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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Earth : +8 Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +4 http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/rangedattackp1.gif Boo...
  2. I agree with the rest of your post besides these parts. 1. I wouldn't say the USA is socialist. We have a few social programs but nowhere near socialism. 2. The Nazis do not match the modern definition for socialism. The Nazi Regime was a right wing government with a very strict class system. Oh they had social programs too ... they build the Autobahns in Germany with unemployed workers.. and i PMSL here on the other side of the Atlantic because you haven't realised the big lies of democratic system you don't want to face ... well democracy is a deception because every great man in political past has had a vision of the future ... now reading such words here from you Americans picking the Nazi-socialistic jokes that are outdated because the Wolds greatest joke is a country that needs to change something and sticks old methods of thinking like it was glued to some used toilet paper... and another democracy Lie you think the citizens own your country ... wrong again lol.. Since the globalisation and the realisation came that Big businesses is made by big global industries ... America has been sold out unless you find a proper solution... and exactly there comes the crux you don't want any ... and there the downfall comes so i keep watching and laughing because you had long enough laughed about old Nazi jokes in the next years it will come clear that there will be some American jokes that are alike these .. Irony on it's sharpest edge here in this topic ... and Btw .. the Nazis where a extreme right wing party and still are ... the more right wing you are then the more you get like we have been... yep oh wrong topic should have posted it in WW3 topic... Dudes I would rather search fast for solutions than picking on men with at least one vision for the future of your country and blocking any good usable solution because that is damaging your country more than any thing else now United you where ... divided you fall
  3. Earth : +7 Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +3 http://www.topnews.in/files/water_3.jpg
  4. http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz6/Silver-DNA/Signs%20for%20Posting/scottishpride.jpg 1.
  5. Oh I have an opinion... lets's see.. http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz6/Silver-DNA/Signs%20for%20Posting/4vs4yue.jpg Obamarama...now what a topic...lol
  6. Earth : +6 Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +2 http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz6/Silver-DNA/ththwarningsignnx0.jpg
  7. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/4/18/c28ae076-13d9-438e-a529-24b41e92a5b7.jpg 1
  8. http://cheezhawtness.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/wtf-girl-photo-the-deadliest-of-sins.jpg ------------- 1 ------------- A sin to die for.... great cosplay of the character Lust from Full Metal Alchemist...
  9. **Takes out Banhammer of doom and hits some girls *** ... Hmm they have serious head bums now not good... wont speak with me ... seams i did some thing wrong ... but you are right we need more nice well educated girls from world that have their hearts on the right spot.
  10. Earth : 0 Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +8 http://animegifs.free.fr/anime/cowboybeebop/cbbeebop.gif
  11. Good you are back Get good marks in your exam ... if you don't i will upload a niffy birthday video you know of ... (huggies) nephew always good to see you :biggrin:
  12. Earth : 0 Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +7 http://images.wikia.com/onepiece/images/9/9a/Water7a.jpg
  13. Yep you have the freedom of speech, but (now comes the relativation) you have to take the consequences for every word that leaves your mouth. A less know German saying goes like this ( sorry it loses a bit of the rhythm and in the translation) "For thinking no one can be hung, but for say often hit in the face." Political Correctness is some times used to oppress if it is that what you liked to say i can agree in basic. Hopefully political correctness is used against those guys that missus them to gains and profits of the weak and oppressed by it's missuses.
  14. Earth : 0 Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +8 http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/4/10/47621fc0-56b2-4649-8f90-5c6976d30b23.jpg
  15. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/5/31/129198227943862274.jpg 1 ?
  16. XD, I hope you have learned well and I wish you good look ... ah ... Uh-Oh ... wrong ... hem-hem ... luck on the questions in the test you are getting.
  17. Earth : 0 Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +7 http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/4/17/2d79ac95-8e3b-463f-abdb-72bde88cecf7.jpg
  18. Earth : +1 Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +8 http://hackedirl.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/c8885a6f-3f28-4899-9748-20622b21ef0c.jpg
  19. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/70f6d32c-b57e-4f15-8dae-1362fa69575d.jpg Hmm... one ?
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