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Posts posted by SilverDNA

  1. one of my favourite is that ( this one is from the Project Gutenberg translation of "Thus Spake Zarathustra A book for all and none" form Friedrich Nietzsche.



    "Zarathustra! Zarathustra! Read my riddle! Say, say! WHAT IS THE REVENGE



    I entice thee back; here is smooth ice! See to it, see to it, that thy

    pride doth not here break its legs!


    Thou thinkest thyself wise, thou proud Zarathustra! Read then the

    riddle, thou hard nut-cracker,--the riddle that I am! Say then: who am



    --When however Zarathustra had heard these words,--what think ye then

    took place in his soul? PITY OVERCAME HIM; and he sank down all at

    once, like an oak that hath long withstood many tree-fellers,--heavily,

    suddenly, to the terror even of those who meant to fell it. But

    immediately he got up again from the ground, and his countenance became



    "I know thee well," said he, with a brazen voice, "THOU ART THE MURDERER

    OF GOD! Let me go.


    Thou couldst not ENDURE him who beheld THEE,--who ever beheld thee

    through and through, thou ugliest man. Thou tookest revenge on this




    It is about truth, god, Darwinism and his father all in one, but you have to adapted to Nietzsche own history and style of writing to know that. (A little hint about Nietzsches when he speaks of women, and he does this sometimes more a little offensively than others. Try to insert the word mother (mainly) or sister or grandmother instead and you know about whom he really is talking about. I think he sometimes code it in this way to express what pain he suffered from the women he loved most. The boy that fell no warm love from his mother, but only repulsion seams to come through in this.)

  2. Strange it is that men should admit the validity of the arguments for free speech but object to their being "pushed to an extreme", not seeing that unless the reasons are good for an extreme case, they are not good for any case.

    John Stuart Mill "On Liberty"


  3. @bben46 I thought of that as well, but I double checked it with Wikipedia and then had twice a look that the German side is was not up to date with that quote. I originally believed the same as you. So I admit I've learned something too.


    And I can go with this little quote as well...

    Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. And the Ban Hammer goes on Bontazor for only saying the word the sig in combination with nature!


  5. Why not both? A boyfriend/girlfriend with a puppy!;)

    Bontazor fast one!

    I'd rather pick the poison than both.


    A horse or a cat ?

  6. SEASONS= Join date determines membership of ...


    MARTIANS = SPRING = March, April, May


    UNNAMED = SUMMER = June, July, August


    DARK CAVALRY = AUTUMN = September, October, November


    LEGION OF DOOM = WINTER = December, January, February


    Dark Cavalry pick= AUTUMN!

  7. There's a saying I know of that would fit for either metric or imperial system users here I think.


    "What to some one is an owl, is to the other a nightingale."

    I would chose the Imperial system for clothing, except shoes . (Funnily it seams to fits to me better than the metric stuff I bought. Trowsers are always not fitting in lengeth or wide when I buy them in metric system.)

    Maybe there is a way that we can still have both but I'm thinking that the mixed up system.

  8. The problem mostly is that same human failing: complacent workers and a slow degradation of standards. Namely, a while ago the australian government thought they could increase educational quality by posting all school test results publicaly. This had a massive cascade problem for students because schools simply started expelling anyone who fell below standards. In my time I went through something like 11 schools, and several expulsions usualy because something I did just didnt fit to type. For example I once was given an F- and 4 weeks detention simply for using the wrong scientific theory on a test sheet, that cost the school a grade they wanted, so I was punished for not so much answering wrongly, because it was the correct answer, but for giving the answer they didnt want.

    Ok I have a question can you by chance give a link or the official explanation why the Australian government came up with this? (Cause it makes only sense if the standardisation should be used in companies too in the near future, or I'm wrong with this suggestion.)

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