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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. http://animegifs.free.fr/games/streetfighter/page3/streetfighter-11.gifand more................2
  2. http://animegifs.free.fr/games/streetfighter/page8/streetfighter-21.gifI have more................3
  3. http://animegifs.free.fr/games/streetfighter/page5/streetfighter-15.gif................7
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9fLcwmo8vU01.................................Someone in here that needs a stiff upper lip? Got one for free.
  5. Granulations Thor! http://rlv.zcache.com/aha_the_game_poster-p228938316239939165t5ta_400.jpg Sorry but I still win!
  6. Click and READ on THE RULES in the post above your last. and still.......1
  7. http://www.otakusurvivalguide.com/I-lost-the-game.gif oh that makes me mad I lost it again. Bann you for that brokenergy
  8. http://chaotimusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/humorscrabbleyoulostthegameboardgamegamelost-c1ada83f8a8c5d3742b5ffa7e41730d3_h.jpgTHE RULES but you still lose.....01
  9. http://rlv.zcache.com/the_game_you_just_lost_it_tshirt-p235883043303008622qz00_400.jpgNo I think.........01.... you lost IT
  10. I win you lose the game it is that simple?
  11. http://pix.motivatedphotos.com/2008/7/6/633509783214835006-When-you-see-it---You-just-lost-the-game.jpg----------------------------------------------------02
  12. http://api.ning.com/files/i*tyNPbV0B6DJzWw6DsCrdzaMQJ*84CkVZ-Dpd4-diHKNUXT8Hp-qB7f*97jkHCVsRR9h0c*6v6NiloWr8TwGZj6MxRpUKIu/lostthegame.jpg ..................................... 02
  13. Firmly Said:"I Lost the Game!" in thinking about it so I lost again the Game in thinking about it..... AHHHHHHH THE GAME Ops I lost it again!
  14. Granted....... BUT.................... Every one is staying away from you cause you like to command everything in your near area. I wish for more hours a day (30 hours a day would be sufficient!)
  15. SilverDNA

    Funny Quotes

    @ Aurelius good ones! @ Grannywils Is that what Americans mean by interchangeable sexes?
  16. Ah... I'm from a .......small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse, and I live at the moment in "Guildford" in Surrey! Does this count as"three"?
  17. A lot of my friends are Sting fans as well here so we know each others tastes. That particular got my attention as it was played by a DJ friend of mine, who often made music at a dace club. Oh I think, 1, just for the fun of it to get a zero.
  18. Rofl.. I stumbled over Wikipedia Shandy article. Fist I admit the English got use for their beer as well, but the writers of that article got only on third of the Names we use in German and its funny what they don't know. Monkey-Beer or by German name "Bannaenweizen" as an example Weizenbeer 50%+ Bananajuce 50% has gotten popular in the last 20 years /especially by students of the higher classes, and not to mention the we did honey into our beer in our drinking horns as well, witch is historically and scientifically proved back to god knows. It should be known that for most Germans, beer equals liquid bread. What the author of this article not has covered up in translation from the German side is, would give you the shiver what names we give to our mixed beer. More examples Ok: BMW 50% Pils Beer & 50% Mineral water also call in some region "Schneewitchen" aka Snow White, "Gummi-Bier" in English terms would be "Rubber-Beer", Beer+Energy drink, in some regions Diesel (beer and cola) is called "Moorwasser" in English translated "Bog water"......I could go on for a while but I can't wipe that smile in my face that is starting to hurt too much.......
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-XmAU9nOc0&feature=related I ride once... no wait...... twice more........2
  20. reminds me of something related to Moose.....you see I win.
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