... <------
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      Naw, he can come up to Canadaland for a week then end up "lolwhereamI" drunk.
    3. Keanumoreira


      I only want to get drunk once in my life to see what it's like. :P
    4. SilverDNA


      Depends on how you get drunk. The good way or the really bad way.

      1. The bad way: drinking on and on till you are under the table.

      2. The good way: drink one glass and wait 20 to 30 minutes for the next at this way you are moving through all stages of being drunk slower and take notetes on paper how it feels and when it is best to stop drinking for you.

  8. Hey sis! *MASSIVE HUGS*. How have you been? :)
    1. MadeIn


      ~HUGSHUGSHUGS~ Been good, had a lot of going on. Had to take care of things and stuff. :) By the way, it's been a while since we last spoke, you doing okay?
    2. Keanumoreira


      Fantastic, actually. Things have been going great lately. :)
    3. MadeIn


      I'm very glad to hear that. Good for you, bro. :)
  9. I'm a champion. :)
    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      Iran's ancient folklore tells us that true champions ("Pahhlavaan"s) are those who are both physically and behaviorally perfect, meaning that they are truly modest whilst being truly powerful. Its almost impossible to pull off, but that's what I'm trying to go for.
    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      Forgot to mention the confidence part.

      Strive to learn your limits. By knowing your capacity and capabilities well, you'll have the confidence you need. At least, that's what I've been told. My confidence is da shitz

    4. Keanumoreira


      That's good advice, and that's what I'm trying to accomplish too. And you're right, it certainly isn't easy.
  10. Had a FANTASTIC first day at college. Loved it. Loved the people, loved the professors, loved the curriculum. I am ready for this; bring it! *Feeling pumped* ^.^
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Broken: Lol, what happened? It couldn't have been that bad.


      And thanx guys. ^^P

    3. brokenergy


      See, you'll love uni when you first go in but by the time you reach 3rd year, you want out.
    4. SilverDNA


      Happy Keanu is making Silver Happy :)
  11. How happy are those whose walls already rise! :D
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      @Alias: I imagine not. Depends too though; some people purposely get into prison to feed off of the taxpayers expense. >.>


      I used to play simcity when I was a kid; it was a blast until I started building skyscrapers...too many problems to be fun at that point.

    3. brokenergy


      I want to play it NOW.
    4. SilverDNA
  12. Hey hey. :)
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Nah, not for awhile. I've resorted to being solitary again. It suites me. No one to worry about it, an open schedule...I kinda like that. To tell you the truth, I'm actually happier this way. Never found the idea of marriage all that desirable. I can't stand living with other people (as much as I love and admire my parents). I just don't have time for it; too much to do, not enough time to waste.
    3. TheSwedishPancake


      I understand and kind of agree. Still, if someone does come along, you should give it a chance! You never know :)
    4. Keanumoreira


      I might change my mind one day.
  13. It's a sad world we live in now a days. So much potential for good, and so much evil to erase. What does humanity hope to achieve if we're all pulling in opposite directions?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin
    3. brokenergy


      Better than going in the same direction, they will explode because that's how magnets work
    4. Keanumoreira


      Not all people are bad, I suppose.
  14. Has anyone here ever heard of Quantum Leap?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Yay! Good, I'm not alone here. It's a show from the late 80's, early 90's Miri. I personally love it. :)
    3. brokenergy


      You ruined the line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    4. Keanumoreira


      Well fine. :P
  15. Some people are rude for no reason. Why not try being nice? So I devised a little game: the person with the nicest compliment (either to myself or anyone else on this status update) shall be given the prestigious title of *insert title here* (honestly, it's whatever you want it to be*. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Maybe it's because you're appealing to my ego (which I don't even have one, so that's saying something), but I just decided to cancel my previous announcement. YOU, my friend, are the winner. Choose what name that beckons you and I shall refer to you only by that name for as long as time permits, should that be your wish. As the Lord of Lunacy, supreme overlord of this kingdom of absolute mischief and disorder, it is the one and only favor that I can bestow upon mere mortals.
    3. Keanumoreira


