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Everything posted by Tomzo711

  1. no i have beautiful people 2.7 with the compilation library.... i have figured that if i change the hairs on a vanilla race it works fine but if i try it on a custom race it then freezes the hair hair selection
  2. i am making a custom race in the construction kit... what whould i need to do to make him a vampire from the beggining of the game????
  3. had this mod a while back and it worked fine.... now i got it again and in chargen i cant change the starting default hair... its just stuck on that one hair type
  4. ohhhhhhhhhh thank u soooooooo much that looks 100000000x better
  5. i have recently started playing oblivon again after a long break. but i am noticing somehting that i didnt notice before. my character has small miscolored patches on his face that do not match the rest of his face... npc's also have the same problem but not as bad as my character.. i have tes iv game of the year adition and am running it on 4gb ram, 3800+ amd athlon 64 cpu, ati radeon 3650 1g overclocked adition graphics card. the only way i can simi get rid of this affect is if i change textures form large to small.... but then everything else looks like crap.... any help would be much apreciated because i would love to have to seamlis faces like are posted tesnexus
  6. i have found the problem and its a conflict with another mod i have.... combat tweaks..... now i have noticed combat tweaks uses a dazip. but when installed it adds a folder to documents/bioware/dao/patches/core/overide.... i thaught that if u download a dazip. u shouldnt need a folder there..... now with this folder there i have the problem as stated above... but if i remove it it works fine.... so do i need the folder???? or is there a way to make them work????
  7. downloaded ct and works great...but i have downloaded the archdemon shapeshift mod from orgolove (adds archdemon form, revinant form, ogre form, and pride demon form; all of which have there on spells and abilities; to the shapeshifter tree and grants a summon hurlock spell)the forms still show up and work fine but some things no longer work for instance the summon hurlock... also some spells are now missing in transformed state... not sure if its the main mod its self or if its the optional magic tweak dlc.... i would really like to run them both cause the are both really fun...
  8. the mod works for me as far as seeing the talents in the lvl up screen and in the player abilities screen but unless i have the tallent requirement (stamina or manna) i cant use the tallent.... like if im a warrior i cant cast spells but i can activate momentum from the rogue class duelest.... and if i am a mage i can only cast spells but cant activate or use any abilities from the rogue or warrior branches.... what am i doing wrong cause i realllllllllllllly wanna make a god character!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. i have heard of a reroll rings mod that allows u to change u character type during the game.... for instance start off as a human nobile use the reroll and go from warrior/rogue and pick a mage and now ur playing the human noble beginning as a mage.... so my question is where can i find this mod???? not on nexus or bioware to my findings.
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