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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Ayleid Jungle Resource v1.1 with 512 base and 1024 base size is out now i hope you like them. :-)
  2. http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_5980.gif The beat. the beat... ... I winz ... I winz ... I winz ...
  3. Um Gratulations hollow... oh opsy somerandomsheepthathops .. Butz stillz I winz.. I Winz ... I Winz . .. The beat goes on....
  4. Hi Naomi, hope you and your PC are well. You might wanna share some of your experiences in "Debates forum" / "Morals teaching to children/teenagers" if you like. I think you could add some valuable piece of information
  5. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/demotivational-posters-grandpa.jpg Dot touch the cat but a glove Zap!
  6. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/f14fbc62-81a2-46f9-af8c-4d1d8b02a091.jpg need i say more :whistling::laugh:
  7. http://chzsomuchpun.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/c1556731-448c-483e-8bbc-1b1f3f9b5071.jpg Iron the win to my surf board
  8. Thank you Ginnfizz for giving a very valuable argument in the "Morals teaching to children/teenagers" debates. ;-)
  9. Gratualtions nephew, you ended the The education system debate with in one sentence and very good thinking. ;-)
  10. Since critical thinking can't be thought without a basic set of morals such like the moral concept of respect for your teacher give you the values of free well and thinking, and since the word programming was uses as negative example on teaches from parents I assume the concept must be based on the social morals of society and the socialization concept of a person on that value is to cannot be be right, because I don't know any nation on this world that has not only the moral concepts of lawful and unlawful but as well the tendencies to rate social behavior as good and bad on the moral level.Never one nation has it gotten it completely right and can be scientifically proven to makes here and there errors, as well on more than a single level of morals, because the moral concepts is not constantly overlooked in a scientifically way, and according to that is basically overruled by the behavior of the broad mass of society it self and society views are biased there aswell so this can't be set as standard as well. This leads me to the conclusion that there are not principal good or bad moral values ll can agree upon. Thinking on further on the way of the words I quoted above I would like to approach them now in a hypothetical in a science fictional / Franke'n'Stein way to explain why I think this not a argument that could work: If there would be to programed a chip with critical thinking only but without morals and implanted to work in a little child or baby. (leaving the morals quarrels against such a method would arises because it would be soon there after abused by those who have power and and money to have some loyal slaves. or the way George Orwell described in 1984) then it would in this society question all things that are going on and this would lead to a repulsion to the person who is having a chip in his brain that works this way because people that criticize (opportunism) aren't held up in high esteem by todays society. I believe such a treatment of a person with critical thinking chip would either lead to that point where the person commit sooner or later suicide or that the person would on the other hand choose the path of a sociopath. The hypothetical approach on that all can have astrophysical effect and side effects on the whole society as shown so i think it is not usable method as a stand alone concept of values to be the critical thinking model cannot stand alone without moral values. I personally would rather approach the method of free spirit and free thinking more as basis in combination with basic morals, but never without morals. Therefore my personal opinion is that this is not the right way of approach to the moral education problems of today.
  11. http://chzsomuchpun.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/3ed3b024-f807-4a51-bb4e-54590b6ded50.jpg Bitter sweet reminder of a movie.... Zap
  12. http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/political-pictures-egyptian-protests-ostrich-defense.jpg Sorry to zap you out of vacation!
  13. And agree on that ! I don't have a problem with muting it. i believe running this site can be on someways like riding on a Mustang on a Texas rodeo, so I understand some of the things you do for us Dark0ne. if you read this appeal to you that if you get a chance to change to multiple different commercials please do so. (i know you cant directly change this and have only minimal influence on this matter) The two commercials I get all the time drive me in to la-la land. I either get a detergent advert witch makes me stand up and check my washing machine plug witch can be a real electricity eater in stand by.... ... Or i get a hand washing soap advert that makes me get up and wash my hands... At this rate i approximately will have in about half a year in that I either walked a deep line in to my floor or have my fingers of both hands rubed off with washing witch would make Internet communication more difficult as well as gaming good games or eaven more worse turn me in to Adrian Monk or all of that in different combinations. Please more differently stuff on the 30 sec adverts.
  14. Thank you to keep us save and a quick respond.
  15. Thank you for your helpful post in my debates topic I can agree to this fully.
  16. If you not already have OBGE (Oblivion Graphics Extender) then you want to have this. ( please read read me and FAQ) On your bloom and HDR question it generally depends on hardware and waht you want to do with oblivion. HDR looks better but if you want to make screen shots you need an external screen shot program, it is the other way around with Bloom and screen shots . But you need to modify the Oblivion.ini to set under Bloom internal screen shots "bAllowScreenShot=" to 1 to make screen shoots. This is only an example of what is the difference there are more.
  17. "Cogito ergo sum" / "I think, therefore I am" René Descartes Every one has the right to see self and feel self as a complete person. So why not accept simple truths and individualism ? Having two friends that are homosexual (one of them happily married) I learned this as well as from the disabled people i worked some time ago with. I have great respect of someone that states this out.
  18. *Pops out of Happy Place* Telling AliasTheory that invading the happy place may end up having at the moment having 4 boots kicking him out a pare of 44" size one boot 45" size and one boot 50" size. or more simply "very bad idea" "Pops back into happy place*
  19. .....Pops out from "Happy Place" graps the win from AliasTheory and throws it to the outer rim of the galaxy and poping back to happy place dimension....
  20. Buys the win for 5$ and sells it again for 100$... and pops in to his happy place
  21. ... Comes out of "Happy Place Dimension" and steals the win and throws it back on earth so who might discover it may win again...
  22. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/demotivational-posters-chainswords.jpg 19
  23. http://www.snowbooks.com/weblog/pinky_brain.jpg 17
  24. http://a.imageshack.us/img245/7506/emperorbrain.gif 14 Hmm....
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