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Everything posted by Tomzo711
Nexus > Steam Workshop Thanks for doing the things you guys do!
Open Cities, Compatibility Patch and CK Rendering Issue
Tomzo711 replied to rms827's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Not sure how active Arthmoor is on Nexus forums but he does frequent the Official Bethesda forums. Try shooting him a PM there as well. http://forums.bethsoft.com/user/176330-arthmoor/ -
LE Stolen Items Separated From Legit Items of the Same Type
Tomzo711 replied to Lycanthrokeith's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Now here's a thought, what if that happens after 24 hours? So for 24 hours you have items marked as stolen but afterwards the flag is dropped? -
I'll let you know that I only read your first paragraph, not for any rude reasons but to just get a feel for what your wanting. Anyways this was attempted back between 2012 and 2013. It was looking fairly good but had A LOT of bugs and limitations.
I wonder, would it be possible to have a SkyProc generate what it can and generate a esp with that data. Then have a script ran in TES5Edit that will load that esp and finish the rest? So have SkyProc: Detect a recipeCreate a spell (with a specific magic effect)Create a book that adds that spellAdd the book to leveled lists and then load all that up into TES5Edit and have it: Add a condition to the recipe that the player have the spell in order to see it. I'm not sure if TES5Edit can do that via scripts but it was the next thing to come to mind.
Your opening post is extremely vague. If you want even a chance of help you need to give more info than that. What kind of mod are you wanting? Who is "her" too?
Why not a deployable one? If Frostfall can allow you to place items by dropping them (tents, sleeping bags, ect) from your inventory then what if you had a dwemer cube that when dropped from your inventory turns into a ballista! Would just require flattish ground like in Frostfall. I dont see why something like that wouldnt be possible.
would a SKSE command be able to pull that off? Not sure if that exists but maybe it could be something created via SKSE plugin? Also, I already assumed that the number of modders skilled enough with Java to make a SkyProc was limited, so I completely understand the limits of the modding community, but thank you for clarifying that. :)
Well, I never meant it should be able to do it. I was putting ideas out there on the basis "if it could" do it. If it's not possible then that is fine, although it's a real bummer.
No, I actually know very little about modding. I mainly know rudimentary concepts of how things work within the game and with other 3rd party software like skse and skyproc. All im basically doing is tossing an idea out into the sea and hoping a fish takes it. I dont know exactly what is possible with skyproc but have seen some pretty amazinf things done with it like the Reprocer for Skyre or Everybody's Different. So Im hoping that what I am requesting is in the realm of possible.
LE Stolen Items Separated From Legit Items of the Same Type
Tomzo711 replied to Lycanthrokeith's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
If doable that would work just as well. -
The way I had figured it would work is you have a SkyProc patcher. The Procer would scan your load order and configure all the recipes (vanilla and mod added) Then convert them to a format similar to how spells work by generating books with recipes attached to them so that when read you're given the recipe. Then take all the recipes that would normally show up when in crafting menu and remove them. Alternate way would begin the same but instead "Hide" the recipes known to the player and make the books essentially "Keys" to unlock one specific recipe. Might be safer but I'm not sure how exactly the inner workings of that part of the game work. No perks should need to be touched for this as everything else should work as usual, it's just hiding or removing the recipes from the player and then adding them back or unhiding them when the condition of reading a book is met.
I did some more looking into Lorecraft and see I misspoke about it's patches. Most seem pretty up to date which is cool but I still think having a automated system would work better and would drastically reduce the amount of esp's needed to get it running with your mod setup.
I cant help you with the meshes. But I can help with ideas. I recomend reading this - http://sot.wikia.com/wiki/Agiel Most of it deals with the book series, which I refer to as I LOATH the tv adaptation of the books and you'll find most who read the books also extremely dislike the tv adaptation. There is also a section at the bottom for the tv adaptation and covers what it did. Something you could do with it as as far as damage and stats go is give it low damage (it is a rod by nature), but give it 50%-70% chance to damage health and stamina while bypassing armor, chance to stagger, chance to paralyze, a very low chance to instant kill (like Mehrunes Razor) and a very low chance to turn them on your side (to simulate training some one). By giving it low damage but medium to powerful buffs based on chance when attacking it would be fairly balanced and keep in line with how the Agiel works.
