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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/0e42905c-2335-4fe9-bea1-963f0cdaa48f.gif 1 Robot Rangers on Weed!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9d0QIWHWYE&feature=related I stumbled upon this ... :ninja:
  3. Earth : +3 Wind : -2 Fire : -2 Water: -1 http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/a6c329e7-ce3d-47ee-8802-4f5004cdc87d.gif This is to strange .. this world doesn't make any sense and is so depressing.. (Can anyone beat my Marvin moment?)
  4. http://roflrazzi.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/funny-celebrity-pictures-grace-jones.jpg 1....:pirate:
  5. Earth : +2 Wind : -2 Fire : -2 Water: -2 http://cheezhawtness.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/a76148a8-86f5-4119-be8d-f60623031f8c.jpg
  6. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/4/28/91c7104c-1f6d-47cf-a6cf-61f7c6809e8a.jpg Like a common friend once had in his signature "knowledge is treasure!" 1
  7. Earth : +2 Wind : -2 Fire : -2 Water: -2 http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/5/10/866e5a7f-71cf-4968-ab1c-74a15b8ba536.gif
  8. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/demotivational-posters-gran-is-a-spanish-word-for-grand.jpg Earth : +2 Wind : -2 Fire : -2 Water: -2
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je-k8Qib9rs 1 :unsure:
  10. Thanx! Epic (HUG) nephew!
  11. The last time I checked, this wasn't a lunchroom food fight packed with quarreling gurillas. Silver has made some good points, some not, some I agree with, others I don't, but do remember this is a civil- or it was until people's personal anger got involved- debate and it should stay that way and just because Silver has views that don't agree with yours doesn't give you the right to throw insults. I see this all the time on the internet and this is a classic "America at home around the world" policy, which, in short, a good population of America expects the world to adhere to their ways of living and ideas. I observe that both of you are not in the same part of the world, so, obviously, there are going to be disagreements. Now, if you would all please stop throwing aspursions at each other and to please work it out without going for each others throats, then I think that we could actually agree on some terms. You know what, you are right. I apologize for that first line as it was a knee jerk reaction to the many things I should take to private matters. However I stand by the rest of my post and the fact that there is a little too many chiefs and not enough indians in this place. I remove myself from this one. ok loading of of epic catapult with cotton balls channeled ... diplomatic actions initiated... I apologize for seeing more chiefs than Indians in you Lisspuppy that made me angry in the 1st place now that down right that i was wrong with you, there is still enough Indian left that i can state out I was wrong in my heated up state of mind with you.
  12. just make a copy of the Race.esp you are about to edit to another folder Second you need to check the oblivion ESM and the eye mod ESP and the race mod ESP then after theses are loaded ( this should normal not require OBSE to start with the editor) but just in case make a shortcut with the following command line without the stars ***obse_loader -editor*** if you have obse installed. but it should normally work with out it so try out if it works without it 1st Select "FIles" Check oblivion ESM check on the eye mod and check the race mod Click on set to active File because this is what you want to be edited to be edited Second you need to know there the meshes are placed by the mod in your oblivion/data/meshes/Character/ Would be a good point of starting of the meshes you seek of the eye mod folder then go to CS and select "character" in the top menu then "races" then select the race by name in the left list, you want to have the changed eyes ( better make a copy of the race by simply right clicking on it's name of the race and select "duplicate", then go to face data under eyes you can select the meshes for your eyes of the eye mod .. you remember where they are placed in the meshes folder so select them and experiment with them you can preview the face with the eyes under "Face Gen data" Here a pic where you edit the meshes of the face : http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz6/Silver-DNA/2011-05-09_031016.jpg
  13. and it seams i stirred the the pit widdershins in the obl reported dead topic today so even more hiding because i was right in more than one account there sadly to them they expect me to apologize that will never come and my anger was moderate there
  14. Hiding/Lurking ...I am still disappointed and angry ! not a good match for a talk now a days. oh and not because of you, you handled the situation above the expected in mature way i can only admire
  15. Had this issue with nequame's eyes it is solvable through CS because you need only need to exchange the meshes from left to right and see wich eye is working then apply the working eye mesh to the other eye as well... did find it out through experimentation I hope it works for you !
  16. (HUG) my fav American.. and nephew
  17. Hello! Funny name you got...
  18. Thanks (HUG) bben46 for adding the things that i didn't cover. :thumbsup:
  19. A friend showed me a trick once you might try .. deinstall omods that have the issues then remove your Oblivion.ini from your "my games/oblivion" folder then re-iniciate oblivion once ( this will place a clean oblivion.ini in the My games/oblivion folder again) after that try to reinstall your mods again (obmm might has had an issue installing them) might be a good idear to re pack the mods in question aswell.
