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  1. Not working for me either :sad: Edit: Working again :)
  2. Mine too, and my username changed. But they've sorted it, only thing still wonky is my missing kudos so a big thanks to the Nexus Team :)
  3. Yup, just fired up my rig and all the ccBSA files just downloaded to my hard drive, not opted in to any beta's either. They sure made a mess of this one.
  4. Bit of a weird one, last played Skyrim a couple of weeks ago and everything was fine yet last night all the outdoor shadows were just not there, nothing has changed mod or pc wise and I even deleted all content, deleted the game folder from inside Steamapps and deleted the ini files from the mydocs/mygames folder and then let Steam do a complete fresh install and ran the game with no mods thinking yeah, that'll fix it. Snarf, it was exactly the same. Graphics card is a Sapphire HD7970 Vapor-x 6gb with the latest drivers so don't think that could be at fault and all other games are running fine. Got me stumped, has Beth done somnething mad with a patch while I wasn't looking, any ideas folks ?
  5. Exactly, any prospective buyer will take a look at the mess and walk (quickly) in the other direction. Their website states closed for maintenance, is that what they call it these days ? http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/M4rt/GameSplash.jpg
  6. Sitebots real name is Hal 9000 Be afraid :teehee:
  7. Rest in peace Adam, thank you for the worlds that you gave us to play in.
  8. Just spotted this: Game.Co.Uk in financial difficulties. If you have any downloadable games to download from them it may be advisable to get them downloaded and backed up, just in case. http://tech.uk.msn.com/features/whats-happening-with-game
  9. I just think its all going Pete Tong in the gaming world, whatever platform you use.
  10. It may just be a rumour at the moment, but I can see this coming. http://www.guru3d.com/news/xbox-720-to-ban-second-hand-game-sales/
  11. Marthos

    I'm in bits.

    Just got back from the vets, she's had the drain tubes removed and the wound is healing nicely says the vet. The test results on the tumors are back and the good news is that they were just fatty tissue and not malignant so she's in the clear :thumbsup:
  12. Marthos

    I'm in bits.

    And here she is with her favorate ice pack. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y104/M4rt/FayeIcePack.jpg
  13. Marthos

    I'm in bits.

    Yup She's currently laid flat on her back, all four legs in the air with an ice pack on her belly, been there for 20 minutes now. At the vets last night for her check up, the vet said the wound looked a bit inflamed and to try and cool it with an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas, I thought Faye would be off like a shot as soon as she felt the cold of it but I was wrong and she loves it. We're back at the vets tomorrow teatime to have the two drains removed from her abdomen which should make her more comfortable. Biggest problem I've got is keeping her from charging about, she normally attacks life at full throttle and she's still trying to do so and I'm scared she's going to pull her stitches etc. She'll be heading to sit at the door soon as my housemate is due in from his late shift shortly and she knows that means the treats tin will be opened and scooby snacks all round. Looks like she's had enough of the ice pack as she's just stood up and brought it to me so I better go put it back in the freezer ready for next time. If she thinks she's getting mollycoddled like this when she's better, she's got another thing coming but then again, I'm as soft as a brush so she probably will be. Thanks again for the kind comments all.
  14. Very sorry to read that Lordfrostcrag, hope you are coping ok.
  15. Yay - Dark0ne sorted it, working fine now for me. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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