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Everything posted by demidekidasu

  1. Yeah, I'm pleased about it obviously, but I just don't understand what happened...
  2. If any of you ever find an answer to Ironman's original question, please get in touch with me also. IsFullLOD has decided to do weird stuff as of late and I don't think I can rely on it any longer...
  3. I'm now expanding my player-owned castle mod into something rather ambitious... A series of purchasable castle homes throughout Skyrim, all in reasonably accurate medieval architecture. I'm not interested in Disney castles nor do I want glorified wooden shacks... Think 11th to 15th century. And they will be cold, draughty and damp affairs, just like real castles were :P Also, each one will be kerspensive, like 75k to 100k each. Because my character needs to spend her absurd gold reserves on something... Should be ready for release in about 20 years I reckon!
  4. It's in the AI package. Check-boxes for various stuff like that are found there under "flags", although I strongly recommend you create a new AI package instead of editing the existing one... For perhaps quite obvious reasons :) -EDIT- Please excuse me for not reading your post properly... I don't know how one would change the frequency of greeting comments.
  5. This is good news. This is SERIOUSLY good news indeed! :D
  6. Hi everyone, Recently started making a new player-owned castle for Skyrim. Finished the exterior a couple of days ago, tested in-game, saved and made a backup of the plugin (I got into the habit of making a backup after every successful test). Today I fired up Skyrim and had a look around in-game, then proceeded to resume working on the mod. At some point the game started to crash whenever I open the map. I assumed this was a simple case of mod corruption so rolled back to an earlier version (that previously worked). Another crash when I open the map. I went through all of my backups and now every single one is causing a crash to occur when I open the map - including the backups from the other day that worked. I disable the plugin and no crash. This is all on a clean save from before I even started working on the mod I might add. How on earth are my backups suddenly corrupted? They worked the other day for crying out loud! Somebody please help... I just do not understand how this is even possible. I'll say it again, these backups worked the other day, and all testing is done on a clean save from before I even started working on the mod. UPDATE After hours of trying everything I can think of, nothing seems to fix this. I have loaded the plugin into TES5Edit to look for anything amiss. Nothing looks out of place... Renamed the plugin. Been through all my backups and not a single one works. Even the ones that worked both the other day and earlier today. Restarted Steam. Restarted PC several times. Rearranged load order several times. Double-checked ini files for anything that should not be there. Checked Papyrus logs. They don't seem to mention anything related to errors or crashing... Tried banging my head on the desk. Tried swearing at the monitor. Tried searching on Google for anyone else reporting this. Looked for anything that might help me on the CK Wiki. Checked my data directory for any meshes or textures that might have been generated as lod files or something. I know, it's silly, but I'm desperate... I just don't understand HOW this can be happening! It's almost as if something is stuck in memory... But surely after restarting my PC this would not be happening?
  7. Hello there, and welcome! It depends what you plan to do really. Your thread title got cut off but I assume it is supposed to say "Weapons"? I can't help you when it comes to 3D model making/editing, but here is the advice I can offer... You don't need any of those fancy DDS converters (DDS is the texture file format), just download the appropriate DDS plugin for your chosen image editing software and you can work with DDS files directly. GIMP is a very powerful tool but definitely confusing at first. Stick with it and you will learn to love it. Also download the normal map plugin for GIMP if you do decide to use it. I swear by it! My last tip in this area is to not compress your textures as it will destroy the quality. Unless you have a weak graphics card and performance is your concern, of course. Audacity if you wish to edit/create sounds. Another program I swear by! Skyrim Creation Kit for actually putting your work in-game. Learning to use this is beyond the scope of a forum post, so look up the tutorials on the CK Wiki :) Remember to make backups VERY often. The Creation Kit just loves to eat mods and spit out corrupted mess. No joke... It did it to me this morning in fact! Hope this helps, and good luck!
  8. If waiting 30 days in-game time for the cells to reset doesn't help, I don't have a clue what will... Not particularly clever to save the game after doing daft stuff like this :P
  9. Type TCL when fighting a dragon to chase it around in the air... Pretty amusing because it's animations don't work when collision is disabled :biggrin: Especially hilarious how it lands at the end of the fight... All glitchy and stuff... It's airborne one minute then just suddenly slams into the ground like a sack of spuds lol
  10. It talks about object LOD generation on the following page: http://www.creationkit.com/Creating_a_Custom_Worldspace_with_LOD Scroll down to the appropriate section... Don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for, but hope it points you in the right direction at least. What's wrong with IsFullLOD? I... Use that... Quite often... [worriedface] -EDIT- Is this page relevant too by any chance? http://www.creationkit.com/Distant_LOD_Meshes_Dialog I've come across this myself when editing custom statics in the CK, but don't know when/where/how the specified distant LOD meshes will be used.