      Now go!, and wear your title upon your person with the utmost pride! You earned it!
    4. Ithildin


      Congratulations, V! :D *tosses more confetti*
  16. HAPPY 4th! If you're American that is. XD
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ithildin
    3. Flintlockecole


      Eh, I fired off guns yesterday. Fun when a rifle knocks everyone but oneself over.
    4. Keanumoreira


      What, no fireworks? That's just...no. And that's funny. ^ XD
  17. I hear that you're in a bit of a financial crisis at the moment Miranda. Anything you want to talk about?
    1. TheSwedishPancake


      Not really, I'm sure I'll find something. Thanks though :)
    2. Keanumoreira


      Alright, but if you're ever in need, you let me know, okay?
    3. TheSwedishPancake


      You'd be one of the first people I would talk to. :)
  18. What'cha thinking about Nexus?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      "How am I gonna spend all my summer?"

      I'M BAX BRO! how's you?

    3. brokenergy


      Being ruler
    4. Flintlockecole


      How to clean metal and how to reshape .303 to 7.7x58mm
  19. Have you ever got your hair cut, looked into a mirror, and then found that you didn't recognize yourself? WHO AM I???
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Ha ha. Just felt like adding a Wonderland reference. :P
    3. brokenergy


      The world is being eaten!
    4. Keanumoreira


      Whoever is eating the world has a voracious appetite.
  20. So the D.C. thing has been pushed back for a few weeks. Bummer, but I'm graduating tomorrow! ^.^
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      Honestly, it really doesn't bother me. I want to hide my face when I think about it sometimes (one of those "oh yeah...I remember that" moments, but the kind you laugh at, not dread), but it wasn't nearly as bad as a story one of my friends recalled. She told me that on her graduation day, someone tripped and fell on stage. Now that had to be humiliating, lol. XD
    3. Iv000


      Congrats on the graduation! ^^
    4. SilverDNA


      Congrats on graduating! I hope it went well.
  21. hhhheeeelllloooo!!!! ^.^
  22. I'll be gone for a few days; going to spend sometime in D.C. as a graduation present. :)
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ithildin


      Well, I'd love to see *any* photos you want to share. I've always wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial in person, and hope you'll have a chance to visit it yourself. :)
    3. AliasTheory


      ^ The same here. Any pictures would be great!
    4. Keanumoreira


      It shall be done. :)
  23. *Poke*. :)
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Illiad86


      Busy, I guess. Well, addicted to this game I'm playing haha. I hate MMOs normally, but this one is so cool :D BF is back on 3rd shift, so I'm a night owl again :P
    3. Keanumoreira
    4. Illiad86


      Entropia Universe. Pretty cool MMO and I'm not the hugest fan of MMOs :P Taking a break from it right now currently.
  24. Yo. Longtime no see; how have you been doing?
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Keanumoreira


      I'll let you know if I think of anything; nothing atm.
    3. AliasTheory


      Actually, I have something I'd like to part: don't compare yourself to other people. I still find it hard to not do that, because the educational system determines your grade based on how everyone else does. But think of life as your own unique path, and what's right for you may not be right for someone else. I've also been frequently envious of other people; all it does it fuel your feelings of inadequacy and mediocrity.
    4. Keanumoreira


      Funny you should mention that, because I just freed myself from a five-month crisis concerning one of my best friends on that very topic. I'm just now beginning to build myself back up from something that really turned my life on its head. It's a valuable lesson that I'll be holding onto for the rest of my life.
  25. *Hugs*. Hello Uncle; are you available on Friday?- I'd like to speak to you again.
    1. SilverDNA


      *Hugs back* waiting
    2. Keanumoreira


      Damn my short-term memory! >:O I arranged to meet Miri in xat this Thursday; if I forget again, just message me as I usually check back up here every few hours.
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