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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. Merry Christmas to you all.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      Hope you had boar today Silver, and happy holidays.
    3. Ithildin


      Merry Christmas! :D
    4. SilverDNA


      Thank you all. :D
  2. Today I watched OSU! Wolrd Cup. France agaisnt Poland was a thriller!!!
  3. http://thetango.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/random-03_05_13-500-11-1fe9304f-sz500x666-animate-465x620.jpg Double locked and labeled. :laugh:
  4. Read "Fahrenheit 451" on Kindle Fire?
  5. Kyriarchy ("rule by a lord"; from the Greek κύριος/kyrios "lord or master" and αρχή/arche "authority, leadership") Is a social system or set of connecting social systems built around domination, oppression, and submission.
  6. "Yer studying Dalek head bumps? Yer aff yer heid!" xenophone (xénos, “foreign, of a stranger”) +(phone, “sound”) A sound in speech that is not native to the language being spoken; a sound from a foreign language.
  7. http://www.stuffistumbledupon.com/wp-content/uploads/Funny%20Text%20Messages/Autocorrect%20Fail%20Funny%20Text%20Messages%20Blog%20Funny%20Text%20Messages%20Meme%20SMS%20LOL%20apple%20Iphone%20cellphone%203547.jpg
  8. http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1371308/thumbs/o-BEST-BEARD-PHOTOS-570.jpg?6 Lv000 you could look like this and scare children in the dark. :laugh:
  9. Back on new rig. :D
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SilverDNA


      What do you use then ?
    3. brokenergy


      Air ships! We are awesome! Duh!
    4. SilverDNA


      Airships? No, Space ships!
  10. 0100100100100111011011010010000001100100011011110110100101101110011001110010 00000110011001101001011011100110010100100001 0101010001101000011000010110111001101011011100110010000001100110011011110111 00100010000001100001011100110110101101101001011011100110011100101110 0101001101101001011011100110001101100101011100100110010101101100011110010010 000001001000010000010100110000111001001100000011000000110000
  11. back on old rig. i-(
    1. Ithildin


      Uh-oh, does that mean newer rig is in for repairs? o_O
    2. SilverDNA


      Nope the other rig was borrowed and I had to give it back. Since 2011 as my older rig gave up it technical support on the main board due to a overheated GC. I had to buy a replacement for 20 € that is from 2001 and can't real support anything above MW. But the good news is i might be very soon having a replacement that is a bit better that the borrowed one.
  12. Here for you Agent K. Some data to process with a smile :
  13. http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e0/6a/47/e06a47c16aa1dbdabd62055d8f583a69.jpg
  14. http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/84/ca/5c/84ca5caa007d3efb006ac73e2d41cbe5.jpg
  15. http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/bc/ab/b7/bcabb7d99315f62dc2a2f812f481ec1e.jpg
  16. dysphemism : substitution of a derogatory or offensive word or phrase for an innocuous one euphemism : the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.
  17. I came to read up this article ... Gamers solve decade old HIV puzzle in ten days in ZME Science about this game ... Foldit (official site) I find it great that gamers can contribute much to sciences. And I'm proud of the fellow gamers that solved this decade old puzzle of proteins in less than ten days. I never played Foldit, but I have respect for the gamers that did. How gamers can contribute to sciences isn't very new. I my self have contribute a bit of my CPU here and there to the SETI@home project. (on wiki) Please be fair to biologists that didn't solve what gamers could out of curiosity or the fun to solve puzzles. I thought I post it here so you can have your opinion on this.
  18. I have been bullied, blamed and shamed and mobbed in school since 1978 till the late 80's, with the help from the teachers side ( by discrimination and victimisation) if I did go to them and report what happened before. So I have a good idea of how it feels to be desperate in such situation. So please don't sink on the same level of those persons that do this. Lucky I came across a view days ago about this article : 10 Psychological Studies That Will Change What You Think You Know About Yourself In this studies you will find the motives and what they denied to their victim, if you can think a bit around the corner. It is easy to measure then, what damage they caused and what motives are behind such behavior, even if the victim would have survived. The next step is to take all this and how this conflicts with the lawsuit and how that all lead to the death of the victim. together to get a legal opinion how far a sentence of a judge could go. Till now most here have expressed their opinions more profoundly than others. Please, don't get like the ravaging persons that you want to fight in this topic, by calling them minors. It would give them only the justification of their cyber-bulling and cyber-mobbing. Please deny them their success and please don't have a go at the victim. It was in my opinion desperate not seeing how it could get help or/and get out of this mess. I keep here a level of distance of what I know for a reason.
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