  11. I do believe you can do it in TES5Edit too. -EDIT- Hang on... I think I might be wrong there now I say it...
  12. Pretty much this ^ Almost anything genuinely awesome you try to make is basically doomed to failure, and not because of author errors... Having said that, there are a few exceptions out there, of course, and I have enormous respect for those who can pull it off. I abandoned my LTC (Lively Towns And Cities) project because neither Papyrus nor the CK can cope with what I wanted to do. Admittedly, I was trying to fetch over one thousand references at once (lulz), but if you don't do something that mental, the vast majority of users on here these days will only complain about how your mod "sucks" or is not as good as Mod X. Frankly, the image share section suffers a similar problem in my eyes. If it's not a generic portrait of a good-looking, 21st century supermodel female character with a John Wayne ENB (saw someone use that phrase earlier and just had to use it myself, haha) slapped all over it, nobody seems to care... I know this from my own images. I uploaded one of the aforementioned images once and it got a fair amount of endorsements pretty quickly...
  13. Ah I understand... Thanks for replying and all. I thought there could have been a problem either with the site or on my end :) I'm somewhat paranoid due to the problems seen in recent times lol
  14. Sorry, I forgot to include that info in the post (derp). It was on this file - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35524/ I'm seeing file servers now, but still only 2 are available.
  15. Just tried downloading a file from the Skyrim Nexus and was not able to select a file server. Screenshot: Anyone else seeing this?
  16. Yeah, just started loading for me too... Big thank you to whomever fixed it! :)
  17. Yeah, changing settings was the first thing I tried, but to no avail.
  18. I am experiencing the exact same problem but on the Skyrim Nexus. Works fine on the Fallout 3 Nexus though, not checked other Nexus sites.
  19. Lol @ your name! :biggrin: I'm working on a Skyrim player home now too with a realistic/historically-inspired(pseudo) style. And here is a HD retexture of the Werewolves I am working on: I am also still working on the graphics mod I mentioned, and will be expanding my Fallout 3 mod, DDD Rifles when I get chance. Some of my other mods need updates too... BUSY BUSY BUSY.
  20. Here is the latest problem I am having with the eternally broken Creation Kit. Anyone able to help? Creation Kit screenshot: In game screenshot of when I attack him:
  21. Look, I agree with you that the game is underwhelming and definitely lacking, but you are essentially asking for a different game altogether lol I feel I should chime in on the argument about the spread of news in medieval times... People in medieval Europe were generally very ignorant of much beyond the world immediately around them, and they certainly didn't know anything of history, politics or current events, other than what was dictated to them by those in charge. The spread of news was notoriously bad - even for major events such as invasions, etc. A great example would be during the Spanish armada crisis (England) of the late 16th century... At one point the Spanish managed to land a small force of a hundred or so soldiers on the English coast. These soldiers went on to pillage and plunder, burned a church to the ground, and generally make the local's lives a living hell (I'm probably wrong on the details, but that's not the point). By the time London heard of this, the Spanish force had already left... Remember that Tamriel is not actually a medieval world - far from it in fact - it just shares similarities in technology. It's far too happy and jolly to be compared to a medieval society lol. Nobody is starving, dying of even the most simple of diseases, being literally worked to death or treated cruelly by their sadistic superiors... The phrase "downtrodden" has quite literal origins I imagine. The closest I have ever seen to an accurate portrayal of medieval Europe in a game is either The Witcher 2 (albeit a fantasy world) or Mount & Blade: Warband with the Anno Domini 1257 mod. I actually started making my own 3rd-person adventure game once based in a historically accurate portrayal of the medieval Welsh marchers (1313 AD) in the Unreal 3 engine. It's hard work I tell you... Not something that you can just "do"
  22. To be fair, it would probably take about 30 years to make a game that detailed and ambitious with a large open world like Skyrim... We would all love a game like that but it could never be done. If it was a linear game then yes. But it's not... And many of these things would probably require the game to move away from it's sandbox format to work.
  23. But there ARE bosses at the end of many dungeons :P Nothing more annoying than some virtually indestructible Draugr who keeps Fus-Roh-Dah'ing you across the room whilst a million of his minions chop you to pieces... lol
  24. I agree with you completely, OP. I think the biggest problem I personally have with the game is the seriously dull world. I mean, everything is just narrow valleys and you are constrained far too much by geography. Can't wonder too far into the woods without coming up against some unclimbable rock wall or mountain of some sort. And when there are open spaces, there is literally NOTHING of interest there at all. Think back to Oblivion (if you ever played it). How many times did you get lost in seemingly endless woods then suddenly stumble upon some random farmhouse, deadric shrine, ancient ruins, or whatever, with a quest that starts there? There was actually a point to exploring in Oblivion, whereas in Skyrim, it essentially PUNISHES you for exploring, by breaking quests... It just begs belief that this is an Elder Scrolls game at times. But guess what? This is their most successful game, so expect the next one to be even worse... However, I agree with Elfriend that some of the complaints you mentioned are fixed with mods, thankfully :)
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