I was thinking it would be cool if you could add silver inlay to your weapons (and possibly armor). This would do nothing visually (I know that would require a TON of work) but would add the silver damage effect to any weapon, preferably at a lesser value. Why would I want this? I play with immersion in mind. I dont like high carry weights and rely on backpacks, bandoliers and my horses inventory (150 cw) to lug supplies around. Lugging around an extra weapon that is only used in specific situations is not always feasible especially when I'm trying to look for items to bring back and sell. Being able to inlay a main weapon with silver would eliminate the need for that additional weapon (silver sword). The way I would imagine this being done is have a new merchant in Markarth, who was originally a silversmith but is now looking to make his talents better used in silver inlaying weapons (armors). The process would cost money to do based on the material of the weapon (armor). The better the material the higher the price. With armor if you're attacked by an undead (if unarmed) they will be dealt damage every time they land a hit. If they are wielding a weapon there should be a low chance or if you run into them. If you inlay your gauntlet, bracers, gloves and start punching them you will do extra damage. This is just an idea I've been kicking around for a while and would like to see it in Skyrim in some form.
LE Stolen Items Separated From Legit Items of the Same Type
Tomzo711 replied to Lycanthrokeith's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
That would be nice :) -
Fully aware of it. But from what I have noted on it is it's been 2 years since it was last updated, it's practically abandoned and therefore most likely out of date for many of the popular mods out there. Making an automated system to replace it however would practically make it future proof without the need for patches or updates (maybe a few bugfixes).
One thing that has always irked me about Skyrim is how you just automatically know how to craft things in the game (sometimes requiring a perk first but still you magically discover ALL the recipes). This is a big problem for me because one, it's not immersive or logical and two, it's a HUGE waste of opportunity! I mean you dont magically gain the knowledge of all the enchantments or potion recipes, why does smithing get the special privilege? The way I see it is there is you should start off not knowing any recipes, not even how to make leather or leather strips. This would make that little starting quests with blacksmiths actually useful! They teach you how to make leather, leather strips, an iron dagger and a leather helmet..... Now what? Now you have to travel the world in search of Manuscripts! You still need the required perk to craft specific items but now you also need to find the knowledge of that item! You may find a good item manuscript that is 3 perks higher than your current teer, now you have store that manuscript until you are skilled enough to use it :smile: . Manuscripts would be books that once read (like spells) teach you how to make an item at a forge or tanning wrack.You cannot learn an item if you do not have the skill (perk) to craft it. They can be found around the world in loot lists or bought from or sold to blacksmiths. Cloth, leather, iron and steel would be the most common while others would be more rare and valuable. They should also be found in logical places, Dwarven items in Dwarven ruins, Ancient Nord items in Nordic tombs, Orcish items on Orc NPC's or in Orc Strongholds, Elven/Glass items on Thalmor or Thalmor associated areas, Ebony and daedric should be extremely rare (or not even obtainable to keep in line with Morroloot) and Dragon items should be found on Dragon Priests or around Word Walls. I feel a good way of going about this would be to use a SkyProc Patcher. It should be able to go through the player crafting table, remove them from the player (leaving 0 items known), generate them as books and then distribute them throughout the world. This method should also take into account mod added items so long as they use vanilla keywords. I'm not very knowledgeable in modding but I have seen enough done to believe that this should be very possible. I think this mod would be a fun game changer for people who like crafting but feel that there needs to be a bit more challenge to the system.
None of the computers on my network can access it, both use Webroot but I havnt found any indication that it's blocking the sites by Zenimax.
Ok this is really aggravating me! For some reason my home network will not connect to the site. I can access them via mobile and log in so I'm not banned and I've even tried to access the site via proxy server on my network and still nothing. I cant do it via Google Chrome or Internet explorer. I am completely out of ideas here.
No, When I try to get on the site Google Chrome tells me that it cannot connect. I even called my ISP and they reset my modem. No change.
I cant access it on either my desktop or laptop and I've tried resetting my modem/router.
I know this is not exactly related to skyrim here but I use the Bethsoft forums for my skyrim modding information too and I have not been able to access the site for the past few days. Chrome keeps telling me it cannot connect and I'm starting to get a bit agitated. Is the site down or is there something else going on here?
if i have a torrented version of Fallout 3 then how do i update it to 1.7 because the standard method doesnt seem to work. the reason i suspect i dont have 1.7 is because the pipboy readious mod doesnt work for me and it requires the 1.7 patch.
.... the only other thing i can think of that might be causing it is vampire eye retexture... which makes the vamp eye a blood red color instead of the washed out pink color.... but idk if that would efect hair.... but with conflicts i guess anything could happen