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Everything posted by NordHep

  1. I don't see a catch there :tongue: Because you convince the Jarls of different holds to switch sides in the Civil war which results in no blood spilled over it, becoming a thane likely means you have done great deeds for the hold... and the story behind the Civil war tends to stay as neutral as possible, meaning there is no proper definition on who is the good and the bad... so I guess all is perfect in Skyrim. I like this idea, considering I do not like Maven Black Briar taking the throne of Riften, but I would love the original Jarl of Riften maintaining her position, just on the Imperial side. But again, that kinda breaks the immersion, unless you silence the dialogue regarding the different Jarl's opinions on the war... but that would also kinda break away a very big part of the immersion that defines civil war :sad:
  2. I believe you are at the wrong forums at the moment :P However, do not freak out about it. These things are taken very serious now and they have gotten the situation under control by assuring that no one else is infected. And I also believe that if you have just been visiting a country troubled by the ebola - virus, you should perhaps mention that to your doctor... I do not believe that the government will incinerate all and everything to stop this, they will up their security for risk of infections. This is not going to be the end of the world, do not be freaked out about it. Just live your life as usual.
  3. Give me some more information regarding your problem, where did you leave off during the quest? Have you been to Riverwood? Or talked to the Jarl of Whiterun ?
  4. It sounds like you are planning on a huge project, do not tire yourself, let it build over time.
  5. I am no advanced modder, however. I would recommend that you build your world and landscape combined with your towns etc. piece by piece. So go with individual regions, if you were to build the entire landscape first you would get tired, loose motivation and creativity. It is best to take it at an improvised standard I would say, take one region. Build a town and form it along with the landscape, just to get some variety, at the end of finishing a region you could add the NPCs there. Because if you will separate landscaping, town building and adding people into each objective you will loose will and motivation as progressing with one thing over time tends to get boring :tongue:
  6. See post under topic of the Nexus and feedback.
  7. How do I remove grass from the landscape in the Creation kit? I encounter some problems, I open the landscape textures by pressing the ''H''. I get black textures when I try to paint a new one, I press ''I'' and I delete additional textures I want to remove to gain some room for my texutres. However, the problem is the grass. I want to make a clear open path, but the grass will not disappear when I remove it or paint over it. What do I need to do in order for the grass to be removed? I also heard about the ''floating grass'' glitch, how can I counter it in addition if I edit the landscape itself?
  8. My mod is: People Enhanced (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/40570/?) People are unable to post comments on my page because that the comment section has been closed by a moderator. I was not informed on this matter, nor is there any information regarding this. Any idea why?
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