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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. French pancakes are similar Werne, only with cream, mushrooms, leek and gammon on top of it.. quite tasty if you like that toping on your pancakes. Edit : Similar than this one http://goodtoknow.media.ipcdigital.co.uk/111/00000134a/26b9/Creamychickenandleek2008003.jpg
  2. http://www.ohmagif.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/still-better-than-miley-cyrus.gif
  3. I actually saw some of those male games asking for a link to a female body replacer found in the image showing Skyrim body mods. The name of that replacer is "Real female body". They decided it looks most realistic from the choices given and couldn't find it with a Google search. Problem is, that was an actual photo of a naked woman put there in order to compare Skyrim's body replacers to it and show which one looks most realistic. :mellow: So in my honest opinion, some of those male gamers don't know how to use their joysticks, I just hope they know where to plug it in. :laugh: I'm getting to old for this, but in my time we did know where to dock without autopilot and without any maps and nobody did question your stick work. :whistling: Now the young ones need autopilot and a map to dock and their stick work is left to a mouse. :facepalm:
  4. http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/NewBeginnings2/Funny%202/hu4774.gifThats why cats hate the bathtub. Werne don't be offended Vin. is a known "OAG" offender. if you want to know what OAG means click spoiler...
  5. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OZoTPAdyQKY/T63bNaTzVPI/AAAAAAAAD0s/8wHz_0BBxYo/s1600/spider-man-cartoon-nwa-mash-up-500x368.jpg
  6. I leave this here for Thor to have some fun...
  7. http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.dailydawdle.com/images.dailydawdle.com/425x640xsquirrel.jpg.pagespeed.ic.fe-NO6y-4r.jpg Auto correct fail!
  8. You know this made me think. After I finish University, I'll have the title of BSc. Bachelor of science, which sounds like I'm some kind of waiter that's good with chemistry jokes. The definitions of "bachelor" are also: -a man who has never been married -a male bird or mammal without a mate, esp. one prevented from breeding by a dominant male -knight bachelor: a knight of the lowest order So basically I'll spend 4 years of my life getting a demeaning title. the clusterduck is that in most cases you don't even get a job with it either and that you probably spend the next 26 months trainee for it. If you make your Bachelor you still need to wait in Croatia half a year till the forms are filled out and send to you that you have made it. Last year a fellow Nexus member I know of had the same trouble in Croatia getting his MD. in Nuclear medicine. I'm studying in the UK, no way I will study here in Cro. :thumbsup: Good! Please keep us updated how you fare. My best wishes for you.
  9. You know this made me think. After I finish University, I'll have the title of BSc. Bachelor of science, which sounds like I'm some kind of waiter that's good with chemistry jokes. The definitions of "bachelor" are also: -a man who has never been married -a male bird or mammal without a mate, esp. one prevented from breeding by a dominant male -knight bachelor: a knight of the lowest order So basically I'll spend 4 years of my life getting a demeaning title. the clusterduck is that in most cases you don't even get a job with it either and that you probably spend the next 26 months trainee for it. If you make your Bachelor you still need to wait in Croatia half a year till the forms are filled out and send to you that you have made it. Last year a fellow Nexus member I know of had the same trouble in Croatia getting his MD. in Nuclear medicine.
  10. Something for Vin. to have fun with.
  11. http://www.cutecatgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Cat-closes-drawer.gif
  12. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GTudDOJ5nRk/UUAtb-VYuYI/AAAAAAAAgd0/_mByLuXbg4U/s1600/funny-cat-pictures-041-006.jpg
  13. http://i1320.photobucket.com/albums/u538/allipalk/Used%20in%20review/56c0307a16f313be11cee698d05674b9_zpsfa541fd5.jpg
  14. :facepalm: I have an social scientific opinion to this, but I don't want to tell it, because I do generally like the kinky brits. :wallbash:
  15. http://images.ubercomments.com/7/29109.gif Ironman.
  16. @Werne, send over your wives meat pie recipe, PRONTO !!! :woot: @ bilyro Sorry to read that.
  17. simplified controls and rules lv000. Thats why. :confused: http://static.tastykitchen.com/recipes/files/2012/02/rum-raisin-pancakes-unmarked-05-410x273.jpg The plate of today is a win!
  18. http://backtoherroots.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/photo-9.jpg I win by having Gyros Nachos!
  19. http://www.chili-balkon.de/rezepte/bilder/knobfrika-x1.jpg Food grabber!!! :woot:
  20. Just one thought.... http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/photoshop/4/3/3/433_slide.jpg?v=2 :tongue:
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