  20. Above User might go well with the line from Titus Maccius Plautus "lupus est homo homini / man is man's wolf"
  21. Funny how some need to translate Latin here before the open and funny how others don't need to do it. it might have worked if not Ginnyfizz having a Latin line there as well above mine post. " Aut feri nil feriare.".... Funny how that goes in that line of seeing only that what you like to see and what you don't want to see I mentioned above? The long vision is that the war on terror isn't far from finished like i stated above ... Second i was referring to bombing and how laws are bend to shadow crimes in the aftermath.. and my reasoning was not withe the Nazis but for the people who died int the bombings and where not seen as well as one of the worst cases of WW2 that was due to political measures ruled out just ... see exactly where i stand ..nobody can rule out that this aftermath on getting OBL causes waves in more than one way it is like throwing a stone into water and watching the waves spreading from the point where the stone hit the water and going to all sides. No need to get personal because i try to see what most of you dont want to see . "So far as I can see, all political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome." London Letter" (December 1944), in Partisan Review (Winter 1945) George Orwell
  22. "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" / "In times of war, the law falls silent." Acceptable? Why have international laws when they are only lips services...I still say let the experts have their word on the matter.. sometimes that what not goes to the public is more interesting than than what is worked out before the public curtain... And I can only speculate but openly i will not do it, so i remain highly doubtful... On the other hand giving OBL martyrdom was way too much. It gave the recruitment of Tali ban and Al Quadia a boost.. I would have preferred having OBL (especially the those who lost a family member in 9/11 to spit down on him) in a trial. that would have ended the myth of Al Quadia in the Islamic countries and give a boost to the creditability of America's righteousness. and see the rift in the Eu Politics ... most politicians agree on three things 1. Getting OBL was good! 2. How it was done is the great bias on more than one level that is still on the debates here. (even a symbolic charge against Merkle was made by"§ 140: Rewarding and approving crimes. Outlaws rewarding or approving of crimes "publicly, in a meeting or through dissemination of writings […], and in a manner that is capable of disturbing the public peace". This only applies to crimes where failure to report is an offense (§ 138), among them preparation of a war of aggression (§ 80), murder, robbery, treason, and counterfeiting money." by a judge.) 3. Most agree that the American public reaction was ... (put euphemistic) not well.
  23. You might follow this : "Germans in Czechoslovakia" Waht is not mentioned there is that the fleeing to Germany consisted mostly of old, women and children there where instances where Czech Double Decker's throwing Granades on the fleeing people aside from murder and an rape witch was LATER legalized by the Potsdam Agreement...looking away in this the allied did ! My grandmother was in such a convoy one dud grenade landed 2m away from here while she was lying below here cart of belongings.... oh and see how the lawsuit was bended to deal with it ? I personalty agree the Intrusion upon Pakistan airspace witch resulted in the killing of OBL shall be measured by the UN and and an independent law ethics commission...otherwise America cant trust its enemy's more than it's allies anymore because and unpredictable allied can be worse than and downright enemy or vice versa in the opposite direction American cant be trusted I see the different angles and there the political damage went now with more actions against international law bending and human rights violations there will be still the Terror in this world because there is no end to it witch ever the side is.. and it is strange coincidence that always when it is a time where it gets narrow for an US president measures that are taken to create through political means a diversion that plays in to the hands of that party since I don't believe in strange coincidence .... I remain to have serve doubts about all things in question and those questions have to be answered by independent installed officials ... so consider me neutral as the Swiss or Liechtenstein in that matter...till we get a word on the matter of independent Investigation Commission(s)
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsTgcBb7D84&feature=related ... in darkness we dwell, out of the dark we come....
  25. Actually some of the British cities were every bit as badly damaged as Dresden was, and flatten WAS the term to describe what happened to cities like Plymouth, for example. I have also repeatedly made clear that it is not the fact that both sides bombed each other is what I take issue with, it is the fact that Dresden is called by many a war crime, when the blitz in London, Coventry, Sheffield, Plymouth et al isn't. Oh let us speak of Operation Gomorrah and Operation Chastise and the Battle of the Ruhr Campain .... and by fact more German cities where bombed during WW2 than British... if this is a childish comparison battle ... and what does it have to do with OBL ? Not much, but if you look at the situation. You might take more notice what brought Hitler to reign in the 1st place and see the duality of history repeating itself...in more than one STRANGE ways... I noticed you all see the only what you want to see but not what you don't want to see... better get back on YOUR topic
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